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(3 edits) (+1)

Okay so that was amazing??? I would say that the first part of Arc 5 rendered me speechless, but I actually have a LOT to say, so...[SPOILERS FOR OUR WONDERLAND ARCS 1-5 BELOW]


To begin with, I absolutely loved that beginning sequence. The moment of everything just hitting Iggy like a trainwreck of emotions and trauma was well-needed, considering how long he and the rest of the friend group have gone through the loop (which I'm assuming has been more than 5 times). It also has a similar effect to the players, with the start of the arcs having a few differences but nothing too out of the ordinary considering what happens the arc before. But then Arc 5 just hits you with the whiplash that Iggy remembers EVERYTHING rather than just having a strong sense of deja vu and he's taking time to process it, barely even functioning because of how hard it hit him.

Following immediately after that, the tree story: it was a nice way to connect the whole loop thing back to where it all began, which was the big tree that held the wonderland that they were all introduced to as children. Despite the tree closing itself off from the friend group because they inevitably grew up, Saydie was the key to opening it back up again. And it seems like she has a pretty significant role in the story, the end of Arc 1 implying that Bucks killed her in order to open up the tree again and her quite literally being on the menu screen held by Iggy (I'm assuming).

Going to Genzou right after Iggy's whirlpool of emotions, I couldn't even choose the "mean" options directed towards him because of that. Well, that and mostly because of my Genzou bias. But even if I absolutely hated him because of what he has done to Orlam (which is perfectly reasonable, he HAS said and done some fucked up stuff to him), I think it would just be adding more negativity to the landfill of the emotional trauma both Iggy and Genzou were going through. And plus, Iggy KNOWS what Genzou feels like so I personally think it wouldn't make sense for him to be callous and unsympathetic towards Genzou. It's also interesting to note the awkwardness between them compared to the beginning of previous arcs, most probably because they both remember the emotions that Iggy went through when it came to Genzou: it started with simply enjoying his presence, then loving him, then HATING him, and then seeing him as a place of comfort when Gidget, who he focuses on while Genzou is left on the sidelines, won't give him that comfort. Not to mention the crush that Genzou had on Iggy for forever. Genzou pushing Iggy away when he was lying down in the bathtub seemed to be because of how it pained him to be in his presence: his opinion of Iggy would certainly be very jumbled by this point and he also seems terrified to have Iggy be even the slightest bit angry at him because of what happened in Arc 3's boat scene. It's nice to see them quickly become comfortable with each other again though.

Focusing on the doll, I wonder what's the role it'll have in the story. It's an object that always reappears in Iggy's dreams specifically, and it also appears a few times in the forest leading to Bucks's cabin. The fact that it says "Please kill me, Iggy" is strange because if this is truly supposed to represent Saydie (going by how Iggy says it looks like a certain someone before he's interrupted by Hunar knocking), wouldn't she already be killed by Bucks? She might not be as evidenced by the crying coming from Bucks's phone (and then the hell screaming ig), but I dunno what it's really supposed to mean. Maybe Bucks killing her in order to access the tree perpetuates the cycle, and Iggy needs to take Saydie himself and kill her so the friend group can confront the situation head on without the whole wonderland stuff. (Also it's kinda sad that Bucks and Saydie have arguably the most important roles in the story while Hunar is just left in the dust... Iggy also emphasizes all FIVE of them which excludes Hunar. And also Saydie but like she's a child.) While I'll cover Gidget's section entirely in another paragraph, I'll briefly cover the doll motif that they have going on: they strive to have their appearance stay the same, like a doll. It's always the same, meaning it's PERFECT. Furthermore, they quite literally have dolls of Iggy everywhere that can easily be replaced: they no longer focus on the REAL Iggy, but substitutes that fulfill the ache in their heart that lacks his love and it further emphasizes how much worse their obsession is in Arc 5. They also mention this to Iggy, telling him that he can be replaced... it shows the shift in their mindset, from wanting to fix him to just replacing him.

Regarding the beginning of Iggy and Genzou's entry into the fantasy world once more, it seems like everything's a mess: even more than it was before. It shows us a glimpse into how bad everything will be. Which seems to foreshadow that the deterioration of Gidget's and Orlam's mental state is AMPLIFIED in this loop.

Okay, back to Genzou again. Of course, comfort and security is taken into account when Iggy thinks about him; those are reoccurring themes in Arc 2. Genzou's always there to reassure Iggy and close to him for the purpose of protecting him from any of the dangers that they encounter.  But Iggy wants to repay him for all he's done. I mean, Genzou literally took an axe to the head for him. Not only that, he feels extremely guilty because he thinks he ruined Genzou's life but of course he didn't. Which ties back to Arc 1, which primarily focuses on Iggy. He feels RESPONSIBLE for everything, and so HE has to FIX everything. Obviously he is not, and it's not his duty to save everyone from their problems. But he also feels like this is what he has to do so he can stay friends with everyone, in order to maintain that camaraderie that he cherishes so much. Iggy CAN provide assistance and guide people to the right path when needed, but he shouldn't take things into his own hands and try to repair everything. It's relieving to see Genzou reassure Iggy that it's not up to him because he hasn't ruined anyone's life. (I also noticed when Iggy pointed out that Genzou wrestled a giant tentacle for him, it's a callback to how Genzou pointed out that Iggy tried to defeat an armored rabbit with a rake for him, which I think is really cute.)

And then... Gidget. Very complex situation. The external manifestation of their desires have changed dramatically in this loop: no longer focusing on sex appeal & emphasizing their body, but rather focusing on maintaining a PERFECT image of themself. Everything is pristine and spotless. Gidget rejects everything that would make them imperfect, which are emotions, nourishment, and so forth. But despite claiming that they've moved on from Iggy because he was holding them back, there are blatant signs that their statement is false. The Iggy dolls, the mentions of having sex with them, still being that hyperfeminine woman that seemingly everyone around them WANTED them to be. It exemplifies how their desires from past arcs still remain the same, just increased to an even more severe degree. All of it introduces the issue of Iggy feeling the need to FIX them... to "find the real Gidget." Considering how Gidget tried to fix him in the previous 4 arcs, why would flipping the situation around be any different? It also lies with his ultimate responsibility in their circumstances: sure, he might have contributed a LITTLE to the problem, but the full blame doesn't lie with him. It was everyone who upheld those expectations for them, ESPECIALLY their mom. I think the apology to Gidget was very much needed, considering how he basically cut contact with everyone around him after a while and didn't bother to talk to anyone. I personally would be FURIOUS if I centered my whole life around conforming to the expectations of a person that I really cared about and after years of not talking to me ever, they suddenly reappear in my life and tell me that this isn't the real me. Well no shit!!! But this isn't meant to place the blame entirely on Iggy like I mentioned earlier: it would be helpful if Gidget ever communicated their discomfort when they started dressing hyperfemininely; it would also be helpful if no one ever tried to be the gender police when it came to them either. Essentially, it's everyone's fault and not just the fault of one person.

Transitioning (hehe) to the spider cave, it was definitely an experience to say the least. It makes me wonder why it was spiders specifically, though I can see a connection. Spiders are viewed as ugly, gross, and they're monsters in the eyes of most people. And yet, they also fulfilled one of the primary "desires" that Gidget had: to start a family. They embrace being spider-like, even with that stigma around spiders. It can be compared to them desiring to present more androgynously in spite of what others around them say... akin to what they really want, but not there yet. Cecil also constantly tells them that they don't seem happy as they are, and also CECIL WOOOOOOO!!!! Though I don't think it was a matter of realizing what their true desires were, it was more like ACCEPTING what those desires were. Gives a reason for why Cecil is imprisoned in the dungeon below, in order to keep hiding from what they really want because it'll be a hard and egregious life for them if they fulfill those desires. But when they finally kill Cecil, someone who truly cared about them and wanted them to be happy, they finally break. They grieve for him, and then they start destroying the perfect image they tried so hard to keep up. I'm so sad that Cecil reappeared and then died so quickly, but WOOOOO THEY/THEM PRONOUNS FOR GIDGET!!!! I'm so happy to see them have an appearance they want, in spite of the horrible and unspeakable things they've done to Iggy. My non-binary identity and my asexuality makes these feelings conflicting 💀

I'm excited to see how the rest of the arc pans out!!! Geez, I really did write an essay, so I'll leave you with this short concluding message. I wish you luck with continuing Arc 5 🫶


This is like the most in-depth thing I've ever gotten GOD dhfhfh reading this was such a treat. AND I'M REALLY GLAD YOU LIKED IT??? This one was quite the doozy for me as well what with how the intensity of everything ramped up to 11 and the culmination of so many of my own feelings, too. HHHHH so I'm really happy to hear all this 🥺

Ohhhh I feel like that was a big part of what I was going for with the beginning parts. Like,,, similar but then not quite, to kind of ease into the arc (and then after that everything continuing to just get more and more different and messed up LOL). And yes, that is indeed who Iggy is holding in the title screen 🤭 I'm glad you liked the tree sequence?? It somehow felt like a good way to start bringing things back to the main story of what's even going on after the detours that were Arcs 2 through 4 HAHAHA.

Oh gosh,,, all the scenes in Genzou's apartment. Those really tore my heart apart to write (before sewing it back together hdggghf). I wanted to really emphasize just how messed up their minds and thoughts are after everything and how that would affect their interactions, so I'm glad it came across ok 💦 (I-I'm also just a sucker for hurt/comfort stuff, so that's that too LOL). My poor beans,,,

The doll,,, 💦 The doll will definitely come into play more in part 2. I just didn't have a chance to get to those parts yet dgfgh I just really hope I'm able to like bring everything together and wrap it up in a way that makes sense and is satisfying to everyone GOD. This really worries me ngl. So I'm glad to already hear some of your thoughts on it 🥺

"Which ties back to Arc 1, which primarily focuses on Iggy. He feels RESPONSIBLE for everything, and so HE has to FIX everything" --> Yeah this is such a huge part of Iggy and his story in general. His feeling of guilt and obligation because he doesn't even really quite understand friendship to begin with but does love his friends and wants to fit in and be accepted. And maybe it's something he'll never quite get over but at the very least he can learn to start feeling less guilty and learning to love and prioritize himself a bit more. I feel like that's also why I had Gidget just completely refute his apology -- because sure he needed to say it, but he's not actually the one who can "fix" anything despite how much he thinks he is, so even when he does what he feels should fix it, it blows up in his face, and in the end, Gidget accepting themself has nothing to do with him.

"it's a callback to how Genzou pointed out that Iggy tried to defeat an armored rabbit with a rake for him, which I think is really cute." --> FHDJFJFJD YES IT IS TEEHEE 💕

HHHHH your thoughts around Gidget really affecting me. That pretty much sums everything up quite well 🤣💦 A huge part of Gidget's story and growth is really based on my own thoughts and experiences and the things I've battled with and thought to myself, particularly in the wanting to be accepted and liked in the way I thought I was supposed to. Perhaps not quite to the extreme perfection angle here FJDJDJD but still something I fight with a lot even now, which is probably why it also took a lot out of me to write 💦

"I'm so sad that Cecil reappeared and then died so quickly, but WOOOOO THEY/THEM PRONOUNS FOR GIDGET!!!! " --> I AM ALSO SIMULTANEOUSLY SAD BUT OVERJOYED AT BOTH OF THESE THINGS FHFHDH goddd,, I am really happy to have finally been about to bring Gidget to this point. It feels like such a momentous occasion after these past 4 arcs 🤣💦 AND NOW I CAN FINALLY LIKE DRAW ART OF THEM HOW I REALLY WANT TO DJFJDJD

"My non-binary identity and my asexuality makes these feelings conflicting " --> HAHAHAHAJA GOD THE PAIN IS REAL,I GET YOU 💦💦💦💦💦

Oh geez this whole comment just made me so happy YOU REALLY HAVE NO IDEA. I love reading stuff like this so much and hearing what ppl think of the chars and how they read into and interpret things. It makes my heart want to burst from joy 😭💕 So thank you so much again, not only for playing and for your lovely words but also just for your support and for loving the game and the chars. It makes me so overjoyed!!!! HHHHH MY HEART IS VERY SQUISHED 😭💕 I will keep working hard on the rest of Arc 5!! 😤

(1 edit) (+1)

so i created an account just to comment, I am enjoying this game so much!!!

also, as a trans person, the end of arc 5 is so cathartic for me so, thanks


Oh, gosh!! Thank you so much??? I'm really happy that you're enjoying the game so much and took all the time to make the account and leave this comment! That means so much ahhhhhh 😭💕

Ahhhh,,, I am really happy about that, too 💕 A lot of Gidget's story is inspired by/based heavily on my own experiences and thoughts, so I'm glad it could also resonate with you,,, ahhhh,,, that's gonna make me cry  for real,,, 🥺💕 I especially love hearing from people who can relate to or feel things from the story and chars ahhhh dlkfjadlkfja

Really thank you so much for the support and for your lovely words! What a little bright spot in my day!! 🥰

I LOVE this game is one of THE BEST game i play  in all my life by the way if you are going to make some plushy or shirt i will LOVE to BUY one just say the word and all my money is yours i will love a shirt or plushy of iggys or genzou i love you game 


Thank you very much??? I'm so glad you like the game! It fills my heart with such joy 😭💕 Thank you for taking the time to write up this lovely comment.

GOSH I WISH I COULD HAVE PLUSHIES??? I would also like one LOL Unfortunately I don't really have the funds for such endeavors,,, if anyone wants to make one, they are free to! 🤣💦

Thank you again for your support!! This made me so happy to read! 🥰











Oh, gosh, I can't really answer most of these—THAT WOULD BE SPOILERS???? I will confirm that the rabbit in the little post-to-be-continued-screen is, indeed, Jerry heheh. He will have a little role in part 2 that I hope people will enjoy 🤭

Thanks much! It will unfortunately be a little while as I haven't even started working on the next part yet LOL Though at least I already finished some of the new features that I was planning to release with the final part, which means I won't need to take time to work on them later LOL Glad that you enjoyed it though!!! Thanks so much for taking the time to write up this lovely comment!!!

(4 edits)

I want part 2 soooooo badly! Orlam, my precious Orlam <3

Part 1 is amazing. I finally grow to like Gidget in the end, somehow haha. Yes, stick to who you really are!!! Who needs perfection, when happiness is the key to live :)

I guess Carrot is a huge fan of Coraline. That's like one of my favorite movies. Maybe you also watched The Future Diary (love that as well).

I'M REALLY GLAD YOU LIKED IT 💕 And oh gosh, that makes me really happy to hear. A lot of what happens in this part hits pretty close to me, so I was hoping people would be able to enjoy and resonate with it if even a bit. I'm glad you could come away feeling better about Gidget fvfgghg I'm really happy to finally be able to get them to this spot 🤭💕

I have seen Coraline once a long time ago! I have never watched Future Diary though I do know about it generally because it's so popular LOL The Iggy doll design mostly came about from wanting to make sure they looked like dolls and I didn't really know a better way to do it!! 🤣💦

At any rate, thank you so much for playing and for your lovely words!! It really means so much hearing what you think! AND I WILL KEEP WORKING HARD ON PART TWOOOOOOO 💕


genzou best

DLKFJASLDKJFALSDKFJASD I AM GLAD YOU THINK SO h-he makes me pretty happy ahhhh,,, 🥺💕

(1 edit) (+1)

God this game was fucking fantastic, and I've never had anything to say about a game before. But in these past few weeks, I just had to find something to say about it. I love what you did for the game. I felt so many emotions, made so many... "to" say horrible choices. But still! The number of things I was able to feel out of this spectacular fucking game was phenomenal. To say, If I had even had the SKILLS to make such a game like this. I just hope you will continue to make masterpieces like this in the future. (Including the carry on "Our Fantastic Wonderland", which I cannot WAIT to play!) Arc 4 hit terrifically deep. I felt horrible the entire time, watching Genzou fall apart like that. Including all the deaths, encounters, and cutscenes between characters. It felt like a heart wrenching stab to the chest! The insane twists that I could have never imagined how you felt having to write down and code. I've fallen in love with your characters, and with your world. I may sound like everyone else when I say this, which I probably do... But I hope I can match you and some of the most amazing creators that make breath-taking "experiences" like these. Thank you. I can't say that enough. This game will always be in my heart, even if it lurks in the dark recesses of my memory. I wish I could give you more than just a review, but I happen to be one of the unlucky people. And I hope I can see the end of this game.

Your art is something I'd KILL to have! (Not literally, ha-ha, have mercy.) But all the same, It's so unique! It took me up the first time I played. And the more I stared and looked at the details, I WISHED I had the fuckin' gall to be able to draw out all those full out cutscenes and half-scenarios! I also happen to love your game "A Day in the Life". It took the wind out of me when I learned of the brother's near-death experience, and how all the characters felt. I feel like I just typed a paragraph, (Which I did, I'm so stupid, lol.) But I mean it. Everything I said. The music, everything just makes me feel speechless. I feel so small compared to people who create things I couldn't or could. I wish I did. But I can't be “the” better person, am I right? Life picks and chooses. But I hope this finds you well. I'll have some art posted below! Thank you, truly. Carrot Patch Games.

