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found the time to get to this and i see the call back to Our Fantastic Wondering in the new update hee-hee, currently going through the game now lets see where this new addition goes.


And yes huehuehue there will be... several...... references to OFW, though perhaps the largest and most obvious one will be, uh, obvious, for lack of a better word LMAO

Thanks so much for playing! 💕

Where do I even start... First off this is honestly one of the best visual novels I've played so far. I'm IN LOVE with every element of this game and I haven't even gotten to the last arc because I'm savoring every bit of it: The gorgeous illustrations that have me staring at my screen for unreasonable amounts of time before continuing the story, the enchanting ost that fits every moment perfectly, the way the cast of characters are written, the plotline and how when I start a new arc it NEVER feels repetitive whatsoever, the way the story is narrated with a sense of familiarity that makes the player feel completely immersed; and definitely my favorite aspect of the game: the impeccable choice of words throughout the whole game. The descriptions of scenes, backgrounds, characters and mood are so precise that I feel like I could close my eyes the entire time and be able to visualize everything perfectly in my mind. And the music and sound effects accompanying these descriptions make your real surroundings vanish. 

I have cried countless times throughout this story because these characters feel just so REAL. They all just wish to escape reality, for one reason or another: Iggy wanted to escape his day-to-day work life, Genzou wanted to spend some time with him, Orlam wanted to make his own rules and finally have power over others for once and stop being pushed around, Gidget wanted to become a famous model so that Iggy would fall for her after so many years of trying, and Bucks never wanted to have so many responsibilities and have to take care of a child for the rest of her life, she never wanted to seal her fate and marry Hunar because she's a free spirit. But these childish wishes quickly turned everyone into delusional monsters, the fantasy gave them too much power.

They've had to rely on each other all these years because they didn't have any other friends outside of the group, but despite that, they managed to do completely unforgivable things to each other all due to the same problem: miscommunication. If Genzou had worked up the courage to confess his feelings to Iggy, he wouldn't have tried to steer him towards Gidget. If Gidget had realized earlier on that Iggy was oblivious to all of the signs pointing towards her liking him, then she would've been honest with him, and he would've had the time to digest the information properly and start deciding how he felt about things sooner, therefore coming to a conclusion much earlier than he did. If Iggy had stood up for Orlam when he was being bullied by Genzou, Orlam wouldn't have wanted to rule over everyone and get his revenge. If Bucks had realized that she didn't have to marry Hunar nor have a kid if she didn't want to, she wouldn't have been so overwhelmed by adulthood and wouldn't have tried to run away in the first place.

All in all (as I think you can tell), I really enjoyed the depth of the characters and the way the story was written, so thank you so much for working so hard on this game, as I will most likely play it all over again several times and share it with friends once I'm done with it.

AHHHHHH YOUR COMMENT IS GIVING ME LIFE AND MAKING ME CRY????? dlkjfalkdsf this is too high praise I shall melt into a puddle of vegetable goo LOLOL 😭💦💕


Gosh your words are too much. I'm so happy that you enjoy all the many different aspects of the game, especially the writing ahhhhhh. Not a ton of people ever talk about the writing as it's kinda just the conduit for getting the story out LOL but hearing that makes me really happy. I feel like a bit part of, well, maybe not my goal, but kinda just how I naturally have put the story and everything together is to make it feel somewhat cinematic, more like a movie, so I'm happy if the writing can feel so immersive and visually appealing.

" they managed to do completely unforgivable things to each other all due to the same problem: miscommunication" --> GOD SO REAL. A combo of miscommunication with... simply... not even knowing HOW to communicate what they're feeling. Like not even being able to understand things about themselves, and so then ofc unable to communicate that to others (or in the worst cases, for their lack of understanding to turn into them lashing out because of their own pain and confusion and inability to cope).


If it's any consolation, I also cried a number of times while working on it... sigh. I have a few certain scenes that basically always trigger waterworks when I think about them 💦

Hhhh I'm really happy you enjoy all the characters so much, though. I really wanted them to be relatable in a way. And also for none of them to be more "correct" than the others in their, I don't know, moral standing or something LOL Like you can't point to any of them and say "yes, this person is definitely better than the others" or something because they've all done regrettable things and all have their own issues and demons and things they need to get through and figure out for themselves (with a bit part of that being accepting and working through things with the others, as well). Hearing that they've had such an impact makes me feel very weepy, especially as many of their struggles (in particular those of 2 of the chars) are ones pulled from my own experiences that I've also struggled with both in the past and continue to struggle with even to this day, so parts of this game have been quite cathartic for me LOL

Thank you so much for taking the time to write up all your thoughts and just for playing the game in general and for loving it and the chars lkdjfads 💕 And I hope that when you get around to the final Arc (or at least the 2/3's of it that are available right now LOL) you'll enjoy it, as well!! It's the arc that finally starts to, uh, tie up... some of the stuff... in a way... lots of climaxes happening for many different threads of the narrative hahaha. So I hope it'll act as a satisfactory resolution at least for some of what's going on (even if it's not fully finished yet 💦). Thanks again for all your support! It means so much!! 🥰

Deleted 275 days ago

Hey!! Ahhhh, I'm very sorry!! Unfortunately, there's no way to skip directly to an arc because you'd bypass all the choices throughout the game, which would then make it so you wouldn't be able to get any of the epilogues once the finale is released (among who knows how many other possible errors it might create with skipped variables) 💦 You can skip through a good portion of the game fairly quickly though if you use either the CTRL or TAB key (CTRL will skip quickly so long as it's held down, and TAB will skip if you just click it once until you click it again). If you go into the settings and choose the option to "Skip Unseen Text," you'll be able to skip straight through even things that the game doesn't think you've read yet (which would be the case if you don't have your old persistent save data anymore):

I've also added the ability to skip cutscenes and credits that you've already seen with this update ---- however, this won't help you at least this first time, as the game won't register that you've seen them yet since your persistent data is gone alkdfjasd so I'm really sorry about that 🙏💦But at least if you need to go back again after this at any point, you'll be able to skip them then.

Hopefully this will help a bit 😭 I tested skipping through the entire game so far with the newly implemented credit skip option and it only took around 10 minutes to skip through the entire thing LOL Though in your case it will take a bit longer because you'll have to sit through the credits and the handful of cutscenes 💦

Deleted 250 days ago

I never left comments on the games I played out of shyness, and I feel really anxious posting this haha !

However, after playing this game again yesterday because of the new release I felt the NEED to write about this game. (Maybe I am overeacting but anyways.)

I already played your game a first time, before the new release.

I just fell in love.

I really want to say that it is perfect, at least for me, cause this is exactly the type of games I love : The art, the animations, the story, the universe, the characters... I loved everything.

I became quickly attached to your characters. They're all well worked, thoughtful.

They all have their pasts, worries, traumas, qualities and flaws.

After finishing what was in the game, I followed your updates on twitter and I was very excited to have the sequel. So you can imagine how happy I was to hear that the new release was coming.

(I even have a section on my phone's gallery DEDICATED to your game LOL)

I played it last night, I restarted the WHOLE game, I rediscovered the characters, the illustrations, the music...

When it was over, I was just there, overwhelmed, my face covered with tears.

/!\ For those who haven't played the new part of the game (or the entire game) yet, SPOILERS ALERT. /!\


I can't count the number of emotions you made me feel. From the start, this game kept getting better and better.

I cried so many times.

During the "nighttime chats", at the death of Jerry, and especially during THE confrontation with Orlam.

I must say that I suspected, like Iggy, what happened between Genzou and Orlam.

But, like Iggy, I didn't really want to admit it.

Hearing it (...rather reading it) EXPLICITLY really did something to me. (especially when I saw that AMAZING illustration of Genzou and Orlam dancing :') )

I don't know how to explain it, and I don't know what to think of it at the moment.

I must say that Genzou has been my favorite character since the beginning but I found him very unfair to Orlam. And so my affection for him (as for the others, I'll explain it right after) makes me feel guilty.

Although their actions are "understandable" given the situation, I cannot love the characters without feeling guilty.

I truly love them all. I love Iggy, Genzou, Gidget, Orlam and Bucks.

But I feel guilty for loving them because of what they did throughout the game, before and during the trip to Wonderland : Iggy's very (too) clumsy advices and remarks, when he ATE AND KILLED GENZOU >:( ,Genzou's behavior towards Orlam, Gidget's sexual assaults on Iggy, Orlam's tortures and murders, and the final scenes with Bucks....

I could only get rid of this guilty feeling that I have when they'll have this much-needed (At least for me ^^'') discussion. They apologized, more or less "forgiven", but they didn't really discuss all of it. (and well it's understanble because they didn't really had the time lol)

So I can't wait, now that they all seem less reluctant to open up, and once they bring Bucks to her senses and are all safe, to see them talk, explain, forgive themselves and eachothers for real.

I realize by writing this, that it may sounds like a “complaint”, BUT REALLY NOT !!

On the contrary, it is this paradox of feelings that I feel towards the characters that makes me love this game so (maybe too) much.

Honestly, your game made a HUGE impression on me the first time I played it.

It marked me even MORE after playing it again and discovering this new part.

And I know it will mark me EVEN MORE when I'll play it a third time and discover the end.

Reading the comments, I wondered how people could write so much, but now that I'm writting myself I understand better !

I can say for sure that this game is my FAVORITE.

Thank you so much for this. <3

(I'm french so sorry for the mistakes if there's any !)

Oh my gosh... you're going to make me cry 🥺💕 This is such a sweet comment??? Thank you so much for taking all the time to write this up. Ahhhhhhh it's really melting my heart!! I'm so happy that you like the game and chars so much and that you've enjoyed this new part so much!!

"(I even have a section on my phone's gallery DEDICATED to your game LOL)" --> LDKAJFLSDK A WHOLE SECTION YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE ME WEEP????

Also I can't believe you really played through the whole entire game again?? IT'S SO LONG HELP LDKFJASLDKFA Oh my gosh... I am really so touched... and also that you even still enjoyed it so much after already having played everything 💦

I'M SORRY FOR MAKING YOU CRY SO MUCH THO??? I admit I also cried a number of times while making this part and thinking about, well, certain scenes in my head. Felt like all the building emotions throughout the whole game was pushing me into these scenes and really tugged at my heart while I was working. I'm glad they could also feel so impactful 🥺💕

I get what you mean tho as I also feel many of the same things about each of the chars -- how I love them to death but literally every single one of them has done some, well, less than stellar things, we'll put it that way LMAO So I also have these conflicting feelings despite how near and dear they are to my heart (and despite the fact that I made them this way to begin with ldakjfasld). At the end of the day though, you're right that it really comes so much down to them finally actually facing these many things that they've been ignoring or refusing to acknowledge these many years and like, actually hashing things out, getting things out on the table, starting to work through things and their struggles and feelings and the hurt they've caused each other. I hope that by the end of the game I'll be able to resolve many of them in my own heart -- and that players will also be able to get some resolution, as well.

