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awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! as an aroace this warms my heart! TwT


so cute qwq my heart is melting, as a aroace I am happy with this game alot TvT



Is in Spanish?




I loved this game so much :''')

Such cutie!!


They're so cute though 😭

That's a really short title. Why didn't you just make it a few words longer? /hj




I LOVED this game, even though it was really short.


This was such an amazing and lovely game, it's a full on 10/10 :)


I got the good one on the first try :3


I love Genzou so much. This game was a bit anxiety-inducing itself because Iggy reminds me of a former partner where things didn't go so well, but nonetheless it was pleasant to play :]

I'll definitely check out Our Wonderland soon, would like to see more of The Lad. His speaking patterns are gold.


This was such a cute game and i'm glad I played it 10/10 

This was such a lovely playthrough!! Thank you so much for taking the time to record it and sharing it with me! I loved watching it so much!! 😭💕


fuck you for not making this longer i love you kiss me



If it's any consolation I'll be putting out another longer game soon that is mostly texting-based and has these same characters (along with some other ones).

I'm glad you liked it, ahhhhh thank you for playing!! 😭💕

bro the intro is literally me and my besti

I'm ace and they're pan and they're the most annoying tester of all time

LMAO I'm glad you can relate!!! 🤣

ace representation yippee


Sob I'm glad you like it!! I'm always trying to add ace rep into my games 😭💕

how do i know if i got the good ending

The good ending is the one where you actually see Iggy! He shows up at Genzou's shop with coffee and they go get dinner. (In the bad ending, you don't get to see Iggy at all.)

(1 edit)

thank you for this game! it's really very cute. it reminded me of our conversation with a friend. I'm so happy with the ending! (although I didn't get to it the first time) the election interestingly shows how phrases can affect the dialogue, and animations have added realism and atmosphere! I hope to see Genzo and Iggs in your other games again><🧡

Ahhhhhhh!! I'm so sorry I'm rather delayed on this reply -- I've had a lot going on lately so I've kept forgetting to check comments on itch lakdjfa Thank you so much for this lovely video tho!!! I apologize as I can't understand it, but I'm really happy and touched you would take the time to translate the game as you're recording 🥺💕

I'm really happy you liked the characters, too!! They are my heart and soul 😭💕 They are actually in many of my games!! LOL Mostly in the main game Our Wonderland, but they're in most of my little side games too kjdadf (maybe I love them a bit too much...)

Thank you again so much for playing and recording this sweet video (and taking the time to let me know your thoughts, too). It really means so much! And I'm glad you enjoyed the game! 🥰

aw, It's ok, I'm happy to see your reply!! I will remember and will definitely play your other games! thank you for your hard work, which makes others happier for a while!👐💖


Honestly, it reminded me of a dialogue between me and my friend! I then sent him a screenshot of moments from the game and told him: “Look, this is literally our dialogue!” 

Hehehehe, it was funny and pleasant 🦊✨

Ohhhhhh I'm glad HAHAHA I was really hoping it would feel realistic!! That's part of why I tried to set up all the texting animations and timing and everything, so it could feel a bit more immersive and more like real texting 💦

I'm really happy you enjoyed it!! Even though it's just a short simple little game, it still holds a special place in my heart, so I'm always really happy when people like it!!🥰

am i just a bad texter :p 

i can't get any ending but

hey i haven't heard from you in a while

wishing you a happy new year

guys help

HELP I'm sorry lakdjfad My biggest suggestion is to answer in a way that's very kind and not too forward?? And like, to be understanding, etc. Basically try not to answer in a way that will ever cause Iggy stress LOL if that makes sense 🤣 (also apologies for the late response, I've been really bad at checking itch lately because I've been busy ldkjfasd)

ohhhh ofc actually why didn't i think of that lmao :/  be kind,  understanding basically model boyfriend got it ty for da help

(1 edit)


Also... Like damn, the anxiety scene? That hit hard, but it was really sweet too. Really well executed imo. I kinda related a bit too hard to both Genzou and Iggs, especially Genzou tho

Ahhhhh sob sob I'm really happy you liked it!! Thank you so much for playing! 🥺💕

I wanted to make it both sweet but also kinda immersive and realistic, like a real set of convos that could happen. That makes me really moved that you could relate to them ahhhh 😭 It means a lot!! Thank you so much for playing and for this lovely comment💕




THIS IS SO ADOREABLE HHHH :((((((((((((((((((

Thank you very much??? Ahhhh I'm really happy you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for playing!! 🥰💕




Thank you so much though ahhh!! I'm really glad you enjoyed the game! And hehe I'm happy you enjoyed the little easter egg menu change 🤭💕



I love your games a LOT and i have sort of a hyperflection for this silly games that you made >__< (yep, im autistic :P)




LKDJAFLSKDJFALKDSFA I'M SO GLAD AHHHHHHHHHHHH my heart is bursting???? 😭💕 I'm so happy you love these two, they provide me such joy GUHHHH I THINK ABOUT THEM EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY LMAOOOO.

