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Hey carrot, I've been silently looking and lurking on this page regarding this game for awhile now (I think arc 4 or 3 is when I discovered this gem?). My first exposure to your stuff was actually the dancing side game, UGH I BLOODY LOVE IT, THE FEELS, THE IMPLICATIONS, THE LORE BETWEENT THE CHARACTERS THAT I DON'T KNOW ABOUT, THE SWAYING TO MIMIC DANCING, THE SONG AAAA-- (man I wanna fangirl a lot more about it but right now isn't the time)!! After that, I played the short mobile game, as a queer lass it was really lovely to experience that game as I rarely see ace rep in video games (man I sure hope those two don't get traumatised in a separate game).

Now regrettably I haven't been able to play the main game yet as I have been going through my own character arc of sorts (and I am the sort of person to wait until a game is fully complete to play it as I wished to experience the whole plot with no pauses,,, apologies). All that is to say, my most exposure to the main game has been through your dev logs. As a current Games Design student, reading your logs has been a wonderful experience (which is probably really weird but oh well). It was lovely to see your progress with the game while I was also getting through developing my own stuff for assignments. I don't have as much experience as you when it comes to churning out banger games but I have dealt with similar feelings when finishing a game (highly relate to the depression and the feeling of emptiness that follows) and, in the weirdest way possible, reading your own experiences really helped me feel less alone in the process. Basically the point of all of this is to say, thank you for developing such amazing games for yourself and for us strangers on the internet. Heck you have even inspired me to do game development outside of my assignments for fun! Please stay safe and take as much time as you need to rest, your health and real life commitments are more important than game development. 

Apologies for writing so much, this is my first time actually commenting on lol. I felt very compelled to just word vomit this out to you as a sign of thank you for what you have inadvertently done for me by just being you and working on this huge project.

TLDR - It's been lovely lurking around here and seeing your progression! Thank you for the much needed inspiration and please take care of yourself!! Hopefully I'll be able to play this game soon after my work is complete~.


I just finished this and then i tore off all my skin and exploded and died thank you carrot


does this work with self-voicing and is it blind accessible?

Once In the game you can press V for self voicing. There is some music in some scenes and a few sound effects that may improve the experience. I'm not sure what other accessibility needs you have but i hope this is helpful.

you can use the accessibility tools on the profile pages of theo and npckc here on itch, to improove accessibility.


Hello! Self-voicing is available in the game and image captions have been included where necessary in the story (the game is narrative-heavy so much of the description happens naturally in the narration, but additional image captions have been added for moments where something is not described).

Having said that, it hasn't been tested all the way through the entire game. I'd be happy to look into any potential bugs or oddities that may arise that I wasn't aware of though.

that's great to here.

another unrelated question, is there music in the whole game?

sorry about this.

wanted to know, is this a romance vn

Mmm... yes and no. I would not categorize this as a "romance vn" first and foremost. It is mostly a horror drama with some tragedy. However, there is some romance in the vn as part of the story. If you are looking for a lot of romance or more of a standard romance/dating vn, this vn might not be what you want...

i was looking for a vn with little to no romance/nsfw.

There is generally music throughout the whole game, yes, though there are some moments where the music stops or only an ambient sound is played instead of music for the sake of the narrative/dramatic effect.



I would like to start off by saying that today I have officially finished OW. I completed all of the LI endings last night, only to find myself drowning in tears as I tried to fall asleep. I finished the neutral ending this morning and started sobbing all over again. Yeah... thanks :{ But I was honestly very pleased with this game.

 Let me to clarify that I am not accustomed to leaving comments on games; this is actually my first one. However, I felt compelled to share my thoughts, so please excuse any 'unprofessionalism' on my part. 

When I discovered this game, I wasn't sure what to expect. I was simply exploring the many games (specifically VNs) that had to offer and happened to stumble upon OW, which I then played and, of course, am now currently leaving a comment on. :)

I'm someone who's easily moved, but evoking tears, especially from playing a game, is a rare feat for me. It's like two sides of the same coin.(Heh, get the reference?) Carrot incorporated both sides into their game by giving their characters diverse struggles to overcome. Comparing myself to the characters in the game, I'm considerably very young. Because of this, I don't have much personal experience with some of the struggles the characters have to endure—such as sexual assault, transitioning, and parental abuse. The way Carrot properly portrays these challenges is what I find incredibly inspiring. To watch these characters, of whom I've gotten so fond of, find themselves in devastating situations I could never find myself in is what really leaves me in tears. With this, me and many others can realize how fortunate some of us are and be grateful for what we have. I enjoy the chance to see from a new perspective of what others may have went through that I haven't. Thank you for incorporating this into your game; it means a lot. Great, now I'm sad.😖💔

Now to the other side, what really resonates deep within me. I'd like to think I don't think of myself all that much. Although, that also means that I have to deal with constantly questioning myself, not knowing anything about me. This extends to my sexuality. It feels like it has a mind of its own, changing day to day. One day, I may be in love with everyone I make eye contact with, the next I'm curling up in a ball wondering if I'm actually just some unusual aroace specimen. Perhaps there's an explanation for this, but for now I don't know. Mostly, the questioning affects my regular life. Currently, I have no idea what career path I want to pursue when I'm forced to grow up and make a living. MY PREFERENCE IS CONSTANTLY CHANGING. IT'S SCARY.  First, I think I want to be a doctor, then a lawyer, then a programmer, then an actor, then an entrepreneur, and suddenly, an artist??????? (Sounds silly, I know)😭But when I realize that other people feel this way too, it feels nice that I don't have to be completely alone in this ongoing battle. Heck, seems like enough of an issue that Carrot made a whole game about it! Thank you for creating a game that helped me realize I have a lot more to figure out about myself, yet somehow managed to make me feel less alone in the process.

Well, I've had about enough talking about myself and the game, I want to talk about Carrot! Why? Why not! The effort that Carrot put into this game is so evident, Genzou could see it! (Okay, bad joke, sorry😅) My sibling is a programmer whom I've always looked up to, but my interest in programming is always on-and-off. As well as that, I am currently trying to delve into writing unique stories of my own. The fact that Carrot has checked the writing, programming, and drawing boxes is just SO impressive. The creator is also incredibly sweet, regarding how they treat fans and how much the characters they create mean to them. Additionally, I don't know if anyone else saw this, (probably not because I have a low IQ) but the creators vocabulary is incredibly advanced! There are many words that I was unfamiliar with, as embarrassing as it is to mention.😳I would be envious, or even annoyed, at the creator for this...BUT I JUST CANT BECAUSE THE CREATOR IS TOO NICE AND ADORABLY AWKWARD FOR THEIR OWN GOOD!!!!!!!!

This comment has been a trainwreck of emotions, and I'm honestly super nervous to even post this. But I spent quite a while trying to properly convey my feelings onto this post, so I hope it resonates.😊Your characters currently reside rent free in my head and I'm not complaining--I'm taking good care of them. You can have them back for a day every 5 years. 

Keep doing your thing, Carrot. Me, along with plenty others, will be eagerly awaiting your next project. I can confidently say that the next game you produce will be something truly amazing. 💗



i played this game like 2 months ago and it changed my life, like seriously sdjhsn

iggy, oh my god i have a few things to say. thanks to this AMAZING game i was able to fully confirm myself as asexual, i was just so mesmerized by how much i understood what he was going through. ive always seen the term asexual but i never paired it up to myself since i felt as if i didn't qualify but seeing iggy go through and talk about his situation, which were so similar to my own. it really helped my come out and fully accept myself as being asexual, just hearing him talk and react to things made me feel valid. i cried way too much while playing this, but it was all well needed crying so thank you for thank lol. i think i really changed when i finished the game, almost like a weight of uncertainty was lifted from my shoulders (if that makes sense sdgj) but i felt so valid and seen. i swear all 117 hours of me losing sleep to be playing and crying for this game were worth it in the end! never have i ever felt so similar to a character than i have with iggy, i thank you so much for making this game!

i also related to gidget in a way! though ive kinda always know i wasn't just my assigned gender, it was nice to see how they went through things that a lot of trans people, me included, went through. this whole game really made me feel a lot of things, hsdj. it was like a punch to the stomach that i never knew i needed!

so i just wanted to say thank you for making this amazing game that i love sm carrot! i hope i dont sound too weird by saying this but, in a way your game really saved me! i hope you're feeling better and i wish good things upon you <3

Hello, I would like to clarify a few things like I have known the game for quite some time but I did not have the opportunity to leave a comment or anything and well, I have played all the games in the OurWonderland Universe and I honestly LOVE EVERY GAME, I love them, the story , the characters, the design, your drawing style, I love everything and I would also like you to know that your game has reached areas like Latam but anyway xd, the point is that I love the game and I would love it if it could become more popular and host a larger famdon but I am happy with the content continuing to come out, Thank you very much for this piece of real art, I love it ❤️❤️❤️


Fantastic, life-changing experience that was clearly given lots of love and effort when created. :) Btw, may I ask what stories, if there are any, was this VN inspired by? There’s definitely Alice in Wonderland, but the story and setting also reminds me of It by Stephen King as it also tells the tale of a similar group of friends who come from troubled backgrounds and ultimately conveys the central theme of the loss of childhood innocence. (Although there’s definitely stronger romantic tones to this one)

Once again, amazing work! I already know I’m gonna be left sleepless trying to find another story that can fill up the void that Our Wonderland filled. :3


holy shit- i just finished ch.5 and this was just so f amazing! i was even sobbing at the end(actually i was crying from the moment orlam had held them hostages till the end but whatevs) omg i rlly need to check your other works too....also the way the characters were written was incredible.Great job<3


Only a few games have ever impacted my life, and this was one of them. The amount of joy I felt when I finished the story, and then seeing like a montage of what their lives had shaped them to be? I can't tell you how full my heart was when I read that.
The way that you wrote these characters was so indulging, and I've already finished this game like a week ago but I still couldn't get them out of my head! You got me caring for each one of them and their loveable quirks and flaws, and their journey of self-discovery. And it's just so amazing and bizarre to me, of how much I relate to some of these characters (Iggy and Gidget, more specifically). To see that the feelings and thoughts I've kept to myself, that I sometimes feel silly or ashamed to even think about, were being reflected back to me. And all of it just feels so... validating, I guess? Idk lol I'm sorry if this is coming off across as weird already.

But anyway... I just wanna say that you have a talent for these and you're doing an amazing job, Carrot! I hope you know you have people who support you, and I wish you the very best! Stay safe and I hope you feel better soon!

just a question were you a geronimo stilton fan


I'm sorry, I don't even know what that is 🤣💦


Geronimo Stilton

love Geronimo stilton tbh

eventually, eventually, i got some time to sit down and play this game in its fullest form - which i KNOW is the best:)) 


I hope you'll enjoy it when you find the time to do so! 😊💕

(1 edit) (+3)

hello, Carrot! we are all the ones here - who love your inspiring creativity and you, whose characters became related, and whose stories were remembered! please rest and gain strength in difficult times, and we, in turn of, will definitely wait for new releases of your creations, when you are full of strength and energy!💪

Thank you so much 💕


Hey Carrot, read your post.

I'm so sorry that has been happening to you! You truly don't deserve that, and I hope you get better soon. It might be better to distance yourself from social media for awhile and be around your family if you're still going through the grief of losing your loved ones.

As for the hate, it's best to just ignore it and try to not get it through your head, as it will only drag you down further.

I wish I had more advice to offer, but I'm not good with advice in general. I can only wish you the very best.

I adore your game, however, and will continue to support you from afar!

Stay safe.


Thank you so much for the kind words 💕


Just read the latest devlog. Since I can't comment there, I'll say it here: you have people who care about you, Carrot, both online and offline. Find them, and ask for their help. That's what helped me in my darkest hours. I hope it will do the same for you.


Thank you very much 💕



I literally made an account just to comment on this because woooooooow bro I just have to say SOMETHING BRO.

I really loved the endings of the story and the writing is sooooooo good bro, it ties in with previous lives that Iggy lived with stronger and stronger stages of deja vu the more you progress which I like, and the character writing makes them feel like true actual people who are suffering and dealing with their trauma in many ways. (It makes me so happy, I love seeing actual effort being put into characters and their backstories, It shows that you really do care about them and how well the moral messages of the characters are seen by the audience.)

I adore Igs so much, I need a stuffed animal of him right now. 
Genzou is my favorite as while he is much more of a funny douchebag trope, he does truly love his friends (Even Orlam, even if it's hard to say, it's the truth.) and cares more about Iggy's happiness than he does his feelings for him. (I can physically not go for another romantic ending for Iggy because I hate seeing Genzou heartbroken :(. )
Gidget's backstory was a tough one, and while I didn't like them that much in the beginning (For reasons I do NOT wish to discuss as it is painful to remember) I slowly started to kin them in arc 5.
I have some mixed feelings about Orlam, but I guess it's more past-tense hate then it is now. I don't really like his type of sleezy-geezer personality, but I can understand how he thinks and feels looking back at his past now. Being through what he has gone through for a majority of his life would fuck anyone up really.
Poor Buck's and Saydie bro, they didn't deserve what they went through :-( (tbh none of these characters do, but oh well.)
Orlam and Genzou's relationship remind me of Cartman and Kyle's from South Park (their grown up personalities atleast)

I'm gonna be talking about what I think of Iggy's relationship paths and how I generally feel about them. (no hate of course, these are just my opinions.)

I LOOOOOOOOOVEEEEE GENZOU AND IGGY'S ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP!!! Or just their relationship in general is just super sweet and so accepting. I love how much they care for each other, and how deep their relationship runs in their souls. A true pair, if I do say so myself <3.

I don't mind if Gidget and Iggy were in a relationship, but after all of what happened between the two, I honestly think it would just be better If Gidget focused on themself for awhile. They need to grow and learn to accept themselves, to learn that it's impossible to achieve perfection and how to live with the fact that they are Non-Binary now and not a girl anymore.

Now, again, don't really mind if Orlam and Iggy being in a relationship, but I think they would be better off with eachother as friends. I feel like it would be hard with Orlam that Iggy doesn't like sexual experiences, and I don't really think Orlam is a romantic type of person (Which is what Iggy needs in a relationship to survive lmao).

I think thats It for my rant tho. LOVED YOUR GAME! I need more people to notice it, I really want atleast SOME sort of a small fandom to get by :(.


Carrot thanks for the game and experience. I haven't played a game that gave me this whole feeling in a while. Got the alone ending and am really glad it was given the care you gave it

Thank you for playing 💕 I'm really happy the game could mean so much to you. It means a lot to hear.