"And I know it will mark me EVEN MORE when I'll play it a third time and discover the end." --> A THIRD TIME ALKDJFASDKFA

Ahhhhh this is really so sweet tho this comment really touched me!! I really enjoyed hearing your thoughts and reactions and how you felt about all the characters and their dynamics. I love hearing these types of things from people who have played and seeing how they respond to the chars and story so much!! So really thank you thank you thank you for typing everything up despite your shyness ahhhhh. I am also quite shy and have a hard time expressing my thoughts a lot to others, so I definitely get it alkdfa But thank you very much. And thank you just in general for playing and loving the game so much!! I hope that I'll be able to finish this thing up in a way that will be meaningful for you in the end!! Thank you for all your support! 🥰💕

I'm so glad my comment touched you, yeah I was kinda nervous to post it but your reply was worth it :)


I'm really glad you did, it was such a bright spot in my day!! 💕

HELP 173 QUOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS LAKDJFALSDKF I am both touched and boggled of the mind LMAO 🤣💕

(2 edits)

Arc 5 Part 1 1/2 was certainly not disappointing to go through. I kinda forgot about the game for a few months, but it instantly recaptured me once I played through the new update.


Kinda interesting to see Jerry's presence in the story. I'm assuming he's the main antagonist from OFW (which would explain why Genzou was so furious at him)? I presume the one-on-one interactions with him and the adoption of the nickname "kit" for Iggy was to make everyone feel attached to him and so they would distraught at the trio leaving him. Makes sense after all; he's really only a significant presence in OFW, and he's there to be more of a villain than anything. Kinda sad that there wasn't much for him after the trio entered the sewers though.

Honestly, I think I said all I needed to say about Genzou in my past comments. He generally stays very caring and protective of Iggy, as well as his respect of sexual boundaries. Though I like this emphasis on his issues; while we (the players) are made aware of how shit his treatment of Orlam was, we perceived him in the eyes of Iggy, and so he appears to be this very kind and heroic person. It brings awareness to the fact that despite not being as blatantly monstrous as Gidget and Orlam in the peak of their "worlds", he very much still has fundamental issues as a person (though that can be derived from his self-deprecating talk and lack of optimism anyway). Orlam basically says this when he's talking to Genzou, so yeah.

While I still love Genzou (cause he's sweet like that), I've started to take a liking to Gidget now that we've actually started seeing them in a positive light and without their forced hyperfemininity. They express their care and concern for Iggy differently from Genzou, seeing how there's a lack of physical affection and moreso small acts that indicate that they're thinking about Iggy. They also have a particularly serious side, and I always love that in characters (mostly because I have a serious nature myself). The surprisingly nuanced vocabulary makes them sound smart, and I am also loving that aspect of them. There still is the previous arcs, the entirety of Arc 4, and the beginning of Arc 5 to consider... Gidget has certainly done bad things. But I wouldn't say they could truly be written off as a bad person, considering their own motivations and fundamental issues (one of them being gender identity; very big mood).

Orlam certainly is interesting. His whole thing seemed to be centered around avoiding his emotions and seeking short-term gratification (though that's more emphasized in his arc). So much so, that he removed his whole heart and put it on a podium. Considering how much torment he faced, it's not unreasonable for him to want to reject his emotions entirely. After all, it's only brought him pain. Genzou was the main perpretrator, Gidget mostly cared about Iggy, Iggy didn't do much to interfere, and Bucks and Hunar were not as close to the group. The crush and temporary joy he had with Genzou was destroyed because of Genzou's own fear for himself. That does put things into perspective, and it makes sense why he would look towards dating apps and whatnot. They don't need as much commitment and they don't cause a person to feel pain, but they provide quick and easy satisfaction. The "game" scene... of course, it's the person that "hated" him the most that didn't say anything he hated about Orlam. And the apology he needed to hear from Genzou truly "touched" him. I interpreted him crying the black tears as the evil (representative of his hatred, resentment) sorta "draining" from him. That would make sense, since the heart started spewing out what seemed like blood, which shows that Genzou's words reached him and his humanity is returning to him. The hatred no longer remains.

Uhh. I didn't expect to write that much, though it isn't NEARLY as long as my previous comment (I probably won't write anything that long again anyway). But overall, I enjoyed this update as well! I'm looking forward to Arc 5 Part 2 (unless there's gonna be a Part 1 1/2 1/2 or something), and how the group deals with Bucks. ^^

HHHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR PLAYING AND FOR THIS VERY LONG COMMENT????? WEEPING SLIGHTLY... AHHHH....... I'm glad that even despite not thinking about the game in months you were able to still dive back in and enjoy it. That's part of the problem when it takes me a while between releases I suppose... 😅








"I'm assuming he's the main antagonist from OFW" --> LOL YES. Yes, he is. He first shows up in game in Arc 2 as a random one-off joke. And then I rolled with that for OFW and made him the antagonist. And then I've fallen in love with him so much since and was already planning in my head even before this some type of resistance and so it all seemed to come together quite well somehow hahaha.

"Kinda sad that there wasn't much for him after the trio entered the sewers though." --> HE'S DEAD NOW???? LKDJFALDSKFA I-I perhaps didn't make this clear enough 💦

"It brings awareness to the fact that despite not being as blatantly monstrous as Gidget and Orlam in the peak of their "worlds", he very much still has fundamental issues as a person" --> Yeah, Genzou has always been a bit of a interesting role for me to write as he doesn't have the same "Wonderland Treatment" that the others get (even Iggy, to an extent) so instead it was more of a long-game introducing all his flaws and the crap he's got going on and needs to work through. And I've noticed he gets some of the most vastly different opinions between people who play the game -- either loving him or hating him LOL And I kinda like that about him because I like making characters with many different sides and major flaws lkdsajfasld I feel like with each arc he's gotten closer and closer to finally taking that deep inner look into himself that he needs to and verbally owning up to and acknowledging things. With all of it culminating here. So it was one of the aspects I really wanted to like, make sure I tried to do as well as I could so it could have the impact and weight it needed to have 💦💦💦

Ahhhh I'm really happy to hear your thoughts on Gidget!! I feel like mine are somewhat the same tbh lakdjfa As someone being in Iggy's shoes in a lot of ways, I feel like I would have a hard time forgiving them for a lot of what happened, but then another part of it is very much in Gidget's shoes because of how much I relate to their issues, as well, so I also feel bad for and want them to grow and figure themself out more and be able to achieve some manner of restored trust and comfort with the others, too. IT'S VERY CONFLICTING THOUGHTS AT TIMES. So I wanted to hopefully try and ease things back in a little with this part. Just planting a seed and showing them also start to be more comfortable with themself in general. I hoped that others would also be able to accept them into their hearts, as well. So I'm find myself quite happy at hearing you say those kinds of things about them 💕

dfakjldsf yes, your thoughts on Orlam also resonate quite closely with my own, too, along with pretty much what I was aiming for. I quite liked the imagery of not only him removing his heart, but the fact that his heart now exudes this slowly spreading poison that's overtaking all of Wonderland and part of what caused many of the predicaments in Arc 5 Part 1. Something something Genzou needing to wade through the poison and push through the pain he was partly responsible for in Orlam in order to save Iggy during the Kiddie Kruise scene LOL Even though at that point you don't know where the poison/acid is coming from yet. 

" it's the person that "hated" him the most that didn't say anything he hated about Orlam" --> alkdjfalkds yes... the one person he wanted to hear it from the most. But it's the first time Genzou is actually finally able to stop his mouth from running away from him, even despite the pain (and threat of even worse pain 💦). Ahhhh........ somehow this scene ended up working so well when I finally wrote it even though I only had a vague mental image of what I wanted before diving in. I'm really happy with how so many of the character arc threads ended up coming together ladkjfasd (and maybe lucky tbh...... LOL)

"(unless there's gonna be a Part 1 1/2 1/2 or something)" --> OH GODDDDDD I HOPE NOT. THERE BETTER NOT BE LMAOOOO I-I truly in my heart of hearts don't know how I could possibly make the finale so long I'd need to split it again. So. If that happened there would be something very wrong with me maybe HAHA

HHHHHHHH AT ANY RATE I REALLY LOVED READING THIS AND ALL YOUR THOUGHTS AND INTEPRETATIONS AHHHHHHHHH. I love hearing these from people so much lakdjfad especially their thoughts on the characters. My heart is so full 🥺 SO THANK YOU??? And thank you just in general for playing the new update and for all your wonderful thoughts in the past too. I'm really happy you ended up enjoying this new part!! I hope you'll enjoy the finale once I get that finished up!! Thanks again for all your kind support, it means so much!! 😭💕

To clarify something, I knew that Jerry did die during the fight scene 💀 But I guess I should've phrased it better. I meant like... it's sad how the trio didn't talk much about him after he died, but I guess there was silent acknowledgement from Iggy crying after they all got into the sewers. I kinda get why Genzou and Gidget didn't say much since they didn't interact as much with Jerry, but I think he was important enough for Iggy: I guess Iggy was still kinda detached from the fact that OFW was indeed something that happened, and so Jerry's apology didn't really strike him in any way. There were still these occasional moments that brought them a little closer though. I found myself wanting the trio to say a little bit more about Jerry, but it's understandable why they didn't: they're more focused on getting to Orlam at that moment and Jerry was a minor part of their lives, even if he served a pretty significant role in this arc.


That's a very fair point though LOL My main goal in that next scene was just to get them into the castle fairly quickly. I often worry about "down-time" scenes stretching too much and losing some of that sense of urgency/impending dread or that people could get bored LOL So I probably went through it a bit too quickly when I could have spent a bit more time on the aftermath of the whole castle assault scene 💦💦


my heart did a few flips while i played this methinks...


GETTING COMFORTABLE WITH THEMSELF ??? THEY'RE SO ADORABLE AND SOMEWHAT RELATABLE IN THAT SENSE AND I JUST LOVE THEM SM (obviously doesn't make what happened. right. but yknow. inflluence of the place + trauma and all that fun stuff so I STILL LOVE THEM SM)

and orlam

omg i sobbed (not commenting anything specific bc i'm too lazy to do the spoiler thing BUT I THINK I SOBBED ABOUT HIM THE MOST RAHH)


Ahhhh I'm really happy you liked Gidget in this part, too!! I was somewhat nervous in general with them simply because of everything that's happened in the rest of the game. Like. I didn't want to just wash over everything. But I wanted to plant a small seed towards working towards a place of comfort and understanding, even if it's still a ways off. Also for some reason I really had fun with their dynamic with Genzou this time around LMAO I enjoyed how they played off of each other 🤣

The Orlam parts also made me sob, especially the final cutscene. Even just planning and imagining it in my head while working on it would make my eyes moist LDKFAJDSKF So I'm glad it was able to have some impact... 🥺

Thank you so much for playing -- I'm really happy you enjoyed it despite the rampant tears??? Your support means a lot, especially even taking the time to write out your thoughts lkdjfasd So thank you very much!! I hope you'll emotionally recover soon 🤣🥺💕


AHHHHHHHHH I'LL BE LOOKING FORWARD TO HEARING YOUR THOUGHTS!! Thanks so much for taking the time to play it!! 🥺💕

Question how do you skip in the game, I had to redownload a new our wonderland game and so I have to skip multiple dialogues 😭

You can use either the CTRL key or the TAB key to make it skip very fast!

Thank you!!

arc 5 part 1 1/2 was so good i need to jump off a bridge 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭so so good...

HELP PLEASE DON'T??????????????????????????????????????????? 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦

I-I'm glad you liked it though 😭💦

Another delicious morning scrolling through my emails 

And whats this? Itch??? Did my account get hacked or something???


.   .   .   .