Enoy! :)   (Sorry that the picture is blurry, my camera wasn't cooperating)

Oh gosh this comment being the first thing I see when I wake up is killing me aldkfLDFKJA tears in my eyeballs,,, 😭💦 This is absolutely so sweet HELPPP. It means the world that not only would you play the game but also that you would be thinking about it so long and then that you'd take the time to write all this up AHHHH. I really REALLY love hearing what people feel. Perhaps because so much of this game is so personal and also just because I love these chars to bits and really hope others will love them too (and maybe even be able to relate to parts of them a bit).

"To say, If I had even had the SKILLS to make such a game like this." --> I BELIEVE YOU DO??? I mean if you want to of course 🤣💦 I've honestly been flying with my hands over my eyes for the majority of production. I had never made a game like this before (i.e., a visual novel, but also something of this sheer magnitude and with so many things I had to learn how to do). Mostly I've just had to learn a ton of stuff along the way. But for that reason I feel like it's something that anyone can learn and explore and have fun with dlkajfsld

"watching Genzou fall apart like that" --> God that's so true,,, sometimes I sit back and look at the development of the arcs and... he really gets it worse and worse and worse in every subsequent arc 💦 Not only in what happens to him but also mentally like he really just gets broken by the end of Arc 4 💦💦💦 WH-WHICH EXPLAINS SOME OF ARC 5 THEN, I GUESS. But shhh that's a spoiler maybe maybe not who can say lol 🤫 I really love him though. Despite him being a general asshole to most ppl besides Iggy, he holds a very special place in my heart LOL

"Your art is something I'd KILL to have! (Not literally, ha-ha, have mercy.) But all the same, It's so unique!" --> THIS MEANS SO MUCH THANK YOU?????? I've always felt a bit felt-conscious about the art in general, since I've been told it's been a turn-off before. Also some of the early art from Arc 1 makes me very embarrassed because it's from like a year and a half ago and I've gotten a lot better at drawing the characters (and changed their designs just slightly as I've drawn them hundreds and hundreds of times) so at some point I'd like to redo some of the early CGs 🤣 But that means the world honestly that you like it so much. I'm always really happy if people can enjoy the art and LOL THE CGS YES........... some of them did indeed take a lot out of me to draw 💦

"I also happen to love your game "A Day in the Life". " --> OH THAT IS VERY LOVELY? I didn't actually write/code that game, I just did the art and BGs. It is indeed a very lovely and poignant little game though that really hits you in the heart 😭💦 I'm very glad you like it!!!

And alskdjfalsdkf I hope you'll like Our Fantastic Wonderland too if you decide to play it! It's a bit of a different vibe from OW, mostly in that I made it just to have some fun and also had to make it very quickly LOL (it was for the Spooktober jam, where you have to make the game in only a month). But I'm happy with how it turned out in the end and some of the connections between it and the main game. It's a bit silly 🤭

OH MY GOSH THIS ART IS SO CUTE????? AHHHHHHhhhhhHHHHHHHHH I LOVE IT SO MUCH LAKDJFALDKFJA THEIR LITTLE FACES LOOK SO PRECIOUS!!! Thank you so much for sharing it with me, I absolutely love it!! How wonderful and sweet now I'm really gonna cry... 😭💕

Thank you SO SO SO SO MUCH!! This was such a wonderful comment and it really brought a smile to my face, not only all your lovely words but your lovely art, too, I CAAAAAAN'T. Thank you for playing and for all your support!!!! And I hope you'll like Arc 5 when it comes out!! 🥰

AHH!!! Thank you so much for reading and replying to my comment!!! I love when creators talk to their fans! I'm so happy I can put a smile on your face, it really does mean so fucking much to me! XD AHHH!!! Even people I'm fans of never respond to me! SO EXICTED FOR ARC 5!!! I will definitely enjoy it! :DD didn't mean to make you cry- oh dear- But anyways!! Can't wait to see the next arc! I really have wasted my time dawdling on what to say, and I REALLY want to say more to reply, but I don't want to ruin my first interaction with you!! You're a very unique fuckin' person- And I, God this is awkward- AHHHHHh- I could cryy..  I and everyone in this community will support you 100% of the way!! :'] Couldn't be happier!!

I LOVE REPLYING TO COMMENTS LOLOL also I am literally so touched that anyone would take the time to write such lovely words on my game that I can't help but want to gush and send love back ldkfjasldkfa

"but I don't want to ruin my first interaction with you!!" --> LAKJSDFLAKD?? I don't think you could unless you wrote something really inappropriate or invasive LMAO 🤣💦

"I and everyone in this community will support you 100% of the way!! :'] Couldn't be happier!!"  --> THANK YOU VERY MUCH??? Your words are too kind HELP 💕

I'm glad you're looking forward to Arc 5!!! I'm working hard to get the first oh soon ohohohoh~ Thank you again for your lovely and supportive words—they really make my day!! 🥰


Hii! I'm bad at English, but... JEEZ, this game is FANTASTIC! So many themes are revealed in it, there are unexpected twists (especially the snag in the 4th arc), and the music.. ooooh the music is gorgeous, I constantly listen to some of them in the playlist~

I came across this game quite by accident when I was trying to find games for the evening, I never regretted that I spent a week on it :)

To be honest, the game really inspired me with its combination of madness and seriousness! I love this in games, especially those where they show blatant trash, and in the end, very real problems are revealed there. I plan to play all your games. Now I've started the walkthrough Our Fantastic Wonderland and I already like how it looks ^^



Omg thank you so much??? Ahhhhhhh you're making me weepy, this is such a lovely comment! 😭💕 Thank you so much for playing and for writing up your thoughts—I'm so glad you like the game!!! I'm a huge fan of the music, too GOD ALDKJFALDF Music in general has been such a big inspiration for me while working on this game. I honestly have the soundtrack on most of the time I'm working on it, and certain songs even inspired various scenes 🤭 I'm really glad you like it!! 💕

And omg kaldjfalkdf I hope you will enjoy OFW, too!! It's just a little side game but I love it, too, even though the vibes are a bit different than the main game. It was mostly made for fun to join the Spooktober jam and get to do something a bit sillay with the characters. That means so much tho!!

HELP ADLKAFJDLKFA THANK *YOU* FOR PLAYING AND FOR LETTING ME KNOW. This was such a little spot of sunshine in my day. Thank you for all the support, and I hope you'll like Arc 5 once I finally manage to finish it alkdjfalk 🥰

I have no doubt that the 5th arc will be as awesome as the previous ones!! I wish you pleasant and successful work! Know that many people love and appreciate your work! 💜^^💜


Thank you so much, that is so sweet and kind! 😭💕 I shall do my best!!!!

(1 edit) (+2)

I finished the game yesterday and HAD to draw Genzou! Hes just so fine and I'm so exited for the 5 arc!

I LOVE THESE SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH DGFGFBFFGGH I know I already said this on Twitter, but I just love how you draw him he looks so sweet and suave. I love these with all my heart. My bean,,, 😭💕

Thank you so so much for this treat, it honestly has made my whole night. I'm so glad you enjoyed the game and the chars (and Genzou LOL) and took the time to draw these wonderful sketches I simply CAN'T. I shall go weep slightly now in love and joy 🤣💦💕


holy shit. i JUST finished arc 4 (and im in absolute agony, thanks </3) and im still trying to process everything i just saw, very sorry if this comment is complete nonsense lol

so first off the ART STYLE!!! it's so unique and the character designs are so interesting to look at, i was in love at first sight <333 the music and sound design was AMAZING, fantastic choices all around!!! the environments/backgrounds (especially in wonderland itself) looked great and i was immersed from start to finish. and the characters,,,, the story,,,,,

the entire cast is so complex and interesting, i really related to iggy and orlam (i mean sort of, was not rockin w/ the cannibalism but like therapy is expensive, do what you gotta do ig) and genzou is just,,,, <3333 (most of the time) and overall i just loved everything about this game, genuinely freaked me the hell out (in the best way possible) and made me ugly sob (sometimes at the same time) and IM SO EXCITED TO SEE HOW IT ENDS!!! ur so so talented and i cant wait to see what you do next <3

now if you'll excuse me i need to draw silly fanart so i can pretend these characters can be happy for more than a milisecond. you did not let genzou rest for a SECOND my god 😭

OH GOSH I AM VERY SORRY FOR THE AGONY??? 😭💦 Ohhhhh this comment is so nice tho HELP. I'm so happy you liked the game. Thank you so much for playing and taking the time to write all this up ahhhh it means so much 🥺

I'm really happy you like the art style??? Even after this long I still am quite shy when it comes to my style and hope it's not too much of a turn off. So hearing that really fills me with joy,,, 💕

"i mean sort of, was not rockin w/ the cannibalism but like therapy is expensive, do what you gotta do ig" --> HELP LOLOL this is making me laugh so hard god 🤣 I am glad you liked the chars tho hehe, and that you could relate to parts of them. I always hope ppl will be able to find at least something in one of the characters they can vibe with 🤭 

Guhhh you are too kind to me tho HELP. That is extremely lovely and sweet. Thank you so much for the kind words?? 😭💕 I'm over the moon that you liked it so much. I'm working hard on Arc 5, though am admittedly nervous and want to make sure it lives up to everything. I hope you'll like it once it's finished!

And omg if you do end up drawing anything I'd love to see it! I love art so much dchdd 🥰

"you did not let genzou rest for a SECOND my god" --> GOD IT'S TRUE wh-what have I done... 😭

(1 edit) (+1)

i've got tears of how good this game was.. 

It wasn't scary, but it was sure as hell was disturbing. Especially with all the gore and stuff. god damn those animators and artists and writers are great


The characters were well written.. cept the fact only Genzou ended up being my fav character.. (All the others were good but.. they were a little psychopathic. Especially you, Gidget! I HATE YOU!)  which is shocking considering how I don't like how he bullies Orlam throughout the entire series. Though, it's a bit of a fresh change having messed up characters for the main cast.

Honestly, none of the characters are good. Not even Iggy. But hey, at least he's... trying to do something about it..? I mean, he never apologized for never being there for Genzou whenever he went blind, he never stood up for Orlam, and he never apologized to Gidget for just wanting short hair and wanting to code?? (cause they're non binary? trans? not sure)

yet all Iggy does is whine whine whine about how he wants to change things but all he ends up doing is killing everyone and then ending up killing himself. i get he doesnt remember that much after he gets a 'fresh new start' but he remembers some things, right?

I hope Genzou and Iggy end up together. not cause genzou's my fav character but because he doesnt mind if iggy's asexual, in fact, he respects it instead (UNLIKE A CERTAIN SOMEONE...WHO TRIED RAPING IGGY LIKE 4 TIMES) and it seems like he really cares for him. (UNLIKE SOME WEIRD ASS MF WHO TRIED FEEDING HIM HIS BEST FRIEND AND SAYING NO LEADS TO DEATH)

hoping he'll apologize to orlam... but it seems like something might have happened whenever genzou went to the bathroom and orlam went to go check on him. Gidget did say "Genzou needs your help, Orlam!" to try to get him to go away.. but im pretty sure genzou was turned on at the moment.. (That's what it seemed like to me.. :fearful:)

Also seemed like if you killed Buck in the beginning if you could, none of this would have happened... or if you like a more pacifist route, you could take away her kid instead and make her husband file for a divorce (AND A RESTRAINING ORDER)

Some of the scenes (And by that, i mean a lot) were really shocking. in a good way. whenever it was revealed that buck used her newborn child to open up the gate, whenever gidget started going buckwild on iggy, or iggy smashing buck's skull open when she killed genzou at the end, when orlam fed iggy... pot roast genzou... and tied iggy up and fried him up. those were some pretty horrifying scenes.

personally i think the doll is behind some pretty weird stuff. excited for the final act! i hope you get to choose who you end up with, so i can RUB IT INTO GIDGET'S AND ORLAM'S FACES THAT THEY CAN JUST GO AHEAD AND SUCK MY BALLS!!! (figuratively. i do not have balls.)

Thank you for reading, and thank you for creating the game. I spent all day playing it. It's 4:40 am. cried in some parts. amazing game. i loved it. going into my favs list.

Oh, my god, I am sorry for making you cry asldkfjalsdkf 😭💦 I'm really happy you liked the game so much though?? Thank you so so much for playing! And for taking the time to write up this lovely comment. It really means so much—I love hearing from people who have played so much aldkfjasld it fills me with so much energy and motivation 🥺💕

LOL INDEED. There isn't really a character among them that I would say is "good" or "right." They are all just... people... with their own problems and issues and mistakes they've made. Like just because they seem great in one aspect for instance doesn't mean there won't be other aspects of them that make you want to tear your hair out hahaha. I guess because so much of it is inspired by my own issues and problems and stuff I've gone through. And just. Life. In general. Idk. LIFE AND PEOPLE ARE JUST VERY COMPLICATED 😭💦I am always just glad if people can still like and root for and relate to parts of the characters even in spite of their many flaws... lol.


"Some of the scenes (And by that, i mean a lot) were really shocking. in a good way. " --> I am somewhat glad to hear this I think only because as the creator none of it shocks me anymore, so I start to worry that maybe none of it is shocking at all and perhaps it's actually boring LOL 🤣 So I am glad that the scenes I hoped would have impact do indeed have impact hahaha.

As for the final ending, you do get choice over it 🤭 A lot of it will depend on the choices you've made up to now, as well as the rest of the choices you make in Arc 5. You'll also get a final choice based on all your previous choices. I would say so long as you feel like you've made choices that are nice to a certain character most of the time, then you'll have the option to have the final ending/epilogue with that char. My intent isn't to make it difficult to steer the ending just moreso to give players control over how they want it to end, I suppose.💦

AT ANY RATE. Thank you again so so much for these lovely words!!! This has really made my day reading your thoughts. I'm so happy the game could mean so much to you and you'd enjoy it so much, that makes ME wanna cry aldkjafl 😭 And I hope you'll enjoy Arc 5 once it's done! 🥰

Omg thank you so much for replying to my entire comment! I'm glad comments make you motivated, and i'm happy i made you laugh. Also, you don't have to apologize for making me cry!! they're good tears. 

ALSO.... if we choose the character at the end based off of our past choices, then i have to go back and restart the entire game and be nice to Genzou, cause i was terrible to him in act 3 (I thought i had to :sob:)

But yeah! Now, i'll just be patient waiting for act 5. make sure to take breaks and drink lots of water!!!

OHHHHH ARC 3. Ahhh, don't worry too much about that. There's not a ton you can do for Genzou in Arc 3 😅 You're right that you mostly have to be mean to him in that arc simply because of Iggy's state of mind (and... other outside influences... LOL). There are a few choices though where you can get a tad bit nicer. The majority of the choices that affect Genzou are in Arc 2, there's also a good amount in Arc 1, and then there are a handful in Arcs 3 and 4. There will also be a good amount in Arc 5 when it comes out 🤭 I think of Arcs 1 and 5 as being more general arcs with a good amount of choices for all the chars, then each individual arc has more choices for each respective char since you spend more time with them.

Thank you very much for your support ahhhhhh. That means so much 🥺💕 I shall try!!! LOL 🤣

OK, THANK U!!! I wonder, if telling Genzou to stop bullying Orlam will lower Genzou's affection ratings for you? I hope not because he's an asshole to Orlam. I did end up restarting and choosing the nicest options for Genzou.. NOTHING CAN STOP ME FROM PUTTING IGGY AND GENZOU TOGETHER NOW!!

HAHAHAHAHA. Nothing you do will ever *lower* a char's affection rating. Mostly it's just raise or don't raise. Though trying to soften things between those two does have a possible effect in the future... 🥺💦

LMAO I AM GLAD this made me laugh a lot aldkjfalk 🤣


I just finished playing Arc 4 and this game is like... SO GOOD ? TRULY THE BEST HORROR GAME I'VE PLAYED IN MY LIFE ???

Firstly, very few games make me scared/disturbed. But Our Wonderland did. But I mean, I play horror game BECAUSE I WANT TO BE SCARED sooooo I guess I got scared but in a good way ? I think ? Feelings are so complicated TvT

Secondly, I find the story very interesting. A magic and comforting Wonderland for kids that then becomes horrific when said kids come back there as adults ? WITH LGBTQIA+ REPRESENTATION INCLUDING ASEXUAL ? WELL I'M IN

And thirdly, the characters. WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN. (THIS PART CONTAINS SPOILERS  !!!)

Ok let's start with Iggy since he's so protagonist.

I really like him, probably mostly because I can relate to him quite much. As an asexual person myself, I really could relate to Iggy's feelings when he described how he felt, and that made me feel understood. I could also relate to his introvert and "I want everyone to be happy" parts, and that ALSO made me feel understood :D. But poor guy he has to go through so much suffering I feel bad for him ToT Arc 2 was nice with the fluff and comfort with Genzou BUT THE EMOTINAL DAMAGE CAME BACK SO FAST- AND THE FACT THAT AT THE END OF ARC 4 HE REMEMBERS EVERYTHING ? LIKE IT MUST HURT HIM SO MUCH- But yeah, I think he's a really cool protagonist and all and I enjoyed playing "as him" through the game.