Okay!! I finished all endings, so it's time to write a comment about it! I'm gonna talk mostly about finale part, since I already talked about how much I love previous arcs in my last comment, sooooo... (also sorry for my bad english ^^;;)


IT WAS SUCH AN AMAZING EXPERIENCE, A TRUE JOURNEY OF A GAME-- NOT ONLY FINALE, WHOLE GAME AS WELL! IT IS INCREDIBLE, SO WELL WRITTEN, CHARACTERS, THEIR ARCS, THEIR BONDS, PLOT, DRAMA, EVERYTHING!! And finale was like a cherry on top of a delicious cake! Character's arc ending, the Bucks sequence, the tree, the epilogue... But my favorite of them all, the most emotional for me, the one which grasps my heart every time was the field scene. 

It was... I don't have the words to describe how much I love it... When I saw the background, the tranquil and empty field, I knew this is gonna be amazing scene. But I didn't know how much,,, seeing all of them as kids and saying their wishes, Saydie guiding them with an understanding smile, but the most,,, scene that even now makes me emotional was Iggy's wish. It-- it was so much in tune with his character arc, and I haven't expected that his wish would be like this. Which is pretty silly of me, because obviously, it's Iggy!! Who else is so focused on making their friends happy? Of course it's him! BUT AT THE SAME TIME--- AT THE SAME TIME HIS WISH WAS SO SINCERE, SO SELFLESS--- LIKE I COULD FEEL HIS LOVE TO HIS FRIENDS-- AAAAAAAA I CAN'T,, I LOVE IT SO MUCH, THIS IS GONNA BE ONE OF THE MOST MEMORABLE SCENES FROM ANY MEDIUM I'VE EVER CONSUMED

Also as I mentioned before I got every ending, right? So everytime I didn't skip it, nah, I reread it over and over, these 4 times and haha, and everytime this scene made me cry :'> I won't get too personal, but the 3rd time I reread it, it made me realize how much I miss being a kid. I'm this kind of person who bottles everything up, but it made me feel like it's okay to miss old times or regret things and to cry for them. This really helped me, I'm feeling much better now, so thank you.

Moreover I made screenshots of other wishes, so I can read all of them. And the "I wish I could see my mom" which I assume was Orlam's made me cry once again ;w; (oh and btw! I love things that make me emotional and I think if something evokes this much emotions in someone it is kinda like a sign of how well written it is, so props for you, Carrot!!)

Okay but now let's go to other stuff I want to talk about! Like character's endings!

I've obtained only Gidget's one on my first try which suprised me. I thought I'll get others too, but it seems like I spent too much time with them in arc 5 haha! Later I just made a couple choices different and got everyone, yay! :> I went in Gidget>Genzou>Orlam>alone order! Which is kinda funny to me since my OC order was the same (tho I got there bad ending first) xD Anyway, I'm gonna talk about them in this order then!

Gidget first!! So... The direction this ending went made me really happy!! I loved how natural it was, with no romance forced! Since Gidget and Iggy went through so much in their relationship and in arc 4 they had... Maybe not forcing romance on each other per se, but forcing themselves to act like... Whatever Gidget's mother would say they should do as a normal couple, I guess? I don't know how to describe it better, but I Hope you know what I mean. So seeing them just talk things over, with no "acting" to please anybody, being vulnerable and sincere with each other was so good!!! AAAA I JUST LOVE HOW MUCH PROGRESS THEY HAVE MADE, IGGY, GIDGET, THEIR RELATIONSHIP SDVADWMAVVXFAFA  I saw someone point out that unlike Orlam, Gidget considers their acts in wonderland as their own wrongdoings (I mean: not wonderland-messed-me-up-wrongdoings), because they don't have such a strong identity-- I  love this interpretation so much, aaaaaaa-- Also cg where they lie and look at the stars was so cute, I love it <3 ALSO!! Their epilogue!! It was greaaaaat!! I love love love that they, Cecil and Iggy are roommates!! This idea of living with 2 best friends (or maybe even something more?) sounds so lovely to me! And the fact that they stay in contact with Orlam made me so happy!! Also, like I talked before I love that gidgy are just their own thing, not forcing romance or anything. I like to think they are more in qpr than just in typical romantic relationship (or somewhere in between) and it makes my aroace heart so happy <333

Next one Genzou!!  GENZOUUUUU WAAAAAAAH-- I picked him as my second ending, because I knew this was gonna be very sweet <33 and was I wrong? Nope, cuz Genzy is always sweet! Even when they make me weep! I love all characters and ships equally, but genzy strikes me as the most possible one?? Just look how they care about each other and feel safe around the other one-- Ooh!! And let me go back to field scene! I found it pretty satysfying, because when I played arc 1 and Genzou wish was "revealed" I thought something like "Maybe he wished to see Iggy or something" anD IT WAS TRUE ALL ALONG!! I made such an assumption, because first game I played made by you was T2A2G, and it was so cool to have it confirmed! Also I'm curious what he was writing/drawing there as a kid... Hmmmmm... But anyway! Iggy telling him he needs to care for himself and try his best for himself , not to sacrifice himself for Iggy's sake was good as well  (also, Iggy, look who is talking lol). They just feel so natural when it comes to understanding and caring for each other aaaaa-- And his epilogue was very sweet as well! I love their expressions in it-- Iggy looking like embarrassed, but happy shoujo anime schoolgirl after giving Genzou his "answer", I can't-- And they just living together, chilling on the couch and spending time in Genzou's workshop awwwww... Did I mention they are very sweet?! >83

Okie Dokie, it's time for our lovely rat king Orlam! Well, well, his ending was a very interesting one! I love how his relationship with Iggy differs from gidgly and genzy. They truely are making their own rules, with no need to label themselves. Just two people caring for each other. Also I was very curious how he will act, because his personality seemed to change once again? I thought he was more sarcastic and kinda tired or maybe just reserved there????? Sorry, I don't know how to describe it-- But it was reasonable, this guy didn't feel anything for probably months without his heart and now that it was beating once again in his chest, he was saved, it would be weird if he was still as playful(??) as in previous arcs. Oh or maybe just effect wonderland had over his emotions etc was abolished? Well, with all of it I couldn't wait to see how would he act with only Iggy around! It was so nice to see them dancing with Orlam more "normal"(???? Is this word even compatible with this man?? xDD) and relaxed. Also it was fascinating to see his perspective on his wrongdoings there! Like I said in Gidget's paragraph. It was so refreshing to see a character, maybe regretting what they had done, but saying that they wouldn't do it other way if they could. He knows what he had done was bad, but he would do it anyway, and he still isn't potrayed as a bad guy for that! Oh and also when they fought Bucks and he realized he sounded too harsh when telling Iggy. It's pretty cute that he cares for Iggy's feelings even in a situation like this <3 Also his epilogue seemed the funniest one to me-- Like they were just working on a projects together, helping each other etc so much, that Iggy didn't realize they are in some kind of a relationship LOL Also just seeing Orlam doing great with his career and life is so heartwarming when you know all things he went throught... I truely wish him all the best, he deserves all of his successes and he knows it! <33

And the last, but not least - alone ending! No matter how much I like all endings and even prefer other ones over this one, I feel like this one is the most, uh, "correct" one?? It just focuses on Iggy and I feel like Iggy needs that. To choose himself, to give himself more time and to just keep himself warm. He, alone, but it isn't a bad thing he is alone. It is something he chose himself. And that's good. This epilogue was gsdhbasd so sweet!!! I absolutely love the fact that it showed how he spent time with all of his friends-- not only it was very sweet, also it made me so happy to see him show them he cares more. I remember that when I played arc 1 I wished he tried to act like a better friend to them-- Not to get too into personal territory once again, but this is something that deeply resonates with me. When I was younger (but sometimes still now) I always made up any excuse to not ask my friends if they want to meet, I prefered to just stay in my home and play video games or watch cartoons, and I think I didn't show them I care about them as much as I should. So Iggy change made me (once again lol) emotional <333 ALSO ALSO!!! I love that his life isn't crossed out of any possibilities. He still has his future before him and he can... go... to a pretty particular Christmas party, maybe with a pretty particular person, hehe! 

Some thoughts I wanted to say, but didn't: 

waaaaah, Genzou seeing Iggy chose Orlam over him was so :(((( I mean it was good that it wasn't swept under the rug, of course he would react some way, but it was sad nonetheless-- I can't help but think that it made him feel more depressed that person who Iggy chose was the one he had tormented so much,, like... To hurt someone Iggy cared so much about?  ;; (or maybe it is just me exaggerating drama)

Also!!!! Let me talk about Bucks!  HER INTERACTIONS IN FLASHBACKS WITH HUNAR WERE SO CUUUUUUUUUUTE!! I LAUGHED EVERY TIME WHEN SHE YELLED ABOUT TOMATOS IN THE LIBRARY, I LOVED THIS SCENE!! Though it was sad that "the crew" (and later other people too) called her a monster throught all her life that she started to think she really is a one... I can't imagine how did it hurt her when even Hunar called her that,,,, Bucks,, it's so good that in the end she and Hunar could make their dreams come true and had a healthier relationship! The possibility that Saydie may be born someday in a family that wants her is very heartwarming as well! TwT

While replaying barbecue sequence after finishing some endings I noticed that Bucks herself calls Saydie "a little monster" or something of sorts-- Like she is saying "a monster daughter of a monster mother" or just calling her what she hates to be called. I wonder if it was planned all along??

Ooh and I wanted to tell you that I think I found something like a bug in new version?? In arc 4, when Bucks comes to cabin one or two cgs are replaced with black background and Bucks sprite!

And let me come back to endings for a little-- while I absolutely love them I feel like if I didn't talk with Gidget so much and they wouldn't get their conclusion in my run their redemption would be almost not visible?? And I can't make my mind how to think about this, because I feel like Gidget wanted to give Iggy the space, but also if I, as Iggy, avoided them until the end their character arc would be left so opened. They would never apologize and had to live with guilt/shame they couldn't even say sorry,,, I just think it would be heartbreaking :((

...But anyway!

I wanted to mention that I love some cgs in arc 5, I even made the one with Iggy, Genzou and Gidget lying on a grass my phone wallapaper! Overall your artstyle has grown on me so much, I love it!! How expressive, how pretty and how much atmosphere you can show with it! And songs choice, as always, very, very good I'm looking forward to arc 1-5 ost playlist to listen on repeat remembering all of horrible or sweet moments with every track! And can't wait to see what you are going to do in future! Either remaster or anything new - I wish you all the best!! Thank you for making this game, it is one of the best, if not the best stories I've had the pleasure of reading and it shall always live in my heart <3

Firstly, finally got to play through the whole, complete game, and MAN was it worth it! I can see how you grew in all ways, Carrot, as the arcs went on, and just how the characters evolved.

I loved the ending in which Iggy, after letting others dictate his whims, finally takes control, not just from others, but from me, the player. I also love how that gets foreshadowed when given a false choice as to whether to get on the boat. I also like how no, the characters keeping all their future knowledge and experience doesn't magically make everything better. The whole unintentional erection incident which led to Genzou's blinding still happens. Iggy still lashes out at Gidget for winning the coding challenge. But in all cases, they listen to each other. Iggy is WAY more of a true friend this time. Genzou finally learns how to let go of Iggy. Orlam, while it's clear he and Genzou will never get along, finally has friends, real connections. Bucks - oh man, how she busts herself and Hunar out of their wedding. SO in-character for her! Oh, and of COURSE Orlam is a businessman. (I could write up a whole fan-fic short about how Orlam brings in a misbehaving employee treating those under them like pigs for the slaughter and verbally rips them a new one as only Orlam can.)

I also like when Iggy enters...I dunno, the Wishing Tree's inner sanctum? We finally get to see what everyone wished for, what Iggy's first wish was, and while seeing Saydie die along with the Tree was quite sorrowful, given the bizarre, supernatural circumstances, and given how Sadie is effectively being kept in a strange sort of undeath, I'd do the same thing as Iggy. She needed to finally rest in peace.

Now my one big criticism is this: why is the Wishing Tree, a maternal entity as old as mankind itself, if not older, holding the same views as Gidget's mother? The story leading up to the Tree's proper introduction to the characters seemed like it was just sick and tired of its wishers' hypocrisy, among many other vices, to the point of madness (what with wishes being her life-blood), when it lashed out to the characters, she'd point out all the flaws in their wishes. Orlam? You wanna make the rules, but all you're doing is running is running from the rules meant to help you find happiness - not to mention sealing yourself off from all aspects of life, even the good parts. Gidget? Your true self is a man, but you sacrifice it all for your mother's flawed view of the world and a pointless, destructive obsession over a biological man who can never satisfy you the way you OR your mother wants. Genzou? You want to see with Iggy so badly, you're willing to be blinded by his own emptiness to the point of sharing it and its active harming those who truly care for you - like Orlam. Bucks? You want your daughter do you think you got into Wonderland these last six times (at least)?! Iggy, though? The Wishing Tree's diatribe against him fits perfectly (and is a nice fourth-wall break).

OK, with that out of the way, but before I get into my non-review questions: final verdict? My good carrot, this is a masterpiece. Full stop.

This is worthy of a commercial remake. Get the money and team you need to bring the rest of the arcs up to Arc 5's level, make original backgrounds, music, etc.; hire on voice actors, like asexual Michael Kovak and pansexual Elsie Lovelock (my personal choices for Iggy and Gidget, respectively); and get more semi-animated and animated scenes in.

Okay, for the question and one 'critique' that's so minor it's a nitpick:

Why are the scenes of Orlam's Event Horizon-level flesh-orgy and Sadie's mangled corpse censored even with censorship off? I realize these scenes can easily be EXTREMELY triggering, if not upsetting and/or disturbing, but I feel those who are willing to brave the depravity should be permitted to see the images in all their horrid detail as, in context, they cement, respectively, just how completely uncaring and unhinged Orlam has become without his heart, and just how far the Wishing Tree is willing to go to get her 'perfect' wish.

Also, I don't know if this is just a limitation of Ren'Py or what, but in the scenes with false choices, the player could still be made to think that they can make a decision, but no matter which they select, they get the same scene, complete with options in the background. Just something to enhance those scenes' bait-and-switch.

Thanks for reading, Carrot, and I look forward to your next endeavor!


(my sincerest apologies for the delayed reply 😭)

Ahhhh I'm really happy you enjoyed seeing everything get wrapped up! There was so much build-up leading up to this and so many different aspects that needed to converge... in some ways I feel as though I'm quite lucky that I was able to make everything come together as well as I did, especially considering how much the story and characters themselves evolved throughout production. (Perhaps a sign that I should actually outline things when crafting a larger story... but then again, I think I'd lose too much motivation then, as half the fun for me is discovery while I'm writing and being pleasantly  (or sometimes not-so-pleasantly) surprised at the directions the story takes lol.) So much of myself also ended up coming out in surprising ways through the characters and their stories. And this made many parts of the ending quite emotional for me to work on.

