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i've been gone from itch for half a year but i've been thinking about this game. idk if yk the SCREAM i screamt when i saw that this lovely masterpiece of a game was updated. i will replay all of it again. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK CARROT, im so proud of you!!!!!!!!!!


If you are unsure about getting this game,  JUST GET IT!! This game is fantastic, and its free! Just try it, you'll be sucked in before you know it. Stop reading my damn comment and download it!



Schoolwork's been beating my butt for a long time and I ended up playing the finale way later than I would've liked... BUT HEY I'VE DONE IT NOW

I also decided to make a separate comment for me commenting on the finale because. Hey. It's special. I've like. Finished FINISHED the game !

Starting with the general stuff about the finale !

First I wanted too see if I had enough affection with everyone to do all their endings on the same save but. Well. I had affection too low with Gidget. BUT IT'S FINE I DID THE OTHER TWO FIRST.

Also little fun fact I only realized during the final that GIDGET HAS CECIL'S POCKET WATCH WITH THEM IN WONDERLAND ??? CRYING

During the fight with the monster, you know at the beginning I was like "Wait. The axe. The person who is supposed to be in the cabin in the first place. WAIT IS THAT BUCKS-" and then Iggy confirmed it and I felt like I have a genius haha /hj. Also reading Iggy saying that they had "no choice" but to fight was. Somehow terrifying like what do you mean we can't pacifist route this. AND THE OUR FANTASTIC WONDERLAND REFERENCE ??? I'M SO GLAD I PLAYED THE SIDE GAMES BECAUSE FINDING ALL THE LITTLE REFERENCES IS SO FUNNY. The Bucks flashbacks made me want to cry. Like children and teenagers can be so cruel without realizing it ToT And I couldn't help but think "wow Iggy you got shapeshifting abilities now" when he put on Hunar's necklace. Even though I knew I shouldn't take it too literally- And wow how Bucks turning into a monster is described as "judgement for our sins" by Iggy might have. Made me rethink my whole life and all the actions I have ever taken like oh wow

Whey they got to the tree... Like I knew Saydie was most probably dead (more or less). But oh. Seeing her in the sate she was in. That's harsh. AND THE TREE SAY THAT "From tragedy blooms joy. The joy of innocence" Had to sit in front of my laptop doing nothing for a minute there because. Damn. AND ANOTHER THING WHEN SHE SAYS " You abandoned me the day you abandoned your innocence" MA'AM THAT'S CALLED GROWING UP AND IT'S NORMAL. Also the way She described Iggy OH MY GOD THAT HURTS ? (especially as I relate to him. Like ma'am you're insulting me personally here I absorbed this man in my soul). In the green fields I thought it was so cool when Iggy made his own choice. AND I HAVE TO SAY WHEN I ACTUALLY SAW THAT CHOICE I WAS CONFUSED. LIKE WASN'T THE WHOLE POINT OF ALL OF THIS TO BREAK THE CYCLE. WHY DO I HAVE THE CHOICE

I also was slightly confused WHEN WE WENT BACK TO CHILDHOOD. Because I mean sure it kinda makes sense BUT IT STILL SURPRISED ME. WHAT A PLOTTWIST. (I also was really happy that Gidget was still referred to as they/them hehe

Also about some common things about the epilogues I was really happy to see Cecil again. My brain was like "CECIL. CECIIIIIIIIL." also IS THAT JERRY AS ORLAM'S EMPLOYEE. JERRY.

Oh one more thing. The music for the cutscenes was. Really really great. Chef's kiss even. If I may say.

Okay now first ending I did GENZOU ENDING !!!

Firstly the talk with him was very emotional. Aeugh. Like him saying he shouldn't take care of himself because of the wrong he has done or Iggy crying and saying he doesn't need to be his selfless knight and that "you (Genzou) were never fine, and I (Iggy) never knew" AHHHHHHHH I ALMOST CRIED. And then we finally got DA KISSSSSSSS and them hugging to sleep next to the stove and the little Iggy monologue AEUGH MY HEEEEEART

And their life afterwards in the epilogue uheuheuhe I love them so much

Secondly I did the Orlam ending !