Now let's talk about my fav boy : Genzou

I LOVE THIS MAN SO MUCH AHHHHHHH- Like yeahhhh he's done some not so nice things in his life especially to Orlam, and the more the game went on, the more I realised that it wasn't just some friendly teasing but sometimes IT WAS STRAIGHT UP BULLYING ? AND I ASKED MYSELF SEVERAL TIMES "does he actually realise how far he goes and how much it affects Orlam 'cause like-". So yes he has his flaws BUT HE ALSO HAS HIS GOOD SIDES. Arc 2 really was a rollercoaster to me : first the similar things to Arc 1, then Gidget going a little crazier that before... AND THEN. THEN. KINDA FLUFF. And then THE FLUFF with Iggy and Genzou kissing and Iggy saying in a way he's ace and Genzou saying it's completly ok and he's not broken AND AND AND- I WAS BEAMING OF JOY IN FRONT OF MY COMPUTER AT THIS MOMENT. Haha and after that comes the suffering... Not gonna lie I almost cried while watching the little finale animation... It breaks my heart that he has to physically suffer so much in each Arc... Like bro almost got cooked alive, then protects Iggy but pays it with his life, THEN HE GETS FVCKING EATEN ?! NOT TO MENTION BY IGGY ?! AND THEN his legs are cut with the intention of eating them and he's left in such a bad state ?! Why making him suffering like thattttttt please just give him a rest ToT

And then our favourite ratman : Orlam

He definitly went through a lot... And that twisted his mind a bit BUT HEAR ME OUT-

At the beginning, I liked him as much as Genzou, but at the end of Arc 1 he already went a bit down in my esteem... I understand why he did what he did to Genzou but... I took it a bit too far and I was already attached to Genzou pretty much soooooooo... yeah... But after that came Arc 2 AND I JUST CAN'T FORGET HOW HE DESTROYED THE HAPPINESS THAT WAS GOING AT THIS MOMENT I JUST CAN'T- Arc 3 was... good but not good ? I mean Iggy DOES end up eating Genzou so that's a bit fucked up butttttt he was in a silly goofy mood during that arc and I was like "Yeah you know what let the man get a bit crazy it won't matter in the next timeline and he won't remember it anway" (well he actually does end up remembering it but shhhh let's pretend the end of Arc 4 is different...). After that was Arc 4 and he went a bit more down in my esteem (again), but it could be worse really. And I always like having a character who's a little insane in the brain and Orland fits that role perfectly ! So he's super cool BUT I CAN'T FORGET ARC 2-

And lastly, Gidget. Gideget, Gidget, Gidget...

While I can relate to some aspects of them being transmasc/non-binary (as a person who's under the non-binary umbrella), the rest of the them isssss... meh. I mean, in the real world, they're not so bad, and I don't particularly dislike them, but in Wonderland... they get a bit too... crazy. I CANNOT forgive them for the things they did to Iggy (especially thinking of Arc 2 (yes I love Arc 2 very very much) with what they've done to Iggy's eyes). Especially in Arc 4 , he's trying so hard to be the person they expect/want him to be, and then when Iggy finally opens up about being ace and all they get upset and say they're gonna "fix him", like no thank you he doesn't need to be fixed shut up please HE ALREADY FEELS ASHAMED ABOUT IT (again not going to lie during this scene the only thing I was thinking was "THAT'S WHY GENZOU IS BETTER THAN YOU").

Wow that's definitly the longest comment I've ever written. BUT THE GAME DESERVES IT. Looking forward to Arc 5's release ! As I'm writing this comment it's almost 2AM where I live but I'm craving content so gonna play Our Fantastic Wonderland instead of sleeping. Luckily it's the weekend.

So yeah, thank you so much for developping this amazing game ! Keep up with the great work !


Oh my gossshhhhHHHHH THANK YOU, THIS IS TOO SWEET OF A COMMENT?? 😭💕 I'm so happy you would take the time to not only play the game but also write up all your thoughts like this and let me know (and also just that you loved the game so much alsdkjafksdl). It means so much to me, especially as such a small creator 🙏💕

I'm really glad you could relate to Iggy so much. A ton of Iggy is inspired by myself and a lot of my own struggles and issues and quirks, so hearing that others are able to relate and understand a lot of what he's going through means so much (and makes me feel perhaps a little less alone, too 💦). In a lot of ways, I feel like this game ended up becoming,,,, some sort of, idk, way for me to work through a lot of my own built-up Stuff™, so it feels quite personal in a way. A story I want to share with others who might also be able to take something away from it or feel a sort of resonance with it ig. And also I just hope people will like the chars because I love them so so much ALDKFJASLDKF

I am really happy you like Genzou also. With all the characters I really wanted to make them feel... I don't know... normal? Human? So they all have their bad things they've done (or are doing) and they all have their good things and not a single one of them could really be called right or wrong. So yeah he very much has his (very) large flaws (that he needs to face and answer to and work through) but I love him still and I'm glad when others can love him too dkafjldskaf Particularly since his scenes with Iggy were some of the most cathartic for me to write,,, 🥺💦

"Why making him suffering like thattttttt please just give him a rest ToT" --> LMAO IT'S TRUE I don't even think I really realized myself just how much I've put him through. He suffers quite the brunt of it throughout the game, I feel 💦

"Yeah you know what let the man get a bit crazy it won't matter in the next timeline and he won't remember it anway" --> LOL OK THIS MADE ME LAUGH A LOT.

Enjoyed your comments about all the other chars, too. I really love all of them so much... I hope that people will enjoy seeing all the resolutions in Arc 5 and they will be satisfying. Arc 5 is really turning into a beast, I must admit, and it will probably be released in 2 parts because of it (it's literally looking like it will be double the size of all the other arcs). I really just want to make sure I end this story well and it lives up to everything that came before it and all t he characters' stories! 😭

At any rate, thank you again SO MUCH for this lovely comment! I really enjoyed hearing all of your thoughts—and I'm ecstatic that you loved the game and chars so much!! I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to let me know!! 🥰💕

Taking adavantage of the fact that I already commented here to comment about arc 5 part 1 now (obviously SPOILERS FOR ARC 5 PART 1 HERE)



Loved loved loved the character developpement !

The more the game goes on the more I relate to Iggy hahahahahahaha... haha... ha...

I also relate a bit more to Gidget in some way... I don't feel too bad about it. It makes me sad they rejected their own identity so much tho :( And becomes not who THEY wants to be, but who ""she"" is expected to be (especially by their mother), but then when they finally accepted themself... It felt so good honestly, like me when I finally found who I was in terms of gender and that... I love their character developpement. And their new design is cool too ! And they also went WAYYYYY higher in my esteem now. Won't forgive old/fake Gidget easily, but the new/real Gidget ? Love them.

You just unlocked a childhood memory by mentionning Charlotte's Web, which I knew as "Le Petit Monde de Charlotte" (so the name of the Frech adaptation) because little me didn't know English like I do now hehe. I remember crying in front of the film adaptation when Charlotte died

I took notes of some (a lot) of my reactions while playing because I wanted to make a long ass comment again so have fun reading all this lol :




- Genzou saving Iggy from a monster with tentacles HM IT DOES REMIND ME OF A CERTAIN GAME AHEM our fantastic Wonderland AHEM

- Genzou is so stupidly in love with Iggy damn

- THE MOMENT WHERE YOU CAN HUG HIM AND THE AFTERMATH OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD *smashes head into a wall so hard you can see my brain inside my skull*

- Genzou joking about the traumatic things that happens to them probably as a coping mechanism lol I feel you buddy

- Iggy : "Which Gidget awaits us now ?" - Gidget : "Yo guess what I'm a spider now"

- The- What- WHY ON EARTH ARE THERE IGGYS EVERYWHERE ??? Why are there ONLY IGGYS EVERYWHERE- Oh it's Gidget why am I not surprised

- Gidget is... different ? IS THAT A GOOD THING OR NOT- Oh they moved on apparently... I'M STILL SCARED



- Genzou : "... No, don't fuck Iggy, he wouldn't like that" CKYJBDAVICUAWBC I LOVE HIM

- Gidget : "No one needs you! [blah blah blah bullshit]" NOW YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT IGGY LIKE THAT- Oh well they have gone even crazier now what a good time be alive for Iggy

- Oh Iggy's apologizing for the bad things he's done and all how nice- GIDGET FUCK YOU HE'S TRYING TO MAKE THINGS BETTER

- OH MY GOD CECIL DO SOMETHING PLEASE (*bip!*  {Cecil just evolved from "cool side character ig" to "nice guy I like him" !} )


- Okay that actually almost made me cry, like the real you Gidget, you're cool so please don't try to change yourself again

ANNNNNNNNNNNNNND that's all I think ? Thank you so much for making this amazing game which is litteraly my fav horror video game of all times ? I AM SO IMPATIENT FOR PART 2 BUT DON'T RUSH YOURSELF WE'LL BE PATIENT


SORRY IT TOOK ME A BIT TO GET TO THIS I WAS HAVING A TIME ALKFJDLAKF 💦 hhhhhHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH THOUHGH omg,,,, this comment is cracking me up and making me smile so much 😭💕 I'M REALLY HAPPY YOU ENJOYED IT?? There were so many things I was worried and fretting about before the launch, so I'm ecstatic that people ended up liking it ahhh,,,

"And they also went WAYYYYY higher in my esteem now. Won't forgive old/fake Gidget easily, but the new/real Gidget ? Love them." --> LMAO NO FELT ALDKJAFDL I am just so happy to have finally been able to bring Gidget to this moment. Almost like a mirror of myself and a lot of the things I was able to finally figure out about myself. But yes,,, so many of those things,,, it's indeed very hard to get over 💦 Though in my heart and head, so much of that was not really Gidget but the way Wonderland had twisted Gidget. For instance they would never have done anything like what they did if they weren't in Wonderland. So that helps me reconcile it a bit, but I still have Very Strong Feelings about so much of what happened GOD.



"HM IT DOES REMIND ME OF A CERTAIN GAME AHEM" --> LMAOOOOO yes,,,,,, I worked on OFW as I was actively thinking up some of my first story beats for Arc 5, and that felt like the perfect small thing to kind of tie the two together in a way, or foreshadow, or SOMETHING idk but I liked it. Particularly as in OFW you see from Genzou's POV (kinda) and in OW you see from Iggy's and I enjoyed that dichotomy adklfajd

"*smashes head into a wall so hard you can see my brain inside my skull*" --> HELP PLEASE DO NOT DIE ADLKJAFSLDKFJADA I-I must admit this is one of my fav scenes s-so I understand,,, 💦

"CKYJBDAVICUAWBC I LOVE HIM" --> LOL I'm glad you liked this line, this one gave me a little chuckle of feels while writing 🤭

"Okay that actually almost made me cry, like the real you Gidget, you're cool so please don't try to change yourself again" --> owowowowowo,,, I am glad,,,,, this part also squishes and hurts my heart quite a bit,,, I'm glad it could be emotional for others, too 🥺💕

" litteraly my fav horror video game of all times" --> HELPPPPPP THIS IS TOO MUCH LADKJFALDK YOU ARE GONNA MAKE ME CRY.

Thank you literally though ahhHHHHH this comment gave me such a smile and made me laugh a lot. Thank you so so much for playing and for writing up your entertaining commentary. AND THANK YOU FOR LOVING THE GAME AND THE CHARSSSSSSSSS 🥰💕

(3 edits) (+1)

RISE AND SHINE MEL HAS PLAYED PART 5.15 OF OUR WONDERLAND (all in one day. because I am crazy of course)


So for the overall of the part :


I was impatient to see Orlam's part because like... The man was already completely crazy so like what could he have done that worse


Ngl I enjoyed the "chill" beginning... Except for the tomatoes. We hate the tomatoes. BUT THE FLUFF AT THE RABBITS' BASE THOUGH... I was like "*nom nom nom* fluff  *nom nom* good soup" BUT WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS MAKING ME CHOOSE BETWEEN MY FRIENDS OR CHOOSE NEITHER TO STAY NEUTRAL YOU EVIL  (I chose Genzou both times. With very little hesitation. I live for Genzou and Iggy's relationship)

The fight scenes were soooooo intense and I absolutely loved it- AND LIKE THE RABBITS SHRIEKS ???? OH MY GOD ???? I wouldn't exactly describe them as "terrifying" but.... they certainly bring some emotions in there...





So uh yeah I grew attached to Jerry (what I did not expect considering I was until now painfully neutral about him even as I've played OFW) in not even a whole arc... Curse my rapid attachement to fictional characters... AND CURSE YOU FOR MAKING THEM DIE ToT (/lh /nbr)

Orlam... Was... Something...

Quite honestly I thought Orlam wouldn't make it to the end of the game... Twice... First time because I thought that he had lost it so much (and seriously I loved the vibe... somehow...) that like. It was impossible to bring him back to reason. But Genzou did prove otherwise... SECOND TIME BECAUSE I THOUGHT HE WOULD DIE- LIKE THE GUY DIDN'T HAVE A HEART ANYMORE AND YES WONDERLAND IS A MAGIC PLACE BUT STILL... But anyway he did survive haha

And then the cinematic towards the end... with Genzou and everything he says... THE WAY THE MUSIC EMPHATIZES ALL OF HIS WORDS AND ACTIONS (and how the music makes the atmosphere feel in all of the game honestly. Specifically for this part for some reason but really the music made me feel things more in a way it didn't in the other parts)... AND HOW HE HUGS ORLAM... AHHHHHHHHHH *SOBS. AGAIN. ANYWAY SOBS MORE*

And the cabin at the end THE FUCKING CABIN... THE CLIFFHANGER...

Once again I took some (too much) notes of my reactions and feelings and all while playing so sharing them here ! This time I also quoted a lot of things the characters said but oh well- :

- Beginning is so wholesome AWE THEY BOTH CARE FOR IGGY SO MUCH the hapiness won't last will it

- Iggy, blushing when he realizes all the hints he missed with Gidget and Genzou, thinking : Wait a minute there WAIT A GODDAMN MINUTE-

- "The feeling of security from being sandwiched between my friends" OMG I LOVE THIS GAME WHY CAN'T IT JUST BE HAPPY ToT- *Iggy starts talking about his wound in a metaphorical way* IGGY WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE SPEAKING OF YOUR WOUND LIKE THAT I SAID BE HAPPY

- "It's [the castle] not that much farther" / "That's what I'm afraid of" *SOBS VIOLENTLY WHEN REMEMBERING ARC 3* 

- Oh I'm asking myself what's that weird movement in the bushes *creepy tomato thingie appears* Oh no. OH HELL NAW NOT AGAIN BRO

- "The tomatoes come at us en masse" Oh how I love seeing expressions coming from my dear mother language French in English texts /srs


- Oh hello there Jerry. Memories coming back from "Our Fantastic Wonderland" Iggy ? Noice. Oh and then there's Genzou I guess-


- "When have I ever brought anything positive into anyone's life, huh" UH WHEN YOU ACCEPTED IGGY'S ASEXUALITY YOU STUPID ASS I CRIED BECAUSE OF THAT SCENE OKAY (I also almost cried because of what Iggy says afterwards (my asexual heart was so happy))

- "All the asexuals'll be all over me. Come and get your piping hot respect for sexual boundaries or something" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *screams more (/pos)* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

- "But all of a sudden I just. Really want to be close to him." // "My own little cocoon. *Our* own little cocoon" THESE TOO WILL END UP TOGETHER IN MY VERSION OF YOUR STORY AND NO ONE CAN DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT

- "I love you, Iggs." *slams head into a wall* FUCK YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *continues to slam head into a wall* HE FRICKING SAID IT OH MY GOD HE SAID IT YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEE *little happy dance in front of my computer*

- Piggyback rides expect it's rabbits haha funny

- "It's quiet. *Deathly* quiet" Now why would you make that choice of words PLEASE DON'T SAY IT'S FORESHADOWING FOR ANYONE DYING I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE-

- "Focus Iggy. Everything is fine. You're fine" Sir are you sure about that- Because I'm certainly not. And even if you are fine that probably won't last. Just saying that out of experience you know.


- "Wonderland didn't need to turn you into a monster. You already were one" OUCH. I mean I get why Orlam would say that considering how Genzou treated him but when we know Genzou as the one accepting Iggy- Ouch. That hurts man ToT

- *realizing what Orlam did to himself* Oh. OH SO HE REALLY COMPLETELY LOST IT THIS TIME. WOW. OKAY.