Hahaha I wouldn't say the tree is exactly like Gidget's mom 🤣 Gidget's mom would certainly not care about violence and drama and would actually very much encourage "non-innocent" behaviors if it meant Gidget would give her grandchildren and be her idea of a "perfect child." Though certainly some of the same ideals do carry over in that fashion. I think with the tree though it's more this idea of pure innocence, and with Gidget then its issue is less so Gidget's gender struggles and more so the focus this then brings on specific body parts, which in the tree's mind, automatically equates to lost innocence. At least that's what was going through my mind as I was working on that part 🤣 Though I did keep quite of the ending sequences somewhat vague on purpose as I never want to force interpretations and would rather have people take away their own stories and ideas from it. I just enjoy when stories don't answer every single question and let you get lost in your own theories. I really love the "hot takes" you've written here that the tree could give each of them though. They all feel extremely on point hahaha.

"This is worthy of a commercial remake." --> Weep that's so incredibly kind... As much as I would love to be able to really go all out and do something like that, I think I just don't really have the heart or mental capacity... I am too anxious and easily overwhelmed of a person, so I don't really want to work with money and hiring people and having to manage all those things 💦 I think it might kill me LOL I feel like the only way something like that could ever happen is if someone else wants to do it and has the money and influence and know-how and then I could just be a consultant or something 🤣🤣🤣  Maybe I am just too timid and weak LOL But I'm really happy you think the game is high enough quality that it would even be worthy of something like that. It really means a lot to hear 💕

Ahhhh... about the censored CGs yeah... for the first one in particular I received feedback that I should tone it down. And I was worried that completely redrawing a toned-down version wouldn't have the same effect, so I chose to hard-censor it instead. For the second one, I decided myself but for similar reasoning to hard-censor it, as it felt unnecessary to show the full extent of it for the impact to still be there, especially since I still have the written descriptions. I realize some people might not be happy with this decision, but I made the choices both from an idea of not wanting to just be extreme for extreme's sake, and also because of the audience I've cultivated around the game.

At any rate, I was really happy to hear your thoughts about everything and I'm glad that you've stuck through to the end of this and have enjoyed seeing it all play out! I've really enjoyed reading all your commentary along the way and hearing your thoughts and interpretations for all the different story beats. Thanks so much for playing and always leaving such long and wonderful comments! It means so much hearing from you again now that this thing has finally come to completion! 💕

I know that this is probably really obvious, but I STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT TRAIL BOMB IS?????? LIKE, I was so confused man when they first introduced it, now im replaying a still have no idea. help

Given the loyal rabbits' rabid behavior and tastes, I would assume a trail bomb is made from humans or something they'd find similarly-irresistible.


It's just bits of gore taken from the humans that used to live in Wonderland (since the rabbits used to feed on them, so now when they smell it, they instinctively run towards it...)


I love this game so much, I had chills when I first played through it and I couldn't make myself stop. It's amazing and I feel so seen through Iggy. Orlam my beloved <3333

Oh, it's you!! kjdkafd Thank you so much 💕

I'm really happy you found the game and enjoyed it so much! And thank you for all the lovely artwork you've done. I always love it so much!

ASJNDWSINLXK HI? Thank you ^w^


FOR EVERYONE HERE: Where is the fandom? Like, where y'all at? I searched up Our Wonderland and there was literally maybe ten people who had anything related to it, and there were only a couple hundred views for those. WHERE Y'ALL AT?! This game deserves so much more than a couple hundred fans!


Also Orlam is the most beautiful scraggly rat man I've ever seen and I'm in love with him. I ship Iggy with Genzou, obviously, but I keep playing the Orlam ending because I'm just obsessed.


I don't know if there are other places, I only know about the places where I also hang out and post stuff, but from what I can tell, most people are on Tumblr. There's also people on Twitter, though I think it feels like less of a community there?? But that's just my observation not as part of the fandom but as the creator lol. I don't really have a presence outside of those two places though so I can't say if there's anyone anywhere else.


There should be more people in the fandom! This game is so well made! It's not even behind a paywall, so everyone's just sleeping on this opportunity. The characters are developed perfectly, the interactions are both heart-wrenching and hilarious, there's not a single plot hole in the storyline, and so many other things that I can't even put to words.


I will be on AO3, cause those are my true stomping grounds, but you can BET as soon as I improve my drawing skills, I'll be on Twitter!


umm hi u can follow my tumblr i post fanart n stuff :3 and im a huge orlam enjoyer too...


... Platonically and respectfully, I love you.


Hiii I post fanart on tiktok (apolloraysx) twitter and tumblr (axciea)  if you like orlam I mostly draw him :3



(1 edit) (+1)

I will replay the heck outta this game no matter how long it is! I fricking love this game!!!! The writing the characters! I rarely ever make comments but have to right now.

Like that's how good this game is.


This game is one i'll never forget. It made me cry and feel things.  I cannot explain how good- no great this was. At the end where it told us what each of their wishes are and having a wall break where it says that Iggy's actions are being controlled by an out side force which is us the player. What struck even more is how Iggy got to make his own choice in the end. Letting us see the monsters and everything fade from wonderland. Also at first we never saw much of  Bucks in the first half of the game and how she was like, she was just a big loud and excitable person at the start. Then when it showed the flashbacks of  her and everyone saying she was a monster. Everyone was calling her a monster even her friends but Hunar didn't. He saw something beautiful, but when she said that she wanted their child dead he called her a monster. That hurt the most because the one who never called you a monster finally calling you one put her over the edge. I also love how we got to see Saydie. I love this game and the characters so much! They made me cry so much, and I will stay and happily see what you will do next!

Okay seeing as you seem to be as obsessed with this game as I am, I must ask you. Do you know where the fandom is? Because I looked up Our Wonderland on YouTube and TikTok and there were maybe three creators with only a couple hundred views and I definitely think know this game deserves more than that.


I haven't a lot of it on youtube and TikTok, but their is a lot  more fans on tumblr you should check out.


(my sincerest apologies for the delayed reply 😭)

Ahhhh your words are too kind! I'm really happy you enjoyed the finale (and just the game itself ofc) 💕

Hahaha yes the ending gets quite meta. That whole scene in the field and with all the wish reveals and Iggy's original wish still really gets me. It was a hard scene for me to work on as it hit quite close to home and also was just this massive culmination of everything... I kept crying while working on the scene 💦 I'm glad it could also have impact for you.

I'm glad you liked the Bucks and Hunar part, as well, and the flashbacks. Even though I obviously couldn't give them the same weight and time that I had given the other chars because of the structure of everything, I still wanted it to feel weighty and feel deserved and give them some closure and resolution, as well. So I really tried to go all out on their parts hahaha.

I'm so glad you enjoyed everything and it could mean so much! Hearing this makes me feel really touched and honored, and I really appreciate you taking the time to write up your thoughts like this and let me know how you felt about the game. Thank you so much for playing!! 💕


(english isn't my first language)

the best game that I'm sure I will never forget. it is emotional, heartwarming and heartbreaking! and its goreee!! when the scary magic tree brings the ugly  true human nature out, there must be violence there! 

it touches on many topics that are important to me, and which I have rarely seen before. i think i can relate with all of the big 5, especially with iggy

its such a bittersweet feeling, that this is the end of an ERA haha I've finished the game! now i guess i will patiently wait for your next works!! 

i really loved the ending, i was in aweee the whole time hahah 


so i went:

genzou - gidget - orlam - .......genzou again (I didn't feel good not ending with him looll, i had to see their happy end again...also their scene was so romantic omg??? i would die)

 (also i forgot that neutral exist, i will do this maybe later haha)

I like that when they go back in time, they still make the same mistakes (i mean, most of them, and handle them better)  i like to believe that they are all better friends to each other, especially genzou and orlam...their relationship was just so complicated and tragic ahhh i would like to see more of their friendly bickering <3

bucks and hunar took a break to fullfil their dreams??? BEAUTUFIL


thank youu so muuuch and congratulations!! i wish you all the best!! <3


(my sincerest apologies for the delayed reply 😭)

This was incredibly touching for me to read, and I'm really happy you enjoyed the finale so much! (And also just the game in general 💕) Your words mean a lot, and I'm really honored that this game could mean so much to you.

Hahaha I loved seeing the order you went in (and also got a chuckle that you did Genzou's again at the end 🤣) I hope you'll do the neutral as well in the future! Even though it's a bit shorter than the others, it has a cute little easter egg that ties it into the universe (and I also just like how it wraps up, too).

I also like to believe they are much better friends to each other. Like obviously they're not perfect. They never were. And they never will be. But their relationships won't be built on so much conflict and bitterness and won't evolve to the point of hate they way they did in the past. So even if they're still snarky to each other, it's not in the same vitriolic way and at its core, you can tell they do still mean something to each other. That's how I see it in the new timeline anyway.

I'm also happy they are happy in the end 🥺

Thank you so much for playing and letting me hear your wonderful thoughts! I really appreciate you taking the time to write everything out!! And I'm very happy you've enjoyed the game 💕


This is genuinely by far the BEST thing I've ever played. The writing, The characters, absolutely everything about Our Wonderland is so amazing that I'd sell my kidney, my legs, and half of my brain just to forget everything and play this all over again for the first time ever, I also finished all the other games and I am still so absolutely hooked!


I sobbed with genuine tears of joy and happiness when Iggy said I love you to Genzou. Their relationship is so wholesome and adorable and I love how accepting and respectful Genzou is to Iggy, though I admit I may like Orlam and Iggy a tiny bit, nothing can top Genzy, ever.

The part where they gazed into each other's eyes?? Hello??? heart melted instantly.

Genzy has a special place in my heart and I will be playing Our Wonderland again from the start just because of them!

I hated Gidget honestly, but in the last arc? they were pretty cool so I guess I don't dislike them that much anymore now! also loved that they met Cecil, The two of them seems like the best friends ever

And Orlam? my thoughts of him are pretty mixed. but I can't lie, Him and Iggy are sort of cute? in a way. (Genzy still and forever will be the best though)

This game is the best ever, and to be honest? now that I've finished it.. I feel like I don't know what to do with my life anymore haha!


Weep I am touched by the sheer fervency though... 😭💕 I'm really happy you enjoy the game so much! And all the other games too!! I always feel extra touched if people even go out of their way to play all the side games lkasdfasd

"Genzy has a special place in my heart and I will be playing Our Wonderland again from the start just because of them!" --> YOU'RE REALLY MAKING ME CRY HERE????

I'm so glad you liked the Genzy route ending... I also really liked how their scene turned out. It felt really cathartic and touching for me and I still get a bit weepy thinking about it lakjdfad They really mean so much to me. Maybe it's all my cathartic ace thoughts manifesting in them but they truly just make me feel so soft and warm when I think about them. This makes me doubly weepy if other people also like them 🥺💕 I could write them finding each other in a thousand other universes and still never get tired I think LMAO I just want to create things about them forever maybe.

I'm glad the ending could also help you like Gidget a bit more!! I never blame anyone for any lingering uncomfortable thoughts they might have about them, at least in regards to Iggy. But I'm happy if by the end, even those that may have disliked them can still come to understand them and their struggles.

"Him and Iggy are sort of cute? in a way." --> KDFJADSF I don't know why but this made me laugh... 🤣

"now that I've finished it.. I feel like I don't know what to do with my life anymore haha!" --> YOU AND ME BOTH LOLOLOL

But for real though, thank you so much for all these kind words!! And thank you for loving the game and the chars (and Genzy) and taking the time to write up all your thoughts like this. It really means so much!! And I'm really happy you enjoyed the game and its finale!! 🥰

Spoilers maybe?

Not me lowkey getting scared when it said "What do you want, Saydie?" because that's my deadname and I forgot it was the name of Bucks' child so I thought it knew something 😭


Oh god I'm sorry????? 😵‍💫

Don't apologize! I thought it was hilarious!

Okay, I literally hated Gidget. I hated them. But in that last arc? They're literally my best friend now. 


lkdjfadkfasd I'm glad to hear your opinion has evolved 🤣 (though I also don't fault anyone who still has reservations about them) They would indeed make a pretty cool friend.


New comment after having finished the game:

God, this has been such a wonderful game from start to finish. I remember how hooked I got the first time I played the first 3 arcs. The characters feel all so human and distintic, with their own wishes and motivations, with their own flaws and things that pain them.


I loved the final message about how the story isn't a fairytale, so even when they all go back to when they were kids, they still make some of the same mistakes they did before but they react to them better and learn from them!! 

Bucks story was really heartbreaking. People might not realize sometimes, but when you say something to a person enough times... they start to believe it themselves. It's so sad that she couldn't be honest with herself and admit she didn't like being called a monster and didn't want the life she had until it was too late. But I'm so glad that she got a second chance with the loop and Hunar and she achieved their dreams before marrying!! (Even if I'll miss Saydie, she's a sweetheart!! but I want to think that she'll appear again since they were considering having a child in the future)

The others' endings were really charming too. I love the fact that Gidget becomes more involved with the LGBTQ+ community and how she even meets Cecil!! Their relationship is super wholesome, they feel like siblings!! 

 I'm still missing Gidget's ending but of the other two I played I think my favorite is definitely Genzou's. As much as I love Orlam, I think (personally) Iggy's relationship with Gen makes a bit more sense because of all the hints and teasing that were going around for the whole game (plus it just hurts me too much to see Genzou sad dksjgbksjb). 

The scenes between Iggy and Genzou were super sweet in Arc 5 and the future they build together warms my heart. I especially loved the part where Iggy mentions that Genzou respects his boundaries even when they're not always the same, 'cause sometimes he may feel like he could do more and sometimes less. It honestly made me so happy to read as an ace person myself!!

Overall, gosh, this game is so freaking fantastic. It will forever be one of my favorite games and I'm so happy to have played it and met the characters and read their story.

Thank you so much for this game, Carrot; and congratulations on the completion of it!! I'm looking forward to more of your stories!!


