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This is absolutely fantastic!!! After playing so many visual novels, I want to say that this is my favorite of all time!!! 


The amount of CGs, the exquisite story, and the perfect matching music??? Oh CARROT, you are SO FREAKINGLY TALENTED!!! 


<spoiler alert?>

*My random mumbling:

As a loyal fan of Orlam, I wish there were more romance scenes between him and Iggy... I guess I'm just being a bit greedy since, yeah, I know Iggy is the ace ;-; 

I don't know. Maybe I just want to see more intimate CGs between Orlam and Iggy, considering the ample amount of pics between Genzou and Iggy and the Orlam's deep mad crush on the G man...

Also, I notice that in the later fighting scenes, when Genzou and Gidget show care when Iggy is hurt or captured, where is Orlam's expression??? Saaaaaaddd

And Saydie, my poor poor Saydie... I guess it would be better if the abrupt relationship transition between Bucks and Hunar could be explained a little better. One minute, they were the love of each other's life, then they wanna tear each other apart after some years. It would be good to see some fillers to make the logic smoother. But, all in all, I think their relationship when they were kids is pretty damn cute. And I love your storytelling! It just makes so much sense when the evolution of their relationship is only revealed towards the end. However, I feel like the Bucks don't really need the crew. Lowkey, she definitely needs better friends, lol

Somehow, I totally guessed the time rewind part haha, but I do wonder what the story will be if everyone still remembers what they have done in the wonderland, heh :P

Because... that's where Orlam and Iggy get super doper intimate ;-;

My reaction towards Orlam's part is just too funny to listen (I record myself a little when I play the final part hahaha, embarrassing moments *blush*)


Your huge fan <333

Ahhhhh thank you for such a kind comment!! I'm really happy you enjoyed the finale! FAVORITE OF ALL TIME HELPPPPP FLKDAJFALSKDFA that is too much of a compliment, I will cry... 😭💕 But I'm really very happy that you enjoyed it! And that you took the time to write up all your thoughts like this, it's very wonderful and thoughtful.

dlkajsdfa unfortunately with the structure of the story, it did make it harder to fit more Orlam and Iggy-centric things in until the end, since Orlam just isn't there LOL 🤣 But I did my best to make sure all of the special scenes and epilogues no matter who you ended up choosing would have the same amount of impact and love. It was also perhaps a bit difficult for me to think about Orlam and Iggy in the same way that I for instance think about the other ships, because they're just such an entirely different dynamic. Even for instance where you mention Orlam not showing up as much in the fighting scenes was because to me that would have been really out of character for Orlam to get showing too much concern for Iggy or shouting Iggy's name, hence I went with the characters who are much more open to showing emotion lkdjfadsf But I did still attempt to show Orlam's feelings in the scene where he comes to help Iggy at least, to hopefully make it obvious that he does care a lot he just doesn't show it the same as the others 🥺

They do technically "remember" everything even after the wish gets destroyed, it's just that it's so deep that it only bubbles to the surface if there is something to remind them of what happened. I think that perhaps if they'd fully remember everything they would have had to go through intense therapy and turned out really traumatized... especially as they would have been kids again having to deal with all that inner pain and trauma 😭

At any rate, I'm really happy that you enjoyed not only the finale but the game in general! And that you always like Orlam so much!! It really means so much to hear your thoughts and have had your support and encouragement throughout production!! Thank you so much for staying here until the end and for all your lovely words!! 🥰

(Completed Arc 5) 


I went into neutral and... I felt a lot, in a good way.


So, arc 5 - answered all the questions that were in the other arcs, and even about what kind of tree it is (especially on Tumblr) 

It was cool, the sound and music were also perfectly matched to the mood of the characters. 

I predicted a lot of things while I was playing - and they came true, in a good way. Because, I expected it, and I got it... And because I'm attentive to details, hehehe

It was funny, even when everyone was feeling bad, it was also funny. Some moments are funny, heartfelt and symbolic. 

"Carrot, are you okay?" - I was already thinking to myself when I got to the part with Saydie(Say 'die', hehe) and Iggy. 

Although, I felt like Iggy again that I even took off my glasses (for screens.) 

Crap... Plus, I like that there is a neutral option, thank you very much ❤️ 

Because usually in a "dating simulator", hehehe, there is no such neutral option (for a change, like a sudden turn, hehehe). 

And yes, Carrot, it seems either you are cunning, or you changed your mind later 👀 "The end... Or not?" At the same time, to the OC🤣🤣🤣

Uh... although, Iggy mentioned "another life".

Anyway, thank you for coloring my birthday. ❤️✨

Heartfelt, funny and fun❤️

NEUTRAL LOL. I've been very curious in general as to which routes people would take or which they'd do first/the order, etc. I would personally find it so hard to do the neutral route myself LKDFJLADS at least first. Perhaps because I'd want to do the game "fully as I would want it to be" when experiencing it for the first time, and the idea of the neutral route feels a bit short to me, though perhaps that's because I'm the dev and know there's not as much content there. (Having said that, I still did try to make the neutral route sweet and had a lot of fun connecting it to OC, though that was perhaps a bit self-indulgent LOL)

At any rate, I'm really happy you ended up liking it!! 

""Carrot, are you okay?" - I was already thinking to myself " --> HELLO????

"it seems either you are cunning, or you changed your mind later" --> LOL it was mostly just me wanting to leave things more open and connect the games more so than anything else 🤣 And perhaps to leave something fun and cheeky to get people to want to try out the neutral route. I liked the idea of having it where even if Iggy decided just to choose and focus on himself, he could still have a chance for companionship later in OC 🤭 (this made me feel a bit better I think hahaha)

Thank you for taking the time to leave a lovely comment with your thoughts and I'm really glad you enjoyed the finale! LOL AND I HOPE IT HELPED YOUR BIRTHDAY HAVE A LITTLE EXTRA DOSE OF JOLLY LKJFADFAD 🥰

(3 edits)

Thank you for such a game! I'm not that good with words, although thanks to other users (especially the one from Essay) who also revealed details in the game that I probably forgot. (And yes, your game pulled me in, so my birthday was great🔥✨)

Still, you gave me a lot of emotions (I have already played all the endings), that this is very good. 

As Quamai said, it’s as if we lived a life with your characters (it’s not surprising that thoughts come to draw art where we and your characters are, it happens) 

I honestly really enjoyed playing, laughing, thinking, wondering, and imagining "what if?" 

Somewhere I even cried - which is rare for me. 

Because of Iggy:

"... Why are you so similar to me??..."(End 1 of the Arch, and thoughts in the clearing in OFW) 

Because of Orlam:

"NO, ORLAM. JUST DON'T DIE! (mentally hugged him) Damn, just don’t you dare die, you’re an idiot...(this is the first time I’ve called someone “idiot”👀 5arc in castle) 

Well, again Iggy, at the moment when he remembered his desire, and thinks what to do next, because... It made me nostalgic. I sometimes think that I wanted to look at myself in the past. Or hug your past self. 

And yes, it's been two days and I'm as despondency as Iggy in OC. Because thoughts about the future came to me.  Relationships - which, like Iggy, don’t have. I'm kind of comfortable, but I'm human, and Iggy mentioned in the game the need to talk to someone. 

If Iggy needs someone to talk to, then I need someone to hug, or to be hugged. 


I wanted to say that either there is something wrong with my sense of humor, because I have my own associations: 

(Iggy called himself and the door opened)

me: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 "Wonderland - keeps up with time and technology"

Well, and other moments, when Gidget scolded Gen and Orlam, and it was Iggy’s turn, Gidget softened. It's funny, but also touching, and it's clear that Iggy hasn't done anything, he's already like a scared rabbit. 

And yes, if you're interested: Neutral, Orlam, Gen and Gidget.

This is the order I walked. 

And what surprised me was when I found out that the option of Orlam and Genzou was available to me. 👀 Because... yes, I was kind to him, I didn’t joke about him, but I behaved too directly (when he told lies🤣) 

But... It seems that my kindness and sympathy were enough for me to have a choice with him 🤣🤣🤣

But then of course I replayed one moment in Arc 4, and I got access to all the endings. (Sorry Gidget... You didn't really inspire my trust at the beginning of the game...And Wonderland too 🤣) 

But it was still interesting! (I can’t forget, I feel these literary descriptions and actions... Very good ✨)

Although while I was watching the epilogue with Orlam, knowing everything about him, I was like: "... Did I even make the right choice in choosing Orlam?” 🤣🤣🤣 

This is probably due to the fact that when we fought with Bucks, Orlam did not show any concern (until you follow his route 🤣) 

Platonic love for him - yes. Although, I also like this dynamic: you live together, you have your own life, and in your own way you show your care for each other. 

Although I give my heart to the neutral ending, not only because I am also lonely like Iggy 🤣 But also because it looks like me. I need to know what I want now, I’m already fine without a relationship, I have good friends, and I’m happy with life too. And Iggy's words at the end also seem to be true. 

(Although at the end with Orlam, where “we are people who care about each other” I like, and that they make their own rules... Sorry Gen, you're good too. And Gidget too. And Bucks and Hunar.)

Speaking of Bucks, now I feel bad🤣 because I ended up believing that she doesn’t like to wear a dress, but after your answer that she does, it surprised me. Looking at her past, I now understand (she reminded me, I was also a “danger”, but with a kind heart. how she reminded me... even now❤️) 

Considering that although your characters also somewhat resemble a part of me, they were closer to me: Orlam, Iggy and Bucks (and a little bit from Gen and Gidget, hehehe) 

Orlam: too cocky, teasing, understands people well, and perhaps charismatic? (people remember me even after a year... It surprises me because I stand out? Wow..) And perhaps tactility 🤣

Iggy: Asexual, creative, worries about friends, emotional. 

Bucks: Dangerous, but kind. The soul of the company (although Orlam too), I act like a child sometimes, but I like it. Brave, hehehe. "Don't make her angry 👀" 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Gen: I'm shorter than everyone, but older in the company 🤣 Straightforward and honest, unique sense of humor 

Gidget: "I am a parent, I must take care", understanding, caring.

(Hunar: creative person, hehehe)

And I... I once joked that the Bucks already have their own Iggy, only in a dark shade. And when I saw the moment that Iggy became Hunar to appease the Bucks, I: “👀...I was just joking-" 🤣🤣🤣

Okay, I've said too much about sensations. Now I definitely said a lot that I didn’t say when I wrote above 🤣 

If your game was able to convey the meaning (without thoughts in the epilogue, the player himself realized after the entire playthrough) , and evoked a familiar feeling or emotion - this is very good. 