I am now in the procces of playing it, took a little break to start writing this before I get to see the one and only Rattail King (and get the trauma affiliated with him ;) ) 



As a very strong supporter of Giggy???? Iggenzou??? Do they have an official ship name??? Idk, BUT! whatever it is, as a big fan of it, that whole scene got me crying BUCKETS esp the last line 


holy shit. no way. i am absolutely speechless.

i now know true pain (tears were shed)

loooord why they gotta be so angsty in their 30's (still love them all)


Def didnt expect our local ginger to SCOOP OUT HIS HEART

But thats fine they solved it with the power of friendship


As I said this was such a rollercoaster but hell do I absolutely love it

Was it traumatizing? No? Kinda? Yes? I am not quite sure but it was way more angsty than traumatizing. I really hope Orlam and Genzou get to talk it out properly after this thing is done or before the story concludes. God I just want them all to be happy (Iggy kinnie much

Overall I really enjoyed it, I hope they all get their happy ending, even tho ik they will in the end (RIGHT???? ILL GO INSANE IF THEY DONT) and yea

Oh and ABSOLUTELY LOVED THE CUTSCENES ESPECIALLY THE  BIG ONE , you can clearly see there was a lot of work and time put into them AND THE WHOLE THING ACTUALLY

Thank you Carrot for offering this absolute masterpiece for us all to enjoy


I really wanted to write more but I am not a very great writer so thats that (even as a not great writer, your writing is majestic I swear to god)

If something else pops in my head Ill probably write another thing

Sorry if I am wasting your time but I cant help to not share my love for this masterpiece. 


(respectfull) Muah

LMAOOOOO WHAT A WAY TO FIND OUT 🤣💦 I do like to keep people on their toes. Maybe. Who can say.

KDFJALDSKFA I'M GLAD YOU LIKED THE GENZOU/IGGY NIGHT CHAT (I call them "Genzy" 🤭💕) I really enjoyed how it turned out and it made my heart become both very twisted and very soft dlkjafsdf

"loooord why they gotta be so angsty in their 30's (still love them all)" --> LMAO I FEEL LIKE THIS IS SUCH A GREAT SUMMARY OF THE WHOLE GAME TBH HAHAHAHA

"God I just want them all to be happy" --> No, same... 🥺💦

I'm very happy you liked it though!! And the cutscene especially! That dang thing took me so long.... LOL But it was such a clear scene in my mind that i really wanted to get it across as close as I could to what was in my head. 

"Sorry if I am wasting your time but I cant help to not share my love for this masterpiece. " --> YOU ARE NOT WASTING MY TIME???? Comments like this honestly give me so much life and make me feel so motivated and glad that I've put in all the time to work on this game and try to make it the best it can be lkadjfads 💕

Ahhhhhhh at any rate thank you so much for playing the new part!! And for taking the time to write up your thoughts ahhhHHHH. It honestly means so much, and I'm so happy you enjoyed it!! Thank you for all the support! 🥰

(4 edits)

What a master piece!!!❤️❤️❤️I absolutely adore the art, music, and characters<333 Putting my own affection aside, I really do shed my tears when the climax comes.

***Spoiler Alert ⬇️***

Just something is not really adding up to me. I'm still quite confused with Genzou's behaviors. Why would Genzou fall in love with Iggy (maybe I forget, but seriously idk anything now)? He clearly had some precious moments in the past with Orlam, and they even danced secretly in high shool. Now he confessed that he never hated Orlam. Then, why wouldn't he fell in love with Orlam instead of Iggy??? 

Since the player is seeing the perspective from Iggy, I remembered the awkward kiss between Iggy and Genzou in Arc 2. If Genzou indeed loves Iggy, and Iggy has to do it because of the plot, I'm fine with that. However, if Genzou, in fact, loves Orlam and just uses Iggy as a cover, and then he takes (probably) Iggy's first kiss, I'm not really okay with it. There is a feeling of betrayal, especially when I wish Orlam and Iggy can have a chance to end up together. Now, I'm so perplexed whether Genzou loves Iggy or Orlam. I mean if Genzou loves Orlam, and they want to be together in the end, then I guess I can only wish them the best, if that'll make Orlam happy, tho I still can't quite accept the fact that Genzou bullied Orlam in the past.💔

LOL, seriously right before Genzou's confession, when Orlam asks Iggy what Iggy hates about him, I really hope Iggy can answer that "I hate that you've loved Genzou who has not been good to you for so long. I hate that you won't lay your eyes on me, and consider me as a better option than Genzou, even at the very moment." Except, Iggy will never say something like that. Just my tiny imagination for my ship. How I wish Iggy can be stronger, struggle to be free from the rabbit, and hug Orlam so hard that he wishes to have his heart back to experience the happiness in this very moment. Then, Genzou does everything I want Iggy to do... For the fans who ship Orlam x Iggy, the future seems dark and misty. Genzou x Orlam and Genzou x Iggy have a much better chance to happen. TAT 

I still can't believe that they are around their 30s and are now trying to reconcile their childhood drama LMAO.

(1 edit)

AhhhhhhhHHHHHH THANK YOU???? That's very sweet and I'm really happy you enjoyed this part!! I really wanted it to have a lot of impact and be satisfying to everyone aldkjfasd especially as it was a Big Moment for me with the story and chars and one I'd been working towards for a while LOL So thank you very much!! 😭💕








Re: your thoughts: ahhhhhhhh........... I generally try to keep from like, fully explaining everything, saying yes or no about interpretations, head canons, etc., as I do want a lot of this to be left up to interpretation and/or how people relate to it themselves. But regarding this I will at least say that it was never my intention for Genzou to come across as seeming like he was originally in love with Orlam 💦 Quite the opposite, he's regretful because he didn't love him yet he still led Orlam on and allowed Orlam to get close to him because he was feeling so depressed (because Iggy started avoiding him after the accident, because he was doing so horribly in school, because of his family life, etc.). I think in particular a few of the scenes in the night chat scene he has with Iggy hint at this (about him letting Orlam get too close, etc.).

So it's all just quite convoluted LOL with Genzou liking Iggy, Iggy being oblivious (and then avoiding Genzou for a while because he was scared after what happened during the sleepover), Orlam liking Genzou, Genzou allowing Orlam to get close so he doesn't have to feel so alone, Genzou failing to confess to Iggy and assuming Iggy and Gidget will get together and returning to Orlam only to then have extreme regret about it and falling back into depression when everyone heads off to college and leaves him alone again.... essentially... LMAO That was at least the jist of my intentions while writing everything hahaha. Though people are ofc free to interpret things as they wish.

Hahaha don't worry tho -- there is still the final choice you'll get in the finale where you'll be able to choose who you want Iggy to end up with (or no one). This will depend on the choices and such you've made throughout the game lakdjfad but Orlam is an "LI" for a reason and a ship that I also very much like and really enjoy their dynamic. It's just that for this series of story arcs to come to their conclusion, Iggy wasn't involved as much LOL Similar to how Iggy wasn't really involved that much in bringing Gidget's arc to their conclusion since so much of it was actually within Gidget themself. But Iggy and Orlam can certainly still end up together if you want them to 🤭💕

"I still can't believe that they are around their 30s and are now trying to reconcile their childhood drama LMAO." --> HAHAHAHAHAHAHA so real and true tbh.

At any rate, thank you again for playing!! And for writing up all your thoughts!! I'm glad that you enjoyed this part, and I hope you'll like the finale once it's finished! 🥰

Collapsing. Withering. Becoming nothingness. Et cetera et cetera. 

(As always, thank you Carrot and great job on the latest update 💜)



I'm really happy you enjoyed it tho ahhhhhhhh... 😭💦💕 Thank you so much for playing and for all your constant love and support, it truly means so much and I always look forward to your fun comments and theories and lore LDKAJFDLSKA THANK YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU 🥰💕

(8 edits)

It's 5:38 in my area and I'm playing OW Arc5 Part1 1/2 as soon as I can...

It's just, a huge desire for me to meet dear Genzou. I'm dying to meet him. Carrot, you are really good at plotting... 

Ok, detailed things I'll add after I play it.

Now I'm still in the forest and I meet the nightmarish tomatoes!! I can't help but to think about one strong and cute halfling knight... Then I saw a huge close-up of a murderous tomato. Oh, how thick the white border is!!! (wrong emphasis).

Ohhhh, The rabbits were appearing so handsomely, weren't them? I have to say they're much handsomer than I expected... Ok, TOO CLOSE!!! You are too close to Iggy's face,and as we always say, such a distance means either a fight or a kiss~ Ok, quite too close.

Ha? I want to know why Genzou so angry.. From his words I think he's into the anger towards what Jerry had done in OFW, is it? Or it's just he hate rabbits as in the 4.5 Arcs rabbits were all their enemies?

BOYTOY???!!!! Wow! I have never hear about something like that, it's, fascinating🤣I like it. Boytoy of Gen, strange but ok.

LDKAJFLDKFAJDSFA OMG SO EARLY PLEASE GET SOME SLEEP????????? 🤣💦 I'm glad you're enjoying it so far tho!!! lakjdflakdsjfa this running commentary of your playthrough is making me laugh a lot!! LOL GENZOU HAD TO WATCH JERRY BREAK IGGY'S HAND AND THEN KILL ALL OF THEM HE STILL HAS SOME RESIDUAL ANGER BUILT UP FROM THAT LMAOOOOO

Glad you enjoyed the tomato ambush hahahahaha. Hope you'll enjoy the rest when you have a chance to play it!! 🤭💕


Carroty, carroty, carroty...  WHAT HAVE YOU DONE???????????????

I'll have to be honest with you, I CRIED GOSH I NEVER CRIED SO MUCH PLAYING A VN????????????????????? I'll explain in the spoilers part why but AAAAH MY HEART IS ACHING AND I'M CRYING (transparent lol) TEARS EVEN AS I'M WRITING THIS YOU MADE ME NUMB AAAAH (for players trying to understand what this means: the climax of part 5 1 1/2 is very emotional, and the perfect conclusion to what has been going through so far, and sets all the characters before what is the final confrontation).

The art? IMMACULATE, gosh, I loved the sprite work (at first I thought "Wow, Orlam looks like a [redacted for spoilers]" AND THEN THE PLOT AND THEN WOW????). I have to highlight the quality of the animations too, some parts of this VN really just feel like watching a animated feature!!!!!! The way the things are presented, the timing with the EXCELLENTLY chosen tracks (for instance, the one played in what I'll call the "rabbit hole" is a song I genuinely like! Thanks for the discovery!), WOW?????? I would say it was as amazing as usual but somehow, everytime it all gets better erfrgbhrfrfv undefeated Ren'Py animator, the inspiration behind me playing more with colour matrixes, animations and blur in my own games erfgntr

The writing also was extremely good for a stylistic standpoint!! I loved how there was a lot of French expressions, some I didn't even know were used in English (well, admittedly, this only concerns "bric-à-brac", but the more you know!). I don't think I ever underlined how good the writing is in your game, but let me emphasise it here: the vocabulary is always perfectly chosen both to describe what is happening and to set the mood. The characters all have a very distinctive way of talking which helps selling their personalities.

Now, that's all I can say without spoilers, so now, if you guys can forgive me, I'm going to spoil below.