Ahhhhhh thank you so much for playing, Pri!!  It really means so much! And I'm so happy you ended up enjoying the finale! 😭💕

Also that you liked the final message. It was something I was thinking about a lot even throughout production, both as how the ending in my head evolved a bit, but also like, how exactly I would handle everything afterwards (helped a lot by working on OC). But I felt like a big part, or maybe at least one of the themes of this game in general, is that 1) things aren't perfect, that's just not realistic, and even if you get close to all the things you want, it still won't be perfect, and 2) that life in general is oftentimes beyond our control, but we still have to just do what we can. And I thought that by showing that, even with them remembering small bits, they would still go on to make some of the same mistakes or have some of the same things happen is precisely because no matter what you do, you can't control everything. You can try to be as calm, as cool, and as levelheaded a person as you possibly can, but even then you might still snap at someone if you're stressed. You might still get flustered and make a mistake. And the idea behind life isn't to eliminate these mistakes but to figure out how to better respond to them and act after the fact. (Obviously this doesn't like... adhere the same to like, all things, but still.)

At any rate... I'm really happy you liked Genzou's ending (and Orlam's too but lol). "(plus it just hurts me too much to see Genzou sad dksjgbksjb)" --> LKDJFALDSKFA NO REAL SAME. It made parts of working on the finale a bit difficult for me tbh because I kept having to compartmentalize parts of it in my mind because I would feel too sad otherwise 🤣 Maybe because as much as I love all the ships, Genzy will always hold a special place in my heart. And also the fact that I think Genzou hurts the most if Iggy doesn't choose him. And maybe also because I feel like the other two have like real strong supports and relationships with others in their own endings even if they're not chosen -- and Genzou does, too! Like I really wanted to show that him actually not focusing on Iggy and making more friends outside of the group and more general connections is what really helped him to be happier with his life. But at the same time his does feel the most like it's missing an Iggy-shaped piece lakdjfasdf 💦 (maybe that's just my heart talking though LOL)

I'm happy you liked the little ace themes woven into the endings, too sob 💕 I included it in different ways no matter the ending. Whether in the form of Iggy coming to terms with himself or in the way he interacts with others. But I really enjoyed how it ended up taking shape in the Genzou ending. Maybe because thinking about the two of them like, having this really trusting way that they experiment with things, and like, Genzou just being always so kind and patient and understanding and never once judging Iggy for anything, and thinking about that kind of love and support, it just makes me really soft and weepy... 😭💕 It makes me want to actually write about it in more detail and what it could look like and also with some silliness and warmth idk. I don't know if I ever will though.

"It will forever be one of my favorite games and I'm so happy to have played it and met the characters and read their story." --> WEEP this really means so much!! Thank you so much for all of your kindness and support and just wonderful friendship over the years, Pri! And thank you for playing the game and for always being so encouraging about everything! It means the world!! 🥺💕

i have words but uhh. it took me over a week to be able to play the finale and yeahh it do be hitting. i am so very tired. (minor spoilers) i really, really loved how this concluded. i adored the ending i got, the exploration of bucks' character was super interesting and cool, iggy finally making his own choice + the slight meta narrative/fourth wall breaking was so neat. carrot youre so incredibly cool and i love you. thank you for my favorite game. im gonna go scroll through the entirety of the blog now. thank you <3

"carrot youre so incredibly cool and i love you." --> WEEP??????

Ahhhh... I'm getting really teary-eyed!! Thank you for this lovely comment and the kind words! I'm so happy you ended up enjoying the finale and just the game in general!! It means so much hearing that the game means so much to you... 😭💕

(3 edits)

So like. Amazing. Literally amazing. What the fuck am I going to do with my life now? /j


Ok so, before finally playing the last part of Arc 5, I actually replayed through the whole game in order to refresh my memory on everything and I DEFINITELY felt like that was needed. I already had a good idea of everything that occurred throughout the game, but experiencing it all over again was definitely much more different than just remembering. It was probably a bad idea in hindsight because I was playing during a week where standardized testing was happening, but I believe it was all worth it. And it made Arc 5 all the more impactful.

The moment they all enter the cabin, there was already quite a bit to unpack. Iggy and Gidget were faced with a reminder of what happened at the end of Arc 4, there was a weird door they all had to figure out how to open, and Genzou and Orlam were already starting to bicker.

(I liked the brief callback to Jerry :D)

I had expected to see Genzou and Orlam to be somewhat happier to talk with each other, but it makes sense that they were still quite hostile, when you think about the relentless torment that Orlam had to go through, and Genzou’s routine of degrading Orlam that he had fallen so deeply into, which he was reluctant to break. That isn’t something one single apology can just fix, and that’s not even considering all the things in the loops that they had to undergo.

And then… Iggy and Gidget. I can’t imagine the cesspool of emotions both of them probably felt when entering the cabin, especially Gidget. That moment HAD been peaceful at first, until the drug that they infused the drink with kicked in, in order to “fix” Iggy and have the perfect life with him.

I love how much emphasis is put on this moment when Iggy “chose” them. The fact that Iggy described Gidget as so composed and strong at first, only for their barely maintained composure to crumble when they started apologizing for what they did to him. And also, in no way did they ever show the resentment towards him that they harbored for him in previous arcs. It was likely exacerbated by the Wonderland, and they also were preoccupied when apologizing to Iggy at that present moment, but still.

They had changed so much, from when Genzou and Iggy first visited them in the town, to that moment, when they started crying, kneeling in front of Iggy. Their change wasn’t just in physical appearance, but in mindset and demeanor as well. The complete shift from how flippant and carefree they were in the beginning, to the serious and grounded mindset they started to adopt the moment they were released from the shackles of others’ expectations for them. Though, that same carefree demeanor also felt like an attempt to disguise the fact that they were hanging onto their last thread of sanity, so it was probably more like a return to what they used to be.  And the vulnerability they had when they expressed their fear of the Wonderland showing their “true self” is heartbreaking. It tied in with their whole theme of "not knowing themself", which is most evidently relevant to their gender identity, but also to other aspects of themself and whatnot.

Even with all this in mind, Iggy chose to trust them, and believe in the person that they have transformed into, rather than the person driven insane by the delusions of a fantasy world that had tortured him so much. I feel like that aspect of their relationship is what led me to enjoy seeing it play out so much. Them falling asleep outside instead of going back inside is so dorky too.

And SPEAKING of Genzou… there was a lot of content for his scene that made me think “damn, this one is definitely the most romantic out of all of them”. Like, they kiss once, then another time, and then they have a CG in the cabin where they’re lovingly gazing into each other’s eyes. Funnily enough, I was thinking about Orlam being awake and just watching them (especially considering that’s the very thing he does the morning after) when that moment happened. As for Gidget, I assume they were still outside, but it’s kinda funny to imagine them walking in and being like “…oh" and then needing to deal with that in the morning. 

It does actually make sense that Iggy and Genzou have the strongest relationship, at least in terms of romance, because he’s the only one that hadn’t really traumatized him in any way, so there’s not much room for animosity in their relationship. And the fact that his arc was centered around the comfort that he gives Iggy and how much he cared for him makes it even easier for Iggy to love him without any reservations.

Either way, it’s so sweet to see how their scene plays out. It first starts off with Iggy caring for Genzou’s severed finger, and then delving into Genzou’s deep-rooted issues of self-hatred and his hypocrisy. I really love the part where Iggy proclaims that he loves Genzou when Genzou asks why he cares so much and then they have the kiss and then the dorky moment when Genzou is pulling his beanie over his head and AAAAAAAAAAAAA

This scene with Genzou feels EXTREMELY relevant to how they both were in the beginning of Arc 5, where Iggy takes it upon himself to care for Genzou when he’s not in the right mind to care for himself, where in the past, Genzou had been the one doing that. Notably, there’s also the juxtaposition of how they’re feeling extremely conflicting emotions about each other when Iggy visits Genzou’s house in the beginning, to how SURE they are of their feelings right before they confront Bucks. Iggy’s comment about the world being too cruel to let them sleep peacefully together reminds me of Arc 2, where they have the moment in the castle where Iggy opens up to him and they kiss, only for that happy moment to be taken away from them so quickly when Iggy was brought to be electrocuted and Genzou was later axed by Bucks at the cliff.

As for Orlam, it’s a bit sad that my opinion of him hasn’t changed much from my perspective in previous comments I’ve made. I guess it’s because of the fact that we didn't really see much of him until the latter half of Arc 5, and his segment primarily consisted of him expressing his hatred for the others and how much he suffered, right until the very end. It’s like, I understand his story and shit, and there are some parts of it I feel I can relate with, but he just doesn’t resonate with me as much as Gidget and Genzou does.

With that out of the way, I still think his dynamic with Iggy is intriguing, though. Their relationship isn’t plainly defined as “romantic”, because there’s more to it than that, but they also don’t try to conform to the expectations of others (hence the theme of “making one’s own rules”). Even so, there’s still a clear connection that they have with each other, even with the ways that they largely differ.

He definitely opens up more when Iggy chooses him, too. There’s no doubt that he certainly likes to fluster Iggy, but there’s also a sense of caring that he has for Iggy too. His morals are interesting also, with how he confirms that he had some semblance of regret for what he did, but still wouldn’t change what he did: rather, if it ended, then he would simply “let it end”. Interestingly enough, this idea also seems to be relevant to his lack of reactions compared to Gidget and Genzou when Iggy is put in some kind of danger (even when he’s the one that’s “chosen”).

I think it’s because in some way, he’s accepting the possibility of Iggy dying. Not because he doesn’t care for him, but because that’s something that can happen, and there’s no changing it if it does. One also has to consider that this timeline takes place where Iggy was one of the multiple people in the friend group that let him be bullied relentlessly (even when he had good moments with Orlam), and the fact that he was the target of Genzou’s affections. Genzou, the one who Orlam had a big fat crush on. So it would make sense if there was still some built up resentment that led him to not care as much for Iggy. I could be misconstruing his actions entirely, but who knows lol.

And then if Iggy chooses no one, I think I like the way he approached the events that happen from that point onward. Sure, you lose out on specific interactions that pertain to specific characters, but it also feels like his actions were consistent with his motives. He tried to take it into his own hands to do things on his own and took the initiative, first helping Genzou and going off on his own to confront Gidget. He didn’t go unscathed while doing it, evidently (considering he sustained injuries basically every other second), but his efforts still showed nonetheless.

He grit his teeth through the tough moments, and tried to rely on his own strength to do everything that he can feasibly do himself (at least if he chooses no one to help him). In all honesty, it’s kinda funny thinking about how he has the whole spiel about needing someone else’s warmth because he’ll die without it, only for him to be like “…actually, I can use my own warmth”.

Ok so um. Finally moving onto the more important events of Arc 5, the battle with Bucks was... certainly not what I was expecting. She manifested as a LITERAL monster when they first encounter her, which then becomes so sad to think about after the flashbacks and cutscene of Iggy as Hunar telling her she’s not a monster. With this continuous perception of her being some sort of monster, she just started to roll with it entirely, with Hunar being the only one that diverged from this point of view. At least, up until their relationship started going downhill (it was so sad seeing her sob after Hunar called her a monster T_T). The Wonderland also warping her into becoming the cold-blooded killer that the group was faced with at the end of their respective arcs didn’t help to relieve that perception of her either, and probably even exacerbated it considering they had to see her like that multiple times.

Going back to before that, it’s interesting that Iggy tried to use the Saydie doll to get Bucks’s attention first instead of the axe charm, when Saydie was basically the primary cause of Bucks’s suffering, whether she wanted her to be or not. Though Iggy does come to this realization when he actually grabs the axe charm. It’s pretty funny how it plays out cause the screen is all red and shaky from having his fingers literally being CUT OFF and then everything suddenly comes to a stop, and he's like “ah. of course.”

And when they finally get to the tree. I fucking had CHILLS when the heartbeat scene happened. Initially, the silhouette of the tree getting closer and closer made me anxious that there was gonna be a jumpscare or something, but then the reveal that Saydie was being kept alive by the tree was horrifying. Like, she was alive, but as a “writhing mass” (as Orlam had described her), and the visceral descriptions that were given, accompanied by the music that played… like jfc. It makes sense that she kept telling Iggy to kill her cause I don’t think ANYONE wants to live like that.

Tbh, I actually didn’t think about the tree itself being the main antagonistic force, but that should’ve been obvious in hindsight to me. It’s so… innocently described in the story given in the very beginning of Arc 5, and then it felt so... malicious once they finally met it in the end. Though, that could be because it was affected by the Wonderland’s tendencies, considering how fucked up the world all was.

After that would be the scene with Saydie where she takes Iggy to hear about all of the others’ wishes, and then Iggy’s own wish. Through Iggy’s own power, when he simultaneously grants Saydie’s wish and destroys the tree, it’s very gratifying to watch. At the same time though, I’m confused about the true importance of Iggy’s wish. He wished that “he could make his friends this happy forever”, but… what happened, exactly? Under the assumption that this wish disappeared just like the others, does it mean that the loop was broken? I guess it would be because this happiness was derived from being in the Wonderland, and if that lasted forever, then so would the Wonderland. There was clarification about this in another comment, but I'm not exactly sure if I have the correct impression.

On that note, the fact that everyone got a chance to redo the past (albeit with certain events staying the same) is quite the unexpected ending. I had thought they would be forced to confront the world as they were, with their present injuries and trauma and all that shit. Don’t get me wrong though, it was not bad by any means. I very much liked seeing the new resolutions of the events that went down, and also how everyone lived their lives anew. It probably just took me surprise, like it did with many others. I think I liked the Genzou variant the most (which is probably no surprise, considering my previous comments about him).

There’s honestly so much more I could call attention to, like the callbacks dispersed throughout the game to moments that previously happened, the various cutscenes in the latter half of the game that are so fucking heartwrenching (i.e. Genzou’s apology to Orlam), the endcards, and the very fitting OSTs, but that’d drag it out way longer. So I will leave it at that, and tell you that this was truly a fantastic game. I’m very happy to have discovered this game when it was still in the works and it feels so great to see it be finished. I also enjoyed your responses to my comments very much and I will miss them a lot. IDFK how I made another comment this long just by analyzing the second part of Arc 5, but I guess I just REALLY really liked this game. So as a concluding statement, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING OUR WONDERLAND!!!!

"What the fuck am I going to do with my life now?" --> THIS IS THE QUESTION I HAVE FOR MYSELF AS WELL........ 💦

Sob, at any rate... I'm going to cry from this comment. I'm not only overjoyed you ended up enjoying the last part, but that you'd take so much time??? To write so much??? My heart...🥺💕

You played through the whole game again beforehand ahhhHHHHHH. Somehow this is so touching to me... 😭 I can imagine it could definitely be helpful especially if you haven't played it in a while. Also there's definitely a decent number of times in the finale where I reference past parts of the game. Sometimes even just little small lines, etc. It's obviously not necessary to notice all of these, but it could definitely help if some of them are more fresh in your mind going into Arc 5... (it is a very long game after all and has been in production for a long time lakdjfas) I'm glad that doing so could make the finale feel like it has even more impact!