It’s just that now, I can hardly remember or come across such long Novels that would raise questions about life in such a way. About simple but important things. About the fact that we notice little. 

And about time too. And in general, to make the game look like a movie (or cartoon movie), So... You were very engaging and the side games added to the understanding of the characters and their dynamics and history. Your novella is long, yes, but intriguing! This is already good! Capturing people's attention forces them to spend time studying history, just like a regular book or movie, and we begin to think, get inspired, and create. 

And of course, when you associate with the characters, or even took their features 🤣🤣🤣 

So, I'm still glad the story has come to an end. Yes, it’s sad, but it left typos inside my heart and in my head. And in my hand, because I’m used to drawing in your style, hehehe (probably). I love your style, I love the cartoon style, it made me feel like I was watching a Gore cartoon (Like Happy Tree Friends). Or cartoon movie❤️🔥✨

Thank you for these feelings, thank you for this time, thank you for the answers and the mini doodle on Tumblr, thank you for the story, thank you for the interesting plot, music and graphics.  

(I'm serious, what music did you choose, I listen to while I draw!!!👀 Especially when I want to feel the atmosphere of the game, for example: Iggy is working. Further, because of the emotional sphere, I often listen to the themes of Orlam and Genzo, and that song in the credits in Prologue✨ Like a children's song, this is morality to me. I feel like a joyful child when I'm listening to this, I can’t help but smile)

Thank you very much for being here. 

Good time, Carrot. We love you very much and appreciate the time we shared.❤️

 We're like one Carrot family, hehehe

Hugs to you from all the players who played your game with love ❤️



I also have questions (spoiler alert) 

SO, the the tree just ... reset everything??? I'm so confused!! does that mean that the baby has never been born???? that means that the tree no longer exists?? SO THE HUMAN BUNNY HAS DIED TOO? NOOOOOOOo 

Great game, I love it!

(excuse me for any mistakes, English is not my first language)


I'm really happy you enjoyed it though!! Thank you so much for the kind words! 😭💕

Re: your question, I leave some of it up to interpretation as I like people to take away their own messages from everything rather than explain my own boring cut-and-dry explanations for stuff. But it was less the tree and more just the fact that Iggy's initial wish was destroyed along with all the other wishes. And when his wish was destroyed, it destroyed what that wish had created, which was essentially, his life (or at least everything after he made the original wish and the start of the initial loop). That's why it went back.

Do you mean Jerry??? I'm not sure who else could be the human bunny LOL But if it's Jerry you mean, he does have a cameo in the ending, so he's still there... 🤭

LKJALKJS LOL NO sorry, I was super excited. anyway, it's amazing how Iggy makes the final decision! like, in the end, it was his choice! it had happened before tho? When Genzou said that it was not a game??? ANYWAY, I also love how at the end they will never be perfect and that's the best! because it's like real life.

ALSO, I just read what I first commented and DUDE IT'S SO BAD LKASJDADSKJLSJDKJ thanks for answering. I do have another question, WHERE IS THE JERRY CAMEO??? I was looking for it everwhere and never found it TT

(3 edits)

I totally didn't make account just to comment))

I'm going to keep this a bit short since I haven't played the new part of the final arc and I need to 🥲.(Also happens to drop the day I have a fever ahem) I've been playing this game, saw it a few months ago around my birthday and one day I played it while I had my friend on the phone. Loved it. There was tears, I probably should expect more when I play the last part gufajfzitskydkletiai. I also laughed, and gushed over Genzou and Iggy?(Arc 3 and Arc 4 are painful to me ;-;) Gidget used to scare sometimes.. I feel bad for Orlam but somewhat find him annoying?? Also I feel like Cecil is underrated, I don't know what it is but I just love him 🥺🥺🥺! Another thing, all the wholesome Genzou and Iggy moments in the arcs make me happy. I love those two lots together. The fact Genzou doesn't question Iggy's asexuality makes me feel cozy, as an asexual myself this is comforting to me. 

(Maybe this wasn't that short but short in my terms. Sorry for rambling, I just love this game and the characters. And sorry if I have any bad grammar, im half awake and, well sick. Anyways, I hope you have an amazing dayy!!)


Update: After straining my throat on the phone with my friend, reading some of the dialogue while crying, and gushing more over Genzou and Iggy(Haha guess which route I did), I completed the game. Atleast in one route. I wanted to take a few moments before I go to sleep to give my thoughts. Iggy saying I love you to Gen in his route is just sweet and wholesome(waterworks though). Whenever I found out that monster was Bucks my soul left my body. I cried at the Bucks and Hunar flashbacks, when he called her beautiful and sweet my heart melted. No comment on the freaky-deaky tree. Iggy breaking the cycle and going into how their past actions and how they handled things better. What was different, also the part about Bucks and Hunar thinking about a kid(Saydie? 🥺). Gidget and Cecil living together, Orlam's job(Im sorry I already forgot if he worked at somewhere specific) and businesses he tried to start up(Was that a human Jerry in the back or am I just loopy 🤨). Also the mentions of Orlam and Cecil together on and off seemed kinda cute. I might have to try out the other routes and try to hold back the water works lol 😭.


This comment is so sweet!! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave your thoughts! 😭💕 I'm really happy you liked the game so much THOUGH I'M SORRY FOR THE TEARS LAKJFDAD

And I'm glad you liked the finale DESPITE THE ADDITIONAL TEARS LOL

Ahhhh I'm really glad you liked the special scene for Genzou's route!! Sob I was really happy with how it turned out and it's become one of my favorites... those two are just so sweet to me... 🥺 Also that you liked the Bucks part with the flashbacks!! It's such a conflict for me because I love those flashbacks so much and the different dynamics they show and getting to showcase finally more of Bucks and Hunar while at the same time they're so sad...💦

"No comment on the freaky-deaky tree" --> LDKJFALDSKFAJD

"Was that a human Jerry in the back or am I just loopy" --> LMAO YES IT WAS

HhhhHHHHHH thank you so much for all of this!! It really means so much to hear! If you ever do get the chance to go back and do the other routes, I hope you'll enjoy them, too! But I'm just really happy that you ended up enjoying everything and the game in general! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a sweet comment! 🥰

I just did the other routes!! I will give my opinion on them


I did the Gidget route before the netural and Orlam's. Their scence was so freaking sweet, I cried again 😢. (I'm very emotional as you can tell, ahem.) The fact they thought that Wonderland was bringing out their true self just can't. THEY ARE THE SWEETEST CHARACTER IN THE GAME, ALONG WITH HUNAR.(Can't forget about most of the main characters as kids though, adorable 🥰) At the ending scence, whenever Gidget kissed Iggy my heart warmed, they are the sweetest. But then they kissed Cecil and Orlam and I blanked, but thats Gidget. 

Then I did the neutral ending, which I loved. Iggy finding himself and being able to care for himself and being independent. If Genzou wasn't an option, Iggy by himself would be the best option in my opinion. Yet he still stayed in contact with the rest of the group. Managing himself, yet not isolating himself, like how he was at the beginning. OUR CINDERELLA CANON??

And then, my least favorite for last, Orlam's route. His scence was slightly sweet, but I can't really find myself to like it that much. Then again, I have a bias for Genzou, sooo.. But I can't with how sad Genzou is, and the fact Orlam is rubbing it in his face. 😭😭😭 I'm sorry this is just my least favorite out of all, I just find Orlam annoying. 

And thank you for making my favorite visual novel out of all the ones I've seen so far! I never thought I was one for visual novels but this game got me into some of them. I've played almost all the side games, besides Orlam's, Our Cinderella was my favorite. Also thank you for reading and replying to my comment, you made me smile so much today! I will definitely be playing any new games you make in the future. I've never cried so much over a game before, but I love that because it shows how good you can make your games. I've felt all the emotions playing this game gaufzjgxursufzirs. Your work is so amazing! Like seriously, keep it up! (At a healthy ammount of keeping it up though. Don't overwork yourself ☺)


Sob I'm glad you liked the other routes, too!!! I tried my best to make each one of them feel very special and unique and a good culmination of each chars' arc and their dynamic with Iggy 🥺

"But then they kissed Cecil and Orlam and I blanked, but thats Gidget. " --> LKDJFALSKDFJA I LAUGHED OUT LOUD 🤣

"OUR CINDERELLA CANON??" --> HAHAHAH that was my cheeky little easter egg 🤭 It just felt like a neat little way to connect OC. And also perhaps a slightly self-indulgent gift to myself, allowing for Iggy to still get together with one of the others even if he does choose to focus on himself first.

LDKJFALSDKFA I'M SORRY THAT THE ORLAM SCENE WAS MILDLY TORTUROUS THOUGH 🤣 I can imagine that if you are not much of a fan of him in general that it would not be the most enjoyable scene LOL Especially yes... the next morning... (though the next morning is rather sad for all of them, but I feel in particular the one for Orlam's route is especially awkward hahaha)

"I've never cried so much over a game before" --> SOB I would like to say I'm glad but that sounds a little bit cruel so I'll just say that I'm very touched that this game could have such an impact. Thank you so so much for playing and for loving the chars and writing up such kind and encouraging words!! It really means so much as a solo dev just making these games because I want to tell stories and share experiences. Hearing from others who can relate to those stories and experiences really means the most. So I'm really glad you took the time to write up your thoughts and share them with me!! 🥰

(1 edit) (+4)


I'll touch on the technical aspects a bit here, though not too much as it is a Carrot game, we already know that these will be great...but the SHEER AMOUNT OF CGS, the INCREDIBLE AMOUNT OF ART, the ANIMATED CUTSCENES, the sprite was all so dynamic and REAL and immersive that I couldn't tear my eyes away, not even for a second. The prose was wonderful as always, and the raw vulnerability of it - as we enter the emotional crescendo - really hit me in the heart in a way that I can't explain.

The themes and the way that the story concluded, without spoilers, are nothing short of flawless. Everything was incredibly well-conceived from start to finish, everything was so TIGHTLY wrapped up with cohesive character arcs and full-circle moments...and this story was just BURSTING with so much compassion, kindness, understanding, and empathy...both for others, and for yourself. Aside from the obvious horror aspects, this is a story that I would recommend to anyone, and I MEAN ANYONE.