ORLAM ISN'T THE ONLY ONE WHO NEEDS TO TAKE HIS HEART OUT OF HIS CHEST APPARENTLY BECAUSE YOU HIT RIGHT WHERE YOU SHOULD!!!!! Orlam deciding to end his own suffering by BASICALLY BECOMING A ZOMBIE (that's what I actually thought when I saw his sprites: "Wow, he looks like a zombie??") BECAUSE ALL HIS MEMORIES BRING HIM AWFUL FEELINGS??? HIS ABUSE? HIS PAST RELATIONSHIP WITH GENZOU (somehow, it really gave an Adam x Alex vibe although YOU MADE IT SO MUCH MORE EMOTIONAL 3EFVBGFTEBDFDERFGHNGERFV5214DERFVB)??????? And the conclusion???? The climax?? Genzou finally opening up to Orlam, and holly golly did I not expect you to take the internalised homophobia turn (although Orlam is bi if I remember correctly)? Genzou just bullying Orlam because he represents everything he hates about himself?? It's hearbreaking for the both of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Orlam finally becoming human again (well, if you go beyond the metaphor, finally feeling a bit of peace about his trauma) once Genzou finally acknowledges that the way he was treated was wrong?? When Gidget and Iggy couldn't? When Genzou could have just insulted him as he's used to???? This made me cry so much, you have no idea Carrot, I have a headache so I hope I make sense but it was intense and beautiful????? Certainly my favourite scene in a VN ever????????????????????

In general, I also liked how the characters start taking accountability for their actions and decide to forgive each other (Iggy forgiving Gidget, for example, for everything they did to him in Wonderland; and reciprocally, Gidget forgiving Iggy for everything he said to them IRL; Genzou admitting he isn't a good person and needs to do better, and actually DOES better!!!). And the fact Orlam's character arc here is all about questioning this?? Is it enough to be sorry to excuse one's actions?? Can words heal years of trauma, of abuse or of resentment and bitterness? The answer is of course "no", but they are a starting point, it's finally accepting to adress the problem, to acknowledge its existence and to tiptoe your way to healing. It was addressed very well, and that's why the final scene with Orlam felt so emotional! Gosh, you certainly made of Orlam my favourite character (despite Gidget actually frightening me more for asexual reasons), when he was my least favourite before!!!!!

Regarding the action, I enjoyed the contrast between the threats in act 1 and the same ones in this part. While they participated in paiting the world the characters fell in in Arc 1, and were tools to let us explore the depths and dangers of Our Wonderland, they hold here so much more narrative weight! The building-up made throughout the whole game is nothing short of brilliant, Carrot, and it was intense!! I also really enjoyed the whole dyanmic between Jerry, the characters, their connection (even to childhood memories), and the whole "let's make a big plan to reach out to Orlam", it really set an interesting vibe which contrasted so much to what we got after, in the most perfectly crafted way.

Carrot, I really don't know how to conclude my reviews anymore. This is nothing short of a masterpiece, but I guess I already said that in the past... This game is intense, this game is beautiful, this game is everything a person, a soul, an artist, a writer, a human, heck! a carrot could put into a game. This is grandiose, and thinking of the time it must have taken you, of the care you put into this, of the love, the insecurities, the vulnerability you accepted to share with us... I just want to thank you for making me experience all this (I'm crying again writing us, because I'm genuinely moved)... All this feels somehow so personal and yet so intense? More than an inspiration to all game devs, as I explained before, you're just this kind of people, or souls, or hearts, or whatever we look for afar, so close and so far, that we immediately identify with and which has so much to tell; and yet, yet, it's almost as if we couldn't dare to brush you, because what you are giving us is already so intense, so strong and so generous? I'm sorry this review is less analytical than usual and more on the emotional side but I guess that's what you get for turning me into a crying mess (and I wouldn't have it any other way)!

(3 edits) (+1)

[Like your comment❤️]

LOL, our thoughts are so similar: the compliment part and the zombie part are absolutely identical. I mean how he stands from the chair really does seem like a zombie. I would never imagine what cause this movement can happen here, and also every one can be a doctor in the Wonderland 😂


SOBBING I NEEDED TO LIKE. COLLECT MYSELF. AND GIVE MYSELF TIME TO REALLY APPROACH THIS BEFORE MY REPLY lkjdfalkdf You're literally making me sob over here GODDDDDD. Unsure I've ever gotten quite a response like this before and it's making me melt a tad (tho the fierce heat of today isn't helping much ldkajfdl).

I'M SORRY FOR MAKING YOU CRY. I also cried a few times. Especially while working on the final cutscene. Even just imagining it / planning it in my head together with the song before and while working on it would make me tear up dlkajfsd It was just a Big Emotional Moment for me with the game and chars and I wanted to try and get that across and make it have impact (which is why I "had" to make it a cutscene to begin with LOL).

Ahhhh I'm glad you liked the music in this part!! THE RABBIT HOLE SONG. I also liked that one a lot. It and a few others (like the preparing for battle one) gave me so many FFXII vibes and since that's basically my fav game and soundtrack ever I couldn't resist LKDJASLDK Picking out music for me is both fun but also slightly nerve-racking as I always worry about whether I'm going to be able to find the perfect track for the vibe / scene in my head. Some of the tracks for this part I already had chosen long ago (for instance, I think I've had the castle chase song chosen as something I knew I wanted to use in Arc 5 since... over a year ago, maybe even longer lakdjfs) but others I chose during production by my usual method of listening to 50 million songs from composers I already knew I liked or by using vibe filters LFAKSJDFA This part also had a lot of "image song" style music with the actual songs rather than BGMs, so I was hoping it would go over well with people and feel somewhat impactful as a result.

"I loved how there was a lot of French expressions, some I didn't even know were used in English" --> DLKASJDF I PROBABLY DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE MOST OF THOSE IN QUESTION WERE FRENCH. I didn't know bric-a-brac LMAO That's one of those words that got ingrained in my head as a child from watching Nightmare Before Christmas on repeat I think hahaha. Thank you so much tho for all the kind words about the writing ahhhHHHHH. I feel like no one ever really says anything about the writing when it comes to VNs (which I do get, like, it's only one part of the experience, and you're not likely to even notice anything about it over the story and chars and art and literally everything else), so I guess hearing that specifically somehow makes me even more wibbly and gooey jlkdfajds 💦 I've always felt I have a bit of a weird writing style in general so I'm never quite sure how people, like, react to it while reading HAHA. Particularly some of the odd turns of phrase or word choices (or how I apparently repeat things about chewing on the inside of cheeks or uncomfortable bowels again and again and again without my noticing LMAO). At any rate, that really means a lot. I'm really happy you enjoy the style and dialogue, etc.


"(although Orlam is bi if I remember correctly)" --> Yeah he is, though at this point in time, neither one of them had all the answers about themselves and were just really confused mostly but did kind of both know they were similar in a way (and Genzou knew at least that Orlam liked him). In my mind, it was a combination of Genzou's own confusion about himself, his fear about people judging him like he saw them judging Orlam, and also the sheer fact that Orlam was just so wimpy and scrawny as a kid (something that Genzou never wanted to be seen as) that all contributed to Genzou's actions as a kid (along with the sheer fact that he kind of just was a mouthy brat to begin with and couldn't [and still can't] control his words or temper).

"When Genzou could have just insulted him as he's used to????" --> LDFKAJSDLFKAD I'M GLAD YOU POINTED THIS OUT. I wanted it to be like this juxtaposition where he finally actually is able to keep his mouth shut, which is so beyond what Orlam could have expected or imagined at this point and it just broke him. 

"I have a headache so I hope I make sense" --> OH GOD ARE YOU OK???????? 😭💦

I'm really glad you like how the scene turned out tho......... this was a scene that I had semi-pictured in my mind even way back like over a year ago, that I knew I was working towards, but hadn't actually worked out most of the details. And it wasn't until I was actively working on this part that it started to form further, and then when I was actually writing it it finally all came together. Like so many of  my scenes I tend to go in semi-blind with just a single mental image as a guide and hope that while I'm writing it all falls into place LKDJFALKSDF

"The answer is of course "no", but they are a starting point, it's finally accepting to adress the problem, to acknowledge its existence and to tiptoe your way to healing. It was addressed very well, and that's why the final scene with Orlam felt so emotional!" --> GUH YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRY ALL OVER AGAIN. I'm happy this came through well......... after everything these characters have been through, I didn't want to rush to "omg everything's better" when clearly it wouldn't be LMAO but I did want to start planting seeds of hope and forgiveness that could allow for a path forward for them. They've all hurt each other so many times at this point. But at least now they're finally meeting it head-on rather than ignoring it like usual...

"This game is intense, this game is beautiful, this game is everything a person, a soul, an artist, a writer, a human, heck! a carrot could put into a game. " --> THIS IS SO BEAEUTIFUL AND SWEET I'M WEEPING HELPPPPPPPPPPP. I don't even know what to say... except that I'm so glad that it could be something so meaningful and that my story and chars could speak in such a way. And also thank you??? Not only for the beautiful and kind words but also for playing and for all your wonderful support and encouragement and motivation. It truly means a lot 💕

I can't even begin to thank you enough honestly for this review. I feel so touched and honored and emotional and can't stop reading back through parts of it. Thank you so much for taking the time to write out all your thoughts and emotions. GUHHHHHHHH I'M JUST A WIBBLING WEEPY MESS NOW FROM WRITING OUT THIS RESPONSE. Reading this honestly has made my entire night/day/weekend LDKAJFLDKAFD Going to go cry a thousand tears now... 😭💦💕

Thanks a lot for making me feel things. I love these characters (though I do have favorites WWW) This was one of the most HHHhhh arcs, but also one of the most beautiful. I'm looking forward to, but also dreading, the conclusion. 


I cant believe you murked Jerry what the FAQING FAQ!?!?!


KDLAJSDKFA YOU ARE WELCOME?????? I hope it wasn't too much. I also felt many things and may or may not have cried multiple times, especially while making the final cutscene 🤣💦 I'm really glad you enjoyed this "arc" (part arc, one-third arc, WHATEVER IT IS). HHHHHHH I REALLY HOPE I'LL BE ABLE TO MAKE THE FINAL CONCLUSION OK AND LIVE UP TO EVERYONE'S HOPES AND DREAMS. Thank you so much for all your support and your love for the game and chars!! 🥺💕

(KDJFLADSKFDS WELL........ what can I say...)

still playing through it but so far omg it's so good and so fucking compelling. Had to try it out after playing Save The Last Dance and I'm so glad I did.

Omg thank you????? I'm so touched that you wanted to give it a try after playing StLD! And also that you're enjoying it so much ahhhhh!! Thank you for the kind words, and I hope you enjoy the rest of it!! 🥰💕


omg this is the best game i have played in years all the characters are so lovable and i cant help but hope we see a lot more of them after the game especially igg

AHHHH THAT'S VERY SWEET?? I'm so glad that you enjoyed the game so much and that you like the characters!! 😭💕 lkjalkdsfa I hope to keep making more with these characters even after the main game is done -- even if it's just some side games or art, writing, etc. I feel like I definitely won't want to say goodbye to them even after the game itself is finished 🥺 I'm really glad you like Iggy so much!! Somehow hearing that makes my heart very happy. Thanks so much for playing and for letting me know your thoughts! I hope you'll enjoy the last parts of the game! 🥰

i loves this game,10000/10😭❤️‍🩹🙏.