"That isn’t something one single apology can just fix, and that’s not even considering all the things in the loops that they had to undergo." --> Indeed... I did kinda think about how to approach them for a little bit before diving right into the writing for the finale. In my mind, it would have just felt weird and out of place for them to suddenly be all hunky-dory with each other, not only because it's so fresh, but also because with all the stress and uncertainty of what's to come, they would likely resort back to their typical coping mechanisms LOL That and I kinda see these two as just... well, it's them. Like. Even in the best timelines they'll still be bickering away. But that's moreso because of their personalities and views. Like how even in OC where none of the "worst" things that happened in OW happened in that timeline, they still bicker constantly LOL They just get on each other's nerves and always will. But at least their bickering has less hate behind it and is no longer one-sided.

Hearing you talk about Gidget's part is making me very weepy. I'm glad you like how their route played out. I know it will always probably be the most decisive of all the options, just because of everything that happened, so I really tried to approach it carefully. But I also don't blame anyone who doesn't want to play their route or just doesn't prefer it as much. So hearing that you did still enjoy it and the direction that Gidget's character took is very touching to me 💕

"Funnily enough, I was thinking about Orlam being awake and just watching them" --> LKDJFALSKDF THIS MADE ME LAUGH LOL.

I also feel like Genzou's scene and route in general is the most romantic. Probably because I feel like that's just more the dynamic he and Iggy have. Like of the three possibilities, even though all three of them can settle in and care for each other and have a life together, Genzou and Iggy are the only one where I would say "yes these two are in love with each other," so I think that comes out a lot in how I ended up doing their scene. Plus they had more build-up, I think, that led in that direction. I'm really happy you liked their scene in general WEEP. It may be the one that affects me the most on an emotional level, I'll admit... I just think they're so precious... sigh...

"Notably, there’s also the juxtaposition of how they’re feeling extremely conflicting emotions about each other when Iggy visits Genzou’s house in the beginning, to how SURE they are of their feelings right before they confront Bucks." --> I'M GONNA WEEP

Lol your comments about Orlam... I am indeed always curious how people will react to not only Orlam himself but the Orly dynamic. And I freely admit he's not everyone's cup of tea in general 🤣 I'm touched you still played his route though in spite of not liking him as much! I'm mostly quite fascinated by their dynamic and think it's really fun to explore, even if it wouldn't really be described as romantic. I enjoy what they bring out in each other and how neither one really cares about what the other is doing. I think that also plays into a lot of how they act in the rest of the finale if you take their route. That and Orlam's personality in general. Like he's just not the type of person to show outward distress/fear at someone else's predicament the way the others are, so even in his route, it felt weird for him to ever shout at Iggy in a fearful way. And yeah, you said some really interesting things about him being more accepting of their fate either way than the others are, which I think is also true.

It's really lovely hearing all your thoughts about Bucks's scene and the tree and Saydie.

"He wished that “he could make his friends this happy forever”, but… what happened, exactly? Under the assumption that this wish disappeared just like the others, does it mean that the loop was broken?" --> kdjaldfa this is one of those things where I like to leave some of it rather vague and up to interpretation, which is part of why I went with cutscenes here, as they were a great way to kinda just... show things without necessitating a thorough detailed explanation. I really like letting players/readers come up with their own thoughts about a lot of the things that happen (unless it's something that's like... crucial for the story ofc). I'll say though that yeah, Iggy's childhood wish kinda influenced... everything... after he made it. Like even in his head entering this mindset of focusing on others over himself, which usually just backfired because he was too young to handle a lot of the conflicts and emotions. But also keeping everyone close by even if they would have been better leaving. Keeping everyone with this connection to himself they can't escape from. To then leading to the literal loop where he couldn't die because that went against the wish so restarting again and again, each time focusing on someone else, but it never works, because he can't make everyone happy ofc. And so him destroying the wish destroyed his life in a way, because his life itself had become the result of his wish. And so all the loops and everything after his original wish was destroyed. That's kinda how I see it, but I'm also fine if people come up with other interpretations and theories for that part, too.

"So I will leave it at that, and tell you that this was truly a fantastic game. I’m very happy to have discovered this game when it was still in the works and it feels so great to see it be finished." --> Ahhhhhhh... 💕😭 That really means so lot! And I've always enjoyed reading your comments so much!!! It makes me so happy when people enjoy the chars and story enough to want to dissect it and figure things out and look for connections, etc. So reading those kinds of comments truly means the world.

I'm ecstatic you ended up enjoying the finale so much! And the game as a whole! I can't really believe it's over now. And it's all been hitting me pretty hard. But hearing from people that have enjoyed it and the journey it's taken has really helped so much. Thank you for all the kind words and all of the support and love you've given to the game!! 💕


After finishing the game, I immediately created this account for the sole purpose of writing this comment. Our Wonderland has been a journey–I wasn’t here at the beginning of the game, I actually played it first when Arc 5 part 1 came out. Nonetheless, It’s been amazing seeing the story and character development. Even as I write this, I can’t believe it’s over. Iggy, Genzou, Gidget, Orlam, Hunar, and Buxley.. They’ll always be in my heart. The world of “Our Wonderland” is so much more than a game. It’s everything!!

Anyways, I’m not the best with words, but I need to say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR CREATING OUR WONDERLAND!!!!!!! IT’S THE MOST BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING PIECE OF MEDIA EVER CREATED AND I’M GOING TO SCREAM THAT FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!! Everything from the music choice, placement, sprites, colours, EVERYTHING was perfect. And the writing. I LOVED THE WRITING SO MUCH RAHHHHH

Don’t get me started on the characters either. I love everyone of them and I feel so close with them. Iggy especially though, he’s so relatable and I really connected with his struggles at times. The pressure to perform is so hard, and life can feel meaningless sometimes. But I love the message of the game, which I think is to find your own happiness. The character development is amazing, and there are so many connections and references throughout the game!! 

I’ve recommended this to everyone I know (whether they actually played it or not has remained a mystery) but I think that more people need to seriously know about this!!! Our Wonderland is a beautiful, heartwarming and tearjerking game (literally i cried multiple times) which is severely underrated. I wish that I could tell you every other thought that i’ve had about this game or write several essays like the other commenters, but like i said earlier I’m not too good with words. Still, I hope my message reaches you (in case it didn’t, the message is that you created the best game in the world and i love it so so so much my heart might burst). 

I won’t yap for much longer: Carrot Patch Games, you deserve an award or several of them or really a trophy for creating the best game EVER. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING :) <3 


"The world of “Our Wonderland” is so much more than a game. It’s everything!!" --> Sob this is so incredibly sweet... I'm really happy the game and its chars could have such an impact on you and resonate with you so much!! I ALSO CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S OVER. I think it's part of why I've been just kinda numb since the launch. 

Ahhhh your words are so kind and sweet and really making me weepy. It really means so much so hearing that! Thank you for the kind words!

"Iggy especially though, he’s so relatable and I really connected with his struggles at times." --> HHHHHH I'M REALLY GLAD. Hearing that people can relate to Iggy really makes me wanna cry as there's so much of myself in him. I'm really touched!! 😭💕

"but like i said earlier I’m not too good with words" --> YOUR WORDS ARE VERY KIND AND I APPRECIATE THEM VERY MUCH!!! 💕

Ahhhhh truly thank you! This was such a wonderful and kind comment and I'm really honored that you enjoyed the game so much!! Reading this really brightened my day!! 🥰

(1 edit)

I needed some time to collect my thoughts after finishing the finale and all endings. The ending threw me for a loop (a time I'll get more into Ending Spoilers later, but I want to say some non-spoilery stuff about the game as a whole first.

This is such an awesome gore game. There is nothing else like Our Wonderland. The level of nonsense this game is on is unmatched. I am a big fan of hyper-gore and guro-type games, on some level because its such a strange and loud way to tell a story that it always makes me interested. There's also a sense of humor and catharsis in the absurdity of all that violence. Our Wonderland makes use of these ideas so well. These characters are dysfunctional, they never learned how to be close to someone without ripping their skin off, and its sad, and its funny, and it's hitting on a personal level. I have also never played another game that depicts asexuality in such a visceral way. OW rockz 5ever.

Spoilers time~

Okay, so that ending! The more I thought about the characters, the more I liked it and a sense of acceptance washed over me. They were always in that never-ending life, even before I came in and started playing with them, and so of course they return once again. It reminded me of the Nietzsche quote I sent you on tumblr a while ago. (I couldn't find the tumblr post, so I'm just linking to the quote itself.)

The scene with Saydie guiding Iggy to find all his friends was really emotional for me. All the characters saying their adult wishes, but looking like children, and realizing their wishes sound so much like the wishes of children. Sometimes I feel like I carry every age I've ever been with me, so I'm more experienced at being 9 than I am at being 26. This scene reminded me of that feeling. It was really well-done. 

Other thoughts: I am still reeling from my ship being canon!? Gidget/Cecil/Orlam canon, arguably in every universe except for the Orly ending! I am screaming!! I am sooooo happy for them. Oh my GOD.

I also really loved the Orly ending, too! For me, that one was the sweetest. They keep coming back to each other. Everything about them together. Discordant harmony in B, please. <3 

Our Wonderland is so good. Congrats on finishing this giant game! I'm so happy I got to play it, and now it will be played over and over again by players new and old! :3

"The level of nonsense this game is on is unmatched." --> HELP DJLAKSDFJAD

It's so interesting to me in general... I feel like I went into this game wanting to make something horrific and intense but with some underlying feels, but by the end, I feel like I'd transitioned away from wanting to make something horrific and became much more focused on the characters and their stories and wanting to make something that could resonate and move people rather than be horrific for horrific's sake. And maybe that's partly why I've been nervous with the direction of the game and especially the finale. Since I do feel like the game has changed over time. So it probably feels different to those who have been following it the whole time. Not that there were a lot of people back then but still lol. Maybe it's a part of me just growing as a dev and realizing what the stories are that I really want to tell. Unsure.

But I digress.

"These characters are dysfunctional, they never learned how to be close to someone without ripping their skin off, and its sad, and its funny, and it's hitting on a personal level. " --> This is such a great line and a great summary of the characters in general ldkjfasfd

I'm glad you were able to accept the ending even if it sounds like you probably didn't like it at first LOL 🤣 I'm noticing that this seems to be a bit of a trend for people that have played it perhaps. I knew that the ending would probably cause some conflicts and that not everyone would like it. But I'm glad at least if people are able to accept it as the end even if it might not be exactly what they wanted 💦 Even before I started working on Arc 5, I knew I wasn't going to be able to please everyone. Not only with everything that happens throughout Arc 5 but also with the final ending. In the end, as a creator, though, you just need to go with what feels right and stick with it hahaha. 

"Sometimes I feel like I carry every age I've ever been with me, so I'm more experienced at being 9 than I am at being 26." --> God I resonate with this so much 💦 Also for the sheer fact that it seems like no matter how old I get, I always feel behind. That I'm even more lost than I was in the past, where my brain thought it knew what it was doing even if it didn't.

LDKJFALDSKFA I'M GLAD YOU LIKED THE GIDGET/CECIL/ORLAM. They are just such a fun little interesting group to me and I want them to find happiness in each other in whatever ways they want to and move past the people that have caused them harm. The little Orlam bits in Gidget's epilogue weren't planned at all, they just kinda snuck in there as I was working on them because it felt right and a bit cheeky. Also that you liked the Orly ending. They are indeed so sweet to me... something about their dynamic just makes me smile. I like that they just do their own thing with zero expectations for each other but still have each other as a sort of anchor.

Thank you so much for the kind words and for taking the time to leave you thoughts!! Sob it really means a lot. And I'm really happy you ended up enjoying the finale and the game as a whole. It took such a big chunk of me to make. And a big chunk of my life in general. So I'm just really happy if people can come away with it feeling like it was worth their time perhaps dkjafd 🤣💦

I am literally in love with Orlam and Genzou. They are my new hyperfixation. Thank you.


I... love that for you 💕 (though I apologize for any future pain)

ldkjfafd you are so welcome...

I have never been great with words, but I very much have to try for this game, as it has meant so much to me in so many ways and I have to find a way to say it. It's beautiful, somehow relates to me, or makes me think about what I would want in ways that I was expecting (me being ace, feeling like I didn't fit in) to ways I just wasn't expecting or maybe didn't even know that I was going to relate to (the potential Orlam and Iggy relationship) and, of course, made me cry after a day or two with my friend who played the game practically alongside me, but with how many emotions I had for this game, that was to be expected!

Honestly, this game inspired me in every way it could, art (especially pixel art which I hope to be just as good in some way at some point!), music choice, writing and the characters (who I all loved the whole way through), enough that I feel I have to buckle down and find a way to make a game that's somehow just as amazing, I even found myself literally listening to the music and such while I work on my own stuff, just to remind myself how much I love it, and feel so inspired all over again!


But that's just my general feelings, I have even more to say specifically! :D

I think I played the finale as soon as I was physically able to, exactly how I played every other Arc when I found this game and refused to put it down. (Or stop telling the people around me in real life everything about it.) And with everyone together and things being more peaceful at the cabin I was already emotional, enough that when things got to Bucks and everything surrounding her with how the group treated her and, honestly I like how it wasn't a "huge" incident or particularly one incident that was bad, it was more of a consistent treatment that wore on her eventually, I was consistently close to tears from the start, and that's not even mentioning the later scenes, where I had to fight tears so badly I got a headache.

Then the tree and Saydie. Those were just amazing scenes in every way, horrifying, but amazing. This is where I mean I have a hard time with words, but I truly loved this scene, in atmosphere and reveals.

The field scene surprised me, but fit in perfectly too!

I had little idea what the final ending for everything was going to be, but the final time loop was a great end to me, one final loop to something better, not perfect, but better!

And that's of course not even mentioning the routes, a big part of all my emotions, I just love every ship with Iggy, enough that one day I basically have one as my favorite before waking up the next day and having another and then other days they are all my favorite, just because I find something so good in each of the dynamics, where I'll just remember a scene and just love that pair all over again.

I feel like I can only just say random things about each pair that I loved so much, like how Iggy and Orlam's relationship isn't one thing and still just as close, or how Genzou and Iggy's scene finally has Iggy actually tell Genzou he loves him or Gidget and Iggy's relationship changing so much for the better in their ending together. Maybe my thoughts are just a little scattered right now, but I can only describe it as I have so much to love with each pair and I have a hard time describing how much I love each, other than just saying random parts I liked with each.