=========SPOILERS FOR ARC 5.2=============


I'm very sorry these thoughts might be a bit disorganized as I was basically writing them as I was playing...

I love the way that the arc starts off with the gang having a warm meal together - it's just so NOSTALGIC and comforting (especially with the beef stew) and such a contrast to what came before. Even when Genzou and Orlam start to fight, it's different - they're just bickering, and Gidget calms them down immediately, and the relaxing track keeps playing in the background - it really hammers home that things have truly changed between them. 

After that, rather than being comforted by someone - Iggy reaches out someone for comfort. He realizes that it's natural to want to feel someone else's "warmth" - and it almost feels like he's also acknowledging that he has the right to love and be loved, that he's deserving of human companionship. 


AHHHHH Iggy cleaning Genzou's wound is SO SWEET and also very touching - after all of these loops where Genzou was the one comforting Iggy, the one "cleaning Iggy's wounds" - it was so nice to see Iggy reaching out to Genzou in this way. Finally recognizing that Genzou WASN'T fine, that he was just pretending to be - and that even Genzou didn't care whether he was fine. He just swept everything under the rug. THEN IGGY KISSES GENZOU AHHHHHHHHHH PROACTIVE IGGY AGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH (gosh the white background REALLY makes this CG pop in an AMAZING way, then the gradual fade to the background as the realization sinks in - SO GOOD) 

THE PARALLELS WITH THE PHONE CALLLLLLL in the beginning of the game, the first "route" deciding factor is you deciding who to call - Genzou, Orlam, or Gidget - but your choice then doesn't really matter, not really. No matter who you call, only Genzou picks up. However, here, you can call the person you CHOSE, and it "unlocks" the door (and it's such a LOVELY metaphor for Iggy finally "reaching out" - to contact the friends that he's been estranged from for so long). And it's only THEN, after Iggy reaches out, does the door to "move forward" - to move past all of the hurt and trauma of the past - open. 

THE WAY THAT BUCKS TURNS INTO A MONSTER - perfectly reflective of how she views herself while also acting as a metaphor for how her friends didn't really recognize what she was going through. (Side note but the sketchy black and white CG of Iggy as his hand got cut off was SO GOOD) 

AS WE GO THROUGH BUCKS' FLASHBACKS I WAS REALLY TEARING UP, you can see how she was alienated by the people around her and even her friends - the little comments that really "wore her down" - saying that she was a killer whale, a monster, etc - even when they meant it in a positive way. How they shaped how Bucks viewed herself and her own worth. How Hunar was the only one who reached out to her - who treated her differently (calling her a princess, worrying about her getting hurt, seeing her as someone other than a big, strong oaf.) AND THEN THE SNAPPING POINT WAS HUNAR CALLING BUCKS A MONSTER - the one person who saw Bucks as she was. I really had very little sympathy for Bucks until this point, and yet after this I was completely on her side, despite the absolute VILE things she did - it's just a testament to how strong the writing is that I was able to care so much for her in such a short amount of time. 

IT'S ABSOLUTELY PERFECT THEMATICALLY, as the entire story has been about this group that was "close" but never really recognized the problems that others were going through because they were so wrapped up in their own issues. The choice to end on Bucks - whose problems we've never seen, who seems so strong and relatively simple-minded, who has a happy family and seemingly no troubles - is a perfect one - recognizing all of the problems that she was facing, even when no one (except Hunar) was looking. 

THE SEQUENCE WHERE BUCKS SHRINKS IS SO GOOD, until she's finally kneeling in front of Hunar - and she looks SO SMALL in comparison to him, so vulnerable. (It REALLY contrasts the first non-childhood CG from OW, where Bucks is heaving Iggy over her shoulder, and she looks so big and strong.) 

AND THEN THE BABY REVEAL DFGDGD THE CORRUPTION OF INNOCENCE, turning her into "fuel" for the warped "Wonderland" - it's SO PERFECT DFGFDGDG 

ANDDDD we got confirmation on the results of Iggy's wish from the first arc! His wish was so "heinous" that he was cut off, and instead he was bent to the wishes of others. It's so perfect from a character perspective - Iggy, unable to assert his own desires and wishes - instead trying to please others, to make them happy. (YAY I got confirmation that the Iggy in each route WAS bent into a shape to please his companion of choice! It's also a really interesting take on a "dating sim" - where, instead of deliberately acting in a way to please your beau of choice, you're warped into a shape that fits them). 

Another side note but I love how, in this arc, there's so much silence. It's pretty unlike previous arcs and other carrot games, which used so much music - but here, there are pretty long stretches where there's complete SILENCE and it's perfect - it's so calm and yet unsettling, really making you focus on the words and visuals on screen. 

GDFDFGDGDG THE CLIMAX, WITH IGGY REMEMBERING WHAT HIS ORIGINAL WISH WAS, and Saydie saying that he can CHOOSE to be happy. Then when Saydie vocalizes her wish - that she wishes to be killed, and the tree DELIGHTS in it, in the innocence of that desire - it really hammers home how HYPOCRITICAL the tree is. After all, Iggy and Saydie's wishes were the same - to disappear, to be killed (although Iggy's desire was due to guilt, while Saydie wanted to be freed from her suffering). I LOVE how you aren't given a choice to break the cycle - it really hammers home how this is Iggy's story now, and how he's finally taking control of his life. And the destruction of Wonderland - this warped, twisted place that fed on children's hopes and dreams - is a good parallel for Iggy as well - destroying his need to be responsible for his friends' happiness, paving the way for him to make himself happy. 

I WASN'T EXPECTING TIME TRAVEL, the chance to redo everything, but fgfhgfhfhgf it made me so happy to see, I really wanted to see all of these guys get their happy ending (and it didn't seem possible with the original iteration). I love the fact that they still all make the same mistakes - it's what happens AFTERWARD - Iggy reaching out to his friends, and in Hunar and Bucks' case choosing not to commit to a life that didn't make them happy - that makes a difference. 

DGDFGDFGDFGDF I LOVE HOW THE "STAY BY YOURSELF ENDING" TRANSITIONS SO SEAMLESSLY INTO OUR CINDERELLA AGHHHHH OUR CINDERELLA IS CANON IT'S REAAAALLLLL (I do love how it also gives you the option of "not committing" to a love interest but leaving the possibility open down the line! And gosh I'm so glad that the "idealized" world of Our Cinderella is canon AGHHHHHH I WASN'T EXPECTING IT AT ALL) And I do really like how, even in the "happy endings," it shows that Iggy's life wasn't perfect - that he's still anxious, that he still has things to work on. Because that's the way life is. It's not perfect; it's flawed. And that's okay. 

Onto Orlam's route and DFGDFGDF THE SLOW DANCE, I really love how it's the perfect capstone to all of the "dances" Orlam and Iggy have had up until this point - Orlam falling into Iggy's pace, doing something that he's comfortable with. (BUT GENZOU IS IN DESPAIR AFTER YOU PICK THE ORLAM ENDING WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS, and Gidget too dfgfdg it is interesting how, when you picked Genzou, Gidget and Orlam seemed much more chill about it LOL) And AWW I loved the ambiguity of Orlam and Iggy's relationship - how it was difficult to label, in the end, but they didn't need to "bend" to anyone's expectations. 

And finally, Gidget's route - AGHHHHHHH GIDGET IS APOLOGIZING I LOVE IT, it's such a full circle for them and really fitting for the conclusion of the route. Since Iggy and Gidget were the most "entangled" pair (and Genzou with Orlam, and Bucks with Hunar) - this reconciliation is very fitting. And the realization that they've both been wearing masks their entire lives - RELATABLE. 

I LOVE HOW IN ALL OF THE ENDINGS, Iggy is wearing his ace-themed hoodie, it really emphasizes how he's comfortable with himself and his identity. And in all of them, there's no label for what Iggy has with any of his partners - they're not boyfriends, they're not married, they're not friends - they're just themselves, living as they are, by their own rules. 

Okay now that I'm done with my AHHHHHHHH REACTIONS AGHHHHFHGHF I'll try to calm down and leave some coherent thoughts here.

Final Conclusions

There are SO MANY themes and concepts in OW, all told to perfection through the different routes and characters, that I can't detail them all (and I've touched on a few of them before, in Essay #1 LMAO). The mistakes that you've made, how what you say affects others. How both your own expectations and the expectations that others have for you can shape your identity and self-worth. How you need to seek your own happiness in order to support others. How important reaching out, communicating, and supporting others in their time of need is. The time travel - the ability to go back and redo everything from the start, but better this time - is a happier conclusion than what I was expecting, admittedly. But at the same time it's perfect. They can go back to a time before Wonderland corrupted them - with its expectations, with its desires - and they can live freely. And it shows how even the smallest actions can change their lives so much. That just reaching out a hand to a friend in a time of need can be all the difference in the world. 

I loved that, in the end, the final villain was "Wonderland" itself. And in the end, Wonderland wasn't "childhood" - as being a child, with no worries or regrets, IS wonderful. No, Wonderland is this oppressive, corrupting entity that delights in what it thinks childhood SHOULD be - purely innocent. Wonderland is the amalgmation of all of the expectations, the rejection, the self-hatred - all of the things that are weighing down on our characters, preventing them from fully accepting themselves and being happy. It curses our cast for their "corruption" - for bringing lust, and sadness, and anger, and everything - into its "perfect paradise" - when those are all things that just make us human. And only when you free yourself from that vision of how you SHOULD be - how you expect yourself to be, how others expect you to be - are the characters' wishes truly freed - and they can finally fulfill them in their own way, on their own terms.

At first, I found Saydie's life to be rather melancholic - killed by her mother, brought back as a monster by a corrupted Wonderland, and then finally killed by Iggy - but in a lot of ways Saydie was just as much of a metaphor as Wonderland itself. Iggy needed to move past not only the "corrupt" Wonderland, but also the "childish, innocent" Wonderland - the idea of that "pure" childhood, when there were no problems to overcome. Only when he accepts that life is MESSY, that everyone is flawed and everyone makes mistakes and life won't be perfect - is he able to reach a "happy ending." And so him killing Saydie, this embodiment of "innocence" - makes so much sense. And at the same time Saydie also represents the "ideal life," the life you're expected to have - as people are expected to marry early, have children, and live that perfect "dream life," as Gidget described. So killing her (or the corrupted version of her) - is also like killing those expectations. (And, I do like how Bucks and Hunar DO think about having kids in the end - but on their own terms, when they've had a chance to live their lives how they want, and pursue what they want to pursue. And I wish that Saydie can live happily in the new timeline - in a world where her existence is appreciated and cherished.) 