I sadly don't have much to say, as much as I like Orlam's character haha... The only thing I could think was "Orlam you're such a brat but I love you still"

I also find it very fitting how their relationship isn't really defined. Like they're just them. Fits Orlam and the pairing he forms with Iggy very much.

And then I did the Gidget ending !

Man I Had to redo everything to get enough affection. I went through all the PAIN. AGAIN. GIDGET I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY.

Of course in the Gidget talk we had the whole apologizing session... LIKE GIDGET I KNOW IT WAS BAD YEAH BUT YOU WERE IN A BAD PLACE AND THIS PLACE FUCKS YOUR HEAD UP IT'S OKAY. UP TO A CERTAIN POINT. AND THEN THEY GO ON WITH SAYING"how can I expect anyone to accept me for who I am" THIS FELT LIKE A PUNCH IN THE GUT GIDGET NOOOOOO. AND AFTERWARDS THEY'RE CRYING AND IGGY SAYS "only you can decide who you are" THE TEARS WERE IN MY EYES. SECOND PUNCH IN THE GUT FOR REAL. And when they talk about about feeling different druring their childhood/teenagehood and not knowing what was "wrong" because no one talked about it AEURGH I AM PROBABLY PART OF THIS "younger generation" THEY'RE REFERRING TO BUT GIDGET BUT I STILL FEEL YOU BECAUSE I DIDN'T HAVE THE WHOLE INTERNET AT 10 YEARS OLD

Also I'm sorry to say that but when Iggy said "There's still time." I HAVE BEEN BRAINROTTED BY "I saw the TV glow" AND COULDN'T HELP BUT THINK ABOUT IT OMG

The epilogue was cool and Gidget kissing everyone hahaha. I also don't completely get what kind of relationship Iggy has with Gidget. Like are we dating with Gidget being polyamorous orrrrr. Do we have an ambiguous relationship like with Orlam orrrr. Is it something else. I'm a bit confused and I don't know if it's normal and you intended it that way kadhfkdjab

AND FINALLY. Neutral ending ! Last one :,)

I LOVE that the idea of this ending it not "I don't want to be with anyone" but rather "I wanna focus on myself"


Also he loves hurt/comfort me too man me too we in this together

Very funny how Cecil's murderous glares to Iggy haven't changed haha


So. We're getting towards the end of this comment. My last comment on Our Wonderland... Uheuheuhe...

First of all I wanna say again that this is truly one of the best horror visual novels I've ever played in my life. It left a great impact on my soul and heart and it was so great even though it did very much make me cry haha. I will definitely NEVER forget it.

I really loved all the endings in general. As I am very much attached to Genzou and Iggy of course I'll say the best ending is the Genzou one... But I have to say that the neutral ending could be in this place too. Not because I don't like Orlam and Gidget, or because I think Iggy is better off without a partner but just... As I mentioned before, I feel like the idea of this ending is "I wanna focus on myself". And I find this very great hehe.

Anyway ! That's the last of my ramblings. Thank you again for making this absolutely amazing game. I'll be on the lookout if you ever develop anything else and will be sure to give it a try ! Take care Carrot :)

I'm having an issue with the startup and extraction, for some reason my antivirus quarantined the startup file so I deleted the previous download and tried to extract the file again but for some reason its asking for admin permission to copy the file to the extracted location but when I give it access it declines it and says I need permission to copy the file even though I already gave it permission I've downloaded the game before and it ran fine but now it wont work is there any solution? (ps: when i played the game before it was marvelous the first arc ending had me tearing up just sayin)

Oh gosh, I'm not really sure tbh 💦 I know that games made in Ren'Py can sometimes throw up false positives for Antivirus software and/or delete files. I'm not sure about the permissions part though, that sounds like something unique that your computer is doing that I've never heard of before, so I'm not really sure what to say 😭 My suggestion if it's possible is to maybe download the other version (if you dl'd the 64bit one, download 32bit, and vice versa) to see if you can get that version to work as a fresh game since it will likely read it as a whole different game. But I am not super sure. There are forums posts and such out there for ppl with similar issues with Antivirus and quarantining that may also have some suggestions too, tho I've never seen anything about the permissions thing before... 💦

(1 edit) (+2)

Okay its been seven days and twenty hours later lets hop into it.

FIRSTLY: anyone scrolling the comments looking for a reason to play this game(me, seven days and twenty hours ago) just get it. Your device can't play it? Buy one that can. 