I went in the order of Orlam - Neutral - Gidget - Genzou, mostly as I knew I would like Orlam and Genzou no matter what so they should be my first and last routes and I always leave Gidget as my nice surprise in the middle. Plus tradition honestly, for some reason I did the same thing while playing OFW and OC, I either played Orlam or Genzou first, then Gidget, then whoever was left. My friend and I even discussed which route to play first, we took it seriously!

Just to end this, thank you for making this game, Carrot. I loved it in every way, and I believe it is a story that I will carry with me forever! Take care of yourself and I'll keep an eye out for anything else you do!


WHY WOULD YOU SAY YOU'RE NO GOOD WITH WORDS this is such a lovely and sweet comment!! It means so much that you'd take so much time and effort to write up all your thoughts like this... 😭💕

Thank you so much for all the kind and lovely words ahhhh... I can't thank you enough. And I'm really touched that you were able to resonate so well with some of the themes. And even to listen to the music!!! LOL I also listen to the music a lot. Even though it wasn't composed specifically for the game, I spent so long seeking out music for each scene and really living with it and the vibes and such that it's become incredibly key to the game for me. It not only inspired some of the game itself but I feel like it's become fully engrained into parts of the game's own identity in a way. I feel like if anything it acts as a good example of how royalty free music can be just as impactful as unique music if you just put some thought into it maybe?? And that there's so much amazing royalty music out there in general so one should never feel like they're less of a dev for using it or something. Idk, I have a lot of feelings about music in general.


I'm glad you enjoyed the finale and all its different bits, from Bucks to the tree, to Saydie. And also the final ending! I was more nervous for the finale than any other arc simply because there was so much build-up and this was like... the end... and I knew I wouldn't be able to please everyone. But I hoped that whether people completely agreed with the ending or not they'd still be able to enjoy it as the final piece of the game.

KLDJFALDSA I'M GLAD YOU LIKE ALL THE SHIPS. I do, too... 😭 They are all very important to me in different ways. And I love the fact that they all feel so different from each other. So they all give me different kinds of feels. I wanted the ending to feel complete and satisfying no matter which route you went with. Not only for the sake of the characters but also for players, whether someone prefers a certain ship and only plays one or likes all of them and wants to see all the possibilities. (Though I do think that seeing the complete story/final arcs for all the chars rounds things off the best even for those who might prefer a single ship, since I feel like each character arc hits its finale in the individual cabin scene, but still.)

dkfaljsdkf the order people go in is always very interesting to me so thank you for telling me! I'm always curious if people will go for their preferred one first or wait or play in order from top to bottom, etc. (I personally always go in order of the arcs in everything I do, almost because I feel like I can't do it any other way, it's become so engrained lakdfjas.)

Sobbbbb.... your words at the end really mean a lot 😭💕I'm really so happy this game could mean so much to you and inspire so much!! Hearing something like that means the world. Thank you so much for playing and for your kind words of support and love!! It really brightens my day!!! 🥰

(4 edits) (+1)

I am finally back and actually managed to sob (My heart turns to stone for a day after finishing something, and THEN I cry) so now I am ready to pour love all over this game!


Firstly, I played through everything (Leaving Genzou's route for last because I wanted to end on my fav) and for the story, MY GOSH.

I adored everyone being back together, and finally realizing how much they've been neglecting Bucks, who somehow went from the littlest one of them (Complete with Gidget "protecting" her in the beginning from Genzou's crassness) to becoming the big, strong one that got shoved the responsibility of "protecting" them. I loved how it was never anything spectacular, or horrific, but her response was still just as upset at the expectations thrust upon her. The whole situation is complete when you realize in Arcs 3 and 4, Bucks just...disappears from mind, because they forgot about her. In that way, it was obvious only words from Hunar (adorable flashbacks, btw) would bring her back.

And then...the tree and Saydie. I loved how in the realization that this terrible, awful tree smells sweet made me feel like it was a Venus Fly Trap. Guiding children in to feed it wishes, and then kicking them out when their lives became difficult and "not innocent" (And judging them by completely arbitrary standards that are unfair to people growing up or going through life).

And then Saydie and the field was honestly where I teared up. That Iggy could never allow himself to have the same enjoyment as them all, and their frankly innocent wishes, followed by making a decision for himself (I found it a really nice thing that making himself happy was not exclusive to helping support the others in their happiness, heck, even IGGY seemed to think his happiness was exclusive to theirs, which was just untrue) And then destroying that terrible tree (I wonder if its gone for good, especially since the book is now blank).

I honestly wasn't expecting the time loop to loop back into their childhood, but my surprise didn't supersede my enjoyment. I love that they only get this opportunity to start again AFTER they've made the decision to be better to each other, and no sooner, so it feels like a reward for their efforts, and just a final wish to ease the journey (cause I believe they could have fixed their relationships, but I'm glad they got a chance to take kinder actions). Obviously, I'm super glad they remember as well (even if not in their head all the time) and this influences their actions beyond this point, but never making it perfect (Orlam still had his rough childhood, Genzou had his accident, Gidget still had a tough self-discovery), just better. Being ACTUAL friends to each other (now I just wanna write fanfics of the "better" actions that the others took, if only cause we only explicitly see Iggy's choice changes...and ships, cause that fuels me and I wasn't expecting to get so much material  + poly implications with some parts!?!?). Cecil and Jerry making it into the real world was a happy surprise, that just makes me think reality had to rearrange itself without the tree, which is always fun.

Them crying together nearly killed me, though, such a good catharsis and I felt a good way to SHOW how this would still affect them (along with all of them seeing each other's pain in the moment).

Speaking of ships, the SCENES and ENDINGS. Strap in, cause here's where I get rambly. I played them in order of Orlam -> Neutral -> Gidget -> Genzou, so I'll speak in that order.

Orlam's was incredibly sweet, along with the typical Orlam flavor. I liked how he views his actions in Wonderland as disconnected compared to Gidget, as he has a stronger grasp on who he is. The dynamic is very cute, with the fast paced dance and talking finally easing down into a dance that's much slower and more comfortable, as he honestly knows Iggy enough to know he'd appreciate that.

 The cgs were beautiful mirrors to their previous interactions: from a "ballroom dance" to a quiet, loving dance in a solitary cabin. Curled up on a small, humble bed (almost reminiscent of Iggy's childhood bed, where he planted the idea of "making their own rules") together rather than a grand, royal thing, and just so, so intimate. So glad I got to see it first, to clarify Orlam logically knew his friendships were there, but couldn't emotionally reconcile everything at the moment. And then the ending! It was cool to see Iggy's path change to accompany Orlam, and their dynamic never quite "fitting in" with others, while still caring a whole lot for each other. Funny that Iggy never seemed to realize their relationship had formed until Orlam started becoming far more affectionate, but that's just Iggy! The rabbit next to Saydie was adorable, and since the rabbits were Orlam's "family" down in Wonderland, a good representation of their relationship never quite fitting into anything besides "cares for each other".

It did hurt seeing the other's reactions though, but I feel it helps the theme. An imperfect thing, or an unhappy thing, was not going to destroy the friendship or chance of happiness.

I played the neutral ending next, and the ending cgs were really cute in detailing how Iggy reached out to the others more in friendship (The clubbing cg was hilarious), and then the connection to OC was very cute!

I'm always pleasantly surprised by Gidget, but never know what to expect, so I did them next. Their fear of their actions being their "true self" was a great contrast, and made complete sense, given they barely know who they are right now. Their feelings of wishing they could have figured this out sooner, along with Iggy, were just achingly familiar in alot of ways I imagine many people feel. Iggy also finally KNOWING what Gidget means also felt a nice contrast from their childhood, where he tried comforting them but couldn't actually understand WHAT he was comforting them from. Sleeping outside (though it froze them up good) was incredibly sweet, and having them so CLOSE (when in Arc 4 Iggy had to turn away from them, he was so ashamed by their reaction) was a great culmination. For their ending, I of course have to bring up the triple kiss. As funny as it is, it feels like a confirmation Gidget isn't letting the expectations of what's "normal" hold them back anymore, even if they shocked everyone but Cecil in the process. All in all, Iggy and Gidget felt like the most "new" relationship, as they had to figure themselves out in a way that never happened before, as so the hackathon trophy next to Saydie feels a great representation of that.

And...oh boy, GENZOU. I'm so glad I left him as my final choice to end off on, cause I adored him and Iggy so much, and it felt right. Sorry, gonna ramble a bit. Genzou always felt like the one who avoided intimacy the most with Iggy, despite how close they got and how much he became a comfort to Iggy, like he thought he'd ruin it (crossing his arms and staying still on the boat, having to think a moment to even hug Iggy, breaking away from the second kiss the moment he feels something's wrong), so it felt right that Iggy had to be the one to push for this kind of closeness. Iggy refusing to become Genzou's only reason for taking care of himself was also awesome, as their relationship clearly led to knowing they needed each other, but that has no reason to lead to Genzou setting himself on fire to keep Iggy warm, but nor should that mean Iggy should become his sole reason for living (Both aren't fair to either of them). The apartment scene, keeping Genzou warm in the woods, felt like perfect lead-ups to this conversation, to really SHOW him neglecting himself out of self-loathing and Iggy really needing him to stop doing that to himself (it only really hit me that Genzou was choosing not to eat on a second day in a row out of misery later). I also enjoy that it was the only route that has an explicit "Love you's" traded, as again, it feels relevant to both characters and their problems. Iggy for finally WANTING something out of him, and not being afraid to say it and push the issue. Genzou for finally letting himself believe Iggy actually loves him, rather than avoiding the intimacy, or writing it off as something else (acting like Iggy's just tired at the rabbit warren rather than just accept he's trying to be this close). The verbal affirmation just felt necessary. As always, I see the cgs as beautiful. The clearly overwhelming kiss like their kiss in Arc 2 (followed by tears, nooooo), and then the warm "by the stove scene" (capping off my intimacy talk by having them be so close and on the same page this time) feeling like a mirror to them in the dark bedroom in Arc 2 and their childhood scene before the accident (which ended up a moment of shame for them both, tragically). I was just glad they finally both got their "cocoon" away from expectations, Iggy from needing to do something he's uncomfortable with to deserve love, and Genzou from needing to be "helpful" to deserve a relationship (I always loved the cocoon imagery and was so happy to see it used over and over, especially in an "our cocoon" sense). I hope you can tell I loved it, and them, with all my heart! Their ending was adorable, that somehow the anxious Iggy and boisterous Genzou ended up highschool sweethearts (I also loved the cg of them talking on the phone, what with lovestruck Genzou surrounded by the decidedly UNromantic sounds of the vocational school) and settling into a very cozy life of working together and helping each other rather than one trying to do everything. Capping off on Saydie, Checkers, and Oswald as a representation of their relationship both as a friendship and romance felt perfect (for them and the game in general).

That got super long, and I hope it's not too much, but I really wanted to let you know how much this game touched me. As an ace person myself, seeing Iggy go through all this and coming out ok with his friends and potential partner was a beautiful experience. I'm sure you're tired of hearing this, but the game was an inspiration to me, and I hope to make a game that touches someone the same (I wanted to make games, but this was the kick in the pants I needed). 

This was amazing, Carrot, and I'll continue being your fan for anything else you make (but please rest up and take care of yourself!). This Drakka is out and ready for life!


SOB SAVING GENZOU'S ROUTE FOR LAST. Somehow that is so sweet to me... 🥺💕 This whole comment is making me tear up something horrible multiple times... ahhhh I'm trying to collect myself enough that I'm able to write a somewhat cohesive reply lsakdjfasd 🤣

I'm glad you liked Bucks's part. "The whole situation is complete when you realize in Arcs 3 and 4, Bucks just...disappears from mind, because they forgot about her." --> SOB YES. Like. They've always kinda just treated her as this extra that mostly only exists when they need her. When they need her to be a "monster," whether that's protecting them or making them laugh or being some form of entertainment. Because even from back in school, the "love square four" were so wrapped up in themselves and their own complicated dynamics that they didn't have any spare thought to put towards Bucks and always just kinda assumed she was fine and would always be there. Which is really sad. 💦 And I kinda tried to mirror that in the structure itself of the arcs. Because yeah all the complicated convoluted dynamics and drama of the other four always takes center-stage because they can only focus on each other and their own issues and forget that Bucks herself was the one who even started this whole thing to begin with!! 🤣

At any rate, I had hoped it would feel like "enough" for Bucks, especially since she (and Hunar) never got the same screen time as the others. So I really tried to put my soul into that whole part, between the action and flashbacks and cutscene. So I'm just glad if some of that could get across and still be impactful for her and her story 😭

"even IGGY seemed to think his happiness was exclusive to theirs, which was just untrue" --> GOD REALLLLL. Like even from childhood, his own joy coming from seeing his own friends happy. And how that would form his wish, which would in turn go on to cast this veil over his life. Constantly in pursuit of giving happiness to everyone but himself. Which is in itself an impossible task, hence the endless hopelessness and futility of the repeating loops lakdsjfalsd

That whole part was very personal for me and I had a hard time working on it 💦 And I got a bit worried just in general how people would respond to it 🤣 I'm glad you enjoyed it though. And also the whole part with the tree. And the ending!! (lol I'm just listening everything at this point alkdjfas) I think I was particularly anxious about the final ending and people's reactions. I knew no matter what I wouldn't be able to make everyone happy with it but I did what felt right to me and the story. I'm glad you enjoyed seeing how they all ended up lol. I feel like a big part of what I wanted to show with it was that so much of life is beyond our control and we can't blame ourselves for everything, but we can try to make a difference in small ways. And like. Showing how those small ways, even if obviously they didn't fix everyone's problems and issues, they helped give everyone more strength and support to keep pressing on and to find their own selves and their own happinesses.

LKFDJALSDFASDF WHAT AN ORDER TO PLAY THE ROUTES IN 🤣 I'm so interested in what order and/or which routes people will end up playing. Like those that want to play all, which order they go in. And those who only want to play some, which ones they choose, etc.

Sob you're the second person to point out the similarity of the bed CG with Orlam to the one where they were kids I HONESTLY DIDN'T MAKE THAT CONNECTION WHEN I DREW IT LMAO. But that is nothing new, I'm so often only pointed out these things after the fact LOL And now it seems so sweet to me and feels like it makes the final culmination of their dynamic even more fitting.