While OW is a deeply queer narrative, its themes are also quite universal. Iggy is asexual, and that is a big part of his character, but at the same time his desire to be loved as he is, his fear of not being able to love his partner in the way they want - is a really universal feeling. Similarly, when Iggy and Gidget talk in Gidget's route about the "mask" that Gidget wore to cover up their confusion regarding their sexuality, Iggy understands Gidget's feelings, despite not having exactly the same problems.

I found the conclusion to Iggy's arc to be INCREDIBLE. In Arc 1, he hates himself for not being able to bring his friends happiness, so deeply that he wants to disappear (and, when you learn that his original wish was to make his friends happy, it makes so much sense). In the end, he breaks free from any sort of expectation, any sort of need to PLEASE anyone, to make anyone happy - and makes his own choice, for his own happiness. And, only after making sure that he's happy is he able to support others. It's such a meaningful and powerful message that I think everyone needs to hear. 

In the end, Iggy's life isn't all that different from how it was before, but I think that makes a lot of sense. His problem was with how he viewed his life - and how he acted regarding his relationships. He's not rich, he's not an entrepreneur, he's not happily married - he's living his own life, with happy relationships with his friends, and that's HIS happy ending. 

I'll conclude by saying that I can't say how important this story is to me. How deeply personal and moving it is. I teared up so much while reading it, and cried at parts. There were so many aspects that felt so true to my own life and my own relationships, parts that made me feel really vulnerable and exposed and SEEN. There are some things that you experience that carve their existence onto your soul - good and bad things, and you carry them for the rest of your life. Our Wonderland is one of those things for me. 

Thank you very much for making this masterpiece, Carrot; I am your dearest fan, and I'll never forget this experience. Thank you. 







Now I have to somehow craft a semi-cohesive response while I suffer from intense emotional overwhelm and the tears decorate my keys... /over-dramatic

But I digress.

Reading this truly made me tear up. And I feel like nothing I say will come close to like, getting across how much it has emotionally affected me. Nor how much it means to me that you would take so much time to not only play but then write something so beautiful and heartfelt and kind 😭💕 So I also apologize in advance if my response feels a little aLl oVeR tHe pLaCe and rambly LOL

I'm glad you liked how it started... 🥺 I had a lot of fun with the cabin scenes in general. Partly because I just enjoy writing small warm little moments (and silly banter) but also just seeing these four finally all together having reached this final resting point felt somehow very monumental to me (I got emotional the first time I put all three LIs' sprite on screen at the same time alkdjfas). Though I was admittedly also slightly worried as because of my decisions in how to release the Arc 5 parts I wasn't sure if it (as well as the resulting Final Choice scenes) would be a weird place to just jump into after the break between 5.15 and finale release. (And now I'm also curious about how different it would feel as a player who'd played 5.15 and been waiting for the finale compared to somehow who plays Arc 5 for the first time all the way through without any of the breaks.......... 🤔 I DIGRESS THOUGH.

PLAYING GENZOU'S ROUTE FIRST LKAJDFASD I'm really curious what order a lot of people went in 🤭 Almost makes me wish I had a way to keep track or something hahaha. His scene though is extremely precious to me... it was also the first of the LI scenes that I wrote. And we all know Genzy holds a special place in my heart.... GUHHH. So just. Mfmmkmfdajdsfadfj it's very important to me LOLOL I LOVE THEM SO DEARLY MORE THAN WORDS CAN SAY. So I'm glad you enjoyed it... 🥺 

I'M GLAD YOU LIKED THE PHONE CALL PART. Tbh it was one of those things that I wasn't quite sure how to handle and it wasn't until I was actively working on the finale that it kinda formed. Mostly from like, really thinking back through some of the key themes and the dreams in particular. How each dream had been something that Iggy needed to do in order to reach the center. The importance of the cabin and the door. And then perhaps somewhat cheekily harking back to the fact that I had originally been going to release the middle arcs in such a way that you could do them in any order, so Iggy's choice of who to call felt even more ~ baked in ~ to kinda the overarching narrative. It just somehow felt fitting as a callback, to him being vulnerable enough to reach out to the person he had chosen. Idk. I wasn't quite sure if people would get what I was going for (or if it would even be that big of a deal for people to get it in the end lakdfjad) but hearing that you did enjoy it and resonated with its inclusion is kinda making me really happy right now lol.

Bucks's part was another where I was hoping it would "be enough" (then again that's kinda the theme of this whole finale... me worrying every single scene will somehow "be enough" for the build-up that preceded it; that the finale as a whole would "be enough" to act as a satisfactory ending to the whole story and the chars and their arcs). The structure and build-up in general felt like it necessitated Bucks's part to come at the end, and I'm not one to go against my instincts in these things usually LOL But I wanted to make sure it didn't feel like it was just glossed over and that it did indeed have a reason and purpose for being there. So I tried to make the flashbacks and cutscene and the whole fight and honestly just everything, I just really tried to put my soul in it and make it feel quite intense and conclusive for her arc (even if not everything is obviously solved, but somehow there's some emotional catharsis, at least for the time being for them to be able to pull themselves together and fix the rest of this thing once and for all hahaha). I had a lot of fun with the flashbacks in particular though, as I really love show bits and pieces of the group dynamics throughout the years, even in these ones had that constant twinge of sadness to them when you looked at them all together... sob.

"I got confirmation that the Iggy in each route WAS bent into a shape to please his companion of choice!" --> LKDFJADSF YESSSSSSSS. I was kinda jazzed about finally including this confirmation myself. Mostly because there were so many times throughout production when people would ask questions and I would be like... I JUST WANT TO SAY WHY. I WANT TO SAY WHY IGGY WAS LIKE THAT. BUT I CAN'T REALLY. I CAN ONLY KINDA GIVE VAGUE HINTS. BUT I WANT TO SO BADLY. Particularly in Arc 3, which is the most obvious shift in Iggy's behavior. But even in Arc 2, why it was so easy for his heart to kind of naturally shelter itself in Genzou, and in Arc 4, particularly leading up to the bedroom scene at least, where he was mostly going along with Gidget (until even wonderland couldn't influence him enough to go all the way with it). But just like. That has become who Iggy is because of the wish that he made. Malleable to an extent, so as to make his friends happy. Except that no matter how he's influenced and changed, it never truly works, at least not the way Iggy would hope. Because making one friend happy leads to problems with the others. So in the end no one is happy. And the futility of devoting yourself to the happiness of others is all the more evident. The endless cycles of trying but failing to make everyone but himself happy.


See now I'm rambling a bit LKDJFASLD But this part in general was just so important to me... the whole field scene and the reveal. I had a really hard time working on it and had to take multiple breaks because I kept starting to cry LOL It was a part in general that hit really close to home for me personally.

"I LOVE how you aren't given a choice to break the cycle" --> WEEP I'M GLADDDDDD. It got very meta there by the end. Not only with the tree referencing others making choices for Iggy as a direct call-out of the ppl playing the game, but then using the choice mechanic to show Iggy making his own choice and taking it away from the player. Another one of those things I really loved adding personally but that I was worried about the response LKDJFALSKDFA

"I love the fact that they still all make the same mistakes" --> Sob I'm so happy you liked the ending in general. It was probably the biggest of everything that I was worried about, and I know there will be some that don't agree with it. But it's what felt right to me for what needed to happen. Not only from a story and lore perspective but perhaps a bit selfishly for me and for these characters. Obviously I can't make their lives perfect now. That's not what this game is about. And I wanted to show that even with at least some subconscious knowledge of their other lives, they can't "correct" everything because so much of your life is out of your control to begin with. Even your own mistakes are out of your control. Because we all make mistakes. But there are things we can do after the fact to try and make up for those mistakes. And so often that is what really matters. (Ok so maybe things like cold-blooded murder wouldn't count for something like this BUT I MEAN MORE LIKE IN THE RELATIVELY NORMAL COURSE OF ONE'S LIFE.) And to that same end I wanted to show how much even small changes to try and fix mistakes or change responses to things can help make things better. Not perfect ofc. But at least better. Because yeah each of them still has plenty of issues they need to work through, both in themselves and with each other, but they were better able to find themselves and figure themselves out and have more of the support necessary to do that, giving them more control over their own lives.

I'M RAMBLING AGAIN SOMEONE STOP ME LKASDJFLAKSDFA But see this is what all your words are doing to me they just make me want to talk and talk and talk because they make me so happy and also so thoughtful and excited lkadjfad

I'M SO GLAD YOU PLAYED ALL THE ENDINGS???? Even the neutral one LKDJFADS IT WAS A CHEEKY LITTLE EASTER EGG TO MAKE THE NEUTRAL ONE TO CONNECT TO OC HAHAHAHA. It felt like a little treat to add. Not only for players so they can still see something rather sweet and surprising even in the neutral route. But also for myself, because it can leave me with warm thoughts that even if Iggy doesn't pick someone he still has the chance to find companionship with someone later on after he's spent more time just focusing on himself first.

Ahhhhh... not you listing out all the themes... 🥺 I feel like I could not even list out all the themes LKDFAJSDFA This is so lovely for me to read as the creator LOL I'm really bad in general at trying to analyze works for themes and motives, even in my own work. Since so much of what I do just kinda happens as I'm writing and thoughting and barley any of it is planned, so it's all just this vibesy exploration that somehow comes through at the end still working (IF I'M LUCKY). So having someone tell ME what the themes are is honestly so helpful for me to also take a closer look at my work and what it's doing and why hahaha. "And it shows how even the smallest actions can change their lives so much." --> Sob sob yes... this one hit me pretty hard. That we don't need to do these grand showcases of pure and selfless friendship. That sometimes all it takes is a kind word or act to show that you care. To think about someone and check in on them. Because god knows I need to also do this a lot more often as it's something I really struggle with, friendship in general. And letting friendships fall away because it always feels like it requires so much energy. But does it though? Maybe it doesn't. Maybe you just need to be able to show that you care. Idk. SOB.