HELP YOU PLAYED OW AND OFW 3-4 TIMES LDKJFALDSKFJASD THAT IS SO MUCH???? Oh my gosh... I'm very touched!! I'm so happy that you enjoy the game and chars so much!! This comment really made my day!!! 💕 I SHALL KEEP WORKING HARD. Thank you so much for your love and support 🥰




Also, your games ALWAYS Make my day, im really exited for the arc  5!!!

that was a good chat btw!



Very sweet game!! I loved the ending and Genzou emoji 83 hehe (SO CUTE, I think i'm gonna use it) it'd be great if it was longer-- I'm interested what else would they talk about! (tho i understand that it was made for jam and it has rules) Ending and phone call were very wholesome, it's so heartwarming how Genzou cares for Iggy, awwww! I Hope their dinner was delicious and rest of the evening/night was great as well~! 

Also love ace rep, it's so nice to be seen! And thank you for such a sweet game! <3


SOB I ALSO WISH IT COULD HAVE BEEN LONGER. I felt like I could have written so many more fun interactions and it was just so much fun to do kdajflakds maybe in the future I can make a revamped longer version or something where I include more scenes.

Thank you so much for playing and I'm really happy you enjoyed the game and chars so much!! These two are so sweet and important to me ahhhhh I love themmmm. So I'm always super touched when others enjoy them as well 😭💕 Thank you for taking the time to write up such a lovely comment!! Reading this really warmed my heart!!

YEAH!! IT WOULD BE SO COOL IF YOU MADE IT!! I'M ALL FOR KNOWING MORE ABOUT GENZY HEHE~ 83 Though no pressure! You seem to work so much on Our Wonderland, I Hope you don't overwork yourself and take care of yourself!

Yesss!!! I love your characters, they are so realistic, have so many flaws, but are also so likeable and relatable! I could talk about them for hours (and I'm gonna do this in OW comments after finishing it, bwahaha!!) Also awwww, your comment made me smile so much, thank you as well!!!! <3 <3

such a beautiful game!! Loved the unique gaming style and adorable ending!! So glad to see some ace rep up here!

THANK YOU???? (also sorry for the late reply, I feel like I must have completely missed this notification?? I've been so all over the place recently alkdjfa) I'm really glad you liked the game and also the ace rep!! As an ace dev myself I also always appreciate seeing it too ldkajdsf Thank you for taking the time to write up such a lovely comment!! 😭💕

This is such a sweet game, the good ending was great and felt fulfilling to achieve. It's also always nice to see some good ace representation :)

jdlakdsjfa THANK YOOOOOU!! I'm very happy you enjoyed it!! Thank you so much for playing?? There are so few games with ace chars in general, so I'm always happy if people can enjoy some of these little stories of mine 🥺💕 Thank you for the lovely comment!!


I love this short story

As I use itch for other things I love playing wholesome games
Take a PB Cookie recipe image with 2000s skeleton art

Im dead 💀 

I somehow missed this comment LMAOOOOOO

Th-..... thank you for playing... and for the peanut butter cookies recipe 🤣🤣🤣 I do love a good peanut butter cookie I will admit lkdjfads

Hand in hand! Sooooooo cute! 5555 I want to see they dating scenes!😭


Ahhhhh I'm glad you liked it!! Even though this is just a short little game, I had a lot of fun with it and enjoyed getting to make something silly and cute! Thank you so much for playing! 🤭💕

(And lol they went to Denny's for dinner afterwards~ 😌 I drew the picture at the end of this devlog to show their dinner hehe)

Ahhhhhh carrot you're so great! Looking forward to the next part of Our Wonderland!

they're so silly, i love them..... (I WOULD DIE FOR THEM /LH)



I am glad you like them tho ahhhhhhh thank you for playing??? 🥺💕


HAHAHAHAHAHA I'M GLAD YOU LIKED IT. I want it to be just a cute small little surprise 🤭💕

did he take the coffee? 😰

LOL what do you mean??? 🤣

Did he take the coffee or did some else 😥

Genzou took the coffee that Iggy brought him!


Hi there!
I am creating a collection of fully blind accessible games, and your game is listed under the "blind support tag".  The word "blind" means different things to different people, and within that wide spectrum their are various levels of expertise with visual UI's.  but as a fully blind gamer, I am wondering what features this game provides for those who can not see the screen at all.  Do you have "screen reader" or "text to speech" support?  Is your game fully playable with a keyboard or controller, rather than having to point the mouse at buttons on the interface? If the answer to those questions is no, it would still be great to know what options are provided for those with less severe visual impairments, so that I might make them aware of your game's usability for them.  Thank you for any information you can provide, it's very much appreciated! :)


Hey, thanks so much for reaching out! This game does come with text-to-speech support! Actually, all games made with the visual novel software Ren'Py have built-in text-to-speech support that can be activated by simply pressing the v key in game. To go with this built-in support, I added alt descriptions to make the text messaging interface of the game easier to follow without needing to see the message bubbles themselves (e.g., saying aloud each character's name each time the message bubbles switch back and forth), as well as alt descriptions that describe the non text messaging portions (e.g., the images, description of the character that appears on screen, etc.). And yes, it can be played using only the keyboard! The only interactive part of the game comes in the form of text-based choices you can make, which can be selected via either the keyboard or mouse. (I unfortunately don't know how to program controller support though...) I hope that these options work well and are enough... however, if there is anything more I can do with the game to make it even better in this regard, I would love to do it!!