"It did hurt seeing the other's reactions though, but I feel it helps the theme" --> WEEP FOR ME TOO TBH. I knew going in that it would be hard to write the others' reactions, which is I think also why I tried to keep those after-choice scenes rather lighthearted. Both to ease my own heart, and also because I never wanted anyone to feel truly bad about their choice lkdjads But at the same time not wanting to just gloss over it. So I hope I was able to find a happy medium of still acknowledging the sadness while keeping it lighthearted enough not to drag it down 🤣

I'm glad you also liked Gidget's route! Their special scene honestly turned into one of the most personal for me. Hitting on some of the things you mentioned like wishing you could have done things differently, etc. And also I love how you mentioned this: "All in all, Iggy and Gidget felt like the most "new" relationship" --> because that's also so much how it felt to me. Like. For one, the two have not really had any chance to be with each other as "their true selves." And yes sure in their childhood they did a lot more before everything began changing, but so much of their adult life was spent behind masks, so it almost feels like they never truly knew each other even when interacting. That and ofc everything that happened in Wonderland... like, I didn't want to just gloss over any of that either and say that immediately they'd just be able to patch things up and move on when clearly that would never be the case. That's a big reason to why I made their special scene less romantic in general and didn't include a kiss or anything. Because they weren't ready yet. They needed to meet each other again and re-discover each other and grow comfortable with each other again before anything like that could happen. Which is why I had it only be in the epilogue that things took a more romantic-ish turn for them again. Only after they were able to do things over and grow close actually knowing their true selves.

SOB I'M SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED GENZOU'S ROUTE/ENDING THOUGH. EVERYTHING YOU'VE WRITTEN HERE IS SQUISHING MY HEART AND BRINGING TEARS TO MY EYES????????? Out of all of them, I think the Genzou and Iggy pair will always feel the most special to me... I tried not to let this happen as I do truly love all of them to bits and I love love LOVE the different dynamics they each bring and I wanted each one to feel like a beautiful thing and a potential true route for Iggy. But in my heart I couldn't help but let Genzy take over just a bit... perhaps because their relationship was the most cathartic for me throughout the entire game. Not only from an ace perspective, and how their scenes really let me let out so much of my feelings and struggles tackling my own sexuality. But also just the feeling of pure acceptance is something that melts me to the core. (Also pining. I'm very very weak to pining...). Something about these two has just changed something fundamentally inside me maybe LDKJAFSDFA So. Getting to finally bring them together for good did things to my heart that I may never recover from 🤣🤣🤣 I feel like I could write them falling in love in a million different universes and I would never get tired of it. (Hence why I constantly have different semi-AUs of them playing out in my head at any given time LKDJAFDS)

"I hope you can tell I loved it, and them, with all my heart!" --> I CANNNNNNNN GODDDDDDDDDDDDD everything you've written here... I don't even have the words to respond.... but like.... thank you for putting into words so many of my own thoughts about them and like, their dynamic and the build-up and everything. I've never been good at describing why I write things the way I write them. Because so much of what I do is just based on vibes in the moment. What feels right. But reading everything you've written about their relationship and what it needed and how it culminated feels so incredibly right and in-tune with my thoughts and vibes for why things happened the way they did lakdsjfad Reading it both made my heart twist while also making me smile so much HHHHHHHHHH 😭💕

"That got super long, and I hope it's not too much," --> IT'S NOT TOO MUCH AT ALL. IT WAS WONDERFUL. AND I AM SUPER TOUCHED AND HONORED. I feel like my own response doesn't come close to getting across my sheer feelings at reading what you wrote, but please know that I was incredibly moved. And I'm so appreciative and touched that you would take so much time to write all that out!!! Thank you so so much!! For playing the game. For loving the chars and their stories. For writing down all your thoughts. It really means the world. I can't thank you enough!! I need to go decompress now... LKDSJLFAKSDJFLAKD 🤣💕

(1 edit)

Oh. My. God.

carrot i don't know how you did it but you did it. You've actually made a masterpiece.

I've been following this project since arc 1 and holy shit your game (or games, because it's like this with all your games) make me produce enough tears to make a fake ocean and also give me heavy chills.

I LOVED it. Seriously how you write, how you present the scenes, the dynamics and how REAL this feels is abnormal (in a good way of course).

This is all beyond words. I feel like i've commented this before but this is truly one of the best games out there. Something EVERYONE should try once in their life.

I won't stretch this much longer. Just know that this was an extraordinary experience. THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS!!! <3 <3 <3 <3


HELPPPPPPPPP sob that's so incredibly kind 😭💕 It doesn't really feel that way to me ldkjasd but hearing that others could really enjoy it so much really means so much. These chars and this story are so incredibly important to me and become such a huge part of my life. Hearing that they are also important to others makes me very weepy 🥺

AND THANK YOU FOR FOLLOWING ALONG SO LONG ON THIS JOURNEY???? I feel like there aren't that many people that have been around since the very beginning lakdjfa Especially since it was even more unknown then than it is now (not that it is even very known now 🤣)

Your words are too much ahhhhh... you're really going to make me cry!! Thank you so much for playing! And for all your words and support and encouragement and love throughout all of production! I'm really happy you're still here at the end and could enjoy seeing how this thing all finally wrapped up!! It means so much! 🥰

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (incoherent screaming)

i’ve only done one route so far but there’s so much i want to scream about. the finale was amazing and there were sO MANY FEELS i don’t know if i can articulate them entirely

firstly, a side note: i mega goofed up lmao. i was shipping genzy for the most part and wanted to do genzou’s ending first but somehow i managed to unlock everything except genzou’s ending??? (don’t worry, i’m just amused! not that it was a bad thing!) i thought about genzou when entering wonderland at the start of act 5 and went to talk to genzou in the bunny hideout before heading for orlam’s castle ;;w;; maybe it’s because i :(-ed at genzou too much at the beginning for being mean to orlam maybe aslkdjalkjkdl. but it’s okay! i did orlam’s route first and thoroughly enjoyed it!

genzou saying “oh sorry orlam i forgot you were on a strict humanitarian diet” was really funny to me alksjdldkjkla,

THE ORLAM ROUTE CABIN SCENE! even though orlam wasn’t who i was originally going to pick first (i do like orlam a lot too though!! i went for orlam’s route first in OC before i played OW and got sold on genzy) the dance with him!! his comments flustering iggy!! the kiss!! them falling asleep together!! i was smiling through the whole thing and it was warming my dumb cupiromantic heart and it was chefs kiss.

genzou’s </3 at seeing iggy with orlam but still telling iggs to stay safe during the fight adiljalkdja,,, genzou im so sorry i wanted to pick you!! the game didn’t let me!! D:

BUCKS’ PART,,,, aaaaaaaa!! somehow in the previous arcs i’ve always just saw her as a scary angry axe-wielding person but seeing her go “i’m a monster” was aaaaaaaaaa (sob) and i just wanted to hug her,,, i understand that iggy and the other members of the crew didn’t have malicious intents when calling her a monster when they were younger and didn’t know how it’d impact her but still ;;w;; smol!hunar’s interactions with bucks were really sweet though!!

saydie nooo D: also the tree yelling at gidget for making genitals with toilet paper aslkjdaldkja,,,, wheeze.

the tree telling iggy that his choices weren’t even his, leading to iggy’s choice about whether to reset the timeline later actually made by him (and not letting us choose) was woah :o i’m also proud of iggy, go iggy!! make your decisions!!

i want to hug the cast so much they’ve gone through so much and the epilogue where everyone gets a second chance and does things better makes me really proud of their progress, even if they’re just fictional characters! aaa

thank you for creating this game!!! i had a wonderful experience playing it and it gave me a lot of feels and ace joy (and it shall be haunting (in a good way) my thoughts for many days to come),,, massive kudos to you for completing such a massive project, i know it takes a lot of determination and perseverance to finish something like this (source: my short attention span and my bazillion unfinished projects), please get some good (and well deserved) rest!! sorry this was a very rambly post and i’m not very good with words ;w;

HELP UNLOCKED EVERYTHING EXCEPT GENZOU'S ENDING???? Oh my gosh... I feel like this takes talent 🤣💦Since I've always felt like Genzou's just in general is the easiest to unlock. Especially if you even did the "thinking about" choice and the night chat in Jerry's hideout. Admittedly, Genzou requires the most points to unlock, but this is because he has the most possible points (the structure of the game kinda lent itself to allowing me to create more choices for Genzou since he's just... always there LKDJALKDSF)

At any rate, I hope you were able to eventually unlock his ending if you wanted it!! I still plan to release a guide for unlocking all the chars with some general hints. I just haven't yet as I've been a bit overwhelmed trying to keep up with everything after the launch hahaha

I'm really happy you still liked Orlam's route though 🤭 Orlam, and in particularly Orly, is so interesting to me as they have such a different dynamic from all the rest. Well, I think all three have quite different dynamics, but Orlam is the most unexpected. And since he and Iggy normally would seem to be at such odds with each other and are so different from one another, it makes for a very interesting and fun dynamic to me lol. I really like how their scene ended up turning out though, as I felt like it really encapsulated their dynamic while also revealing a few cheeky things about wonderland and the loops.

"genzou’s </3 at seeing iggy with orlam" --> SOB LAKJDFLAKDSF a part of my heart felt crushed in every single post-choice scene since no matter what, there will always be some feelings of sadness from the others. Orlam's in particular since it comes as such a shock to both Gidget and Genzou 🤣 But I tried my best to inject some lighthearted humor in there no matter what to keep it from getting too depressing alksdjfads since overall no matter what I want people to enjoy their choice heheh.

And I'm glad you liked both Bucks's part and the final bits with the tree. And Iggy's stuff!! Even though I generally knew the direction I was headed in for the ending, a lot of new surprising things happened while I was working on it (like always), and it ended up turning out very emotional and personal for me, how everything wrapped up. So it makes me really happy if people enjoy how it turned out... 😭💕

SOB THANK YOU FOR THE KIND WORDS. I'm really so happy that you ended up enjoying the game so much!! AND THE ACE JOY WEEP. It gives me much ace joy, as well. And ace catharsis. AND ACE TERROR??? FKDJALSDFA Well at least that settled down by the end LOL 🤣But just truly, I ended up putting so many of my own thoughts, struggles, and experiences in this, that I hope that others can relate in a way or feel seen or even just feel a little bit of their own joy inside when playing. Especially other aces. Thank you for giving this little game a chance and I'm beyond touched how much you ended up enjoying it!! Thank you so much for taking the time to write up all your thoughts and all the lovely and kind words! It means so much!! 🥰


I went and finished playing our fantastic wonderland after the main all 3 endings. (and got all 4 for this game LMAOO errrr I just really like this game okay the writing is amazing and ohhhhh my fucking god if only I could video essay this in everyone's mines because THIS IS THE VN HORROR I"VE BEEN MISSING!!!)

sorry I love this game toooooo much LOL XD

THANK YOU SO MUCH????? It's been such a journey 😵‍💫 I'm really happy that I was able to actually finish this thing after all this time sob.

I'm really happy to hear that you enjoyed the finale (and also OFW LDKJFALSDKAF). Sob that means so much!! HELP A VIDEO ESSAY IN PEOPLE'S MINDS 🤣

That is really too sweet, you'll make me cry!! I'm really glad you enjoy the game so much!! Thank you for taking the time to write up this sweet comment and for all of your support! It means the world! 😭💕

So first things first i LOVVEDD these endings so cool, great work to everyone envolved.

I can't explain how much this game has changed me. The only thing i can really do is thank you because i have never felt and related to game characthers (specifically Iggy and Genzou) this intensely.

I discovered the game when arc 4 was fully released but only played when arc 5 part 1 came out so i could experience it more compleatly than before and OMG ITS THE BEST GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED LIKE SERIOUSLY and its a really beautifull story and it helped me a LOT with my sort of sexuallity discovery.

And on that note i REALLLYYY want to tell you how much i relate to Iggy because omg i felt like i was watching a version of me on many ocasions and i also want to thank you because while playing i went on a sort of search of the meaning of asexual (given the fact i didn't know much about it) and it beautifully represents the things i feel and think (and the relationship between Iggy and Genzou makes me really miss a friend of mine) and  their more personal scenes really hit me hard (in a good way!!) and knowing its ok to feel out of place and having that special someone tell you you are not broken is so so so amazing. 

I have been in a really bad state mentally and this game has helped me see things in so many new ways so thank you thank you THANK YOU!!!

And to finish this awful long confession i want to thank you for working so hard on this game and never giving up on these projects, i'll be watching for everything you do next and i hope you and everyone who reads this to have a great day/night ;)


Thank you so much for this sweet comment! 😭💕Ahhhh I'm really touched to hear that you relate to Iggy so much. Hearing you say things like that makes me get a bit teary-eyed as much of Iggy is also based on myself and my own experiences. I hope that Iggy and his own struggles (and accomplishments?? kdljfad) could help you feel a bit more seen. It certainly helps me also feel a bit less alone when I know there are others out there who've had similar thoughts and experiences as me.

I'm really sorry to hear that things haven't been good for you mentally. But I'm glad that this game could help even a little bit to give you some spot of happiness or distraction 😭 Please take care of yourself and I hope that things might get a bit better for you soon 💕 Sometimes it can be really tough. But I hope that you can find something to hold onto and some spots of brightness so that things don't get too dark.

Thank you so much for taking the time to write up all your thoughts and feelings. I'm really happy that you enjoyed the finale (and also just the game in general). Your support and love really means so much 🥺💕

(1 edit)

okay so i have a Query. finished the game, LOVED IT , i can’t skip forward? ? ?? i tried using tab and ctrl many times but it just shows the skipping flash for a second before going away this may because of how. weird ive been playing the Game?? ? since when i hit launch on, it gives me the different versions ive downlaoded (arc 5 part 1 1/2, final version pc, final version 32 bit pc, etc), and when i click on one it gives me More files (all the same but with different files sizes?) so i’ve been using final version 32 bit pc and any file size which has been the moment the skip buttons stopped working. idk WHAT im doing wrong but i know its something (the reason i had to use the 32 bit version was because all the other ones didn’t have the final update despite being titeld Final Update) . as much as i love this game (43 -> 59 hours bayBE) i replay it too much and my short attention span needs the prime moments (genzy moments) stat .Help

OKAY!!!!!! ISSUE WAS!!!!!!!! the save files were wack (still no clue whats going on with the different file sizes and things not loading but shrugs) BUT, i can skip through scenes i’ve already seen (in this save file only, i cant load any previous saves so its like im playing the game again ? i am not explaining this good but i am sleep deprived so )

Ahhhhh I'm glad you were (kind of???) able to figure it out? I admit I don't really kno whow the Itch launcher thing works... I've never used the app before, so I'm not sure what you mean when you say it allowed you to choose from different files 😵‍💫

I do know that going back and forth between, for instance, the 64-bit and the 32-bit versions of the game can cause weird errors though. I noticed it when I myself would try to test something using the data from my 64-bit version in the version I made for 32-bit. I think it's because the data is either put somewhere different or generally just handled different, so it's like, able to find some but not all of the persistent data. Which could explain why it wasn't allowing you to skip, because it kept running into strange errors??? I'm not super sure, but reading that, that was the first thought I had as to what could possibly be going on.