- "You were pathetic then. You're pathetic now. You wanna know why I despise you ? Because you're a pathetic excuse for a human being. (and all that while manically grining)" WOW ORLAM MY GUY I GET THAT YOU HATE GENZOU BUT UH MAYBE YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO THAT FAR... pretty please with a cherry on top... :,D

- Why the fuck is Orlam's heart releasing acid now


- "I have an idea ! Let's play a game" NU-HUH (The music again though... *chef's kiss*)

- "God, this feels great !" Weren't you supposed to not feel anything anymore sir

- *The cinematic comes on screen* // Me : *cries* BOBLBKOKBL *more uncomprehensible blabbering through my tears* Snif snif that was some feelings

Annnnnnd that's all ! (Can I really said that considering the lenght of my comment) I honestly am in big denial that the next part is going to be the last... SNIF WHAT WILL I DO WITH MY LIFE WHEN THIS GAME WILL BE OVER (play more games and read more books to escape reality, obviously)

But uh what I mean by that is that I'm really attached to your game and that I love it more than any visual novel and horror games I've played in my life, because, as I said it in my original comment, this is definitly my fav horror game and visual novel. And that's why I will be very sad when it ends. But that's okay. It will live in my heart and soul forever. WITH THE TEARS AND RAW EMOTIONS IT CAUSED ME.

SO I'M EXCITED AND NOT EXCITED FOR THE NEXT PART !!! Once again take your time and do take care of yourself while finishing the game- Yes it is important but your own health is important too !


Once again I'm impatiently waiting for the next part and keep up your amazing work !




I always love your comments so much this literally gave me life GUHHHHHHH I'm glad you liked it??? I really enjoyed how this part turned out in general. I'm glad you enjoyed even some of the "downtime" moments!! Feels like this game in general doesn't get many of those besides maybe the arc openings so it was kinda nice to add in some quieter sweeter moments in amongst the INTENSE ACTION that apparently this part required LOL

AND HAHAHAHA I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKED JERRY. I honestly had no idea how people would respond to him (particularly worried about those who might not have played OFW and just been confused) but the response has been so positive it's made me so happy. I'm so glad that people like him despite him not even being in that much of it LKDJAFLKDS

LMAO YOU THOUGHT ORLAM WOULD DIE???? ok valid he does go really off the rails... GUH I'M GLAD YOU LIKE THE ANIMATIC PART I REALLY REALLY WANTED THIS MOMENT TO HAVE IMPACT. One of those things where you have the scene very viscerally in your mind and you already know the music you want to use but it needs to  SET to the MUSIC in order to HAVE the IMPACT so you just have to make an entire animatic... sigh (this is basically the reason behind all the animatics in the game tbh). It just felt like this moment was a long-time coming with a lot of build-up throughout the whole game, so I really wanted to make sure it felt "right" and was adequately heavy enough hahaha.



"(I also almost cried because of what Iggy says afterwards (my asexual heart was so happy))" --> LKDJFALKDSJFALSKD I'M SO HAPPYYYYYY??? THIS SCENE BROKEN ME WHILE WRITING IT A LITTLE BIT

"*slams head into a wall* FUCK YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *continues to slam head into a wall* HE FRICKING SAID IT OH MY GOD HE SAID IT YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEE" --> CHOKING AND CRYINGGGGGGGGG I will admit going into this scene I was not expecting it to end like this but it just kinda happened as I was writing and felt so right after I was done lkajdfad

"WOW ORLAM MY GUY I GET THAT YOU HATE GENZOU BUT UH MAYBE YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO THAT FAR... pretty please with a cherry on top... :,D" --> LDKJFALSKDFA HAHAHAHAHA it's because I wanted to make it a parallel to the speech Genzou gives Orlam in Arc 1 LMAOOO

"ORLAM WHY DO YOU HAVE A BUTCHER KNIFE WITH YOU NOW" --> when does he not, let's be real /sobbing in laughter

"WHAT WILL I DO WITH MY LIFE WHEN THIS GAME WILL BE OVER" --> LOLOL real tho I am somewhat in the same boat. Tho that's why I'll probably continue working on art and side games and remaster some stuff because I won't be able to let go of it lkajdfa

"But uh what I mean by that is that I'm really attached to your game and that I love it more than any visual novel and horror games I've played in my life, because, as I said it in my original comment, this is definitly my fav horror game and visual novel. " --> SOBBING THIS IS EXTREMELY SWEET AND I AM VERY TOUCHED AND WILL NOW CRY

Thank you so so so much!!!!! Both for playing and for all your hilarious and touching thoughts!! Literally made my whole day reading this and seeing all your reactions and thoughts about all the different scenes and lines and such (I almost never get such specific reactions so it really touched my heart owowowowowowwo). Also my heart is just squishing so much that you love the game and chars so much!! I really hope I'll be able to bring the game to a finish in a way that leaves everyone happy and satisfied ahhhhh!! I'm a little nervous LOL But I will do my best!! Thank you for all your support and love and wonderful words (all 1340 of them LKDJFALSDKJALSDKFJA)!!!!! 😭💕


This game is great and so very miserable. My favorite parts were the downtime in between all the physical and emotional suffering.

In all seriousness ive never been attracted to the idea of misery literature but this one kept me coming back for more since everything was so well executed. From the consistantly strained tension to the raw and visceral descriptions of horror and even the brief heart to heart moments never fail to make me feel warm.

I do have a seperate-ish problem related to the ost. Theres a specific song i want to find but the links in the credits dont lead anywhere and google searching over two dozen songs isnt a viable option as well as an absolute pain so where can i find the source(s)?


It-... it's true. This game is quite miserable in that regard, especially with each arc descending further and further into misery 😅💦 Though I do hope Arc 5 will shine at least some light and hope back into things (well, not at first maybe, because a lot of miserable stuff still happens LOL) At any rate, there is a light at the end of the tunnel to all this, it's just taken a long time to get there hahaha. (A-and I just hope it will all have been worth it to people aldkjfas)

I'm really happy you still enjoyed the game though?? Despite all the rampant despair?? It means a lot that you would take the time to write up your thoughts and let me know! I love hearing from people who have played the game so much 🥺💕So thank you so so much!! And thank you for the lovely words 🥰

OH THE CREDIT LINKS AREN'T WORKING?? OK, I'll have to look into that, that's odd...💦 I'm happy to share links to any of the songs, though!! If you can describe where the song plays for instance (or if you know what song it's called in the OST vid), then I can share the link with you! Almost all the songs are from DOVA-SYNDROME and a few other individual royalty-free composers' sites, though lately I've been using a lot more songs from Audiostock since I got a subscription there LOL

im looking for the song named "Orlam's Revenge" in the ost video thank you

and despite me being only halfway through the game at the time of writing i do feel like whatever i find at the end will be well worth it. arc 3 will.. well its gonna be something spooky at least

That is this song by Kohrogi! It's one of my favs in the entire game tbh 🤭 This composer in particular is one I really love, and I have a number of their songs in the game.

Omg only halfway,,, you have plenty of misery left to endure then I see,,, 😭 I wish you godspeed LOL (but also hope you will still enjoy it aldkfja)

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I love this art style sm the story warms my heart :') (and breaks it)

HHHH I'm really glad you like the game!! 🥺💕 Thank you so much for playing and for letting me know??? It really fills my heart with joy to hear that people enjoyed it and the story. And the art, too, as that remains one of the things I feel most shy and lacking confidence about asldkfjasdl

This little comment really made my day!! I HOPE YOU RECOVER FROM THE CRYING THO LOL. Thank you for all your lovely support and kind words!! 🥰

No problem!! I'm glad to have made your day, I really hope that this game gets even more reach (as deserved)!! :) Forget what anyone says about you're art 'cause they're obviously just jealous of how amazing and unique it is 😗✨

That is so sweet of you helppppppppp 😭💕 Thank you so so much!!




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ITS ALR CRYInG LIKE THIS MAKES ME EVENN MORE INVESTED!! But poor Iggy, he was just too popular with all genders 😔😔

THE POOR GUY. He just wants to fit in, not be crushed on by everyone 🤭 But hopefully he'll be able to find his own happiness by the end 😌

I also wanted to thank you for the lovely ratings and reviews you wrote for both this and OFW!! They were very sweet and really made me smile! 💕

this game oddly reminds me of alice of human sacrifice lol

LOL THAT IS ACTUALLY ONE OF THE ORIGINAL INSPIRATIONS. The original story ideas I had for this game (mostly for Arc 1, after that things got really off the rails LOL) were really inspired by early Vocaloid, RPG Horror games, and other horror media I was into at the time. Stuff like Alice Human Sacrifice and Fear Garden on the Vocaloid side, Witch's House and Mad Father on the RPG Horror side, and then a big chunk of inspiration from stuff like American McGee's Alice, Stephen King's It, and other VNs like Umineko and Higurashi. Music in general has also been a big inspiration. Not only music from the above listed stuff (particularly Umineko) but also from movies and such, like the OSTs from Sinister, 28 Days Later, and also a handful of FNAF fan s-songs 😶💦

Deleted 1 year ago

Oh gosh thank you??? What a lovely comment, this is too sweet 🥺💕It means the world to me that you'd take the time to let me know your thoughts!! And I'm ecstatic that you've enjoyed the game so much so far! Ahhhh and that you like the characters so much 💕 It always makes my heart squish to hear things like that!

Thank you for this lovely comment—it really made my day! 🥰


An amazing piece of art. I just hope there's an ending where Cecil is happy, idk why , but I'm just attached to that character lol.


Oh, my gosh, that is such high praise, ahhhhhhh 😭💕 Thank you very much??? And thank you so much just for playing and taking the time to let me know! I'm really happy that you've enjoyed the game so far!

I also love Cecil a lot—he has quite the soft spot in my heart 🤭 He will definitely show up again in Arc 5 and get some time to shine! I'm really glad you like him, especially as he's a char that really came out of nowhere and grew quite a lot in his role lol

Thank you again!! And I hope you'll enjoy the final arc once it's finished! 💕

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You deserve every compliment and praise  you've got, you are such a talented studio and this game is really something else. You balance, comedy, charm  and, sadism really well, I'm usually numb to gore and horror, but this game made me feel uncomfortable an embarrassing number of times haha. 

Thanks a lot, I will be supporting your work! Can't wait for arch 5.


THAT IS TOO SWEET. Thank you so much, honestly. As much as I enjoy writing darker stories, I also love sprinkling them with a bit of laughter and soft spots, too. I'm really glad you enjoy it!! 🥺💕

Your support means so much!! Hearing that people like and can connect to the story always gives me so much motivation. I will keep working hard!!


I dont think i have EVER been this attached to a game and its characters until i played Our Wonderland. Straight up when the game first started i seriously didnt expect to fall so in love with Genzou's character, its true he was never the best person as a kid and in his teen years, he did take things a bit too far when it came to Orlam and it does kill me that Iggy never/rarely stood up for him but either way Genzou had a HUGE attachment to Iggy and i just admire him so much for being able to finally tell him that he had been wanting to kiss him for so long. I mean, he had a chance at the after prom to tell him his feeling but oml of course gidget just had to ruin the moment -_- But the entire arc 2 will forever hold such a special place in my heart because of how many adorable moments Gen and iggy shared together. (On a side note, i also think it's so cute that Genzou is the only person that calls Iggy "Iggs" i just love the fact that hes the only one to have a nickname for him. <3 ) 

Switching over to Orlam's character, he's definitely been through so many bad things but i loved that there was a flashback to Iggy letting Orlam hang with him at his house, it shows that he really did care for him in a way but thats what also confuses me since he never actively stood up for him against Genzou when they were kids. I dont blame him for holding a grudge against him after all that time but DAMN it surprised me when Iggy found his 'slaughter room' and found out about him being a cannable. On another Genzou note i thought it was so sweet that he took so many hits from Orlam  just because he didnt want him to go after Iggy, he literally has his whole heart. ANYWAY, back to Orlam, the concept of him being the king of wonderland suits him so well and he deserves to finally have some power. (also, his dancing skills are on point). 

Moving on to Gidget, i dont particularly have a lot to say here other than i hated the way they acted when Iggy tried to reject them i mean, my man clearly dont wanna sleep with you but jesus there is no need to turn into a demon lmao. But it was very interesting to learn more about their past and how they got gender-shamed daily by their mother. I wish we got to see more about their struggles and im actually hoping that they will accept Iggy for who he is and eventually go on to figure out who they are as well. p.s #justiceforcecil

Iggy, bro i dont even know where to begin, i am personally not asexual but i sympathize with him so much, throughout the game he has such an interesting point of view and i am so glad that at least one character (my boy genz) accepts him for who he is. The Lgbtqia+ community has developed so much over the years, but it still takes a lot of pride (no pun intended) to come out and be 100% confident with who you are. I feel like everyone at one point in their live (myself included) struggles so much with gender and sexual identities and i just have so much respect for how hard he tries to tell Gidget about who he is, but even so it was much easier to tell Genzou since he felt so comfortable around him, more on this his reaction was the purest thing in the entire game, i couldnt help but smile as i was reading.

I am literally checking every day until arc 5 comes out because i am so excited to see how it all ends and i am praying that there are more Genzou and Iggy moments because for real they are what kept me engaged with the storyline the most. Overall amazing game and im just gonna call it already #bestgameof2023 :)

THIS COMMENT. GOSH. KFJALKSDFJAD I'm not even sure what to say, this is just too nice. My heart is extremely squished! 😭💕

"I dont think i have EVER been this attached to a game and its characters until i played Our Wonderland." --> This is literally such high praise and it's doing things to my insides and I may or may not have smiled so hard I now have a mild headache LMAO DLKAFJD Thank you so much for playing the game and for taking the time to write up all these wonderful words!! I'm so glad that you like the game and characters so much???

Arc 2 also holds a special place in my heart,,,💕 I'm really happy you like the Genzou/Iggy dynamics. I legit love all the ships near and dear with every inch of my heart, but the Genzou/Iggy stuff has the most personal pang to it for me, so I always feel a bit weepy when people tell me they like the two of them.

"it shows that he really did care for him in a way but thats what also confuses me since he never actively stood up for him against Genzou when they were kids." --> S-something something complex interpersonal group dynamic complications.... or something... LDKAFJSD Honestly a-... a big part of what frustrates me about Iggy (and, in turn, myself) is an unwillingness to go against the grain and cause tension to the point of the detriment of those around him. It's something I personally also struggle a lot with... which I think is how it bled into Iggy's character. It's perhaps not one of his better characteristics but part of what ultimately makes him "him," I suppose... as frustrating as that is at times.

"(also, his dancing skills are on point)" --> LOL GOD SO TRUE. If only I could dance like that 🤣

"im actually hoping that they will accept Iggy for who he is and eventually go on to figure out who they are as well." --> I hope this, as well... 🥺 I feel like this is a big part of what Gidget needs. To figure out who they are and accept themself. And only after that will they be able to find a healthy relationship with someone else.

"I feel like everyone at one point in their live (myself included) struggles so much with gender and sexual identities" --> Indeed...😭 I'm really glad you could relate to/sympathize with him, that really means a lot. Especially since so much of this game is so personal to me. Iggy tries so hard, but sometimes there are just things that are very difficult,,, 💦 Particularly when one already has a hard time putting their thoughts and feelings into words and understanding people's expectations.

GOSH EVERY DAY DLAKFJSDLFK I-it will still take me a while, I think... I'm making good progress on Arc 5 but it will be the longest arc out of them all, and also I feel somewhat anxious about making sure I get things right, so I feel like my production process has gotten slower and more careful as a result dlkajfsd BUT I WILL KEEP WORKING HARD. And I am very grateful for your support 😭 Don't worry, there will indeed be more Genzou/Iggy moments. They've already done a number on my emotions multiple times just in what I've finished so far LOL Thank you so so much again for playing and for this comment! This was so lovely to read and really made my day!! 🥰

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This game is just incredible! I don't know why I'm writing this just now, (I've been following the project since the second arc), but damn. I just can't describe how much this masterpiece influenced me. Initially, I was not attracted to this unusual drawing, but I am happy that I decided to go through it anyway. The music, the plot, the characters and yes, the drawing, I really liked it. Especially Orlam, (too strong passion for short crazy redheads))) All the characters are extremely interesting and multifaceted!!! It's very exciting to follow Iggy, it's not often you can meet an asexual main character (and I'm also an ace, so some of our thoughts coincide))) 

I am also a foreigner who knows English at the level of "London is the capital of Great Britain" (by the way, I wonder if foreigners often leave comments to you 🤔) that I have to run every phrase through a translator, but I think it allowed me to get more attached to the characters)) This comment was also written through a translator, so I hope it is not very incomprehensible

I want to write so many things that everything gets confused in my head and falls out into a completely unrelated chain of praise, so I'll probably finish😅

I can only add that this game is one of several that helped me overcome the most difficult period of my life. This game was literally one of those things that kept me afloat and did not allow me to drown in the abyss of self-flagellation ahah

Thank you Carrot, you're so awesome (^///^)

(I just translated my comment again and damn, it's so bad 😅)


Oh gosh what a lovely comment!! This also must have taken you forever LDKAFJSDLKFA thank you so so much for taking the time to write up all your thoughts. And also for playing and supporting and loving the game!! This is too sweet and making me tear up a bit 🥺💕

LOLOL I'M SO HAPPY YOU LOVE ORLAM s-scrawny little people-eating redhead,,, I love him so,,, And hhhhhhhhh I'm so happy you could see parts of yourself/thoughts in Iggy, as well! I always get really happy and weepy when other aces tell me they like and can relate to Iggy. A lot of this story is very personal to me, as well, particularly a lot of Iggy's experiences and thoughts, so hearing that others can also relate really somehow makes me very emotional and happy.

