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So I'm continuing to play through the entire game (I'm still at the first arc) because I forgot to play it for a while

and the fact that if you choose to go back to the last choice you make, it says something about how you feel like you've made a choice before

that kind of scared me

but it's also interesting

I'm assuming the same thing wouldn't happen if you loaded a save before a choice since that's before you make any choice at all

but it's amazing and I love it


this might happen for only the choice with which direction to go but I still love that concept

so yeah this game is amazing so far :D

Ahhhh, thank you very much!!! I'm glad you're enjoying it so far and it means a lot that you took the time to write this lovely comment!! :))) What you're talking about does, indeed, continue to happen for more choices in the future! It's a little tidbit that I had a fun time adding in hahaha.

I hope you'll continue to enjoy the game!!

I know that I'll enjoy it :D

I like how it does that everytime you make a wrong choice and choose to go back to the last choice, and it's also nice when in the second arc, you don't have the option to choose because Iggy already somewhat has a bad feeling towards one option, so he just

does the other option

or something

I think that makes sense. Anyways, I love this game :D


My review of Arc 2 - unmarked spoilers below!

Dang, the writing got kicked up a notch since the last time! It's like the author is getting more comfortable with the characters.

The new graphics and CGs turned out great. There's so much more emotion packed into every frame. My favorite is Orlam's torturer CG - whoever said revenge is a dish best served cold has never seen the face and body language of a man driven mad from never-ending abuse.

I really love the juxtaposition between Gidget's 'love' for Iggy and Genzou's love. Gidget is so utterly, sexually obsessed with Iggy, she's turned herself into an object which she wrongly believes will get him to reciprocate. Heck, when he doesn't, she turns him into an object, believing that if he's forced to be as she is, his inexplicable (to her) unwillingness to 'love' her will be 'fixed'.

Genzou, however, loves Iggy for who he is. He knows that, in the event they do somehow get together, there will be no traditional intamacy, and he owns it. In a fantastic mirroring of Gidget's scene with Iggy, when Genzou kisses Iggy like Genzou has probably been dreaming of since high school, he quickly realizes what's wrong with his action, pulls back, and apologizes, leading to openness from both of them and an intimate moment which Iggy is comfortable with. Iggy. The ace in the room who's never gotten around to sorting out his feelings on sexuality.

I really love the number of clever, "this won't do what you think it'll do" choices in this arc - especially the ones which require you to have paid attention the first time 'round. Like how saying something which is very probably going to trigger Orlam is not how one stays alive when your life is in his hands, and he hasn't yet decided to prepare you for dinner. Though I love the exchange between Genzou and Orlam in that bad end - Orlam makes it as plain as day why he hates Genzou's guts, but even then, Genzou sees nothing wrong with it, dismissing it as "stuff kids do", while ignoring all he's put Orlam through as an adult. It just. Doesn't. Register with Genzou.

And before I forget, special shoutout for Wonderland Orlam's writing - the man has clearly been paying attention to the old books he's been reading in his spare time in the real world, and his torture tactics are frighteningly-good. And worse yet, it's only the second iteration of the time loop and he already knows things are repeating. He might even be manipulating things already via giving Gidget certain ideas about Iggy. I mean, how else could he have known how things played out at her tavern?

My one criticism is on the attempt at "dissonant serenity" in the music (i.e. peppy music playing over something horrifically-violent). Before I get into it, I want to acknowledge the fact the game likely is a low-budget affair - with cost savings greatly helped by the author being artist (a fantastic one IMHO), programmer, and writer - so there is an equally-likely chance there wasn't enough money to license or commission what the author wanted to put into the game, and not just in the areas I'm going to criticize. One can only work within their means. 

Getting into my criticism proper now, the music for the arc's ending cinematic isn't a half-bad pick, but it doesn't feel like the piece is well-synced with proceedings. It's a minor criticism, I will admit. However, the choice of a J-Pop-esque track for when Gidget summons her fans to aid in her objectification of Iggy just feels *wrong*. Like, it doesn't fit with Gidget's theme music, nor does it fit with the music for her town or her tavern. I definitely wouldn't say to go classical like the arc ending cinematic, but maybe find something from the time period or an era-adjacent contemporary song (if that makes any sense)?

Overall, a definite improvement over Arc 1. Can't wait for Orlam's Wild Ride, aka Arc 3. It's the one torturous ride that I won't want to get off - I want to see where Orlam goes, both however-loosely-hinged he actually is in reality and how utterly-unhinged and unchained he gets when in Wonderland for the third time (assuming arcs won't already start interacting with each other based on order played by that point).


This review just made my whole day, you have no idea. I'll probably come revisit it every time I need a motivation boost LOL So thank you so much for all the thought you put into this!!! It really really means so much, and I LOVE reading about your different thoughts and reactions to the various aspects of the game!! Particularly because I was pretty nervous about this arc, tbh. If your only gripe was that some of the music felt mismatched, then I couldn't be more happy hahahaha.