" In the end, he breaks free from any sort of expectation, any sort of need to PLEASE anyone, to make anyone happy - and makes his own choice, for his own happiness." --> TEARS RUNNING A DELUGE DOWN MY FAAAAAAAAAAACE. Also that you brought up the "mask " thing because only upon like looking back over especially the Arc 5 and finale stuff did I realize just what a running theme that had become without even thinking about it. Which is also a big theme of my own life I feel sometimes. So maybe it's why it got itself so rooted into the OW narrative. But just this idea of never really letting your true self out. Whether that's because you want to fit in. Because you're terrified of change. You're an anxious wreck. You feel like no one will like the feel real. (Or all of the above LKJADFA) But that the more that you do that, the more you change yourself for those around you. The harder it will be to see your true self. To the point that you might lose it entirely.

God sob your words at the end. Now I'm really really gonna cry. Thank you SO MUCH, Chatter. For being so open and thoughtful and for writing such heartfelt things and for always showing me so much even about my own works. COMING FROM YOU??? ESPECIALLY??? LIKE SOMEONE WHOSE WORKS ARE SO AMAZING AND ALWAYS LEAVE ME IN AWE AND INSPIRATION???? I shall melt down into a pile of goo right here in this chair I SWEAR IT I WILL LKDJADF Seriously though, it means more than the whole world hearing that. And I'm so so glad not only that you would take your time to play and write such lovely things about the game but also that you would be such an amazing friend and an amazing fellow dev and always being so sweet and kind and thoughtful to others. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for joining me along this journey and being here and lending so much of your support and encouragement to me and my games!! THANK YOUUUUUUUU.............. and now before I really lose it and jump into a well I'm going to stop rambling incoherently and attempt to get myself under control LMAO 🤣💦💕


What can I say Carrot... WHAT CAN I SAY


Okay. Okay. Okay. It's alright, I'll gather my thoughts.

First of all, WHAT?? SO MUCH ART??? AND I ONLY DID GENZOU'S ROUTE???? EVERYTHING IS SO PRETTY????? Like, really, the composition of the CGs was AMAZING, I loved the animations too, the succession of them to narrate very dramatic scenes (because this climax is still very dramatic looool). YOUR USE OF MUSIC, IT'S ALWAYS SO CLEVER, IT ALWAYS SETS SUCH A MOOD I AM IMPRESSED EACH AND EVERY TIME HOLY GOLLY MOLLY IGGY (yes, I need to create new interjections now)

The writing was, per usual, great and, per usual, made me discover French expressions used in English loool ("en masse" here dvdcvb). Your phrasing is both poetic, metaphorical even, and yes so visceral when it needs to. It perfectly supported the different moments of horror, fright, action and peace. Because I did say it: this finale is a WHIRLWIND OF EMOTIONS, it felt warm, then cold, blurry then clear, pure then soiled... it was an amazing finale, the perfect conclusion to a perfect game. An amazing culmination of everything that has been set up, and looking back on some things noticed during act 1 finally make sense and be explored.

I alas can't say much without spoilers. Just know, reader, that this game is amazing, be it the art, the writing, the music, the emotions, the heart, the themes... Oh, these themes!!! Play it, you won't regret it.

#### ------ SPOILER PORTION ----- ####


First, finally, we got to see Buck's struggle and how her dehumanisation has indeed turned her. This also was a GREAT WAY to highlight Hunar as a character, the comfort he's brought her and how losing this last connection, the last thing that made her human made her snap and do the unutterable i.e. putting her own child in at best a questionable state to go back to a place where she could have peace, at worst, in an ironically wooden coffin. This theme of the monster residing in the perception of others, rather than being something inherent to a person, really touched me a lot, and it was the perfect conclusion for Bucks. Seeing her being called a monster, disgusting for helping a bug... was sad, and I adored how these little things are what, in the end, ended up breaking her.

Another theme that touched me a lot is the theme of innocence, the way it gets corrupted and, when we lose this childhood innocence, what the best we can do is. Growing up is hard. Growing up is difficult. Growing up is becoming a more complex person, because the world around you gets more complex. You start questioning yourself. You are subjected to norms. The questions multiply like rabbits. And only the ignorant can remain innocent, because the world has its darker colours, and so do we. So, when childhood seems far away, and the world around us gets more obscure, when people start harming each other deeply... what can we do?

Being nice. Being kind to others. Trying to understand them. Apologising for our wrondoings. Always making sure we act with kindness and respect. These are the things we can do. And your potrayal of this message was absolutely gorgeous. This is something that rings very personally with me, as these are things I firmly believe in.

I ADORED Saydie, and that is an UNDERSTATEMENT. She is an incarnation of innocence and yet, Iggy cannot connect with her. Of course he cannot: he is grown. He's been selfish and mean, he's hurt the others around him. And yet, he follows her, considers the perspective she presents and realises: when you look for others, and don't let them on the side... you make them happy.

I loved how this was the culmination of Iggy's arc: being good to others, bringing them happiness. His wish isn't for his friends to be this happy: "I want to make my friends this happy", I appreciated he took the matter into his own hands, because I agree: happiness is something you build by supporting others (you can tell it was already a theme in The Life I Lost with the "if you want to enjoy roses in life, you have to go get them" loool so I'm not lying when I say you really NAILED themes that REALLY resonate with me).

And I loved that these characters, after everything, could go back in time, get a new chance at trying things again and doing them better. Sure, we cannot do that in real life, and we have to grow from our mistakes. But in real life, we don't necessarily get through what these characters go through either loool. And more than that, it really reinforced the message of the game by contrasting the original timeline and the new one. And seeing these characters happier, realising their dreams and being still imperfect, of course, because who isn't, but so much healthier.

That being said, I wasn't expecting the tree to be a yandere looool, but I truly adored it. The reveal of Saydie's corpse was striking, and its interventions were amazing, displaying new layers of these characters. This tree is the guilt we feel while exploring the world and discovering that, no, we're not the children we were, and that we have more twisted wishes and experiences. Well, some of them are normal, some are a result of our own suffering and some... are indeed a result of the world getting to us. Well... that's okay. Without getting into too many untasteful details you can guess from The Day Being Ace Made Him Stronger, as this comment section isn't the place to share them lol, but accepting exploring a soiled world will also soil you, and that some soil is okay as long as you act with kindness was an excellent message. This cult, this fascination for childhood is pointless: people don't grow into children. And we have to accept to grow into healthy adults instead.

The romance was also GREAT! I played Genzou's and am watching Joy play the two others right now loool but from what I can tell from Genzou's route and Joy's stream, you wrote these scenes wonderfully, really. It felt consistent with what you set up in the game and well-earned. I loved how the LI is the one to defend us against Bucks, it showed they cared.

In conclusion, it was an amazing game, Carrot, and I hope you are proud of you. I've been following the development of it for years now, and, if it was great from the start, you've truly grown as a creator and a person too, and this final part shows it. This whole game shows it. It is an inspiring story about kindness, empathy and how to navigate a world not meant for those who are innocent. This also is a game about LGBT-issues, one of the most amazing ace representations I've ever seen in a piece of media, not to say THE MOST amazing... Thank you, Carrot, really. This game will stick to me all my life, and will be a stone of all I create, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Time for a confession: you and your game are the reason I've started working on Waterlily on the Froth lol. When I played the previous part, I felt so strongly about it that I wanted to create something that would make me feel feelings as strong... so ta-dah...

I'll just conclude it all with a thank you. Thank you for creating this. Thank you for your kindness. Thank you sharing your thoughts and your vision of the world through this game. Thank you for all the art you put inside it. Thank you for such an emotional conclusion. I am looking forward to the rest of your creative journey. Please never stop inspiring others by sharing the stories and themes blazing in your soul. Because I'll endlessly thank you.



OK no I do and that's first ofc to simply thank you! Thank you not only for this essay(?) but also all the love and support you've shown for this game even long before this. I always look forward to hearing your thoughts about each new update as you always have so much to say and always analyze things down to their core and make me realize things about my OWN game and I just am always filled to the brim with so much love and appreciation and gratefulness and joy whenever I read your comments. AND THIS TIME WAS NO EXCEPTION I HAVE TEARS IN MY EYESSSSSSSSSSSSS. The amount of time this must have taken to write!!! GODDDDDDD. Thank you so so much for all the kind thought you put into your words 💕


"the perfect conclusion to a perfect game" --> DON'T SAY THAT YOU'RE ALREADY MAKING ME CRY?????

But I digress your words are too much LKDJALKDS Thank you for all the kind words about the writing and music and animations. THOSE FREAKING ANIMATIONS LMAO. They are always the biggest time suck (and CG filler lkdjlfakd). Sometimes I just know that a scene needs to be set to music and no matter what I do, I'll never be able to make it match and be as impactful it is in my head unless I actually set the scene to the music, as opposed to just have it be written while the music plays in the background. It first happened ofc in Arc 1 where I actually did try to just write out that final scene first, but I was so displeased and unsatisfied with how it was turning out and lacking the impact I wanted it to have that I eventually just attempted to semi-animate it. And after I did that first one, ofc then every time I had a similar feeling, I had to do it again LOL (Thank you Arcs 3 and 4 that didn't require this somehow??? Though Arc 5 then made up for it by requiring multiple cutscenes lkdjafsd) ANYWAY THOUGH. Hearing such kind words about the animations in general makes my heart very full. I'm by no means an animator but I try really hard to think about how to stage each scene and take advantage of what I can do in Ren'Py to create different compositions and effects. NOW IF ONLY THEY COULD BE COMPLETELY ANIMATED LOL living in a dream world... sigh.

LKFDJALSKDFA I'M REALLY HAPPY TO HEAR THAT YOU WERE SO MOVED / RESONATED SO MUCH WITH THE ENDING????????? The ending in general was something that I had kinda half figured out in my head before actually moving in to working on the finale. I had some scenes kinda set in my mind (like I knew I wanted them to confront the tree / the stuff with the roots, and I had the scene in the field in my head even since towards the beginning of production). But so many of the actual details and especially a lot of the meta stuff that ended up happening throughout those scenes only formed as I was actively working on it, so I consider myself very lucky that I was able to pull together so many of the strings and themes of the game and make them all come together the way that I did 🤣💦 (then again, a LOT of this game was that way, I really have no idea how I managed to get lucky so many times LKFDJALKDSFA)

"This theme of the monster residing in the perception of others, rather than being something inherent to a person, really touched me a lot, and it was the perfect conclusion for Bucks." --> LFDKJFKALDS THIS IS SO POETIC????? I was a bit nervous in general how people would respond to Bucks's part, not only because she's been kind of an enigma up until now, but also because she's done so many things to actively make people dislike her LOL And yet compared to the others, she has a lot less screen time. Though the structure of the story ended up kinda necessitating that. So I really tried my best to try to make her (and Hunar's) part of the story have as much impact as I could give it.