IT MUST HAVE TAKEN YOU SO LONG TO PLAY IT THEN?? Omg using a translator, especially since this game has SO MUCH TEXT. Guhhh... I can't believe you stuck through it even through everything 🤣💦 Somehow that really means a lot,,, thank you for playing and loving it even though it was so much for difficult for you to experience it 😭 I only wish I could offer the game in more languages!! But I don't have any money to pay for translation, and it would cost so much because the game is so long,,, GUH. It would be such a dream though.

"This game was literally one of those things that kept me afloat and did not allow me to drown in the abyss of self-flagellation ahah" --> I HOPE EVERYTHING IS OK??? Omg,,, I'm really so sorry to hear that things haven't been good for you and you've been going through some tough times. I'm glad at least I could help in some way and that this game was able to give you a little bit of something to help you through. I also hope things are a bit better now for you. Making this game has also gotten me through some tough times, as well. Sometimes it has felt like one of the only things pushing me forward and keeping me going at times because it's so important to me. 

Thank you again so much for this lovely and sweet comment. IT'S NOT BAD AT ALL. It's really beautiful and really touched me. Thank you so so much. I hope that you'll enjoy the rest of the game when I (finally manage to) finish it!! ldakfjasl 🥰

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This game is absolutely, INCREDIBLE!!! I have never been this invested in a game before! and Iggy being ace?! I LOVE IT!!! I came across this game simply bc it looked neat, AND OMG!! Definitely an emotional roller coaster, but nonetheless, IT'S ABSOLUTELY REMARKABLE!! I ABSOULUTELY ADORE IT! The art for one, INCREDIBLE! The story? INCREDIBLE!! The characters? EVERY LAST ONE WRITTEN BEAUTIFLY!!! I cannot imagine all of the time and effort spent to make this, But holy HELL!! IT WAS DEFINITELY WORTH IT!!! EVERYTHING ABT IT IS JUST PHENMOMENAL!!! I absolutely love it!! I'm not done with it yet, but omg!! it's extraordinary!!! I absolutely adore it!! THANK U FOR MAKING THIS ABSOLUTE MASTERPIECE OF A GAME!!! 


This is too wonderful and nice of a comment, I don't even know what to say! 😭💦💕 Thank you so much for playing?? And for writing up all these lovely words AHHHHD LKFAJSDLFKA. I'm really really happy you're liking the game so much! GUH AND FOR THE LOVELY COMMENTS ABOUT THE CHARACTERS AND ART. You're seriously going to make me cry!! It means the world to me hearing from people who have played and enjoyed the game and gives me such motivation to work even harder to finish this thing 😤

I hope that you'll continue to enjoy it, and that you'll like the final part once it's finished! Thank you again SO MUCH!! I couldn't stop grinning while reading your comment. Really brightened my day 🥰

AHH!! OFC!! IT REALLY IS ONE OF THE MOST AMAZING AND GORGOUS GAMES I HAVE EVER PLAYED!!! I REALLY LOVE AND ADORE THE GAME, I'VE SHOWN IT TO SO MANY PPL AT THIS POINT SIMPLY BC I ADORE IT!!! This game seriously deserves more love and recognition!! And Ik for a certain I am going to continue to absolutely adore this game!!! (>∀<)

JDLKASDJFD GODDDDDDDDDD thank youuuuuu,,, 🥺💕I am really touched ahhhhh. Your words are too kind aldkjfalsd 💦


hah~ patiently waiting for next arc


I am working hard and trying my best!


I finally had the time to play this game properly and I'm blown away!! It's so good! I had no idea what to expect from these characters but it's amazing ToT)

The first time on the lake was so impactful, I thought making Iggy feel shame for being cautious was pretty clever, especially bc I feel like it would work on me XD.  And the end, the end was fantastic. The reveal???? The animation????? The feels????? omggg. I was left kicking, screaming and throwing up.
I don't really look to self-insert or relate to characters but I Iggy feelings and struggles for being ace are so realistic and I felt so seen >.< 
I really like how we understand the characters and the balance between the horror and the cute scenes it just leaves us wishing some happiness for everyone just as Iggy. 
Arc 3 was my favorite just to fulfill my dreams of being an evil royal advisor.
I'm just so excited for the last arc, I can't stop thinking about this game, it's amazing, so well constructed, so well presented. I love the UI, the sprites, the expressions and all the CGs??? They are 10/10 even though the situation is messed up the dancing scenes are so fun ç~ç 
Cecil will live in my heart until Orlam eats it I guess

I also just realized you made Easter too which I played a while back and it made a lot of sense XD it had the same vibe and the art was very charming.

Amazing game, I wish you all the best to complete the next arc, very excited to see it! 

Oh my gosh, thank you so much???? I'm so touched that you would play the game and then also so happy that you enjoyed it so much and took the time to write all this up ahhHHHH dklajsdf 😭💕

GUHHHH I'M OVERJOYED YOU LIKE THE ENDING BIT. The arc endings always take me so long to do, tho Arcs 1 and 2 in particular were just grueling HAHAHA so I'm always really happy if people say they liked them.

"Iggy feelings and struggles for being ace are so realistic and I felt so seen" --> HHHHH THIS FILLS ME WITH SUCH JOY. I am so glad. I always hope that people will be able to relate to or see bits of themselves in Iggy if even just a bit. So much of this story is so personal, so hearing that others can also feel seen in some of what happens and his experiences really means so much. Thank you for telling me 💕

"Arc 3 was my favorite just to fulfill my dreams of being an evil royal advisor." --> HAHAHAH this cracked me up. Arc 3 is definitely,,, well,,, it's definitely something. I think it will forever be the most different of all the arcs thematically, as it really just goes off the rails LOL I am glad you enjoyed it 🤭

"I also just realized you made Easter too which I played a while back and it made a lot of sense XD it had the same vibe and the art was very charming." --> AKDJFLA oh my gosh you played that, too dlkajdlkfa Easter was my first foray into game dev and though there are things I don't like as much about it now, it will still always hold a special place in my heart, so that makes me rather giddy to hear that you also liked that. LOL HAD THE SAME VIBE. This is both unsurprising and surprising to me at the same time, as in my head, the two projects are quite different from each other,,, (and even my art style has changed and evolved since working on Easter). But I do feel like a lot of my inspirations for stories and game dev stuff come from similar places for both of the games, so it probably leads to similar vibes between the two of them. OW was even originally going to be an RPG Maker game just like Easter when I first started working on it.

At any rate, thank you so much again for playing and for writing up this lovely comment! What a wonderful thing to read! And thanks for the well wishes! I will keep working hard on Arc 5 🥰


Hello hello, I took a break from Our Wonderland because WHEW i kinda burned out from playing a whole three arcs in under a week!! Especially when it's a very emotionally grueling game LOL

I had to do a bit of a refresher and replay some parts first before i really jumped in.
But uh. Yeah wow. Happy to be back

LOL NO BUT REALLY i know iggy meant well, but...i can't believe his solution was to be comphet. he's SEEN how gidget's been handling that for the last 3 arcs, like sir, that was never gonna work.

speaking of gidget, tbh even at the end of gidget's route i'm not sure how i feel about her. i think i pity her more than anything but other than that...i dont think we know gidget at all. we see glimpes of it, in the flashbacks and, just a little bit of it with iggy at the cafe towards the beginning but between all of that? I'm not sure who gidget is. And that's obviously the point lol because not even gidget really knows who she is! All throughout her route, it's all been about her beauty, how pretty and perfect and lovely but it feels wrong. like, of course she's pretty but what else is there? what's her favorite color? what's her favorite food? what are her hobbies? WHO is Gidget at the core of herself?

we know she had an interest in coding. she's good at it even, she loved it. and for a time she really seemed set on getting a degree for it. ....and then, in senior year it's all about modeling and beauty school etc etc

as it is now, i think gidget and iggy just aren't compatible. which sucks because i think they do like each other, in moments and glimpses. but gidget has so many issues surrounding her identity that she's not addressing that she needs to focus on herself and not a romantic relationship. because her fixation on iggy is not coming from a healthy place. that scene where iggy tells gidget that he's not interested in sex, was rough.

that scene where iggy tells gidget about not wanting sex was....bad. it was not Good lol. like her reaction was really shitty but more than that, that she's so fixating on there being something wrong, and obviously since she worked to fix herself, iggy should be willing to fix himself too right??? oof. girl no, that's not how it works,,,

Cecil was an interesting new addition that i was not expecting, i kinda wish we had more with him because he's such a mystery. i dont think he's a real person for one. i think gidget unconsciously willed him into being and just. poured all the parts of herself she didn't think were 'perfect' or suitable into him, and Cecil came into being. Which is interesting because Cecil is so grumpy and sullen. Like maybe this is a real part of gidget that she's just never shown before?

and another thing is that cecil nudges at gidget a little, asking her whether she really wanted any of this and if she wanted a different change of clothes etc. he wants to help and support her. have her be the real her.

but gidget's not ready to hear it :/

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part 2, because i still need to talk about the OTHER parts of Arc 4!

alright you know what time it is, i had to get my grubby lil hands ALL OVER more crumbs about After-Prom AND BOY OH BOY

look i know it's gidget's route but you KNOW i'm all about genzou and orlam's bullshit, MORE HINTS, that something happened there. gidget saying that genzou?? summoned orlam? god, the fact that genzou like. genzou shoves orlam's face into his crotch. which first off!!! fuckin rude my guy! second, "all he had to do was ask"

ouch. pls tell me that's not how it happened.

here's my theory, they for sure had sex. they were intimate of some kind. genzou mentions something about orlam 'getting whatever he wants' and from that, it insinuates that orlam had taken advantage of genzou's drunken state. and i can't say that it's not true...i do think orlam had taken the plunge with genzou and didn't think too deeply on the fact that genzou was too drunk to haev a clear mind for consent. but, i feel like that lays too much responsibility at orlam's feet and none at genzou's for how things ended up that way. i have an inkling that genzou used orlam just as much and he's just. too ashamed and disgusted with himself, and orlam to admit it. because orlam is his punching bag, his whipping boy and he's not who he /really/ wants.

which is uh, a messy situation all around.

like, can we PLEASE talk about that lil dialogue with Orlam during the. you know the scene, the genzou meal reveal with the "reprise our roles as heartbroken drunk and hopeless hopeful" like, genuinely what was all THAT about, it sorta gets swept away in the wake of "Gidget prays the ace away with some drugs and almost-nono touching" to the extreme.

which btw was highly upsetting, that was like. at that point i was glad bucks interrupted because if it'd continue any longer, there's no way gidget could've come back from that. which almost feels INSANE to say considering the cannibalism, the murder, the general lack of sexual boundaries

And finally, i guess, on that special note! i just wanted to highlight how special it was to have an asexual protagonist like Iggy. Especially when he's kinda had a way different experience than I did growing up??  Iggy doesn't have the knowledge or the words to describe it, but he knows he's different, but he's never seemed to truly examine that side of himself before. like maybe it was uncomfortable to think about or he was ashamed. he has a large amount of insecurity of not finding someone who could accept him despite not wanting the sexual aspects of a romantic relationship.

 i knew i was asexual pretty early in my teens. but i was never really ashamed of it, or felt as if there was something 'wrong' with me or had the same insecurities of being different or broken, or that i felt like if i just waited, then maybe i would feel differently when i got older. i was 13 i think, and i accepted it pretty readily. and i guess...? it just. never occurred to me that this was weird or that i should want that with people.

and idk, it's interesting to see just how iggy deals with it, and views things, because some of it, i recognize and resonate with, and others that i do not. especially because iggy's sex repulsed. which i relate to, to an extent but also don't because i'm rather sex neutral leaning sex positive!

whenever iggy has to face the reality of touching bodies in any way that feels too intimate, he breaks out into a cold sweat, and i find that interesting because i was never like. uncomfortably aware of other people's bodies in that way, or conscious of touching someone intimately. i mean that might be because iggy also has a much firmer grasp of physical boundaries than i do because i do rather like hugs and cuddles with loved ones.

but i DO understand the experience of the uncomfortable possibility of like. someone being conscious of ME in that way?? like facing the possibility that someone might see me romantically that would then lead to sexually and i would have to withdraw. that fear that someone wants me, and i cannot give them what they want. that is uncomfortably familiar lol

and....and well. i guess that's my thoughts on Arc 4? i think i covered all of it. I'm eagerly awaiting Arc 5 and finally, FINALLY knowing what the fuck is bucks' deal and why we were all called to Wonderland

I DON'T BLAME YOU THAT'S A LOT TO TAKE IN IN A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME ALDFKJALSDKF Glad you are happy to return to it tho LOL I feel like this arc is definitely the most intense of them all,,, 💦 Always so happy to read your thoughts though!! They always make me re-analyze so much of my own stuff HAHAH

"And that's obviously the point lol because not even gidget really knows who she is!" --> That's such a great point. For so much of Gidget's life, they've put on an act of what they think those around them would prefer or like or what would make them feel more welcome (or in Iggy's case, what would get his attention/attraction). This is such a big reason why I feel like before any healthy relationship could happen between them Gidget needs to do some deep introspection and figure out things about themselves first—otherwise, their entire relationship will always be built on this fake reality,,,

"obviously since she worked to fix herself, iggy should be willing to fix himself too right???" --> Somebody else brought up this correlation too just a little bit ago and it feels so on the money, even tho I'm not sure myself if I consciously was thinking about that when I wrote things (I'm actually quite bad when it comes to not noticing sometimes very obvious things in my own writing dkaflsjd) But indeed that whole scene was,,, really tough for me to write. A lot of Arc 4 in general was, but that scene in particular.

"Cecil was an interesting new addition that i was not expecting" --> Really interested hearing your thoughts on Cecil 🤭 He's a character that kinda came out of nowhere while developing the game and now I have no idea how I could have ever made it without him, he's become quite Important™ Then again this game and characters have already surprised me in so many ways that I'm no longer surprised to be surprised.

"but gidget's not ready to hear it " --> y-yes,,,,,,,, 💦

"look i know it's gidget's route but you KNOW i'm all about genzou and orlam's bullshit" --> LOL I AM UNSURPRISED. Though indeed I feel like despite this being Gidget's route, in the end, it turned out to be a very intense and monumental route for all three of them since it really acts as the climax for the middle arcs, so it needs to push all of them past what they've experienced before and most of the build-up needs to be laid out on the table to prepare for the finale in Arc 5,,, ANYWAY. I am very intrigued and 👀 about all your thoughts. Admittedly, I don't really want to say too much in response given that Arc 5 is still to come and I also want to leave some of,,, well, EVERYthing about this game up to some interpretation. I feel like that's a lot more fun and interesting. Especially since this will always be a story told from Iggy's perspective, who obviously doesn't see everything that's going on beneath the surface. But yes, it is indeed "a messy situation all around" as you put it. For everyone involved alkdjfald

"reprise our roles as heartbroken drunk and hopeless hopeful" --> I AM EXTREMELY PROUD OF THIS LINE ALDKJFALSDKF I actually quite enjoy how Orlam's whole little monologue turned out in that part,,,

"i just wanted to highlight how special it was to have an asexual protagonist like Iggy. " --> Oh gosh, thank you so much for sharing your own thoughts and feelings?? 🥺 It's really interesting for me to hear the ways you both relate and don't relate. From my own perspective, being ace was something I found out relatively late in life after many years of not understanding why I couldn't seem to find someone, why I kept backing off as soon as I felt someone was getting too close too fast, and only after a Quite Horrible experience and some subsequent advice come to realize "oh,,,,,,,, I guess that's why." So a lot of those feelings of being lost and feeling broken without knowing why got translated into Iggy and his responses—along with probably my inner desires of wanting to be completely and wholly accepted by someone. But I know that all aces have their own different experiences of figuring themselves out or even just already knowing and never really questioning it. I know that not all aces will be able to relate to all the things Iggy experiences, but I hope there will be at least some parts others can see themselves in. Tbh sometimes I feel like this entire game has turned into a tragic play of all the things I wish I could have figured out about myself much earlier in life and how trying to navigate everything without that knowledge can make you feel really lost and screwed up. It perhaps wasn't the game I set out to make—but it's the game it seems to have become LOL 🤣💦 At any rate, thank you so much for sharing all that about yourself, it really means a lot to hear your thoughts and the ways you can personal relate (or not). I'm always incredibly interested in general hearing thoughts from other ace people regarding the game.

"but i DO understand the experience of the uncomfortable possibility of like. someone being conscious of ME in that way??" --> THIS SO MUCH.