Yeah I have basically 0 money to spend on actually hiring or buying any sort of assets for this game, so anything I can't do myself (music, sound effects, etc.), I need to find via royalty-free options. For the most part this is usually fine and I actually am in love with the music I've found for this game (and it's even inspired me a lot and various aspects of the story, to boot), but there have been times where I haven't quite been able to find what I was looking for for a particular scene or aspect. I had a bit of a different idea for the Arc 2 ending cinematic at first but wasn't able to find the music I would have needed to make it work, so then I kind of had to re-brainstorm and re-work it. I'm still happy with how it turned out in the end, but I realize it does make a slight shift. For Gidget's song, I admit I used it less for the sound and more because the lyrics are creepy and perfectly match the situation LOL But this is great feedback in general! I'll try to maybe put a bit more thought into some of the selections. I have some good new stuff I've already found for Arc 3 that's already been a huge inspiration in figuring out some of the last story beats and that I hope will really be able to set the mood!!

Thank you so much again for all of these lovely words!! Though now I hope I'll be able to live up to your expectations for Arc 3 LOL I-it will admittedly be the most fUcKeD uP of the middle arcs and goes in some directions that will probably make people mad HAHAHAha... But I'm always unsure/nervous about whether I'll be able to recreate in game form what I have in my head with the same impact lol.

I finally got around to playing this for a longer bout of time, and it's wonderfully weird lol. It's not often you see a comic style like yours meeting darker themes, and I'm all for that stuff so I truly dig it. Well done Super Carrot!! <3 :)


Ahhhh, thank you so much!! Both for playing and for your wonderful words! It really means a lot!! <3 :))

Wow this was pretty great my theory is that when he wished to go back in time it worked so he didn’t stop existing because he had already made a wish.

Also why does he get so uncomfortable when it comes to sexual relationship stuff?

Thank you very much for playing, and I'm glad you like it so far!

As for your question, it will come up again as a topic in future arcs, as well, but Iggy is asexual (he just doesn't really understand it yet, so he's confused lol).

XD yea I thought so thanks for replying cya next update

So I finally got around to play the first arc, and I'm very glad I did!

I really like the way everything comes together (art, music, writing, darkly comedic timing). And I think it's quite something that despite being set in a twisted wonderland, the most frightening part of this story by far (imo) are Iggy's troubled cast of friends. 

I'm eager to see what the next arc will bring~ (and also curious about what longterm consequences the in-game choice might have as the story evolves)


Oh, thank you so much for playing and for this lovely comment!! You've really made my day! :)

And I'm really glad that you're enjoying it so far! 


Oh, thank you very much! And also for your rating! :)


Freaking amazing game! Can't wait for the next arc to be implemented. Really digging the framework of an adult fairy tale and the idea and consequences of said tale intersecting with what's supposed to be a children's fairy tale...or at least the setting for one.

I don't often use's optional review functionality when rating games, but I felt I needed to so I could get all my thoughts out without spoiling anything to those who haven't played the game.

Also, got an error when choosing the "Last Choice" option upon failing the last (second-to-last?) choice made while sailing:

While running game code:
  File "game/7_thekiddiekruise.rpy", line 607, in <module>
NameError: name 'look1' is not defined
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
  File "7_thekiddiekruise.rpyc", line 607, in script
  File "renpy/", line 1852, in execute
    if renpy.python.py_eval(condition):
  File "renpy/", line 2249, in py_eval
    return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals)
  File "renpy/", line 2242, in py_eval_bytecode
    return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)
  File "game/7_thekiddiekruise.rpy", line 607, in <module>
NameError: name 'look1' is not defined
Our Wonderland 1.0
Tue Dec  7 10:49:57 2021

Oh, gosh! Thank you so much for playing the game and for taking the time to write up all your thoughts—not only in this comment, but also in all the details in your review!! This really made my whole day! I absolutely love hearing what people think about the different aspects and characters or even just their thoughts as they're playing the game/experiencing the story. And I'm really happy that you enjoyed everything so much! I especially loved hearing what you think about the music, as I'd really hoped the music in the game would be effective in making the story more immersive (and it's also been a main point of inspiration even for me while working on the game, so it's pretty near and dear to my heart). Thanks also for the tips, as well—I'll definitely be thinking about them as I continue to work on the next arcs! As a heads up, there is actually a way to skip seen text—you need to press the CTRL key. But I realize now that this wasn't clear at all if you don't go into the Help section, so I'll think of a way to make this more clear from the get-go.

(Oh, and thank you for pointing out this game error you got! I'm pretty sure I know exactly where this is—it was a small thing I tweaked only a few days before the launch, and I must not have QA'd it enough afterwards to check for all possible choice combinations... I'll make sure to get this fixed in a future update!)


Looking forward to the next arc. I like the themes, curious to see how the story is developed

Thank you so much!! That means the world to me, and I'm so glad you're enjoying it so far! Thanks for giving my little game a try! :)


BROOOO i loved your game Easter, because of the artstyle and the game dynamics, and NOW THIS??? Carrot Patch. Carrot Patch.

Oh, gosh! Thank you so much!! That really means a lot! I hope you'll like this one as much as Easter! :)

(1 edit) (+1)

You made me fall in love with Easter, and now you've made me fall in love again with this new wonder.

I LOVE YOUR ART (Seriously, I love even the deaths LOL), the way you write the characters and their personalities, you make me love them even in their worst moments<3, and the terror and mystery is exquisite (^///^).

I'm already dying for ARC 2!



Thank yoooooou! :') You're always so sweet! Thank you so much for supporting my games and characters! I'm working hard on the next arcs!!


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