I love horror games, and I like games with a good blend of platonic and romantic relationships. Boom, perfect game. Now, really quickly, let me list the positives. Wait, no...  sorry, thats not possible. There's just a few (36) too many for this to be quick.

To summarize the BIG positives-

-The music. OH. MY. GOD. AMAZING. Unironically one of the best scores I've ever listened to, with great attention to detail. Music changes how you perceive games, and I felt the music doing that, and more. I literally am just going to. 




  1. 1.  having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be. "life certainly isn't perfect at the moment" Similar: ideal




In case you cannot tell, it was good. Especially during act 5, it really came together. And while sometimes the slower, more motonteimous sections have more, well, slow and motonteimous music. But the second something high-stakes occurred, the INCREDIBLY unnerving music BLASTED OUT and it was honest to god, TERRIFYING.

-The characters. Spectacular. I especially love Iggy, he's genuinely such a great character, and I am SO happy that he's the protagonist. I especially liked that scene (MAJOR SPOILER) where he chose the option for you in the end of act 5. Actually really cool. And speaking of act 5, thats where we really saw some interesting ideas shine through- we control Iggy, kind of. And the tree kept saying how perfect he was as a vessel, because he has no character himself, he lacks personality and morals. I adore characters that have this... lack of self, and they learn to overcome it. 

Which leads into my love of the our cinderella side game- I thought it was so lovely how it didn't feel like WE were the ones being romanced at all- (I don't enjoy  romances involving 'me', or just a self insert.) it instead felt like we were helping Iggy, and pushing him into the right direction!


Final point on Iggy- (I could yap more, but I have plenty to say about everything else this game has to offer... [menacingly])  I LOVE ACE REP SM- I consider myself demi, and have felt this repulsion towards sexual activity. It's not like I hate it, I just need to trust the person. Which happens to take a lot of time. (Years.)  That part of him I've found quite relatable?? Iggy is REALLY well written, and if you take the time to play the side games as well, you'll get and even BETTER written character (very hard, great achievement completed)


I always choose to romance Genzou. Originally, I was going to go neutral- but. Ah. He's so fun. But before I confess why he's probably my (very close) second favorite character, I have to admit why I love ALL of these characters.

I normally choose what characters I like the most based on morality. Okay, I know, it's  a bad way to pick out what characters you like based on just ethics. But like, my many hours worth of philosophy and ethics classes have made me a bit too weak to stan SERIAL KILLERS. And when I first started playing, I was like "Oh! Genzou is probably the best person here!" which turned into- "Oh, he's actually being kind of rude-" to "What the f--k did he say to Orlam-" to "DUDE WHAT THATS SO MESSED UP?!?" 

And while I still think Genzou is the most ethical (he is the only one who didn't try to kill his friends!) it was odd. I knew no one in the game was good. Everyone there had some murderous intent or had done some terrible thing. (except the GOAT Hunar) And I didn't ever realize how much I needed that. I was SHOCKED at how quickly I found myself thinking more indepth about every character I saw.  I found it harder and harder to hate characters solely on their actions and intent. Normally (spoiler) I would have HATED Gidget for what they did in act 5/act 4, and would NOT have enjoyed their presence AT ALL in the following scenes. But NOPE. I kind of understood it? Eh, this is a tangent. I will be yapping about Gidget, because they 100% have my favorite story. 


Honestly, I just liked him. Related to him ALOT.

You know, I got that legally blind s--t (I pray to whoever made contacts, they're my god.) 

My collection of bikes >:) I will admit, I've crashed into the road more times than I can actually collect.

I DUNNO I HAVE THE ENTP ENERGY (I like to tell people they're wrong and then not give them a reason at all for why)

But I'm not short tho :) !!!

Okay but fr. His desperate pinning on Iggy was actually so horribly sad. And, no matter what Iggy said or did, he still loved him. He still trusted him. Especially how, if you did romance him, he was always accepting, always understanding. He was probably the most healthy relationship, at least in my opinion? (carrot was that your favorite couple?? I don't know there was just two side games for them...both are super cute btw <3)


cool guy

Gidget :)

Out of every character, Gidget is probably the most relatable to me? But the outcomes are quite different lmao

I adored their story, it was well written, understandable, and I loved the closure it had at the end. Even though I was throughly disgusted by what they did to Iggy through every act, via memories and flashbacks, it was quick to piece together the full picture- that of someone who changes for others, hurting themselves in the progress, ignoring their interests, their happiness, their selfhood. 