OK, this comment is getting quite long LOL so I'm going to stop rambling and wrap things up. But really thank you so so much for taking all this time—for all four arcs!!—to write up your thoughts. I honestly love getting such detailed interpretations and reactions of the characters and story, whether it's things they like, didn't like, can relate to, can't relate to, or even just the things that Affected them lol It means so much! And I've really loved reading all your comments!! I hope I'll be able to live up to everything I've created so far with the final arc. I feel like my nervousness about this is one of the factors that's slowed down production a bit, as I really want to make sure I do things as well as I can dlkjafsldk Thank you again!!! 🥰

(1 edit) (+1)

(Me making an account to comment on this-)

I was mostly just downloading games because I wanted to get invested in stories with complex characters and let myself FEEL their emotions.

I don't really know what I was expecting when I stumbled upon this game, but it was safe to say it did NOT disappoint.


Genzou was definitely my most favorite character from beginning to end. I liked how he didn't really care if Iggy had a partner (which immediately was a big plus because I am adamant about people not needing a partner to be happy in life) and his overall vibe. Of course, the biggest issue with him is his relentless bullying of Orlam, even going as far as joking about his mom's suicide (iirc). I'm sorta curious to know why Genzou never stopped bullying him, and if he ever caught on to the fact that Orlam had a crush on him (before Orlam finally told him). Act 2 really solidified my like for him, showing in the boat scene & bed scene how Genzou's the person that makes Iggy feel comfortable and safe. Their relationship is SO healthy, also emphasized by Act 4 with Genzou validating Iggy's asexuality...especially in contrast compared to Gidget's need to "fix" him. Act 3 was definitely really painful to watch: Iggy's anger & frustration not only at himself but also Genzou for bullying Orlam was understandable, considering how long it went on for and how he did essentially nothing to intervene. But it just felt like Genzou was facing constant negativity from him and reminders of the consequences of his actions in the worst way possible. He must have felt incredibly anguished in the boat scene because of Iggy's blatant aversion to him (and I can't help but think he probably felt like part of the reason was because of his homosexuality). I also loved his route in the side game aaaaaaa

Iggy being distant with the old friend group is heavily relatable, I struggle to connect with some of my old friends due to my hesitance in doing so. I relate to his awkwardness in social situations also. It's interesting to see what the arcs focus on: it starts with Arc 1 being about the overall chaos of the situation and introducing the mess that is their friend group, then Arc 2 being about how Iggy feels security when he's around Genzou. Arc 3 covers how he resents himself and feels guilt for not being there for Orlam when he needed it most, and finally Arc 4 focuses on the strain on his relationship with Gidget (as well as Genzou again being supportive of his asexuality). When the arcs started repeating, I was like "Is it really just gonna repeat the story over and over again??" But besides the setting and the things they encounter being relatively the same, I was surprised how it didn't feel that redundant. As an asexual person, I definitely relate to Iggy (just like me fr); I felt so much discomfort and repulsion for him in the scenes where he was sexually intimate with Gidget. At the same time, their need for him to compliment the body that they once hated is definitely a product of his actions. While Gidget still actively codes, their appearance has changed tremendously from when they were in their senior year. The addition of Iggy's comment that their assets (idk how to phrase it) were nice and his harsh disapproval of their lack of femininity was probably a huge blow to their self-esteem. It probably wasn't entirely his fault considering their mom also criticized their choices to present as androgynous/masculine, but he definitely was a big factor in how they changed.

Orlam... to be honest, I judged him in the beginning (and his comment about Genzou's sexuality didn't help). Though I do understand why his desires manifested the way they did in Wonderland: the constant abuse he faced from his dad and Genzou made him feel powerless, so the response would be to become powerful. In a world where he is shunned by basically everyone (with some of those people going as far as to say he should kill himself), no wonder he wanted to stay in the land where everyone will respect him as a monarch (though the cannibalism and stuff isn't exactly the right approach). He was shown to be pretty timid and fearful as a child, so it's interesting how he develops this sorta... flirty (??) persona as an adult. It's nice how he doesn't force himself on Iggy, despite Orlam's comments about how he's a very... "popular" guy. As others have mentioned, the scene with Iggy gaming and Orlam in the background with his special guests caught me off-guard LOL.

Gidget's definitely a character that I can't just say I like. They push themselves on Iggy despite his protests and attempt to "fix" his asexuality, but he did contribute to them becoming like how they're shown in the Wonderland in some way as I mentioned before. I'm assuming that since they "fixed" themselves for Iggy, they feel like he needs to "fix" himself for them too; that's probably why they're furious  when he denies their advances and is uncomfortable with being more intimate with them. I also find myself relating to their exploration of their gender; as someone who is AMAB, I want to cast away the masculine parts of myself in order to present more androgynously/femininely. The desire to have their "assets" gone is also a mood. While this is a more insignificant situation compared to the mess they are in, I presented as a woman online for some time but I eventually felt that this isn't what's expected of me and that I should be ashamed of it. I also feel sad about how they represent themselves as a man in the side game but still maintain their feminine presentation for Iggy's validation (his reaction to them being a man was also Not Very Good). Ghent is probably what they wanted to be before they started forcing themselves to present femininely :(

With Bucks and her husband (I feel guilty for forgetting his name T_T), they don't get much screen time in the story but I find myself curious about how Arc 5 will portray Bucks. She seems to be pretty lively and friendly with everyone, but the marriage and the responsibility of taking care of a child definitely took a toll on her and her husband's mental health. The implication she murdered her child to get some peace and quiet was terrifying. She's hostile towards everyone when she encounters them in the end of each arc, but it feels as if Arc 4 was different somehow (she doesn't even follow Iggy in Arc 3 so I feel as if that arc doesn't count). Maybe it's because she only appears after Iggy says his wish and releases all of her stress and aggravation when she murders Gidget, but I noticed she simply says "Goodbye, Iggy" and follows that by immediately killing him. Perhaps it's the effects of the deja vu and her stubbornness on staying in the Wonderland ebbing? I'm not really sure what it means, but I hope it gets covered in Arc 5.

That being said, this comment has overstayed its welcome and it's probably way too long so I'm going to end it here. I loved playing Our Wonderland and I hope finishing Arc 5 goes well for you! :)

THIS DID NOT OVERSTAY ITS WELCOME AT ALL it was incredibly lovely and I've read it like five times already asldkfjaldsk 🥺💕 THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Not only for playing the game but also for taking all the time to write this whole thing up with your thoughts. I'm so glad you've enjoyed it so far??

Your thoughts on each of the characters are giving me life. I really love reading how you responded to each of them and your interpretations of some of the happenings. I'm happy that you like Genzou so much—he has a lot of issues and needs to work through some stuff and is definitely a huge asshole more often than not, but I just love him so in spite of everything ldkfjasd Some of the scenes in Arc 3 (and Arc 4) were really hard for me to write tbh. I sometimes feel like Genzou really ends up facing the worst out of any of them throughout all the arcs, the poor guy.

Guhhh also thank you for letting me know how much you relate to Iggy. That always makes me really happy to hear since so much of his story and experiences are so personal to me—I feel like a part of me when creating this was also to help others who might have similar thoughts or experiences be able to see themselves a bit in a character. I don't know, perhaps as some kind of way to feel like you're not necessarily alone. I DON'T KNOW. I have such a hard time when it comes to keeping friends and social situations in general. But I digress. I loved your little succinct summaries of the different arcs for him—they feel so on the money LOL I'm also really touched by you letting me know how you felt as a fellow ace, not only because I feel like so much of this game was a build-up of my feelings and experiences on coming to terms with being ace but also simply wanting to create more ace characters to throw out into the world since there's so few.

"the scene with Iggy gaming and Orlam in the background with his special guests caught me off-guard LOL." --> WHEEZING I'm so entertained whenever this gets brought up dklajfsldkfa I don't know why but I'm so in love with their chemistry despite how different they are from one another and I just love the idea of them having this deep love for each other while not needing to follow all the conventions of a typical couple. I really enjoyed exploring different types of relationships in this game. Like. Idk. Two people vibing with each other in a way that works for both of them and how it looks so different from person to person.

Gosh, I agree with you on so much of what you say of Gidget. I feel a lot of Gidget is based on my own dislike of ways that I saw myself becoming and my desire to fight back against that and my own annoyance at myself for giving in instead of holding my own and allowing myself to be who I know I am. So I also know that Gidget seriously needs to take some time to figure themself out before getting into any sort of relationship, especially one that would likely only exacerbate the issues they already are struggling with,,, GODDDD. Sorry, this is starting to get a bit meta LOL I will just say that yes I do love Gidget to bits the same as all the others and I relate to and struggle alongside them as a non-binary person but I also find them the hardest to forgive at times as an ace person and so my heart gets so conflicted fakdlsjf However, I hope that by the end of the game, they will have taken many of the necessary strides towards understanding themself better and both Iggy and them can find a place of understanding and caring for each other,,, (I say this as if I'm not the creator of the game LOL but also since I only have about half of Arc 5 written, I'm nervous as all heck about my ability to bring everything to a satisfactory close,,,)

Bucks and Hunar will definitely get more focus time in Arc 5 FINALLY. They do somewhat feel outside of a lot of the complications that are happening given that they're outside of the "love square." Their struggles aren't quite as entangled with direct things in Iggy's life, and when he's the POV protagonist, this makes it a bit harder to approach 🤔 But I hope that people will enjoy seeing how their story plays out in the end. They're perhaps more connected to Wonderland in general than any of the others considering the context,,, so that will also play a larger part in bringing this story to a close dkjafld

MMMMM OK WOW I ALSO WROTE QUITE A BIT. I was just really so excited by some of your comments and all your thoughts on all the chars!! I love talking about them so much with others. Thank you so much again for taking so much time to write all of this out!! Reading through everything was such a bright spot in my day! And I hope you'll enjoy Arc 5 when it (finally) is released!! 🥰

(1 edit) (+1)

I love this game so much, all the characters have given me brain worms and are now living rent free in my head. God they all need therepy and wonderland is never going give them anything close to that.

I really relate to Iggy, got some of that good old anxiety and awkward mess feelings while also adoring my friends even though I don't talk to them for ages. Really love his going through different facets of his personality and how he gets warped along the way. Arc I is him just trying to figure out what's going on and coming to the conclusion that he messed up everyone’s life, Arc 2 is him being told No that's wrong and falling in love with Genzou (and god I hope a little with himself), Arc 3 is screw that love didn't work, I hate love, anyone heard of being mad at everyone and partaking in cannibalism with one horny rat man (Love him), and Arc 4 is just damn it none of those worked I wonder if conforming to Cis-Het-Allo-normativity will solve my problems WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG (so so much, god damn it Gidget).

Genzou is such a cool dude, genuinely think he’s the best boi out of the 3 potential people Iggy could be with. Just a wholesome accepting guy who hides all his emotions and self loathing behind a bunch of absolutely awful puns, am I right, am I right? Also very easy to feel conflicted about him cause he is definitely a bully, Orlam definitely deserves an apology for that. I wonder if he had been in wonderland as long as the other 3 what sort of warped personality he would have. Though to be honest I don’t think he would want to stay given the chance, it seems like he’s allergic to anything that could make his life easier. Also love his interactions with the flower, he needs to be called out more often for being a pining doofuss.

Orlam is such a slime ball and yet so sweet when he’s given even the barest amount of care or concern. Like the fact Iggy going to his house makes him want to throw a whole celebration for him and become partners in crime is so cute and tragic. He is definitely an egotistical cannibalistic tyrant but you’ve done an amazing job making me feel like he kinda deserves this win in his life. Also do find the final act CG with Iggy playing video games while he has an orgy both the horniest and aggressively asexual image I’ve ever seen, genuinely had me laughing the most of any route XD.


I’m kidding I love them a lot. I’m trans and can definitely relate to the feeling of having to be a certain way to impress or be accepted by people. It’s just that I do think they are the most frustrating and culturally poisoned of the group (like at least bucks had the awareness to run away from it instead of bringing all that nonsense with her). Gidget in my opinion needs to have at least one real life mental break down and gender identity crisis to maybe deconstruct a few of the things that are going on here. Like every time they appeared in the game I was like “here we go again!” and honestly it seemed like Iggy felt that too. Absolutely adored the dance scene with Iggy in Arc 4, really loved the images in time with the dramatic music. And also loved how much in that arc it felt like wonderland through the new character was trying to communicate with Gidget “Hey we know what you actually want, why don’t you try not doing the thing that makes you uncomfortable?” and Gidget was having none of that and leaning into the lovey dovey feelings as much as humanly possible. Like I definitely know wonderland is a whimsical nightmare but at least it isn’t transphobic.

I don’t have a huge opinion on bucks since she doesn’t get a lot of screen time other than at the start and every single arc murder ending XD. She definitely deserves some peace and quiet, I hope her and her hubby get a bit more focus in the next arc it’s really sad how marriage and a baby kinda ruined their lives.

I also really love your art style, like all the poses and little details you add are always leaving me thinking of how much work has been put into each scene.

Looking forwards to the final arc! Hoping these character can finally find a way to function for more than a few seconds and stop killing each other, but knowing this series it’s probably going to have a lot more trauma on the way XD

OH GOSH WHAT A LOVELY COMMENT 😭💕 Thank you so much for playing and writing all this up??? I was smiling the whole time I read this lsdkjfaklsd I really enjoyed reading all your thoughts on the characters.

It makes me really happy to hear that you could relate to Iggy so much. A lot of his struggles are based on my own and I really hoped I could share some of that with others who might also be able to relate and see parts of themselves in him. Gosh and I really love your little succinct summaries of each arc they are so on point HAHAHAHA 🤣💦

"Just a wholesome accepting guy who hides all his emotions and self loathing behind a bunch of absolutely awful puns, am I right, am I right? " --> SOBBING ALDKFJALSDKFJLAK

"I wonder if he had been in wonderland as long as the other 3 what sort of warped personality he would have." --> That's such a good question tbh I hadn't ever really thought of that before. I also am unsure if it would truly change him that much given all the context,,, gosh now this idea is going to plague me a few nights LOL Our Wonderland AU or something.

"Like the fact Iggy going to his house makes him want to throw a whole celebration for him and become partners in crime is so cute and tragic." --> SO CUTE AND TRAGIC I LOVE THAT. Also I'm literally dying at your description of the CG -- AGGRESSIVELY ASEXUAL -- what a hilarious choice of words I'm in stiches lkdfjasd

Gidget, goddd,,, Gidget also has a lot of me in them LOL which also has me feeling so conflicted about them, especially with how Iggy and them butt heads so much in their needs but underneath it both of them really just want to figure themselves out and find a place to belong (yet neither one really knows how to do so,,,). I'm so glad you enjoyed the Arc 4 dance scene tho I somehow ended up going super all out with that entire ballroom scene GOD. Also glad you picked up on the Cecil bit,,, 🤭💕

"I hope her and her hubby get a bit more focus in the next arc" --> THEY WILL DEFINITELY GET MORE SCREEN TIME IN THE NEXT ARC

Oh gosh tho thank you for the lovely words about the art and CGs that means so much dlkafjsd And thank you so much again for such a lovely comment—what a little bright spot in my day!!!! 🥺 I hope you'll enjoy the final arc once it's done! I'm rather nervous about literally everything about it as I just hope it will live up to everything before it and finish things in a way that leaves people feeling satisfied LOL W-we shall see, I guess,,, LOL

Anyways, have a lovely day and thanks again! 💕


*stumbles in* ....what the fuck happened here

let's start at the beginning, that's easy. so after two whole timelines where iggy got slapped around, left stumbling confused and scared, it was both a surprise and a delight to see iggy begin this run with anger in his heart. it's like the unprocessed anger of dying a whole lot finally caught up in this timeline and iggy was just left in boiling rage at his own helplessness and at the others' actions. it's actually quite funny that because of how pissed off iggy was, we get to skip past the slog that was the beginning of our wonderland adventure. it felt a bit like a meta joke because we all know how tedious the repetition is by now lol iggy says 'fuck u' to the beginning bosses

and it's interesting that with iggy taking initiative quickly we sorta get a prolonged interaction with gidget that actually seemed to. i'm not sure how to word it, bring her back down a little bit? it didnt last very long but for a sec with iggy showing more loud emotion than he had ever before, it was gidget that had to be the calm voice at the table. like we were seeing a glimpse of gidget that was the regular her and not this caricature of wonderland that were were stuck dealing with the entire time

but then we get to the Choice. and wow, i honestly was not expecting it to go that way. i really tried to be the better person but iggy wasn't having it anymore

that boat ride with genzou was rough. the fact that it was the last interaction they had until the castle....ow. and that iggy never noticed he was missing? and then what happened after THAT. you can't just walk that back iggy! there's no "oops! my best friends meat hopped into my stomach, i didnt do that! he was tasty tho!"