HHHHHH THANK YOU VERY MUCH??? I'm very glad that you like it!! Thank you so much for playing! 🥰💕

very very good game!! when it has been translated into portuguese brazil i will play again

Thank you!! Though I have to apologize as I don't really have any money for translation, so it will probably never be translated (it is quite long, after all) 🥺💦

(15 edits)

Only recently heard of "Our Wonderland" about about 2 days ago, but MAN--I feel spoiled being able to binge all of Arc 1 to Arc 5 1/2 within those 2 same days. Cause, that's how f*cking engrossing the whole storyline and cast of characters is!!!
And the fact that there's newer features like a helpful CG Gallery and title-detailed save files makes me feel extra spoiled-rotten, compared to the fans who played this game since its early beginnings (lmao). 100% COMPLETION GET!!!

That said, this whole story portrays and explores upon a lot of LGBTQIA+ and mental/emotional health themes that I WISH a lot more stories did with such sensitivity and nuance. Just feels so nice to be "seen", you know? Personally, a mixture of Gidget's + Iggy's + Genzou's issues hit me really hard--but also, felt damn cathartic watching some other character articulate these similar experiences for me, on-screen.  
I also enjoy the depth and details that go into characters that you seemingly dismiss as purely dislikable or treat as "purely heroic" on the surface. (In my case, I like getting my expectations subverted when getting to learn more about Orlam--who I initially wrote-off as some jerk-ass incel, but have grown to like; and Genzou, whom I still like, but still hold accountable for going overboard sometimes). 
Everybody in this cast got their share of personal traits, strengths, and flaws; all of which feels real, well-developed, and not just "tacked on" to earn Social Cool points or whatever. Instead, whatever traits they possess--to me, they just feel organic, natural to the circumstances they found themselves born in and just really nails home the complexity of human beings and human relationships. (Iggy...I feel you HARD on making senses of human relationships and How to Socialize 101).   
Hell, I like the fact that all of these people hold backgrounds and lifestyles that feels delightfully down-to-earth? Like, nobody here has flashy "romanticized" jobs that you'd find in some mainstream dramas--but rather, jobs and emotional preoccupations of the unglamorous day-to-day. How most humans (read: us, peasants) got to cope and live amongst the daily grind, yanno? Everybody here got their own issues, all of which are too real and relatable, esp. depending on who your parents are (ugh... Gidget and Orlam, I've seen that sort sh*t in my life and with other friends' parents. SMDH.).  
These characters--despite their silly names (lmao... IGNATIUS, I'M SORRY BRO)--all feel like somebody I'd meet from just off the street, yanno? 

All of the arcs tore out my heart in some way...all of the deaths were delightfully mortifying and delightfully creative...all of the wonderful irony, double-meanings, and eyebrow-raising implications (Orlam's Arc was chock full of those--ugh, his poor rabbit T_T)...all of Genzou's creativity in swears and metaphors also win a gold star in my book... and NGL, I just love the interactions (especially all of Genzou & Iggy's, but eyyyy what can I sayyyyyy~).
Don't mind me, I'll just be here in my corner, with a swooning-dopey expression like Gidget does in some of their scenes (I see what shout-out reference you did there~ lmao). 

Man, I wish I can be more concise & articulate on why I love this game--rabid, almost mouth-frothing so--and what makes it's so unique and immersive for me, especially having spent so long with the characters (across multiple timelines in fact, lmao). But yeah, I'll be rocking back-and-forth happily in my chair--awaiting the Part II whenever it comes out--cause no matter the length of the wait, Our Wonderland has just that kind of storyline and cast that sticks with you. Of just being too memorable to forget.
(Definitely can see myself replaying this whole game, just to spend time revisiting/"hanging out" with the characters--almost as if they were my own friends or something, lmao.) 

Your effort really shows!!! Just keep doing you!!! Whatever the heck you're doing writing-wise, me likey!!! (*A*)

[P.S: And thank freaking god there's spin-off games to "Our Wonderland", such as "Our Fantastic Wonderland", cause all of these characters deserve a freakin' comfort break from their main storyline (lmao). Me too honestly...I just want them all to be happy if possible. ;____; ]

(1 edit) (+1)

Same! I just hope they all have a happy ending at the end of the story. With no injury! Whether mental or physical...  For me, I'm too upset to see Genzou dies so miserable in all four Arcs, especially the Arc 4... He only got his sight back in the wonderland, then it was taken away from him, with such violence way. Such violence.🥺

(1 edit)

For reals -- I hope all the characters come out (relatively) unscathed and happy too. Some probably will need further therapy after this whole experience, but hopefully they'll have each other as support too. T__T  

And yea, Genzou exemplifies the true Ride and Die.
NGL, I can appreciate from a writer's standpoint the amount of creativity/irony that went into some of Genzou's Death/Pain CGs (ahahaha, OF COURSE YOU WOULD REMOVE HIS EYES, ORLAM, BUT OF COURSE) but damn... I feel you, cut this poor man a break!!! ;__;

I guess it does balances out in that Genzou gets a LOT of comforting/deep interactions with Iggy (<3), if that's any good karma meant for him...lmao. (Poor guy needs it.)    



Firstly just thank you so much for taking the time to write all this up??? My heart is squishing! And secondly thank you so much for playing the game to begin with!! I'm so happy that you ended up liking it so much ahhhHHHHH lkajldskfa 😭💕

LMAO IT'S TRUE THE MOST RECENT UPDATE DID BRING ABOUT SOME NICE QOL TYPE STUFF I FEEL A BIT ASHAMED WASN'T THERE EARLIER. I will probably continue to do a few other QOL things as well before it's completely done. I actually would like to finally do a bit more with the GUI for instance....... it's a bit... default in places... and now that I've learned more about how to edit and work with the GUI a lot better, I'd like to polish it up a bit lakdjfasd

"this whole story portrays and explores upon a lot of LGBTQIA+ and mental/emotional health themes that I WISH a lot more stories did with such sensitivity and nuance" --> HELP THIS IS TOO HIGH OF PRAISE LKJKAFD I am really glad you think so though. Many of the... things... that happen in the game are based wholly or in part on a lot of my own experiences and feelings and attempt to work through stuff about myself. So it really means a lot and touches me greatly to hear that others can also relate to it and feel some catharsis 😭 The more I worked on the game, the more personal it became to me, and the more each of the characters became a different sort of reflection about parts of myself (that I then proceeded to promptly twist in on itself and weep a thousand tears as it broke me into infinite tiny pieces again and again and again LOL). I always just hope people will be able to relate to at least one of the characters!! Or perhaps at least understand them I guess, even if not being able to personally relate.

"I also enjoy the depth and details that go into characters that you seemingly dismiss as purely dislikable or treat as "purely heroic" on the surface." --> I REALLY WANTED TO GO HARD INTO THIS SO THANK YOU??? Like. I wanted to (and hoped I'd be able to) create characters that felt very human and gray because all humans are complicated and gray and there's literally no one out there that will ever be perfect or never do anything bad or never make you want to rip your hair out of your head sometimes kdjfadsaf

"Orlam--who I initially wrote-off as some jerk-ass incel" --> I AM SOBBING??????

"(Iggy...I feel you HARD on making senses of human relationships and How to Socialize 101)" --> It is truly an impenetrable enigma sometimes... 💦

"These characters--despite their silly names (lmao... IGNATIUS, I'M SORRY BRO)" --> I JUST CHOKED.

"--all feel like somebody I'd meet from just off the street, yanno? " --> And them immediately teared up because this is very sweet HELPPP.

"all of the wonderful irony, double-meanings"  --> I REALLY HOPE PEOPLE ARE ABLE TO GET SOME OF THE VARIOUS THINGS I WAS TRYING TO DO WITH... WITH STUFF........ I NEVER KNOW. (also other stuff that I had zero idea I was even doing apparently and people pointed out to me later...........)

"all of Genzou's creativity in swears and metaphors also win a gold star in my book" --> THIS PLEASES ME.

" mouth-frothing" --> MOUTH-FROTHING 😭

"(Definitely can see myself replaying this whole game, just to spend time revisiting/"hanging out" with the characters--almost as if they were my own friends or something, lmao.) " --> My heart just imploded??? I have no words....... 🥺💕

"I just want them all to be happy if possible. ;____; " --> GOD me too....


This was absolutely too much and too sweet and too stabbing directly into my heart lakdjfas I'm really so so overjoyed that you like the chars and their stories so much. I-I WILL KEEP WORKING HARD 😭I really want the finale to be work it for everyone and to live up to everything that's come before it, so I feel like I'm putting double the effort into making everything as good as I possibly can for the last bits... BUT ALSO I'M VERY NERVOUS AND ANXIOUS ABOUT IT AND JUST HOPE PEOPLE WILL LIKE THE CONCLUSION.

Thank you again for this wonderful little message that just really brightened my day and brought (plentiful) tears to my eyes!! 🥰

(5 edits)

Yay, I'm glad my comment was uplifting to you (text-dump wall that it was). Thank you for liking my ESSAY of a comment, lmaoooo~
I know you're working hard on the game, but I also just hope you're having fun with your characters as well!!! From what I've played, it sure feels like you're allowing yourself to have fun (SUPER IMPORTANT TO KEEP SIGHT OF!!!)--and that same passion/devotion shines through in the gameplay. Players easily catch onto that; it's just infectious passion, yanno? 

And yeah, I can see how creators understandably feel nervous on how their audiences might perceive the ending(s) of their story. That extra mental energy is definite gasoline for the creativity tank, ya?  
This is just my two cents SO TAKE IT WITH A GRAIN OF SALT, but since you're the one who knows your characters best, I'm sure you'll discover the conclusions for each character that feels the most "truest"/"right" for their personal journey.
If you just continue on with your knack for good & consistent characterization, the majority of readers will come out ultimately satisfied.
Sometimes worrying about people's negative feelings about an ending is besides the point, anyway; especially if a character's series of (ahem, BAD) choices & cause-effect development logically foreshadows/lead them up to their tragic ending (eg. famous Greek/Shakspearian plays like "Oedipus Rex" and "Hamlet").
While I know there's RL people's feelings about the ending to consider, focusing more on the characters' feelings on how far they come + where they end up is the higher priority, IMO. 

Given what I played from your games thus far, you've given me a lot of material to where I can say that, I trust you as a storyteller. I trust that you care enough about each of these characters' unique journeys and honoring who they were, who they are, and who they may become. Unlike some TV shows, where they pull a total ass-pull of an ending just to "shock" against audience's predictions, despite zero prior characterization or plot-foreshadow leading up to it. 🙄 
To me, you possess good balance between knowing when to keep consistent characterization VS. show psychological/circumstantial nuances that go against a character's usual behavior patterns. The fact that you drew parts of it from your own personal experience,  just shows your alchemic ability to transmute your raw unique experience into material that illuminates the humanity within all of us.
It's definitely vulnerable and difficult to find ways to organize all of those rampant emotions & thoughts into something as concrete as a game, but hell--you managed to!! And you even invited others (us, players) along for the fun, wild brain ride!!! Thanks for giving players like me, such a rewarding emotional experience (and lovely memories) revolving around such an awesome cast of characters.   