"And only the ignorant can remain innocent, because the world has its darker colours, and so do we. " --> THIS IS ALSO SO POETIC??? AND PHILOSOPHICAL????

"Being nice. Being kind to others. Trying to understand them. Apologising for our wrondoings. Always making sure we act with kindness and respect. These are the things we can do." --> Yes... sob.... I'm getting teary-eyed again...

The way you've written out so many of these things is really cutting to the core of me. I feel like I could never make a good analyzer, I would never be able to like pinpoint a lot of these things and write them out so succinctly and eloquently. I CAN'T EVEN WRITE THESE TYPES OF THINGS ABOUT MY OWN GAME???? So so often while working on this I would have people present to me themes about the game and I'm just like... omg you're right... BECAUSE I HAVE NO IDEA THAT'S EVEN A THEME THAT WAS THERE THAT I WAS GOING FOR. I'm really bad at putting things in words and instead just vibe through the story in a way that feels right to me for the way the chars and story is heading but I could never tell you why I do a certain thing or exactly what I'm attempting with it at any point in time. So whenever you come along and are like "it's doing this" I can only be like OMG YESSSSS THAT MAKES PERFECT SENSE LDKJFALDKFAFD So thank you for being able to put so eloquently all these things I didn't even know what I was doing half the time. 

I'M GLAD YOU LIKED SAYDIE WEEP. I was really happy with how her whole part turned out... 💕

"And seeing these characters happier, realising their dreams and being still imperfect, of course, because who isn't, but so much healthier." --> WEEP. I was also a bit nervous about this. What people would think about the skip back. If it would somehow feel like a cop out to not have to face the repercussions of everything that happened especially in Arc 5. But to me it's not that they don't have to face them, because they do, all those experiences are still there, but they've changed them enough that when they do go back, they're able to influence their lives enough to create better versions of themselves. Not perfect ofc. Because nothing is perfect. But better. Happier. Still making mistakes but being able to work through them better. And able to support each other better. 

"accepting exploring a soiled world will also soil you, and that some soil is okay as long as you act with kindness was an excellent message." --> 🥺💕 This is so beautifully put.... ahhhhh.......

Sob I'm glad you liked the romance, too!! I really tried to make each choice feel not only earned but very different from each other in how the dynamics play out. Not only in their special scene but also in the epilogue. Because Iggy has such different dynamics with each of the possible LIs that play out completely differently. And also ofc hopefully putting a nice topper on each character arc in their special scene, too ldkajfda I feel like to really experience the entire story for all the chars you do need to play through each ending, but I hope that I haven't made it too difficult to achieve that 🤭 I also felt really cheeky in the neutral ending for having it to connect to OC. Maybe it's just me being self-indulgent but I liked the fact that even if Iggy chooses to focus on himself first as an outcome of the main game doesn't mean he still can't find love and companionship later (in OC).

" you and your game are the reason I've started working on Waterlily on the Froth lol" --> HELLO?????? AHHHHHhhhhhhHHHHHHH I'M SO TOUCHED???????? To think I could be the inspiration for something that also means so much to you!! That really makes my heart squish! 😭💕 Not that I wasn't already looking forward to it but now I am even more lakdfad

Goddddd.... how do I even wrap this up after all that LOL I am honestly just so moved and touched. Reading all this. Weeping inside (and out). Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all these words and also for all your wonderful encouragement all throughout production since we first met!! It's been such a journey. FOR BOTH OF US. With all of our own games. And I'm so glad to have met you! Thank you for always taking so much time to write out all your thoughts so beautifully! And for your love and support for my games and characters and stories. And for being here as I saw this game through to the end (finally!!!). It really means the world!!! 💕


its 4am and im a complete fucking wreck. i love u carrot



☺️☺️☺️ im normal (wrong) (im insane) (i lied) (just like carrot when they said our cinderella wasnt canon i mean what)

um i can barely think rn but ill try to write something coherent tomorrow. maybe. just know that it was um good. very very good




Well, I couldn't give it away........... 😔

I'M GLAD YOU ENJOYED IT THOUGH??? SOB. I look forward to any thoughts you may have no matter how incoherent but also just knowing that you enjoyed it means a lot!! 😭💕


I wish I could compile all of my thoughts together and just like, project them directly here LMAO really made something special that I think will stick with me for a very very long time it's just lightning in a bottle, these characters this world, this STORY. To say "it's so good" would be to do it an injustice, there isn't a word to describe fully what this experience has been like (even only through stream bc I am a COWARD SCAREDY CAT) but this is like one of the best stories I've seen just the journey of getting to the end, both as Iggy and his friends and us as a player/viewer and you as the developer. You should be so incredibly proud of yourself for creating this game and story and experience and these feel like, just like people I know now! These are my FRIENDS lmao and I love them. I really really love them and I can't even begin to describe everything. I was laughing and bawling and terrified and feeling all of that catharsis and happiness and desire and so much and I'm just still absolutely reeling. You deserve all the flowers for this and I am just bursting with happiness and pride and adoration for this project and god saying goodbye to these characters, even though I'm late to the party, is so emotional and bittersweet but also good to have everything wrapped up and it's like letting out a big breath and letting go and god I don't know if any of this makes sense but I'm so emotional rn hahahha just. incredible job I wish I could push my heart up against the screen and into this comment LMAO because nothing I can say will ever be enough. I genuinely feel changed after this experience in a way only a few pieces of media have done for me and this is one of them and I'm just in awe. Thank you thank you for making this and sharing this and I'm so lucky to have gone on this journey and got to meet these characters and know this story, I wish you nothing but rest and great things and I wish your every happiness!!! that's my wish!!!!



I'm having a hard time even figuring out how to respond to it lakdjfa I'm really so happy that you ended up enjoying the game so much (and also that you were able to experience it through Joy's streams!!!) My heart feels like it's bursting read this I can't even come up with proper words to describe how kind all of this is and what it's doing to my insides (and soul) lakjdfads


I'M ALSO EMOTIONAL 😭💕 To be honest I think I'm just so awhirl and a tad been overwhelmed right now that my mind doesn't know quite what to think or what to do so I'm just a bit of a whirlwind right now. But I'm just really happy that the ending could mean so much. IT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME. I cried many times while working on it, especially the part in the field... sob... I think I just somehow ended up putting even more of myself into it than I had ever expected to, so some of the big moments just hit me really hard and also the realization that it was all coming to an end for real. I feel like I'll never be able to create something quite like this again LOL But I'll try to keep in mind those words of advice you gave in Joy's stream last night. It was really thoughtful and kind, all those things you said. Though first I really just need to kinda decompress and let everything settle for a bit and let my brain and psyche have a bit of a rest... LOL


THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU GREY. For all of your support and kindness all while Joy was streaming! For loving the game and chars! And for taking the time to write this incredibly touching comment! It really means so much! And I'm just touched to tears that it could mean so much to you!! 💕


WAHHHHHHHHH I am weeping IT MEANS SO MUCH AND god that scene in the field...oh I was sitting here BAWLING. It does feel like a little piece of your heart and soul into this. and YES PLEASE REST it is so well deserved and I hope you have just lots of chill time and rest time and doing whatever makes you happy and relaxed! !!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 

(4 edits)

solid 9.5/10, i'm glad that this ended as well as it did

spoilers ig?

as someone who fairly recently realised they're enby, i'm so glad that you've included not just a non binary character, but that their enby-ness is a major part of their character. i can name maybe 3 pieces of media that prominently feature someone non-binary, so i am unimaginably happy that something like this is included, even if it a felt a little heavy handed once. 

sidenote, when replaying for each of the endings, i forgot how great the music is


Ahhhhh thank you so much!!! I'm really glad that you enjoyed the game and its ending! 😭💕 And hearing that means so much, especially as someone who's had a lot of their own struggles and back-and-forths trying to figure out who they are. I wanted that to be a part of the story as something for others in similar scenarios to perhaps be able to relate to... 🥺

And thank you for the comment about the music LOL The music is such a big part of the identity of this game even for me as the creator. It's done so much to help inspire and shape parts of the story and this game definitely would not have been the same without it!!



FJHFHDHD I'M GLAD TO DELIVER LOL I hope you'll enjoy it!! 🤩


OMG can't wait!!








This is probably my favourite visual novel on It's so well thought out, I love how each arc focuses on a different character's past and relationship to Iggy. Each time I play I find myself having a new favourite character.

I want the best for all of them, can't wait for the final update!


Omg???? That's too high of praise 🤣💦💕

Thank you so much!! I'm so happy that you've enjoyed the game so much for far. And that you like the structure!! I had a lot of fun getting to show the different potential paths that also show different sides of not only the characters but also Iggy himself. It gave me so much room to explore the characters!!

I ALSO WANT THE BEST FOR THEM SOB. I really hope you'll enjoy the finale!! Thanks so much for all your support! 💕


Hi.... replaying it the 5th time. Please... PLEASE OML. I CAN'T STOP SOBBING. GRIHSKJHEGUWQIBFAJ;KNAF ISTG I remember this was one of the first few game I played when I founf out about I created an account just to wait for the final arc and write a comment. This game has a special place in my heart T^T


Sob hearing that makes me really touched!! I'm so happy that the game can be so special to you. Thank you for the kind words, and I hope that you'll enjoy the finale when it comes out!!