I also did a similar thing, becoming vastly more feminine from the end of middle school to the beginning of high school, just so 'society' would consider me conventually attractive. 

They really had, by far, the most visible growth, and the two timelines are, perhaps, the most different. And good for them >:) you ATE my liege!1!

Similarly, I was actually so happy seeing Cecil be... not impaled... in the epilogues, I thought he was actually pretty interesting!!!


OKAY, I KNOW. A large portion of the comments are down-bad for Orlam- sure, he's a very interesting character, and I definitely didn't hate him. He was fun to see on screen! But, especially in the final timeline, he would be the worst for Iggy. And, while I don't think they'd be good together, in act 4, I thought Gidget and Iggy were cute, (NOTTHEENDNOTTHEEND) and genuinely had chemistry. I could see there being a slight draw to them. But Orlam... 

Honestly, the relationship seemed uncomfortable to me. Maybe thats because Orlam makes me uncomfortable... but I just feel like he's a bit too sexual for Iggy? I can see Gidget, while being disheartened, still accepting Iggy. (And Genzou, being the KING he is ALWAYS accepts Iggy !!) I feel like Orlam would (Oh this is going to sound bad.) pressure Iggy into a sexual relationship?? I don't really know, I haven't gotten his ending, it could be the sweetest relationship ever! 

Out of everyone, I feel the most bad for him. He's clearly dealing with immense mental health issues, and coping very poorly. How he acted without his heart was just... really heartbreaking. And when Genzou hugged him, I was actually sobbing. 

I don't really have as much to say on Bucks? Her and Hunar were a good couple, and I am quite glad they handled their relationship very well the second time around. 


The art is really, really cute! Which was interesting, because I was like- wow, they look adorable! This is not scary at all!

(those rabbits those rabbits.)

But it took maybe 5 minutes for me to realize the absolute incredible versatility this style had. Not only were the character designs incredible, portraying everyone quite well, but the designs of the backgrounds and creatures were very impressive. 

And OMG? There were so many CGs that it felt like half the time it wasn't a visual novel, it was a f--king movie! And that is 100% a compliment- the creator obviously invested a lot of time into the art, and it SHOWS! This kind of skill to be able to make so much quality art and writing is incredible. 

Oh, I haven't even talked about the-


Really good. VERY good. I adored wonderland, its twistedness and nostalgia, dripping with hostility and facades of kindness. The setting itself is something we all know, and carrot could have easily just thrown us into a wonderland we know about already, just added some twists- but NO. They went all out, and created a very different, and very terrifying wonderland. Very few things feel reused, it feels fresh and lively. 

My favorite part of the writing was everything surroding the tree, Saydie, and wishes. The concept of wishes fueling the wonderland, that what you want will be what you find- ITS SO GOOD. And the tree, desperately craving wishes, until She reached a breaking point? AMAZING. I actually felt almost bad for the tree. ...Okay, I wish I could burn the tree down-

My favorite part-

The end. 100%. Seeing all the kids saying their wishes, and then having it reset? It was unique, I truly did not think that was coming, but it made so much sense! Seeing what happened to everyone afterward was really satisfying, and as soon as I was done I instantly played every other game Carrots ever made <3

Do I have any complaints?

Mm. Eh. Not really? I suppose I found act 3 a bit boring, and sometimes the constant gore got excruciating (I had the censored mode on, I dislike gore a tad) but served its purpose quite well! When Iggy's fingers were chopped off, I physically flinched, and when Genzou and Iggy got slaughtered in act 2 I wanted to cry.

Probably the most enjoyable game I've played on Itch, and definitely the most well made- I have already drawn Iggy multiple times and have tried to force every living being I know to play the game so I can talk with people about it. GIVE THIS GAME THE FANDOM IT DESERVES!!!!!!!!!

okay!! lots of love, 


(this is possibly the longest comment ive ever given: to summarize, play the game, love Iggy, stan genzou, give orlam a hug, tell Gidget they matter, drop the soundtrack please)

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