"I also just hope you're having fun with your characters as well!!!" --> I definitely am!! Tbh the chars are the major reason why I'm still chugging away after all this time and why I'm still so motivated to keep working each and every day on it lakdjfasd I normally am not super great at actually finishing larger projects that I start out to but the chars and this story overtook me to the point where it's been the largest part of my life for the last...... gosh almost two years now 💦

"I trust you as a storyteller." --> THANK YOU????? That honestly means a lot and gives me a lot of confidence lakdjfas This story has already grown so much larger than I ever expected it to when I first started out, and the characters, too. I know where I'm headed with them in my head for the finale -- I just hope I can actually make it work when it comes to writing and directing it LOL And I want players who've been along for the ride to feel like the ending is deserved ig 💦

"The fact that you drew parts of it from your own personal experience,  just shows your alchemic ability to transmute your raw unique experience into material that illuminates the humanity within all of us." --> THIS IS TOO MUCH?????? YOU ARE FLAYING ME WITH YOUR WORDS LKASJDFLASKDF

"Thanks for giving players like me, such a rewarding emotional experience (and lovely memories) revolving around such an awesome cast of characters. " --> YOU ARE SO WELCOME. It fills me with joy every day to be able to share something that's so meaningful to me and have people enjoy it so much (despite also making me feel a bit embarrassed LOL).

Thank you so much for all your words of encouragement!! I've been pretty up and down lately due to general mental health stuff so honestly this means so much and is really giving me a lot of joy and feels right now. Thank you for taking the time to leave such a wonderful and sweet comment!! 😭💕

(2 edits)

It's amazing! Although when I first read this story, I felt a bit uncomfortable with many of the violent scenes, especially the scenes in the fourth act where his legs were cut off and his eyes were gouged out. Yes, I just want to say that Genzou is too miserable! Every time I remind of the scenes that he dies (among all four Arcs), I feel very painful and can't help but shed tears. 😭

I want to know why Genzou is blind in real life. And one thing that I also care about is that, Genzou was rational from the beginning, and even when he restore his sight back, he knew we should go back to reality. However, compared to Genzou, the other three people are much crazier in my feelings. 

I do know that Genzou bullied Orlam since childhood, but in return, Orlam boiled Genzou, or cut Genzou into pieces( and then made him into a dish in front of me? I don't fully understand what happened in Arc 3), or digged Genzou's eyes out and cut his legs down. I think Orlam's too crazy,,, I can't imagine, is it just because he's such one kind?


Ahhhhh thank you very much!! I AM SORRY FOR SOME OF THE INTENSE SCENES 💦 G-Genzou really does go through it. I feel like he suffers the most out of all of them when it comes to sheer painful deaths and torture... 😭  (though Iggy has his fair share in Arc 2 dkjaflsd) I'm glad that you were still able to enjoy the game even in spite of the intensity and the Genzou!suffering💦💦 Thank you very much for playing and for taking the time to write up your thoughts!! It always means so much to me to hear from people who've played it 🥺💕

"I want to know why Genzou is blind in real life." -->  The accident in junior high. It's in the flashback scene towards the end of Arc 1.

"And one thing that I also care about is that, Genzou was rational from the beginning" --> I would say some of this probably has to do with the fact that he and Iggy are there the least amount of time as all of them. Wonderland has a tendency to twist them further the longer they stay down there. Plus when the other three first arrived, they were treated very well and got to live like royalty essentially. Whereas when Iggy and Genzou first arrived, everything was already turning horrible and they had to run for their lives in order to survive LOL so Genzou (and Iggy, too, even though he didn't wish for anything yet) couldn't really get lured in and twisted like the other three (well, except for Iggy in Arc 3 LKDJFASLKD). I do wonder what would happen if for instance Iggy and Genzou had arrived in Wonderland earlier and had a nicer time how it would have turned out... would be an interesting AU perhaps LOL 🤭

"I think Orlam's too crazy,,, I can't imagine, is it just because he's such one kind?" --> What do you mean by that? 🤣💦 Mmm... I mean... Orlam would never do any of those things in real life LOL Much of it is Wonderland twisting his thoughts far beyond anything that could have been possible in reality. Obviously he already had a (warranted) grudge because of all the suffering and heartbreak Genzou had caused him over the years but he would never kill or torture him in the real world laskdjfasd Just like Gidget would never assault Iggy in the real world 💦 That's one of the things I find most interesting about Wonderland tbh -- that it hooks into their base feelings and conflicts and amplifies their thoughts and emotions by like... a thousand LOL So you end up seeing them as the most twisted versions of themselves and have lost much of their ability to see reason.

"I don't fully understand what happened in Arc 3" --> Lol yes you were right, he feeds Genzou to Iggy, basically.

Thank you again for all the lovely thoughts and for playing the game!! I'm glad you enjoy the characters! 🥰

(2 edits)

Ah! I played the first Arc again just now. I wonder about the accident related to Genzou's eyesight. Did he fall off the stairs while checking the hallway, for Iggy? 

With Bucks', Gidget's, Orlam's past, now I do know why Iggy wanted himslef not to exist...Even in Arc 5, he still blamed everyone's problems on himself. And I have more feelings about Genzou's words, he in Arc 5 said that "Don't you fucking say that. Do you hear me?" The last time I see these words, I thought Iggy was talking about waht happened in Arc 4. You know,, Genzou was severely harmed. Now I see that Iggy was talking about Genzou's eyesight, didn't he? I feel even more heartbroken about them now, much more than I first played this game.

Carrot is so good at making splendid stories 55555. 🥺

Yes, that's what happened!

And yes about the convo in Arc 5, too. Iggy blames himself for what happened to Genzou --> not only for the accident itself, but also for the fact that he abandoned Genzou for a while afterwards because he still felt uncomfortable and confused about what happened. There's a whole lot of complicated emotions at play but that's the jist of it, at least 💦

HELP that's very sweet. I'm really glad you like it and the chars 🥺💕


ladies and gentlemen, i introduce you my latest hyperfixation

seriously though, this game is fucking amazing. I started playing it this morning thinking ill just play for a few hours to get my mind off of things and its 3 am before i know it x_x cant wait for part twooo



Thank you so much????? That means a lot ahhhhh 😭💕 Thank you so much for playing!! And for taking the time to leave a comment. THOUGH I'M SORRY IT'S TAKEN OVER YOUR BRAIN??? I hope you were able to get some sleep 💦  I'm working very hard on the next part!! Hope to be able to share more soon!!

Can someone help me? I tried to download the game several times but it always says that the file is corrupted when unzipping 😭😭😭

Hey! Which version are you trying to download? (for which OS) and what is the exact error you're getting? Like when you try to run the game? Or before that? No one has ever reported an error like this before so I'm not sure... 💦

I've been trying to install the latest version for Windows and whenever I try to unzip it, this appears:

"! C:\Users\xxxx\Desktop\new folder\ The archive is corrupt"

thank you in advance just for try to help me :'D


What a strange error... 😵‍💫 I'm at a bit of a loss as I've never had anyone have this issue before and when I redownload from the site myself it works just fine... 😭🤔

I've tried looking up general errors about unzipping stuff on Google. I have some potential suggestions/further questions:

1) If you download the 32-bit version (the last one in the list) does it do the same thing?

2) Do you have an antivirus with a strict rule? If you disable it while downloading/unzipping does it change anything?

3) What program do you use to unzip? Have you tried WinRAR or 7-zip?

4) Does the downloaded file size match the file size listed next to the download on the game page? (to make sure it's downloading the complete file)

5) Do you have any special characters in your Windows username? If you change the file name of the zip file to "" does it change anything? (just testing if the period in the file name is doing something)

6) Do other Ren'Py game zip files you download off itch work? For instance if you download the file for one of my other smaller games does it unzip successfully: 

7) If you download it somewhere else other than your computer (for instance on your phone or a different computer) and then transfer it, does it change anything?

These are some of my initial suggestions/questions after reading about people with similar issues extracting downloaded zip files. Let me know if any of these change anything!

thank you very much for the help! for some reason my antivirus has a problem with the 86 version of the game so I went to download the 32 version, and it worked! Thanks, I was really looking forward to playing your game!!!

U3U mwah mwah mwah mwah

emoji cursed cute cursedemoji love sticker by @gumwitch


I just hope this ends with a happy ending....


Th-there is a light at the end of the tunnel 🥺💦

(1 edit)

I usually play romance games therefore I actually played the small texting game before this and fell inlove with the characters.  

This has kept me so hooked that my fav part of the day was when I would get home and get to contiune the game. 

This game made me both cry(really hard) and smile(just as hard) and I absolutely can't wait for everyone to get their happy ending. Your work is amazing and your writing fenomenal. This whole game and its characters are a piece of art, I wish more people knew about this game. 

Anyway thank you for making this game, it is an honor to be able to play it <3

Ahhh you played T2A2G first?? Thank you for telling me alkdsjfas somehow I find that so sweet 💕 I'm glad you liked the chars so much in that one enough that you'd want to play the main game!! That means a lot.

And ahhhhhhh just hearing that makes me want to cry, that's so lovely! I'm so glad you enjoyed the game so much??? THOUGH SORRY FOR MAKING YOU CRY KJDAKDF I also want all of them to finally eventually be able to find some happiness  🥺💕A piece of art THAT IS SUCH HIGH PRAISE I SHALL WEEP. 😭💦

Thank you so so much for playing (both this and T2A2G!) and for taking the time to write this up. This was really touching and just such a happy little moment in my day to read. I hope that you'll like the final part once I get it finished!! I'm doing my best to make it the best I can 🥰

Can't wait for part 2!!!😍 😍 😍 

Ahhhhhhh thank you!!! I'm working very hard! I really want to make the final part as best as I can 🥺💕😤

i wish this was for android, i can download on my chromebook T-T

Ah, I'm sorry!! I do want to eventually make an Android version, but I'm waiting to do it until after the full game is complete as it will take me a lot of time and effort to convert it and redo all the interfaces for mobile 💦 It's definitely something I want to do eventually though!!

(!!! Slight Spoilers at end of second paragraph !!!)

Hello I just finished all that is currently released of the game and I am ADKHKJDHKJHFKJDF OH MY GOD I am going insane, sobbing, chewing on cardboard about this game it is just so !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I played it all in one sitting and it's 3 am right now and I don't think I'll ever be able to emotionally recover from this.