(1 edit) (+5)

hello! i literally just created an account to scream because HOLY COW aaaa this is so cool and i am hit with so many feels and feel the burning need to shower you with compliments.

i found your post on an ace subreddit advertising Our Cinderella and i am now down a rabbit hole of your content (help) alkdsjsaljkd. do i regret it? absolutely not!

first of all, AAAA. i did not expect to be bawling over a horror game but THAT SCENE IN ARC 2 where Genzou tells Iggy that he's not broken for not wanting to do certain things made me tear up sO MUCH. i'm probably overreacting but I. also. had similar fears and really needed to hear it so thank you <3

i'm not a writer so i'm not very good at complimenting writing and plot but it was very good and i was absolutely hooked to the plot all the way. and the FEELS. i waited to finish the game to date before posting so my feelings from Arc 5 are the strongest and AAA JERRY protecting iggy!! the cutscene where genzou hugs orlam and apologises and orlam trying to push him away and aaAAA. EVERYTHING. the bits of humor in it was also REALLY HECKIN GOOD and i was constantly switching between laughing, crying, and oh-noing all the way through it. i'm sorry i'm a bit of a mess at describing things alkjfslkdjaslkj but just imagine me having a giant ball of appreciation and yeeting it your way bECAUSE ITS WHAT YOU DESERVE

i love your art style!! it's so expressive!! the poses are so dynamic and they add so much to the experience! the iggy dolls' body language (and arm flailing) are hilarious and made me love them and then they got chomped and hurt my heart ;;w;; the angle choice of making scary characters tower over you and looking down on you makes them even scarier aaa. and DID I MENTION HOW GOOD THE FACIAL EXPRESSIONS ARE. from the subtle changes that happen as we go through dialogue (genzou hiding his affections for iggy in arc 4, screams) to the very expressive ones (orlam's maniacal laughter to shock to breaking down at genzou's hug in arc 5!!). everything is so well done AAA grabs you and shakes you. tell me your secrets.

sorry aaaa this is not very well put together and i'm pretty sure i didn't get to articulate how amazing this game is and how much i love it as well as i could so please help me dial up whatever feelings of appreciation you feel from this post by 1000x because that's probably more accurate to how i actually feel alASLKJKLJ. 



Tbh I never know quite for sure how people will react to the main game if they come in first through one of my lighter-hearted games 🤣 Since the vibes are really so different. Even if the chars and some of the general themes are similar. And the main game is just so much more intense lakdjfa SO HEARING THAT MAKES ME REALLY HAPPY??? That you were interested enough in the post about OC to check out everything else, too. Ahhhh...🥺 I am very touched...

AND I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE LIKING IT SO FAR SOB. Reading this whole thing made me feel very weepy. The Arc 2 scene you mention in particular is still one of my favs in the whole game, as well as one of the most cathartic scenes I've ever written. Sometimes I feel like this game is simultaneously a gift to myself from myself, while also being a way to make myself suffer LOL At the end of the day, though, it's been a way for me to try to make sense out of a lot of the thoughts and feelings and experiences I've had over the years re: so many different parts of myself, with ace-ness in particular being one of the foundational ones. So I'm always really glad when others can resonate with the characters or with certain scenes or see parts of themselves or their own struggles. I hope it helps others feel seen as much as it's helped me feel seen in being able to put it all out there.

Sob thank you so much for the kind words about Arc 5 so far, and also about the art! The art in particular has been one thing I was never too confident in, especially at the beginning. But I think I've also grown and improved a lot even throughout production (which I guess makes sense given I've drawn these characters probably thousands of times now...). LOL I LOVE THE IGGY DOLLS TOO THEY ARE VERY PRECIOUS TO ME. They are just so silly... I was also very saddened when so many of them ended up dying... 😭

"sorry aaaa this is not very well put together" --> WEEP NO NOT AT ALL, IT'S VERY SWEET TO ME and it really touched me reading it!! Thank you so much for your heartfelt words and thoughts. It really means so much to me hearing how much the game has meant to you and all of your reactions!! Thank you for playing and for loving the game so much!! I'm hard at work on the finale and will keep doing my best! 💕


important news everybody.

They need to be real (specifically Iggy and Genzou I love them they're both so me)

okay but being serious I LOVE THIS GAME!! I will admit that I kinda just made this account to comment here but WHATEVER!! >:P

the game is a rollercoaster of emotions, no joke like YEESH, but I truly love it!! I've been playing it for a good bit + the side games and I really enjoy it all; my mind has found something to hyperfixate on, haha. I really like the fact that Iggy is asexual btw, its not often you find a game with an asexual protag. it really interested me when I found out, and its caused me to really project onto him!! I see myself in him a lot and it makes the gameplay a lot more comfortable for me seeing a character like him having the same problems and worries and such as I might. 

anyway yeah, its an awesome game!! I love the characters and I often find myself ranting about their stories and conflicts to my friends. (I'm trying my best to get them as interested as me, wish me luck! haha)  

saying all this, thank you Carrot, for creating a game with a story and characters that many (including me) love and adore!!<3

I WAS READING YHE COMMENTS AND I WANT TO LET YOU KNOW WE ARE THE SAME PERSON. literally found this game and haven't thought about anything else 🫶


...well. I'm not sure they'd like me very much if they were real LOL 🤣 But I get it. I love them so much lakdjfad As someone who's been thinking about them basically 24/7 since I began actively working on this game over 2 years ago, they have become such ingrained parts of my life and mean so much to me. So seeing others love them and connect with them honestly means the world. It makes me 50 shades of joyful knowing others out there also love them and can relate to some of their struggles , especially since so many of those struggles are based on my own 😭💕

AT ANY RATE. UHHHHH. Thank you very much for playing. And thank you for loving the characters and story. And thank you for leaving such a lovely comment!! It really made me smile!

I'm glad you were able to connect with Iggy so much. There' s a lot of me in Iggy in particular so I'm always like... extra happy when people can relate to and resonate with him. It helps me feel a little bit seen maybe, and I hope that it can mean the same for people who play. Maybe because I feel like I've never really been able to see myself in a character before so it felt very cathartic for me to make a character with so much of myself in him and then have others tell me they can relate to him, too. These kinds of comments honestly touch me so much and are one of the best parts of game dev and sharing my stories.

Thank you so much for the kind words and for sharing your thoughts! It really means so much! And I will keep working hard to try and bring this thing to a close lkajdfs 😤💕


Most incredible game I've ever played. Jaw dropping at every line. Beautifully written and illustrated. Relatable characters that you grow attached to (specifically Genzou he is me i am him). This game played with my emotions and had me screaming at my laptop at 2 in the morning.  So excited for the next update <3


SOB THIS IS VERY SWEET THANK YOU????? You will make me weep!!! 😭💕 I'm so happy you enjoyed the game that much and the chaRACTERS SOBBBBBBBB. I am sorry about making you scream LKDJFAD

Thank you so much for playing and for taking the time to leave me such a lovely little note!! It really made my day!! 🥺💕

I really want to play this on Android 😭

Ahhhh I'm sorry!! I do want to make an Android version eventually, but I'm waiting until the full game is complete as it'll take me a while to reconfigure GUI, menus, and such and do a lot of testing for an Android version and I don't want to have to go through that all over again twice once I finally release the last part 💦

It's definitely something that will happen eventually though!!

Very much looking forward to it!!!


Sorry guys just had to say this


"Ahem" goodbye and goodnight

HELP I'M SORRY?????? 💦💦💦💦


NVM!!! I was still in the midst of Arc 4, I love them now



THIS GAME IS SO AWESOME i love all these lil goobers :sob:

arc 5 had me SOBBINGGGG even with the games dark and gorey tones the plot stays somewhat comedic and intriguing. I'm glad i found this game when the first arc was out cuz its matured a lot since then. 

WEEP I'M SO GLAD??? I'm very touched that you like it so much!! 😭💕 Thank you so much for playing and for the kind words!

COMEDIC AND INTRIGUING LKJDAFS perhaps because I can't stop writing weird little one-off comments everywhere in my dialogue LOL I'm happy you like the balance though between all the different vibes. I def don't want it to feel ONLY intense and ONLY horrible all the way through hahaha. I feel like that would make the truly horrible parts not have that much impact maybe 🤣 It's kind of a strange little story in general though so... I never quite know how different people will end up responding to it hahaha

AT ANY RATE, THANK YOU VERY MUCH 💕 I hope you'll end up enjoying the finale when I get it finished!

(3 edits)

i absolutely ADORE this game. literally spent an ALL NIGHTER going through arc 1/2... but currently playing arc 3 and (SPOILERS AHEAD)

can someone reassure me that iggy won't keep being mean to genzou? or will this be a constant theme for arc 3? 😭 i just love my baby boy. my fail guy. he's my wife. arc 1/2 made me fall head over heels for him, and now it's crushing my heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is this how orlam felt

edit: i have to keep taking breaks whenever iggy is mean to genzou. i'm so normal about genzou (lie) 


now i'm on arc 4, and i'm already crying my eyes out minutes in cause (SPOILERS) gidget is struggling with her image and expectations and that HITS. then, then you DEMON, YOU, HIT ME WITH.. WITH THE GENZOU IGGY CONVO. "would you be with someone like me?" "to me... being with that person is enough." i'min TEARS.. this is a horrible game for an ace-spec, genderqueer person. (positive)

update, i was worried we'd return to rude iggy like before - but no. iggy is Normal and joking with genzou and to be honest, this might be worse. this might be worse. the blatant pining... oh, iggy..... "you'd have to be blind to be attracted [...]" oh my god. genzou is the strongest soldier in all humankind. in all bunnykind. 


Yes... Iggy is really awful to most everyone in that arc, but Genzou especially. And coming right after Arc 2 it is especially hard... 😭 IT WAS VERY HARD FOR ME TO WRITE, TOO.

I'm glad you were able to get through it though.

Having said that, I apologize in advance, as even though there won't be any angry!Iggy, Arc 4 is probably the most tragic of all the arcs and parts of it still leave me in tears LKDJFASDFA SO I'M VERY SORRY.

Sob I'm really glad you're at least enjoying it though in spite of everything. Especially the cathartic(!)(???) ace moments LOL (well they're cathartic for me, at least lfdkjfad). It continues to be quite intense from Arc 4 all the way up to where I'm currently at 2/3 of the way through Arc 5 💦

I PROMISE THAT THERE ARE SOME HOPEFUL MOMENTS THOUGH. And just things leading towards hope in general. If that helps at all kjjdfad SOB.

ANYWAY THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR PLAYING and I'm sorry this comment was a bit delayed or I would have been able to answer your question about Arc 3 earlier 🤣 I hope that you end up enjoying the rest!! And thank you for the kind words!! 💕

i ended up finishing the game the same night, so i have to say with confidence: that i absolutely ADORE this visual novel. the themes resonate with me so, so much.. thank you for writing, illustrating, coding, etc.'ing this gorgeous gorgeous game!!!! asexual solidarity.... sending hugs

I really having fun with the game and am a bit obsessed. I’ve just completed Arc 1 and am at the beginning at Arc 2 and is loving the game so far.

I have one problem though, and this is just my fault honestly, but I think there’s something wrong with me because I keep finding myself laughing at the horror of this game.

Spoilers for events in Arc 1:

For some reason I kept thinking up jokes or laughing at the scenes where the characters are in mortal danger.