Awesome response, thanks so much for taking the time! :)
I know from experience that Renpy does have self voicing as an option, but the effectiveness of it varies greatly between titles depending on how the actual game works.  That's why I like to ask so I can get it in the dev's own words, and you've covered all my concerns very well.

Since you mentioned that important visuals and visual status indicators have "alt text" labels, and your game has full keyboard support for navigating the UI, I'd say that this is one of the few *ACTUALLY* accessible Renpy games, though I'll need to try it to make sure.

I can't blame the devs much for not knowing that built in self voicing alone isn't enough if the game isn't made in such a way to take advantage of it, but I can definitely congratulate those who took the time to do it right.  So thank you, very much!  You're a good example to others, and your attention to detail is going to be very appreciated by your blind players. :)


You're welcome, I'm happy to respond!! I was actually thinking about your message since last night and today went in and poked around and made a few more small tweaks where I thought it might be helpful. For instance, a screen at the very start to inform people about the self-voicing option and how it can be turned on right away (in case anyone doesn't know about it), as well as better alt descriptions for what to do when the text choices pop up, just in case the keyboard doesn't automatically highlight them when they appear. Hopefully, some of these will make it even easier! (Though I will also continue to think about whether there's anything else I can do to improve it further.) I'm very happy if I can make the game as accessible as possible!


I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get back to this, but thank you very much for going the extra mile! It seems like you have things well in hand. :)
The only other thing I can think of to look out for are visual only puzzles (those where you need to see them to complete them) but aside from that you've covered everything I can imagine.

Great work!

(6 edits) (+3)

Damn it's rare and surprising that I can relate to a game so much. A lot of these situations and texts reminded me of past friends and crushes to the point that some points of conversation were basically the same. I also super respect the accuracy of respecting boundaries getting people to trust and get closer and more comfortable with you since that's super important in any relationship lover or not. Heck even in my relationship now doing that has made us get super close and love each other more! As well as the fact that my partner is super respectful and there for me with my anxiety attacks too just like when the protagonist does that which helps me a lot! So basically great message for such a great example of how to go into a relationship and great job at portraying super realistic situations. You did amazing keep it up! :3


Thank you, this is extremely sweet???? 😭💕 I'm really glad that you could relate to a lot of it!! Much of it was based on or at least inspired on the types of situations that have either made me anxious or generally just like... overwhelmed... a bit... in the past, when it's come to texting and interactions, and I wanted to make something that explored some of that a bit since Iggy is very much like me in a lot of ways lasdkjfalsd And yes!! Boundaries are so important in any type of relationship. It's so essential that you both parties are comfortable in the interaction if you actually want the interactions and relationship to continue 🥺💦

Thank you so so much for playing and I'm really happy that you liked it so much!! Thank you also for taking the time to write up a comment and let me know your thoughts, it's really sweet and is making me very weepy alkdfjaldsk 🥰

(2 edits) (+1)

This is by far one of my favorite games. Short and sweet, different outcomes, and a perfect representation of anxiety, coming from an anxious person! I can't believe something so nice is free, and available on browser! You did a great job on this! I love the art style too. I'm surprised I got the cute and sweet scene on the first try, but I was really careful to be as nice as possible aswell. 10/10 game, I would definitely play again! <3


Oh my gosh!!! You're going to make me cry! 😭💦💕 I'm so happy you enjoyed it!! thank you so much for playing??? A lot of Iggy's reactions and situations are based on / inspired by many of the situations I myself get anxious about or overwhelmed with, so I'm really happy to hear that you were able to resonate with it, as well 🥺 I wanted to make something that could be cute and silly while also hitting me in the feels a bit and leave me smiling at the end lakdjfad

Thank you so much for this lovely little comment and for playing and giving this game a chance!! It makes me really happy to hear that you enjoyed it so much!! 🥰




YES THEY ARE 🥺💕 lkfdajflakjdsf

Thank you for making this can we get one with a transexual friend or just one where iggs and genzou are getting married and we try to help iggs with his anxiety because of the situation


Very nice experience. Thank you :)


Oh gosh, thank you very much!! It means so much that you played and took the time to write up a comment!! I'm glad that you enjoyed it!! 🥰💕

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