Okay, I am so unbelievably normal about this. Just. Deep breaths. Just wanted to inform you that this game is a genuine work of art, a gift to humanity, proof that there really is good in the world and it takes the form of nightmare inducing visual novels with a cast of characters that I want to make a cup of tea for SO BAD, and I am, in fact, a Genzou truther but that does not change the fact that I am In Tears over Arc 5 Gidget I love them so hecking much, and oh my god everything about their arc hit me in the hecking feels I've been out non-binary for two years now and I genuinely had to step away for a little bit when they appeared in the morning because (╥﹏╥)

All in all just wanted to say that I am likely going to be physically incapable of thinking about anything else but this game for the foreseeable future and I am also sending all the good vibes your way!! Thank you so much for making this game and sharing it with the world wide web! I will never recover <3

OMG ALL IN ONE SITTING??? HOW???? IT'S SO LONG MY GOD LKDJFASD I hope you were able to get some sleep??? 😭💦 Ahhh you're gonna make me cry though, this is such a sweet comment!! I'm so happy you like the game and chars so much GUHHH my heart feels so full. Thank you so much for playing and for taking the time to write up such a lovely comment. It really means the world 🥺💕

YOUR PRAISE IS TOO MUCH??? Thank you so much... I am very touched lkadjfad And I'm really happy you like both Genzou and Gidget. Gidget's Arc 5 scene/reappearance was very cathartic for me, as well, especially after all the very hard-to-write scenes I had to go through to get them to this point LOL Gosh, so much of this game was simultaneously so difficult yet so freeing to write. It's really become quite a personal deep-within-the-cockles-of-my-heart project for me, so that makes me doubly happy and weepy that others are also able to connect with it and find things to relate to and generally just like it, so really, thank you 💕

Thank you for the good vibes!! I shall use them as I continue to work hard on the final part! Trying to give it my all 💦 Thank you so much again for your kind words and support!!

i've only just started playing this game (I'm at the castle area) but from what i can tell the amount of content is insane??? and the way its written makes me feel like I'm watching a movie, I absolutely adore everything about this game, it's seriously impressive! (cant wait to see more of orlam tbh)

when i look at this comment i feel like I am looking at a younger, more innocent version of myself. 3 hours later my soul is CRUSHED /j /lh



I am so glad you enjoyed the game though ahhhh thank you so much for playing??  IT IS A PRETTY LONG GAME. By the time I finish the second half of Arc 5 this thing is gonna be like around 20 hours or so GEEZ. I'm not sure I expected it to reach this length when I first started I must admit... both the length and the CG amount kinda ran away from me the longer I worked on it alkdsjfa But I'm really happy you're enjoying everything so far!! Thanks so much for taking the time to write up (such a funny comment) your thoughts ahhhh it means a lot??? I will keep working hard on the last part!! 🥰💕

(1 edit)

Hi! thanks for this game, it's just awesome! I sat up until night playing it) Genzou root is the coolest! I can't wait to continue!! Can I find out when the sequel is planned?

Thank you so much??? I'm really glad that you like the game -- and that you like Genzou!! That means so much for me to hear! 🥺💕 By sequel do you mean the final part (Arc 5.2)? I don't know yet when it'll be done. I'm working very hard on it!! But I can never plan ahead for when I'll actually get it finished as I'm just a single person and it's a lot of work lakdjfad

I LOVE THISSS <33333 They are all so cool and good and I wanna hug them and tell them all it'll be ok I think they need even more therapy and antidepressants than I do. BUT I LOVE THEM they're so queer and lovable and clinically insane it warms my gay little heart they're squishy :3

Anyways your story and writing makes me wanna take your game and throw it in a giant cauldron full of boiling water and serve it to it's loved ones. (In a good way!!!)

My heartt cries for these people they are going through it and I relate, sidenote one of the only gory games that have actually made my stomach twist and turn I'm usually good with gore but this one got me. damn

ANYWAYS sorry for my deranged ramblings I havea tendency to become obsessed with pieces of media and I think I'm obsessed with this universe-

(oh and also I already sent this question on tumblr but I'll ask here too: do you have a patreon or other way to send you money?? I want to throw money at you. Anyways thanks :33)


THANK YOU VERY MUCH??? I'm so happy you like the chars so much ahhhhh laksjdflak they bring me such joy on a daily hourly minutely secondly basis LOL PLEASE DON'T THROW IT IN A CAULDRON?????

Thank you so much for playing and for this lovely comment hearing that people like the game and char literally brings me the ultimate joy in the entire world hahaha. They really are going through it?? These poor beans when will they ever catch a break (apparently even I don't know).

SORRY I DON'T HAVE A PATREON NO, GUHHHH. But honestly just the fact that you would go out of your way and take the time to write up such a nice comment and make me want to cry a wee bit is already more than I could ask for THANK YOOOOOOOU. Every time someone tells me they like the game or can relate to the chars or something of the sort a Flower of Bliss blooms forth from the recesses of my decaying heart LKDJFALSDKFA

I hope that you'll enjoy the final part once I (finally) get it finished!! Thanks so much for all the support! 🥰💕



OMG i love this game <3333

Ahhhhh thank you???? I'm really glad you like it!! Thanks so much for playing!! 🥰💕

this game looks interesting! not sure if i can play it on my own bc the content warnings make me a bit squeamish to go through, but i'll gladly make fanart whenever i get the chance to :]

lkadjfalskdf there is indeed A Lot in here that might be hard for the squeamish, so please be kind to yourself and don't push yourself into anything you don't think you can handle 🥺💦 If you do end up playing I hope you'll enjoy it tho!! 💕


Hi Carrot :>

First and foremost I would like to thank you for making an incredible game!! I can’t imagine the dedication it takes to work on a project like this for such a long time and I'm blown away by the amount of effort and passion you’ve so obviously poured into it.

I found Our Wonderland only a month ago and it has absolutely ruined me in the best possible way. I adore how you write your characters and find all of them endlessly charming. I’ve gotten two of my friends into the game as well and we’ve been talking about it nonstop. Being able to try coming up with theories and character analysis together has been something that’s brought me so much joy. I feel at a loss for what to say because I can absolutely talk about this game for hours and hours as there's just so so much to delve into. I’ll try to spare you from too much rambling.


If that poor wonderland tree has any sort of consciousness (like it’s maybe implied to with its preference for wanting to only grant the more wholesome wishes of children?) I feel so bad that it has to watch all of the events of the game go down. I really do wonder how much of our main cast's actions are because of the corruption of wonderland versus their own twisted morals and desires, regardless, I’m sure they definitely all need therapy. I have so many questions about the mysterious ways in which wonderland seems to work. 

The tree seems to have kept them from straying too far in their lives from their hometown? I can’t help but wonder if the reason Orlam’s suicide attempts failed is somehow connected as well. It’s interesting how wonderland or possibly something else seems to have influence even outside of the bounds of its domain with the doll, the time loop, and granting of Iggy’s wish in act one. I think my running theory is that possibly a wish from Saydie could be causing some of the story's events? I am decidedly fascinated with your worldbuilding and I can’t wait to see how things get wrapped up.

The relationships between the main cast really do feel like the heart of the game and it's so rewarding to see how interactions between them play out and how the butterfly effect can shape things inside of each arc. Your execution for revealing character information has incredible timing and I love how every time I found myself reevaluating my perception of each character at every reveal. The dialogue and humor have such a natural feel to them and I had an incredible time reading all the different dialogue strings. I love to see flawed characters portrayed so realistically.

Iggy and Genzou are so very cute together and the end of arc 2 was incredibly heartbreaking, UNFORTUNATELY and to the IMMENSE dismay of my friends, Orlam is my favorite and I adore him. Apparently I’m willing to overlook the whole cannibalism thing, hey, at least he knows how to cook? I think I just love to see theatrical and very over the top characters, his scenes and dialogue are always so entertaining and I can’t wait to see him in the next release. It feels like Iggy and Orlam really shouldn’t work so well together but somehow they do, it’s actually touching to see how domestic their couple of months were spent and I’m glad Iggy got a small break for as long as it lasted, even if Genzou didn’t ahaha (Apparently being stuck in a time loop reliving horrific deaths at the hands of monsters and your closest friends doesn’t leave much time to relax). Orlam seems so smug in Arc 4, he’s so silly, I wish I could know what he was thinking, he seems so content to sit back and eat popcorn watching the drama unfold when he's not too busy causing problems on purpose, I’m sooo ready to see how he acts now that everyone remembers everything. 

So many parallels and foils and narrative goodness in this game, everything. All of it. Incredible. I wish I could read an essay just breaking it all down. If you ever decided to talk about some of the thought process behind the game after you finished I would absolutely love to hear it. 

Recently I’m playing through the game again, sharing it with my girlfriend over discord sessions while I’m away for college (She loves Genzou very much and makes fun of me for liking Orlam [Which, fair.]) I’m still having just as much fun as the first time and now I get to enjoy the great entertainment of butchering Orlam’s voice again and again (He is determined to make me destroy my throat all cause I have to make him sound as pretentious as possible). Just recently we finished up arc 3 and I did some pretty non serious fanart in ms paint in commemoration which I thought I’d share. 

Forgive me for how incredibly chaotic they are, They are filled with very ridiculous jokes to entertain my friends.

On the edge of my seat for Arc 5 part 2, and beyond that I can’t wait to see what you do next after finishing the main game. Whatever it will be, I am excited to find out. I hope your work on the final part goes smoothly, be sure to give yourself breaks and take care of yourself!



Oh my gosh,,, LAKDSJLFAKD I don't even know where to start LOL First off thank you??? Not only for playing but for taking the time to write up all these thoughts and all these theories and all this general wonderfulness that is making me all sorts of giddy and I can't stop grinning???? I love so so so so so much hearing people's rambly thoughts and interpretations and general reactions to the story and chars GUHHHHHH SO THIS IS LIKE SERIOUSLY MAKING ME SO HAPPY READING IT and I'm just really happy that you (and your friends lkadjfas) enjoy the game and chars so much ahhHHHHHHHH. TO EVEN TALK ABOUT IT AMONGST YOURSELVES AHHHHHHHHHH my heart is squishing and beating very fast LMAO🥺💕

I CAN'T RESPOND DIRECTLY TO SOME OF YOUR THEORIES since many of them will come into direct play in 5.2 when I try to finally wrap this entire monster of a game up for good LOL But I'm really loving reading them and seeing people's ideas behind where the story could be heading 🤭

LMAO I FEEL LIKE A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE SIMILAR TO YOU HELP ALKDJFALKDSF Something about Orlam really grabs people I guess HAHAHAHA he is indeed Very Fun and I love him Dearly. I'm always really happy that he can get fans as tbh when I was first starting out I wasn't sure how people would respond to him at all or if anybody at all would like him so it makes my heart feel happy hearing things like this. I ALSO LIKE THE ORLY CASTLE LIFE MONTAGE 😭💕 Despite, erm, the background behind it (LOL) it is somehow very sweet to me, and I really like how despite being so different from one another they still somehow complement each other and find a weird way to work aldkfjas It's just a very fun dynamic.

"If you ever decided to talk about some of the thought process behind the game after you finished I would absolutely love to hear it. " --> WE'LL SEE MAYBE ALKDFFD tbh s-some of it came about through a weird evolution of the game's story while I was actively working on it (since these chars seem to have minds of their own sometimes) and some of it was literally sheer surprises to me while writing (e.g., OMG THIS IS JUST LIKE THIS OMG I SHOULD REALLY PLAY INTO THIS) ldakjflads serendipitous happy surprises or something. I'm not sure how it keeps working out to my advantage all the time tbh unless perhaps some part of me subconsciously was working towards it the whole time. WHO CAN SAY.

"(He is determined to make me destroy my throat all cause I have to make him sound as pretentious as possible)." --> This is absolutely perfect because he should always sound as pretentious as possible ALKDJFALSDK)








Losing it just a little GODDDDDD

And the Garfield mug,,,,

My heart,,,,

These are absolutely too precious omg,,,, thank you for sharing them with me ahhhhhhhhhh I love them too much

Getting very choked up LDKJFALDSKF

"On the edge of my seat for Arc 5 part 2" --> I HOPE I WILL BE ABLE TO LIVE UP TO EVERYTHING 😭💦I'm both excited yet nervous working on these final bits. I really hope I won't let anyone down LOL And I hope you'll enjoy everything when it's done!! Atm I have no idea what I'll do afterwards except perhaps some sort of remaster so I can redo some of the old art that makes me cringe now LOL and maybe add some new CGs or other random stuff to make it better. Who knows. Beyond that I have no idea and don't really have any plans yet. WE SHALL SEE.