for as much as this was orlams route, this really seemed more like iggy's corruption arc. like after denying and saying how wrong it was that gidget and orlam were in indulging in their wildest desires with hedonistic glee...iggy turned out to be no better

speaking of orlam tho, god i feel bad, this is supposed to be about him but ive literally been talking about iggy's villain origin story, my bad buddy


part 2 so my comment doesnt get too long

yanno i honestly wasn't sure what we were gonna get with orlam, i was expecting more backstory of course, more elaboration on the genzou&orlam train, but i didnt think orlam's route would unlock iggy's hedonistic side. and as fucked up as it is, i kinda liked it LOL. just iggy and orlam hanging out and being brofriends. i was pretty pleased that for as sleazy as orlam was acting, he wasn't keen on getting into iggy's pants but he also wasn't the same as genzou who was satisfied with just being with iggy. glad their system of cuddle buddies and orgies on the side works for them

speaking of orgies, god i was not expecting that cg of iggy gaming while orlam was getting boinked in the background like SIR in front of my unethically sourced ham??? anyway

it's different to the relationship between genzou and iggy. iggy said that his feelings for genzou made him feel warm and safe, an anchor to the storm. i guess with orlam being an even bigger mess, iggy gets to be the caretaker for once. which is actually almost?  cute? okay the day after the suicide attempt was majorly fucked up but god, at least iggy was there. the idea of orlam waking up, surviving, to his small, dirty apartment just. yeah. so them just falling into hedonism in a world where nothing can touch them, they're powerful, comfortable, and they can play and rest to their hearts contents? yeah no wonder it's so tempting. it's easy to see why iggy lost himself so deeply

i will say tho, that lil memory of iggy and orlam as kids hanging out on iggy's bed breaks my heart a bit because. orlam asked about genzou and whether he talked about him and god, that just wrecks me. all the way back then?  buddy...

i am taking both genzou and orlam by the shoulders, WHAT HAPPENED AT AFTER PROM...these lil crumbs of info are so good but i need MORE

and finally after all of that, just for orlam to perish at bucks hands. and iggy runs away. christ. all that righteous anger at the beginning, fizzling out because it wasn't enough. it wasn't the right option. iggy's denial of his actions is a bitter pill. dude, i've said all i had to say here, that was all you. it's you.

im sorry orlam, i wouldn't have minded doing imperialism a little longer but we're onto gidgets route now. fuck. onto Arc 4

GOSH IT'S TRUE, THIS ARC REALLY GOES IN SOME,,,,, DIRECTIONS lol I think it's the most different of all the arcs in that regard -- it kinda just veers off in its own trajectory for a lot of different reasons LOL I think because a lot of the whole idea is Iggy trying to fit the mold of someone who would make each person happy (and ultimately failing,,,), and when it comes to Orlam that requires the biggest change out of all of them, so he just really goes off the rails,,, lol

LOL I'M GLAD YOU STILL ENJOYED IT THO??? And yes hahaha. This is the first route where things really start to change re: early Wonderland happenings -- a combination of Iggy himself along with me not wanting to subject people to the same things again and again. Arc 4 goes even further in this regard, making it the most different out of all of them when it comes to structure I think. I feel like Arc 3 is the first arc where the story really started to evolve past what I had initially planned for it and just grew and changed as I was writing.

"i really tried to be the better person but iggy wasn't having it anymore" --> HAHAHAHA. There's only so much you can do, it's true 🤣💦 And that's a great point about Gidget. With Iggy being the one acting out of sorts for himself, it creates an opportunity for Gidget to revert back to her non-Wonderland-affected self, at least for a while,,,


"for as much as this was orlams route, this really seemed more like iggy's corruption arc" --> THIS IS INDEED TRUE. 

"i was pretty pleased that for as sleazy as orlam was acting, he wasn't keen on getting into iggy's pants but he also wasn't the same as genzou who was satisfied with just being with iggy." --> I'm actually really happy that you even mentioned this. I feel like a bit of what I've also been wanting to do with this (besides everything else or something,,, who knows,,,) is show different types of relationships?? And how they all can work in different ways?? Idk. Obviously in the RL Orlam and Iggy could not live this hedonistic lifestyle (and kill and eat people LAKDSJFLKAS); however, I wanted to within that still start to get at the crux of their relationship and how they can both be there for each other and support and need each other in a way that's different from for instance Genzou and Iggy or Gidget and Iggy, etc. I think I mentioned it somewhere else before but I kinda see Orlam and Iggy as a queerplatonic thing??? But ofc anyone who plays is free to interpret anything as they see fit (as they can with any of the aspects of the game and characters ldkajfsd)

"speaking of orgies, god i was not expecting that cg of iggy gaming while orlam was getting boinked in the background like SIR in front of my unethically sourced ham??? anyway" --> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ok I really just laughed out loud at that dlkfajds 😭💦

"orlam asked about genzou and whether he talked about him and god, that just wrecks me. all the way back then?  buddy..." --> I-indeed,,, 🥺

"because it wasn't enough. it wasn't the right option" --> GUHHHH THIS IS SOMEHOW SO WELL-PUT AND ON THE NOSE LAKDJFALKSDJFALK

At any rate I AM GLAD YOU'RE STILL LIKING IT. And thank you so much for all your thoughts again, dang, I was smiling from ear to ear while reading these lakdjfalksd I really love hearing such detailed thoughts and feels and interpretations of things so much, this is such a delight LOL So thank you thank you thank you!!!! 😭💕 And I hope you'll enjoy Arc 4! It is,,, perhaps the most intense arc yet,,, for a lot of different reasons,,,


Hello hello! I am back with my thoughts about arc 2. So! So. ...a lot happened lmao.

The biggest highlight was Genzou and Iggy's relationship let's be real.  It juxtaposed everything else that happened in the arc tbh. Genzou is so respectful of Iggy's comfort and personal space. Their kiss was so sweet especially when Genzou validated Iggy's feelings about his fear of sexual expectation and that Iggy's boundaries were important and heard.

It's a stark contrast to Gidget's actions in comparison.

Something going on with Gidget for real. She stomped all over Iggy's boundaries and forced herself onto him and invalidated his feelings of discomfort and that was terrible. Like, truly terrible, toxic behavior. Whatever feelings she has for Iggy it's not real love like Genzou, it's equal parts infatuation, lust and deeply held resentment.

Resentment in this case, for all the years that Gidget performed feminity for Iggy's approval, after he made several shitty lil comments about Gidget doing "boy things". And he still doesn't "want" her.

To be clear, that's not saying it's Iggys fault or that it excuses Gidgets actions! But we still don't have the full picture so this is me saying there's more going on than just "me woman ANGRY man don't want me!!"

And finally...Orlam. So I'm not even gonna touch the cannibalism that's nothing interesting, there's more important shit to focus on, like what the hell happened between Genzou and Orlam. I know, I just KNOW, something happened at prom. We didn't get much in the first arc, Orlam just seemed like a guy who let his resentment and rage fester for years until it boiled over, and Genzou didn't even give a shit and dismissed it as "dumb kid stuff"

And at this point now we know that's just not true. When they were on the boat ride there was that taunting voice in Iggy's ear about how Genzou blamed him and we know that it was false, but the interesting part to me is that the knowledge is implied to be true. So Genxou and Orlam from the time between him going blind and after prom had...something, brewing in the background while iggy was avoiding Genzou because of guilt.

And man, shit got real personal. That's the first time we really see Genzou uncomfortable. And tbf, Iggy is literally being tortured but I mean, when Orlam admitted something vulnerable, when he mentioned ~whatever~ it was that they almost were, that's the first time we see that it affected Genzou too. But it doesn't change the fact that their relationship is terrible and that's mostly genzou's fault.

So there's three things at play here, with Genzou and iggy in the middle.  They have the best and healthiest dynamic. And on one side is gidget and iggy, with the worst dynamic because of her terrible treatment. And then on the other side is genzou and orlam, with Genzou with his horrible treatment.

I barely have anything left for bucks, by the end of it I was just sick of her shit LOL.  Iggy went though SO much and then we had to deal with HER? And she killed genzou?? Hell no, I'm glad Iggy killed her fbdbfhfhhf after being slapped around he deserved a Lil wanton murder!!!

Onto arc 3, God help my soul

DJFJFHDHD THANK YOU FOR WRITING UP YOUR THOUGHTS AGAIN. I am enjoying these so much omg 🤭💕 I'm glad you liked Arc 2!!

There are still a lot of parts of Arc 2 that mean a lot to me,,, particularly the Genzou/Iggy scenes (I may have shed a few years in their creation fjdjdj). So I'm glad that you liked their relationship. Re: Gidget I'm also glad you're seeing something else there. Again, not wanting to get into anything that will spoil anything, but later arcs will reveal a lot more going on there, as well, particularly Arc 4, which focuses more on Gidget.

LOLOLOL I KINDA KNEW YOU'D BRING UP THE ORLAM AND GENZOU STUFF AGAIN. I actually forgot a bit what all I'd already included in Arc 2 (it feels so long ago now that I worked on it LOL). I'm so amused by all the little things you're picking up on 🤭💕

"So Genxou and Orlam from the time between him going blind and after prom had...something, brewing in the background while iggy was avoiding Genzou because of guilt." ---> FHFJDJDJD GODDD you're one of the only ones I've ever seen bring this up/latch onto this, I'm pretty entertained right now LOL I always wondered if anyone would pick up some of those little things in the river scene, since it goes by so quickly.

"That's the first time we really see Genzou uncomfortable." --> Indeed... It generally takes a lot for Genzou to be openly uncomfortably/affected like that fjfjdj I feel like this arc is probably the most intense when it comes to Genzou like that,,, (well,,, maybe,,,)

"So there's three things at play here, with Genzou and iggy in the middle." --> GOD THIS WHOLE PARAGRAPH THAT YOU WROTE. IT'S AFFECTING ME DEEPLY FHFJDJD Gosh this hits so much of what's going on so hard LOL Just reading this is making me grin something awful fjdjd


Godddd this whole thing just made my morning 🤣💦💕 I'm loving reading your thoughts so much!!!! Thank you again for all the time taken to write these up, and I'm glad you're still enjoying it! Hope you'll enjoy Arc 3,,, I feel like with Arc 3 things really start to descend into,,, into,,, well they descend into something, that's for sure!! 😂 Thanks again!! 🥰


(first, english not my first language, i think i cant really speak/write well but i can read everything perfectly as it is! hehe so im sorry for my mistakes in this comment)

so, hey! im in love with this game, such a nice present for christmas week for me hehe, im so mad at myself that i didnt played it sooner! really interesting story,  i couldnt take my eyes away from this game, i was so curious what happens next, at the same time i was playing it reeeallyyy slowly because i didnt want it to end heh i just love horrors about a group of friends where everybody needs professional mental health but maybe only one person actually reached for it at some point and its not really working  that well huh

the music! absolutely amazing! (happy but creepy song in the most horryfying kinds of scenes??? wow, just wow) the music always fits and completed the scenes, that really hit me

art! im gonna be honest, at the beginning, even before playing i was kinda, idk, sceptical im gonna like it? maybe because i was used to different styles, nevermind, but i was really curious about this game so i played anyway and im thankful for that haha i was just stupid, a few minutes passed and i was loving your artstyle as i should! i think its perfectly fits the story, and it gives the characters a lot of expression, you can really feel their emotions. and the CGs?? beautiful! and so many! amazing, sweet, sad and - wow, these horror scenes!


im not able to express how happy and seen i feel seeing asexual main character. a lot of his thoughts really hit close to home and his talk with Genzou in Arc 2 about it? and after Gidget kissed Iggy and he was afraid to let her down? really beautiful and ofc that made me love Genzou even more (his reaction should be bare minumum, but thats why its perfect, am i right or am i right?)

+ Iggy and Genzou are so sweet together, i love their interactions, they have good chemistry and the end of Arc 2 and entire Arc 3 aaanddd end of Arc 4 had me lamenting, it was so painful to read but in the good way ofc haha

i love all the characters, i love that all of them has flaws. big flaws. and thats fucking beautiful because its human. of course im mad at Genzou for bullying Orlam so ruthlessly, ofc im mad at Iggy for saying these things to young Gidget, to Bucks, not defending Orlam and for a lot of other things heh, im not gonna forgive Gidget for sexually assaulting Iggy and shaming him about not wanting her, Bucks killing(?) her child, and Orlam just....playing hannibal lecter, like cmon bro, im sorry for you but making ham out of your ex friend is kinda overdramatic, but revenge is revenge i guess. 

neverthless, as i was saying, i love them all and i want to see them happy so bad, ahh, but everyone will never be happy, huh? well, im gonna wait for the last Arc for answer haha. 

i have so much to say about this game but i have to stop myself already before im gonna start babbling haha

so merry christmas and happy new year, thank you so much for this game!!


YOUR COMMENT IS LOVELY AND WONDERFUL AND GREAT DO NOT APOLOGIZE FOR ANYTHING??? Thank you so much ahhhHHHHHH this comment has honestly made my morning!! It's so sweet! Thank you for playing and for taking all the time to write this up! It's honestly touched my heart so much 🥺💕

I'm so glad you liked the music and art!! The music in this game has been such a deep inspiration to me while working on the game. Even though I can't compose music myself, I spend a lot of time searching for and listening to tons and tons of music to find stuff I feel matches the scenes. Also the music even sometimes inspires new scenes!!

GUHHH YOUR WORDS ABOUT IGGY ARE LITERALLY GOING TO MAKE ME CRY. Thank you especially for writing up your thoughts about that. As an ace person myself, I think that a lot of my deep thoughts and feels ended up making their way into this game LOL and a lot of the different scenes and convos ended up being super cathartic for me to write. I'm incredibly happy and moved that the scenes could also mean something to you. Honestly sometimes I think that is one of my biggest hopes for this game -- that ppl can relate to some of what happens and it can mean something to others and ppl can feel seen, especially since so much is inspired by my own experiences fhcbd. So thank you so much for telling me that 💕

Heheheh yes I know what you mean about the characters LOL I love them all to bits but gosh do they all have major things they need to work through 🤣💦 But tbh that's part of why I love them. I just really like flawed characters and complicated dynamics and gray areas where there isn't a right or a wrong. Wh-who can say if they'll ever all actually be happy,,, we'll have to see if I can actually do a good job wrapping this whole disaster up in Arc 5!! LOL

Hope you will have a very lovely holiday, as well!! Thank you so much again for playing the game and leaving your thoughts! This comment felt very special and really made my heart squish. I'm glad you could get so much out of the story and chars 🥰

(1 edit) (+1)

LOVE this game! It's no exaggeration for me when I say this is one of the most well-written VNs I've had the joy of reading! Not only does each individual arc have me guessing (and screaming and awww-ing and freaking me out) but the characters just feel so REAL. They're intriguing and relatable! (...some aspects being more relatable than others but ANYWAY) .

Can't wait to see what you do next! Happy Holidays! 

(Oh and I love your animation style--it's really nice and cute!) 


OH GOSH HELP. THAT IS LITERALLY BEYOND NICE??? What an absolutely lovely compliment and such high praise, I don't even know quite how to respond to this dhdhdhdh 😭💕

Thank you so so much for playing the game and for letting me know your thoughts! Gosh my heart is squishing so much right now LOL I'm really glad especially that you enjoyed the characters so much, this game and story really depend so much on them so I always feel really happy when ppl say they enjoyed the chars or related to them or things like that. GUHHH AND I'M GLAD YOU LIKE THE ART, TOO 🥺

I hope you'll end up enjoying the final part when it comes out!! I'll keep working hard! And hope you'll have a lovely holiday, too!! Thank you so much again for taking the time to write this up and sharing your thoughts with me -- it means so much!! 🥰💕

You are very welcome 😊❤️. Ahahaa, apologies for the heart squishing!! And i looove well-written character driven  plots and stories (such as this one)!! 

I'm eager to see Act 5! I believe I'll enjoy it immensely, and it'll be a day 1 download for me 🤞🤞 please take care and stay hydrated + take breaks!! 


Hi hello. Recently downloaded this game just a couple hours earlier and i just finished act 1. I feel kinda like that one meme "and they dont stop comi g and they dont stop coming and they dont stop coming-

And then Act 2 came up and that's when the game went from good to great.

Where do I even begin? Well I guess. First off, Iggy and I might be built different because I might just go on with my life and pretend none of this happened. Go back to the tree???? Sorry lads, enjoy Wonderland I'll just be here posting your Missing ads around and living my life. 

This group of friends are a hot fuckin mess. The only one I remotely trust atm is Genzou and even THEN I'm. Idk. After Orlam...even after what he had done, I felt so wretched for him. 

also theory here, call me crazy but. Is it weird to think Orlam has or had a messy crush on Genzou?? That flashback where Genzou shoves Orlam off the table and Iggu just silently sits down at his spot (BTW I actually gasped and sat with my mouth open because Jesus christ Iggy.)