Also the persistent data and your save data files are kept into two different places, which could now explain why your persistent data is working again (the fact that you can skip) but you can' t find your save files (because the save files are in a folder for the other version). It's all very complicated, but I'm sorry this is happening 😭 My best piece of advice would be to try downloading the file manually from the browser site rather than the app so you know which one you're downloading maybe? And if your persistent data is working now, you might be able to manually move your save files from the other version into the folder for this version perhaps. It sounds in general like a lot of the files just got really mixed up between the versions, which is probably why it's causing some weird errors... 💦

(2 edits)

[Arc 5 finale spoilers!]






So first of all, the execution was amazing. I praised how the Orlam and Genzou scene was done in the previous part, and I can say that pretty much the entire game after they left the cabin had the exact same quality. It felt like it was actually my life, like I was the one going through it all. It brought me to tears and heartbreak multiple times. The art, soundtrack, and writing were superb, as usual. I can really tell Carrot improved so much with their art and put so much love and care into, I feel like I could just stare at and admire all of the CGs. They're all so special and beautiful, and that's not even to mention the animated cutscenes. The cinematography was simply top-notch, the way Carrot combined their art with the music and brought the scenes to life made this all the more special. I cannot imagine how much effort it must've taken to get it all so perfect. And the way Carrot was able to combine both more lighthearted scenes towards the start and then slowly biuld up to the climax, it really kept me on the edge of my seat and really captured my heart. And towards the end, the way it was all wrapping up and having them "leave Wonderland behind"... I was simply overcome.

I loved all the routes, they were all unique and beautiful. The way they so perfectly captured Iggy's dynamics with each of the LIs and reflected on them is so poignant. And the mixture of angst, pining, hurt/comfort and the relief of finally admitting their feeling to eavh other was flawless. Also, all of the morning after scenes are hilarious. Carrot, I swear, I don't know how you managed to write a horror masterpiece and still stick in comedic moments that are not only funny but don't feel out of place at all.

I think the way Bucks' character was unveiled was so beautiful and visceral. It was so simple, yet it explained so much, and it made me really love her and Hunar's relationship. And the choice to have it  all unravel at the very end strengthened it all. For the entire game, Bucks' detachment from the group was downplayed, chalked up to her being younger and in a relationship. But when they finally show how they treated her, what caused her to feel so ostracized, not only did the player realize the truth of it all, but the characters did too. It wasn't put off until the end because it wasn't relevant enough to adress earlier, it was because the characters themselves didn't adress it yet. And I think that's a really clever way to have done it all.

The section with the tree... I barely even have words. It was so visceral, so captivating, so... intense. It truly felt like the "final boss" of it all. And the added scare factor with Saydie really brought it all together.

The ending is... still messing me up. I just finished getting all the routes and I loved how each of them played out, but I want to talk more about the actual prospect of the ending itself. In all honesty, I didn't really know what to expect. I mean, I knew they'd come out of Wonderland in mostly one piece, but I didn't envision it would involve an entire timeline reset. And... that's the part I'm still coming to terms with. On one hand, it makes sense narratively. A big theme in the game is, obviously, time-looping. Having to go back to the same start, trying different things each time, and trying to untangle the mysterious web of not only your issues, but your friends' while you're at it. So having the ending go back in time to where this all began, give everyone one more chance, feels fitting. Especially with them having to defeat the tree, having to break free from the one thing holding them back... But on the other hand, I can't help but feel conflicted about it all. It might just be the very fact that the game is ending, but I think it's something else too. Having everything reset after the characters went through so much feels... weird. It's not like it was a complete reset, there's still obviously the remnants of the previous timeline guiding them in a better direction, but it's still a reset. Iggy even says in Gidget's route "it's not too late", but with their salvation sending them back in time, it's kind of saying that it was too late. That the characters were already beyond saving, and the only way to fix this mess would be to go back to where it all began. I feel like a big part of the game was the notion that these characters might be fucked up beyond all reason, that they might've done unforgivable things, but they're still human. And all they could really do was just move past it and try to do better. But then they had all their actions just erased. And... I don't know. Okay, you can disregard pretty much everything I said there. I thought about it a bit more and also read Carrot's ask about the whole thing and I can confidently say that the ending has grown on me. There was a bit of a misunderstanding on my part on how the whole thing happened + just generally being fucked up from the fact that the game was over so I apologize. Anyways, I loved the ending. All the epilogues were just precious and adorable??? Happy Bunar, cute high school Genzy, a thriving Orlam, and a Gidget/Iggy/Cecil/Orlam polycule (I'm still not over that GIDGET REALLY JUST KISSED EVERYONE. THAT'S INSANESAADOHDSHSJ???). I could go on and on about all the little moments but I think I'll stop here. (I do still wanna know, though, was Our Cinderella always planned to be canon, or did you decide to add it in because it lined up? Would the ending be different if you hadn't made it?)

All in all, Carrot, I cannot thank you enough for making Our Wonderland. For sticking by it. For putting your soul into it and giving everyone such an amazing experience for free. You have made one of the most amazing visual novels of all time, and you should feel nothing but proud of yourself for such an accomplishment. I hope everything goes well for you, and wish you nothing but the utmost luck on your next projects. Please, take care!


Ahhhhh Quamai thank you for this lovely comment and pouring all your thoughts and feelings into this!! It really meant so much to read this! 😭💕 And I'm really happy that you enjoyed (most of) the finale lakdfjad

"It felt like it was actually my life, like I was the one going through it all" --> LDKJFALDSKFAJD??? Somehow this really made me tear up. This really touched me sob

And thank you for all the wonderfully kind words about the art especially??? It's also so weird even for me to go back and look at some of the older stuff because my art feels like it's come such a long way. But also hearing anyone say they actually like the art always touches me so much as to this day it remains one of the things I feel the most vulnerable about (and is also what will likely always be one of the biggest factors in why people wouldn't to play this game to be honest lkadjfas) So truly thank you so much for saying such kind things. And about the cinematography and such too!! I feel like I put my whole body and soul into those cutscenes GODDDDDD. They take so long 🤣 Especially since Ren'Py doesn't have any kind of built-in easy way to handle animation so it ends up being me just watching the scene over and over and over and adding one new CG at a time and carefully trying to guess and tweak the right amount of seconds to show it then watching it again from the beginning again and again LKDJFADA It's a very laborious process. But I'm always really happy with the results and I couldn't imagine not having some of these scenes be cutscenes as I just don't think they could have the same impact.

Ahhhh I'm happy you liked all the different LI route scenes! I really wanted to ensure they got across the different dynamics of the relationships. Not only the special cabin scenes but also the epilogues. It's one of my favorite parts about the different pairings to be honest, how different they all feel, how different Iggy acts with all of them, etc. They all bring out different sides of Iggy in a way. And it really shapes the core of the different relationships. And I was really hoping that I'd be able to show all of that in their unique scenes and that each one would feel "earned" in a way, so hearing that makes me really teary-eyed!

"it was because the characters themselves didn't adress it yet" --> sob... yeah.... that was a big part of what I was going for. The fact that Bucks was already kind of the odd one out, not only because she's younger than them, but also she's not included in the "love square." And kids growing up are self-centered, they tend to think mostly about themselves, so with the complicated dynamics of the love square four trying to figure themselves out and their complex feelings for each other, they don't even think to wonder about the way they're treating Bucks and whether or not they're being cruel to her in a different way. Which then helped reflect part of the structure of the entire story itself, with the love square four still completely focused on each other for the first four arcs and forgetting about who started the entire mess and who they were looking for to begin with, etc.

Sob you didn't need to strikethrough all your thoughts about the ending 💦 To be honest I pretty much expected there would be people that wouldn't vibe all the way with the direction I decided to go there. But I also knew that it didn't matter HOW I ended it, there would be people who didn't like it. Which was part of why it felt like such pressure in general. There was no one way to end this that would make everyone perfectly happy and I knew that. So in the end I just needed to go with what I felt personally was right for the story. But that doesn't mean people who don't like that direction aren't valid and can't have their own conflicting thoughts about it. So don't feel like you need to not think that or something if you just didn't like that part 💦

OC didn't actually have anything to do with my decision to go that way. I knew ever since I came up with the idea of the loops that that was how I was going to end it, since I already knew that it was Iggy's childhood wish that caused the loops and so it made sense in my head that once the loops were stopped they would go back to where the loops began. OC just helped me think through a lot more about where each of the chars would be and their lives in that reset timeline, which then made it easier for me to write the different epilogues. (Well, the neutral ones at least LKDJFADS though it still did help me to have somewhat of a base even for the different LI-focused ones.) Actually way back when I started I thought I would end the game right after the final forest scene and that would just be it. No follow-ups or epilogues or anything. THAT WOULD HAVE REALLY SUCKED LMAO. But through the years working on it, the idea of that abruptness began really putting me off, so it slowly expanded in a few different ways until it finally fully evolved into what I eventually would write as the epilogues.

For me, I think I decided to go with the "reset" for 3 main reasons, first of which was just because in my head it made the most sense with the lore. Destroying each wish destroyed the result of that wish. Orlam's wish for a family that loved him getting destroyed destroyed the rabbits. Bucks's wish for tomatoes getting destroyed destroyed the little tomato guys. And all the other wishes, too. And the result of Iggy's childhood wish was... Iggy's life itself in a way. Because the moment after he wished that, the wish became this veil over his life (and formed the loops). So destroying that wish destroyed the life that had formed because of that wish. The second reason was perhaps my gift to Iggy himself. Wanting to free him from the shackles of that wish, since it had influenced so much of his life (and his friends', for instance, it was what kept all of them so physically close). I wanted to gift him a chance to live his life without that I guess. And the last reason is perhaps the most selfish and it's somewhat of a gift to myself. I don't have the chance to have a reset. To go back and figure things out about myself earlier on to have the potential to be happier. And I'm too much of an anxious mess scared of change to do anything about it now after all these years, so I feel a bit trapped. But I can at least give a gift to these chars that have become so important to me, especially Iggy, who has so much of me in him, and give them a chance that I can never have. And in that way it feels like a gift to myself since these chars are such a big part of my life. LDKJFASD THAT GOT A BIT SAD. But. I think that kinda explains my whole mindset of not only why I had originally planned for that ending but also why I continued with that plan even when I had reached the end (even if I ended up greatly expanding on it).

HAVING SAID ALL THAT. That doesn't mean you need to agree with it. Or that anyone needs to. Because we can all have different opinions on things and feel like things should have happened differently. So I don't mind at all if you think that it was a bad way to handle it at the end. I can really only stand behind how I did it for myself. The same as any creator can only do when they create (and especially complete) something. 🤣 No matter what, though, I am happy to hear your thoughts about it!!

"GIDGET REALLY JUST KISSED EVERYONE. THAT'S INSANESAADOHDSHSJ???" --> LDKJFASLDKFAD it was very funny to me because I hadn't planned that into Gidget's epilogue at all when I was first trying to piece it together but somehow it just... happened... LOL I just really like thinking about that little group and their dynamics 🤣

Re: the OC question, when I wrote OC, since I knew that the plan was always for the reset, I did always know that OC was technically canon. (At least for the neutral ending.) I just didn't want to say that when I released it because I felt it would have opened up too many potential spoilers/clues for how the game would end. I already had a lot of thoughts running through my head about what each char would be like after the end of the game in the new timeline. Orlam in particular, as I feel like he changes the most. I had a lot of Orlam's general direction figured out already as thinking about a much better "true" version of Orlam made me happier to think about than the subdued lacking-in-confidence Orlam we see pre-Wonderland.

SOB AT ANY RATE. THIS WAS SUCH A LOVELY AND WONDERFUL AND KIND COMMENT. Thank you so so much for taking so much time to think through everything and leave such thoughtful words filled with all of your reactions! It really means to world to read through them, especially since you've been following the game for so long now. And I'm happy that for the most part you were able to enjoy the finale!

"You have made one of the most amazing visual novels of all time, and you should feel nothing but proud of yourself for such an accomplishment." --> LKFDJALSDKFAD THAT IS INCREDIBLY KIND SOB YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE ME CRYYYYYYYY... 😭💕

Thank you again for all of your support!! 🥰

Thank you so much for the response! <3 I do wanna elaborate, though.

I didn't strikethrough that part because I didn't wanna make you feel bad or anything, I genuinely changed my mind on it. Even if I do still have a sort of longing for the pre-reset Wonderland times (as traumatic as they may have been), that is merely just my bias, and I have honestly grown to love the ending. It honestly works really well both narratively and in-universe. Wonderland, while it might have provided them some level of comfort, was also the bane of their existence. It caused them to rely on wishing and self-indulgence too much rather than actually working through their problems. So to have it be destroyed at the end, by the very people it once nurtured, and consequentially create a new timeline where they're more responsive feels like a beautiful way to wrap this whole thing up. I appreciate your insights by the way! I didn't even realize the tomato thing but that is so perfect, and the rabbits being a stand-in Orlam's family is... <:( (my poor baby boy...). I actually think the reason I was so caught up in it all was because of, again, just the fact of the game ending. The reset kinda highlighted that in a way by changing everything in a completely irreversible way.

So yeah, even if the edning was unexpected and kinda blindsided me, I don't think it was bad at all! But I do agree that even if I disliked it, or if anyone else did, that would be just a natural part of creating. You can't please everyone, and it's honestly best to just do what you feel is right for your story. And besides, I know most people say that a bad ending can ruin even the best stories, but tbh I don't think anything could ruin Our Wonderland for me. The rest of the game is just so amazing that the ending could be a blank screen and I'd simply accept it.

It is interesting to hear that Our Cinderella was always planned to be canon, though. I guess I'll have to be on the lookout for any more "non-canon" side-games that might just weasel their way into the canon timeline...

"And the last reason is perhaps the most selfish and it's somewhat of a gift to myself. I don't have the chance to have a reset. To go back and figure things out about myself earlier on to have the potential to be happier." - I don't think it's selfish, because I understand you. When something bad happened in the past, although everything could have been done differently, but... It is what it is. 

I have points in my life that I would like to improve, but I understand that what if it made me who I am? Although I understand you, so I don’t think it’s selfish, since it makes another sense to do such a direction in the game <:3

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