Thank you again so so much for this comment!! This really made my day! That you took so much time to write all of this up AND THE LOVELY SKETCHES AHHHHHHHHHH I shall truly weep. This is very dear to me and I can't stop smiling now!!! Thank you so much!! 🥰💕

(1 edit)

Thanks so much for the reply!! AAAAAJDSKFJASL!!!

I waited a little while writing back because I wanted to have something more to say then just “!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” 


I hope development is going well and that you’re having fun in the process!!!! This is the wrong place to say this but I love keeping watch of all the tumblr asks. It brings me immense joy (They are all so funny and I love seeing the characters being themselves and your art is as charming and expressive as ever).

I’m so glad you liked the sketches, your characters give me so much brain rot, they bounce around my mind like a dvd screensaver (affectionate). I loved the bit of insight into your writing process!!! Your writing style is incredible and it immediately hooked me on the story. I feel like inside of Our Wonderland there is a whole thesis paper there for the writing that someone who is smarter and better at media analysis then me should write so I can enjoy it lolol. 

I started a tiny thing of Orlam in OFW….

Whatever you come up with will be great!!! I am already frothing at the mouth over all the teasers you show. I cannot wait :DD!!! 


I LOVE THAT SKETCH SO MUCH??? HELP!!!! LOOK AT HIMMMMMMM guhhh.... OFW!Orlam is so near and dear to my heart, I really love him 🥺💦 Especially when he gets so into his role LOLOL  this is too cute!! I love his little blush and blinks!! 😭

A WHOLE THESIS PAPER HELP???? UNSURE ABOUT THAT LKJFLKDAJFAD though I swear so often when people like, point out things to me like, omg was this on purpose, etc. I'm like....................... no LKDJFADS like connections or references and such. There are certainly some connections I did do on purpose and others that I had literally no idea I was doing so I just consider them happy accidents LOL

And thank you very much!! I'm glad you're enjoying the Tumblr asks!! I love answering questions and doing little doodles. It's such a fun way for me to do just random funny and/or cute little things in addition to normal dev stuff and I enjoy it a lot. I will keep doing my best!! Thank you so much for your support and love of the chars, ahhhhhh


(3 edits)

this game is fun and i cant wait for part2 of arc 5 and get all the endings in part 2 as there is no WAY in HELL there is  part 3 right.....right?  (jokes aside don't rush out he game and do as many parts as you need if it means a project, you can be happy with)

edit: me now realizing that i unintentionally referenced a key theme to the game...welp guess im just a stuck in the game even after finishing it


THANK YOU???? I'm really touched that after playing OFW you would come play the original, and not only that you already finished it LMAO I'M GLAD YOU LIKE IT AHHHHHHHH 😭💦💕That really means so much??

I'm working hard on 5.2!!! It's chugging along behind the scenes. Still have no idea when it'll be finished as it looks like it'll probably be longer than 5.1, but at least the going is strong 🤭

Thank you so much for playing and taking the time to write up your thoughts and let me know!! I shall weep perhaps 🥺💕

(1 edit)

keep up he great work my first visual novel i played was the OurLife games and this game was just as great and if not even better. Also if there is one thing I ALWAYS regret with ANY video game i play is the fact that I wish I could play them longer (as for some reason or another I tend to finish ANY game at a surprisingly fast rate, not fast enough to try speed running but faster then the average playthrough) but yeah 5/5 game would recommend for those who don't get triggered by the trigger warnings. I REALLY hope you do great things after this game but here are some genuine questions for you if you feel like answering:
1.if you end up wanting to do DLC for this game what would you focus on exactly, in other words would there be any lose ends that a dlc would wrap up or just small side stories of other new characters, or something else entirely??

2.I've noticed there are facts for all the characters (like blood type and stuff) except Hunar (and because I'm kind of curious) what are the facts for him?

3.what was the main inspiration for the game (besides allice in wonderland)

that's all the questions I have for you if you feel like answering them and also fun little fact my Birthday just so happens to be the day before bucks so that's a neat little thing  anyways have fun continuing the game and have a good summer and all that jazz. 
Edi: also to clarify i did enjoy Our Fantastic wonderland since its easier to just put all my thoughts in one message, i might go back to that and do all the endings there since I jumped straight into this game after i finished it but that's a future me decision 

HELP THAT IS SUCH HIGH PRAISE????? I don't know what to say ldkajflsdk 😭💦💕 I think I'm kinda middle-ground when it comes to speed of playing games. If I'm playing some kind of adventure or RPG game I play rather slowly as I always like to do all the random extra side stuff LOL But if I'm playing a VN, since I read rather quickly, I do tend to get through them rather quick 🤔 It perhaps depends on all the other stuff going on in the game tho, like if there's voice acting, etc.

Re: your questions:

1) Tbh I'm not super sure?? There won't be any lose ends after the game is over that I can think of. So I don't think I'd do anything like that. But I may do other random shorter side games about the chars just for fun, perhaps as part of some VN game jams, similar to what I did for OFW with Spooktober. I'm also thinking about at some point doing a sort of revamp/remaster of the game where I go back and redraw some of the old art from early arcs that I don't like anymore, maybe draw some new CGs, and also iron out some of the inconsistencies in the char design since some of them have changed slightly (especially Orlam's and Gidget's hair have evolved some since I first started drawing art for this game two years ago).

2) OH I HAVE ALL THIS INFO FOR HUNAR I just didn't have anywhere to put it LKDAJFLKDS His full name is Hunar Anand, he's 30, birthday is December 1st, blood type is A. Currently his job is stay-at-home dad, but he works on writing in his free time (he has a master's in english and has won multiple short story contests).

3. I don't know if I would say there's one MAIN inspiration. There's a lot of small inspirations tho?? Ofc Alice in Wonderland being one of them, but also American McGee's Alice gave me a lot of inspo, especially in the beginning. And Alice Human Sacrifice and other older vocaloid songs like Fear Garden. Also older RPG horror games like Witch's House and Mad Father. Oh, Stephen King's It gave me a lot of inspo. Also VNs like Umineko and Higurashi. There are also even like random homages to other things I enjoy, for instance some of the creatures are inspired by stuff from some of my fav games like FFXII and Mario Party ALKDJFAD There's been a lot of inspiration over the years from a lot of stuff!!

AWWWW THAT'S REALLY SWEET ABOUT YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! That feels very special ldsakfjasd 🤭

Thank you so much for taking the time to play and for your fun questions!! I always love answering questions about the game and chars!! And I'm really happy you enjoyed it (and OFW, too!!) 💕 

(1 edit)

Thanks for the answers (although if I had one more question it would be what Hunar's middle name is just because I wouldn't be surprised if it was goofy) and thank you for helping me fuel my visual novel addiction I've developed 1-2 weeks ago (also if you ever make a discord sever for Q&As and other stuff I just want to say I would join ASAP) I also want to thank you for how interactive you are with your fanbase outside of  simple guidance for when glitches or bugs happens as I don't know a lot of people who do that and I love it and feel like other developers should do it more when they have time to do so (though if developers choose to use their free time with other stuff its perfectly fine to, they shouldn't feel forced to talk with their fanbase)  that's all from me for now and good luck with your wonderful story
EDIT: made this because I thought it would be fun to try and connect each of them to one of the 7 souls (I know Orlam's is a bit scuffed hell maybe all of them are scuffed but the way I see it is that what he does is HIS perception of what justice is in this world and for Gidget..well if you know you know) 

Sorry for the delay in my response lakdjfasd I've been a little bit all over the place lately 🤣💦

Hmmmmm as for Hunar's middle name I hadn't thought of that yet. After doing some research, I think I might have it be "Karamchand" but I am not 100% on this. Tbh most of their middle names I came up with quite arbitrarily/spur of the moment LOL

I really love interacting with people and answering questions and such!! It makes me so happy and feel so honored that people would want to ask questions or leave comments, so I have a lot of fun and it makes me really happy responding back!!

Omg this is so cute??? I haven't played Undertale in a long time so I had forgotten what all of these represented and had to go look them up LOL 🤣💦 But these all seem really fitting ahhhhh 🥺💕




And the soundtrack is amazing (especially in arc 5) omg-

I AM GLAD YOU LIKE. The soundtrack gives me life honest to god lakdjfalkdsf



Thank you so so much for playing ahhHHHHHH and I'm tickled pink that you like it so much 😭💕 This just gave me a really big half-snort half-snotty wail of joy reading this, what a treat LKDJALSKDJFAD Thank you also for taking the time to leave your caps-lock comment it really made my day LOLOLOL I shall treasure it 🤭💕


I am here for Orlam's happiness. And the others, too, I guess.

Just kidding, I love them all, but- I have a thing for awkward and psychotic I guess.



Wheezing a little bit LOL

I AM VERY GLAD, HOWEVER. Thank you for loving Orlam, he does indeed need all the love he can get. 🤭💕

And thank you so much for playing??? I'm glad that you like the game and chars!! It means a lot ahhhhhh. And thanks for this comment that made me laugh a lot!! 🤣💕

how do u guys feel abt fan games.... asking for a friend 


I've never been asked this before 💦

UhhhhhHHHHH I'M NOT SURE?? I've never really thought about it before. It does make feel slightly weird thinking about it simply because I wouldn't know what would be done with the chars. I guess I would be fine if they were respected and the game didn't do anything weird?? 💦💦 But I'm not super sure. I would probably need to know more about the game before I'd be able to say either way??? For instance, something sweet and cute or something that explores more about the chars or their relationships or thoughts or even like untold moments between the moments of the game I would probably be fine with. However, something like a parody game or dating sim-esque game might make me feel a bit weird.


im sorry your games just make me really really happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! deadass been hyperfixated on it for a few days straight , i even got my girl friend into it as well 

I was thinking of a game about an au where it was cinderella  based instead of  wonderland based? it would be silly instead of the more serious tone of how our wonderland is.... iggy as cinderella for example!!!!!!!!! i also had another idea about an orlam x iggy thing and theyre just being cute and stupid

Sorry if the original question came off as weird, i just love them alotttt 

Omg Omg Im so excited for the rest!!! <3333


"Finally, some fucking good VN!"
-Me (and prob Gordon Ramsay)


This comment just made tears spew forth from my eyeballs LMAO 🤣💦

I am very glad you enjoyed it!!!! Thanks so much for playing?? And for leaving this very entertaining comment! 🤭💕

Hi! I love this game I played for a bit and its AMAZING

but I have truble starting the game, like it just doesnt open or do anything at all I have no idea why please help 

Oh no??? Do you mean that you played it once, and then tried to play it again and it suddenly doesn't work? That seems very odd... 🤔 It's hard for me to know exactly what's going on. What OS are you using? You could perhaps try to change to the 32-bit version if you can't play the 64-bit version? (or the other way around) Are you able to play other games made with Ren'Py? If you can't play any Ren'Py games, it could potentially be something with your driver... but I'm unsure. I was trying to find some solutions online but its hard to know more since I don't know exactly your situation. There are other hits in Google for instance with ppl talking about not being able to start up Ren'Py games, for instance, and some suggestions have included updating graphics drivers or changing the renderer used to display the Ren'Py games.

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