Idk that Lil detail where Orlam was so desperate for some approval or some sense of affection from Genzou and just. Not getting it. His earlier pointed commented about Genzou's sexuality I thought was like homophobic but now like??? Did something happen between them aside from the bullying because shit is fuckin charged with the energy of a jilted ex and "He's just not that into you" 

 I'm sorry lemme go back to that cafeteria scene because OMG that was abysmal. Iggy really just sat the fuck down I had to take  a sec to be like "yanno what, Orlam did nothing wrong. Hes justified in doing this" and then I remember "nvm he could've stuck to revenge murder and not cannibalism"

TBF on Iggy, marginally the other two girls could've totally said something too but they didn't even though ultimately the conflict is between Genzou and Orlam, it still involves the whole group because. Why,,

I had more to say but I think I'll save it after Act 2 because I think I'll know kore about the girls to give more definitive thoughts on them

AhhhHHHHH thank you so much for playing!! And for writing up this comment! 🥺💕I'm glad that you're enjoying it so far??? I hope you'll continue to enjoy it as you finish up the rest of the arcs heheh. I think it gets a bit more intense as it goes,,, things just really start going off the rails more and more LOL

"This group of friends are a hot fuckin mess. " --> GOD THEY REALLY ARE. This is extremely true... 😭 Th-they all have a lot of things they need to work through... AND THEY NEED TO BE BETTER AT TALKING TO EACH OTHER? MAYBE??? Who can say.

"Is it weird to think Orlam has or had a messy crush on Genzou?" --> LOLOLOL GOSH I-... I can't really answer this without giving away spoilers hahaha. But I will just say that a lot more will slowly come to light about them in later arcs, particularly Arcs 3 and 4. I'm really loving reading your observations though. There's a lot of stuff I always wonder about how people interpret or respond to especially some of the stuff in the earlier arcs as they play through, so I'm always like 👀!!! whenever someone shares with me their thoughts while playing for the first time alkdjfas

"nvm he could've stuck to revenge murder and not cannibalism" --> OK THIS JUST MADE ME LAUGH OUT LOUD HAHAHAH

Yeah the cafeteria scene is really awful,,, it's one of those scenes that still makes me sad just thinking about it (among others, but,,, lol)

At any rate, I'll be really interested in seeing how you end up liking the later arcs and your thoughts on them!! This was so lovely to read -- thank you so much for typing up your thoughts!! And I'm so glad you're enjoying the game so far!! 🥰💕

AAAA hello hello it's the next day and i do have more to say about act 1 actually turns out i am a liar lol 

so thinking on everything that happened now, it sure snowballed into a shitshow, and that's all thanks to the terrible communication skills that this group of 5 have. and that was never more apparent to me than when iggy concluded that the others would've led better lives if he had never existed to them. and to me that speaks how he stayed self absorbed and self centered to the very end.

maybe that sounds surprising or weird that i came to this conclusion but truly! that's so amazingly small minded assuming that his presence in their lives was so damaging that they would be better off without him. when it's so apparent that the others had their issues before and without him there, so it's just his self-loathing and guilt (and probably blood loss) thats talking

as someone whose asexual, neurodivergent and also, absolutely terrible at keeping in touch with people in my life i see a lot of myself in iggy. and tbh it's not a pretty picture LOL. it's uncomfortable to see my flaws reflected out at me so starkly. when you're so stuck in the rut of your life, you've got your baggage and your mess and it's easier to shut your mouth and just not talk to people you care about because it's been too long, or you're all too busy to make plans, or you can't bring yourself to take initiative to meet up etc etc all these excuses because of reasons that are too complicated to untangle and you're too deep to break the cycle

i felt that. 

but im not here to dunk on iggy (not entirely smh) my point was, that's just the mental illness talking lol. iggy is not the worst thing that ever happened to his friends and the further i go into the game im assuming he's going to come to understand that himself. sure, some of the things he had done were not great, and were even downright harmful, but his choices are not more or less worse than anything that the others have done themselves. iggy may have turned a blind eye to genzous horrible treatment of orlam but iggy isn't at fault for genzou's shitty behavior itself, and bucks being unhappy in her marriage has nothing to do with iggy even when iggy convinced her to go through with the wedding.

they've all hurt each other i bet, there's no one singular cause. i just wonder how they're all gonna get past this lmao

Omg,,, I'm honestly having a hard time figuring out how to reply to this because you've really hit so many nails on the head, it feels (and some of those nails being ones I didn't even necessarily know existed FHFJDJR). Especially you saying how much you see yourself in Iggy,,, Iggy is very much heavily based on me and my own ways that I approach things and my own past experiences and my own thoughts, etc. So I can definitely agree and say that's it's not a pretty picture. Many of the scenes in the game have taken a lot out of me to write as it really does feel like forcing myself to look and think critically about some of this stuff. It's been quite an eye-opening journey at times, and I've felt so many things. It really means a lot that you would tell me all that and that you relate to him like that. I get the feeling that you and I are probably pretty similar LOL One of my hopes with this game has honestly always been that others can also relate to some of what happens and see parts of themselves in the chars, as well.

"iggy is not the worst thing that ever happened to his friends and the further i go into the game im assuming he's going to come to understand that himself" --> Yes I would definitely say that's a big thing that he needs to learn to understand and confront fjfjdjd 🥺 Though I just hope my skills in writing are enough to pull off everything in a way that works LOL we shall see once I actually finish this whole thing hahahaha 🤣💦

Gosh this is such a great hard look at the characters and the various things going on. I really love reading your thoughts and interpretations of the dynamics!!! Thank you so much for writing them up! 😭💕


*Warning: potential spoilers?*

OK! SO! At first i thought that this game would be pretty awful. idk why i just had the feeling, oh boy was i wrong. I LOVED IT!! LIKE, I CANNOT EXPRESS HOW MUCH I LOVED IT.
I also need therapy after all this... i spilled gallons of tears every time genzou and iggy had a moment, I LITERALLY CAN'T WITH THESE TWO-
The amount of effort you put into this game is just unreal. idk if you are a solo dev, but if you are: HELLO????? HOW ARE YOU DOING THIS??
I honestly don't know how to write a fancy review/comment but let me tell you that i am now obsessed with your game. the story, the cgs, the characters, the chemistry?!? i love them ALL.  Every second of this game (after arc 1) i was on edge (in both good and bad way)
I can't wait for the final arc :))) there a billion things i wanna talk about but it'll make this comment too long, so in short, THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS GAME!!!! I LOVED IT SO FAR!!
(Also, if you can, please make a walkthrough when you finished the game :') i will literally be depressed if i get the bad ending after all this)


GUHHHHHHHHHH THANK YOU VERY MUCH??? I'm so glad you ended up liking it!! Thanks so much for giving it a try despite your initial expectations hahahaha. It means so much that you would take the time to write up this lovely comment 🥺💕

LOL THE GENZOU AND IGGY SCENES AFFECT ME THE MOST TOO. Many of my own tears were spilt during production kadlfjasdk

"idk if you are a solo dev" --> Yes, it's just me LOL though I don't do absolutely everything. For instance, I'm not a composer or sound designer, so I use royalty free music and sound effects. But the writing, art, and scripting is just me. (It's also why it takes me so long sometimes ldkajfldk)

"I honestly don't know how to write a fancy review/comment" --> THIS COMMENT IS ALREADY WONDERFUL AND LOVELY AND MAKING ME TEAR UP 😭💕

Thank you thank you thank you again!!! This really made my day waking up to read this this morning. I'm just really so happy you like the chars and story! And LOLOL don't worry -- there isn't really a *bad* ending per se? The main/core ending of the game will be the same no matter what, but based on your choices, you can influence who Iggy will end up with at the end essentially, which in turn will give you some different scenes/moments in Arc 5 and will affect the final epilogue. But I will probably still write up at least something to give more hints etc. in case anyone has any difficulties getting the ending they want (there will be 5 different endings total). So I will keep that on my list as something to do in the future for sure! 🥰

first of all, thank YOU for making such awesome game despite BEING A SOLO DEV??  AND thank YOU for being so NICE!!! (Yes, i just had to compliment how lively and wholesome you reply to the comments)



I love replying to comments fhfjfjf ppl take their time to write such sweet and thoughtful things and it means so much to me I want to gush all over the page and also cry a million tears LOLOL 😭💦💕


Hey Carrot. I couldn't resist any longer. I had to make me an account and pay you a little something for your and your team's work. It's hard to begin, also, with a review about this game, that could add on what's already been said by other players.

In short, I'm and advocate of your game. On all of its elements: the humor, the drama, the bravery of writing about the themes you do, amidst other aspects  here... and I'm purposely short, because I could write a whole essay about the value this game has. It is special, above others, even when having some other jewels in  I have been invested in every arc, and the characters, with all their personal  demons to struggle with, are spot on for telling your story. It's astounding the high quality of your game in every aspect, from coding to music arrangements. And the artwork... it sticks to you along the gameplay, to the point you can't even imagine a better way of drawing them for your story. I'm impressed.

About the plot, I know it was not easy to write as piece like this. You have my respects on that regard since games like Easter. I suspect some odd tear came in the process. Thank you for this effort.  And hope you and team to enjoy a beautiful holidays. Sorry for bad English, not my language.  And, as a last comment I'll say, this game,  a glint of your own courage,  made me a bit braver to write my own stuff the way I want. I'll remember it forever with gratitude.

P.S.: spoiler:  Cecil for Best Boy. Genzou for Best Lover :) 

Oh gosh,,, this comment made me tear up a little bit 🥺💦 Thank you so much not only for playing the game but also to go out of your way to make an account and write down your lovely words and thoughts. It honestly brings me so much joy just hearing from people who have played it, and even more so people who say they got something out of the experience.

"I suspect some odd tear came in the process" ---> YES LOLOL this is a very accurate suspicion dhchdhd I have definitely shed more than a few tears on this game, especially the parts that were either closely inspired by my own experiences or were kind of,,, mmm deep rooted wishes I'd been perhaps bottling up a bit. So many parts of this story mean so much to me. 

"made me a bit braver to write my own stuff the way I want" --> OH GOSH FHFHDHDDU now I am really going to cry! It can definitely be difficult to write things that are very important to you. I hope that you'll be able to get all your own words and stories out onto paper 💕 And I'm extremely touched that my story could help give you some courage and confidence??? 😭

Thank you so so much again! This was absolutely the sweetest comment to get and you really made me smile! I'm so glad that you enjoyed the game and took time out of your day to tell me!! 🥰💕

(1 edit) (+1)

*Spoilers below*

I finally finished arc 4 and I have so many thoughts and feelings about this game...I love the character exploration and interactions, how horrifying the bad ends are and the way Iggy progressively remembers more and more with each arc. There's never a dull moment and I keep telling people about this game because it's so crazy. Genzou and Iggy's relationship breaks my heart in every arc but I also love Gidget and Orlam because of the moments where they're true selves come through. It just builds up really well but at the same time I want to shake my screen because I need these characters to have an honest conversation with each other. Anyways, I could say more but these characters are already living in my head rent free and they don't need more real estate. I love your game and seeing your progress, best of luck with act 5 Carrot!!!


OH GOSH. Thank you so much for this comment and for sharing your thoughts!! I'm so happy that you like the characters, they are truly so near and dear to my heart. So whenever I hear that ppl enjoy them and their interactions, it fills my heart with so much joy 😭💕

"at the same time I want to shake my screen because I need these characters to have an honest conversation with each other" --> GOD I FEEL THIS SO MUCH EVEN WHILE I'M WRITING THEM LOLOLOL

"these characters are already living in my head rent free and they don't need more real estate" --> this is such high praise and literally turning me into a pile of mush help dlfkajdlkfajsd

GUHHHHHHH THANK YOU. This was such a little bright spot to my day reading this! Thank you for playing and for taking the time to write this, it means so so so much 🥺 I WILL KEEP WORKING HARD. POWER THROUGH TO THE FINISH LINE OR SOMETHING DFKJALKD 💕


Just finished Arc 3 and this game is messing me up in the best kind of ways. I’m been scared, I’ve cried, Ive raged at every single character and wanted to hug them at the same time. Friggin bravo you beautiful b words. <3

MESSING YOU UP ASDLKFJALSDK I am glad,,, 😈 LOL Gosh don't I feel that though. The characters do the same thing to me, loving them as they simultaneous drive me up a wall hahahaha. I'M REALLY HAPPY YOU'RE LIKING IT THOUGH. Thank you so much for playing and writing this lovely comment!! This gave me a little laugh 🤭 I hope you'll like Arc 4 and the rest of the game, too, once it's done!! 💕

In Arc4, ViolinCecil is simultaneously amazing and the stuff of friggin nightmares 😭


I admit I had a lot of fun with Cecil in general. Some of his scenes are quite... 🤭 I am glad you enjoy him though LOLOL 




I am very glad you enjoy it heheh. Thank you so much for playing and for letting me know!! I love that you love the chars so much my heart is squishing very much right now ahhhhh... 🥺 (please do eat and breathe more than this game though that doesn't sound healthy FJDJDJD)


God this game. Can't really put my thoughts into words but I love it a lot. Looking forrward to the last part.

HHHHHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH???  😭💕 That means a lot! Thanks so much for playing and for letting me know! I hope that you'll like the final arc when it comes out! I will keep working hard 🥰

Do not read if you have not played.


Well, they are fucked up. Like really fucked up and multiplieded by 1000 thanks to this realm feading their most distorted drives both created by this white haired moron. It is imposible to cure those wounds by now, and by what I belive the only resort is to amputate most of it and go for the little what is left. And by that I mean:

-The blind jackass who cannot give up on past and because of what he is ruining lives of weakers by feasting on their suffering. Numb to any pain, util it is his own, yet the second most blind.

-An egocentric weakling, a mess in every aspect. Who dream of power and success by which he has become mad, soon felt to monstrous acts.

-Unfit mother and wife that was not ready for said responsibility. Draged into this by someone who was just prettending a friend who know who she was, but in the end he knew ass.

-The girl that shaped her body and mind around a person that was not worth it, destroying everything until there was nothing left of her but a husk of once beautiful person, trying to be something that she is not and part that she is not meant to be. I pity this one the most.

-And the last the catalyst of all, who could have prevent this all form happening but instead he ignore all the consequences and marched forward, stomping on those who he called friends, blind to their needs. The failure that spoke when he were suppose to be silent, an Imbecile who said nothing when he were suppose to, an Idiot that laid back in the time of need, an moron who pushed people to their worst.

Pick your poison is it not? None of those can be "fixed", none can be helped, none can be trully saved. Unless the child is yet not gone, but I doubt it... We were shown all by now, guilt and regrets of the one who is guilty, the love between the two abusers, obsession and the madness of the abused!, the mangled reality of way towards perfection. So what now? Give us a choice that lead to "Happy ending"?!

Welp we will see.

Hey!! Thank you so much for playing the game and for writing all this up! It really means so much to me when people take the time to write out their thoughts and let me know 🥺💕

Hahahaha it sounds like you really dislike Iggy 🤣💦I will be the first to admit that he's not always the most likeable character—and can probably be downright frustrating and annoying at times, particularly in the decisions he makes and things he does. A lot of Iggy's general struggles, especially when it comes to dealing with people, are based on a lot of my own experiences and struggles (and sometimes frustrations at myself). He's in no way meant to be perfect or even "good" tbh,,, he's just,,, himself. As are all the characters, really. None of them are "good," they're just people with a lot of issues they're all struggling with hacking it out against each other as they try to figure each other out. So it is, indeed, exactly as you say, a lot of really fucked up people with things made 1,000x worse because of the horrific situation happening 😂

At any rate, I hope that despite your general distaste for Iggy (and most of them??? LOL) you're still at least getting some enjoyment out of the story. It's definitely a frustrating and oftentimes infuriating and hopeless story in many ways, and though I'll never be able to make it so every character can fix every single one of those problems, I do hope the final ending will still be satisfying in a hopeful way that's leading towards a better situation than what they all have now lkdjaflsdkfja

At any rate, thank you so much again for writing up your thoughts and for playing the game!! If you do end up playing the final arc when it comes out, I hope you'll be able to enjoy it!  💕

Nah, I would not say I "dislike" any of them, in fact it was pretty nice expirience so far (exen when I was pretty tired of seeing the same story for the 3 time and started to adding "fucking" before every noun... quite fitting to arc 3 accually). I just see who they are and what direction they are going. But the roads of life one can go in two ways, never to late to give up on things not worth the trouble, go back a little and change things for better. Ok maybe except Iggy he killed the flower, the only sense speaking guy in the story, for that he needs to pay In blood or in deeds and for that I look forwards.


*Possible Spoiler Below*

Please let Gen end up with Iggy! The second arc was my favorite, and the two of them have the best chemistry! 




The final choice shall be up to you heheh. The epilogue + some various scenes leading up the ending will be determined based on your choices throughout the game. Pretty much so long as you're mostly friendly to Genzou you should get the choice to have Iggy end up with him LOL 😊 My idea behind the choices was to give people some influence over the story based on their own prefs (and also because I just love all of them too much fnfjdjfjs).

Thank you for playing the game and for writing this lovely comment! 🥺 People saying they like Genzou/Iggy always make me smile and want to cry 😭💕

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