When the eye monster tried to eat Iggy and Genzou, I thought, “Hey, that looks like the eye enemy from super Mario, and started jokingly spinning my mouse around in circles.

The entire fucking scene in Arc 1 where Gidget is actively trying to murder Iggy was kinda funny to me. Gidget yelling about how Iggy’s pristine dick was too good to put in her got an active chuckle out of me. Iggy getting strangled was somehow funny, somehow Gidget trying to cut Iggy’s dick off with a pair of scissors was funny. When she died, while both Genzou and Iggy were panicking about their dead friend, I was mentally cheering that she died, and that Genzou did it. Even the zombies were somehow funny.

I don’t know why I find the horror in this game to be kind of comedic most of the time, but I think somehow that works to make the experience memorable and makes me question if I am sane for laughing so much in a horror game. I have no idea if the goal of the game was to make me question my sense of humour and sanity, but it’s really doing a good job at that.

props to you developers!

I hope progress on the game is going well and I’m excited to continue the game. I’ll still probably laugh in a bunch of inappropriate times throughout though.

LMAO THIS COMMENT IS ALSO MAKING ME LAUGH. The game itself is really quite absurd, so I'm not surprised if you find yourself laughing 🤣💦 It probably doesn't help that the characters say quite silly things in places lkajdlkfsad I also have a weird tendency to laugh at somewhat inappropriate times...

"Hey, that looks like the eye enemy from super Mario" --> HAHAHAHA IT IS INDEED INSPIRED FROM MARIO. It came from a combination of designs from the Mario Party 2 Horrorland board, which always felt both silly yet kinda creepy to me, which is kinda the vibe I wanted for Wonderland to feel like. Like this place that feels absurd and silly but then at the same time creepy because so much of it is out to kill you lol


At any rate, I'm glad you're at least enjoying it hahaha. Thank you so much for playing it and giving it a try!! I hope that you'll like the rest of the game, as well, even if you keep laughing at it kdjalkds 🤣💕

(2 edits)


I've gotten through Arc 2 and 3.

and I am happy to say that my enjoyment of the game has continued.

Honestly I'm probably going to start rambling now so...

Spoilers for Arc 2 and Arc 3

Also Madoka Magica, Spoilers for that too.

Spoilers for Xenoblade 3 as well god damn, like pretty big spoilers I am so sorry Carrot Patch, probably skip the middle of Gidget's section.

This is going to be hard to keep all my thoughts in order without any notes.

Comedic laughter over horror scenes:

compared to Arc 1, I think I might have laughed less, though there was still scenes where I chuckled a bit, and thinking about some scenes now makes me think up something funny for it, such as Orlam getting fucking strangled by Bucks. Now that was funny. Also scenes where Gidget goes insane, such as the Our world segment was fun. 

Another aspect that I should talk about and for some reason I didn't last time are the characters.

I guess one aspect that might change the way I view the characters is how I'm playing the game, and that's mainly because I'm voicing all the dialogue out loud, giving each character a unique voice (Or at least try my best. I may have practice, but I'm not a professional at all). 

to start off:

Iggy is an interesting protagonist to play as, as well as to voice. This is my first time playing a horror VN, and also the first time I've voiced a horror VN, let alone a regular one (unless doing the social links in persona count). It's interesting to play a protagonist that is more... Timid I guess.  Most protagonist's that I've played are usually confident and energetic, or more serious. Honestly a lot of enjoyment for Iggy was acting out the horror scenes. I found none of the scenes really that scary or disturbing, since I've basically been desensitized from media when I was younger (I watched Madoka Magica as a preteen, that shit fucks you up for days), but I found a real thrill in having to get into the character of Iggy in these situations, to give the appropriate amount of panic or fear or pain. It's an interesting experience to get into the character and try your best to give off an incredibly pained voice as Iggy is being electrocuted by  the cattle prod, or screaming as Iggy slams the axe into Bucks after she kills Genzou at the end of arc 2. Quieting my voice as I read the scenes as Iggy describes something horrific happening was so interesting. One thing I found was pretty relateable was his anxiety. Honestly, it feels really cathartic to pour out some of my own anxiety as I voice Iggy's anxiety, such as during the Kiddie Kruise. I can't say I understand Iggy's perspective as Asexual, since I'm Bisexual, but one aspect that hit me personally, though not as hard as another character, had to be the ends of Arc 1 and 3. His wish of never existing at the end of Arc 1 was something I was not expecting. Made me want to punch him in the face for ever wishing for something like that. Even if he thought he was to blame for the suffering of his friends, he shouldn't have ever wished to never exist. honestly that's probably because for a time... I wasn't in the healthiest place for a few years when I was a teen. I never thought back then I would be alive to be this age now. I guess for me, it reminded me of my own journey, and seeing Iggy doing what I saw as suicide made me want to punch him in the face I guess. The ending of Arc 3 also hit me pretty hard for similar reasons.

Genzou is up next, and oh boy do I love him. If there was a ranking of all the characters in this game, I would put him at number one. I guess personally for me I like characters who sass or lighten the mood, not that I was really needing any mood lightening when I was having a good time in general. His voice was interesting, because I basically gave him a lower, slightly raspy voice for his snarky dialogue. This gave a bit of an interesting challenge when it came to more emotional scenes, and it was interesting taking this voice into more emotional territory, such as when Genzou is begging Orlam that he'll do anything that Orlam orders to stop torturing Iggy. I personally love his Arc, and just having all these scenes where Genzou and Iggy got to be vulnerable, and it was kinda sad seeing Genzou die trying his best to protect Iggy from Bucks. Honestly that scene is really Iconic, you did a great job. Those damn flashbacks to all the personal bonding moments between Iggy and Genzou throughout the arc after Iggy watches Genzou die in front of him, and then him snapping, knocking the axe out of Bucks' hand, grabbing it and chopping her to death, over and over, letting his rage out at the person who killed the one closest to him. God him chopping into Bucks with the axe repeatedly reminds me the hell out of the Elsa Maria fight from Madoka Magica, where Sayaka Miki bludgeons the witch to death with her sword. In both scenarios, the character has snapped, letting out all of their frustrations at the nearest enemy. For Iggy, he snaps when he sees Genzou be killed, the one person who was closest to him. For Sayaka, it's realizing the consequences of becoming a magical girl, becoming a zombie, and giving up on her hopes of being a hero.  I guess this was less about Genzou and more about the last scene in Arc 2. I do love Genzou a lot, even if he bullies the crap out of Orlam for no reason and definitely crosses some lines he probably shouldn't, such as the noose joke he pulled on Orlam right after Orlam's mom killed herself. That's kind of fucked up, but I guess I do have a bit of a double standard for Genzou. His bullying of Orlam is still not justified at all, and they should really talk it out, like please.

Going to skip Orlam for now to get to Gidget next! Genzou may be my favorite, but Gidget is a close second, and it's probably for all the wrong reasons, ooohhh boyyy.  Now you know how I mentioned that I laughed when the characters where in mortal danger, and that I was questioning my sanity. I suddenly realized something really fucked up with me during the our world scene. I... realized I was just as insane as Gidget in this scene. I was enjoying every moment of this scene, just like Gidget was enjoying watching him being tortured. Honestly a lot of the enjoyment I had from Gidget was with voicing her, especially her insanity. I used my normal higher pitch for female characters, though slightly lower in pitch then normal, but honestly getting to voice Gidget's insanity was sooo much fun to a concerning degree. It's soo interesting to read out a scene where I have to play as the helpless victim of Iggy, trapped in this situation, helpless as Gidget uses him like a toy, as well as the insane assailant of Gidget, enjoying every moment of Iggy's pain. Yeah, Gidget is my second favorite because we are both insane bitches at times and she brings me all the joy when she loses it. Should I really get a majority of my enjoyment out of character when they snap? What does that say about me? don't answer either of those questions. A part of me feels bad for her, loving someone who won't love you back in the same way, well not sexually anyways for her, and I know that feeling of pining for someone who doesn't have the same feelings back, though that was because he was straight. Honestly when Gidget shows up on screen,  I am tempted to mentally hear Entry of the Gladiators and imagine Gidget in clown make up, both because I know this is when a fun part is going to happen (Well, for me, Not so much for Iggy. more like sexual harassment for him), and also because she's pining for someone who's not interested in her sexually, and I guess it's comical to me. That's not saying that her advances aren't fucked up. Like they are really fucked up and honestly I feel like I'm being a little insensative having so much fun in a scene where Iggy is currently being tortured and potentially could get raped considering her threats of "rebuilding him from the ground up", and that "he won't be confused anymore."  I guess this rambling on about Gidget is getting really fucking long, but I wanted to mention something about that scene in Arc 3. (SPOILERS START HERE) 

When Gidget get's rejected by Iggy, and then starts screaming about how dare Iggy not love her back, that everything she did was for him and her general possessive obsession with Iggy really reminded me of N from Xenoblade 3. Oh crap probably should put a spoilers for that too. God he even screams about how everything he did was for his lover too. it's cathartic in N's case considering everything that happened in the last two to three hours of cutscenes and gameplay, but with Gidget it's both a bit creepy and sad. Seeing her scream out that she changed herself just for Iggy, believing that he would love her back in that way only to find out it wasn't true. 


It's sad writing about that now. I really pity her, she thought that changing everything about herself to become what she thought was the ideal woman would be what was needed to woo Iggy, even though she hates it all. To put up a fake identity because that's how she thinks it's needs to be done for Iggy to fall in love. It doesn't justify any of her actions, and Iggy has every right to refuse, but I still feel pity for her. If I could, I would probably run up to her and hug her for a long time, and try my best to help her become who she really wants to be, rather then the disguise she puts up. Maybe it's just because I know what it feels to be cared for by understanding people, and I wish to be able to bring that hope to others like they did to me. I haven't gotten to Arc 4 and 5 yet, but I have a feeling that it'll tackle with Gidget's identity. whatever happens in those arcs, I hope Gidget get's to be who she really wants to be, rather then what she thinks she needs to be. Overall: I love her, she's a close second behind Genzou, and we are both in the crazy bitch club. I would make a connection between Gidget and another character but that would be major spoilers for an over 100 hour JRPG and I don't want to just have a giant collection of spoiler tags for other unrelated games, I've already referenced two games already.

Now it's finally time to talk about... ugh, Orlam. Okay I don't hate Orlam, well not now anyways. I consider him my least favorite character, and that's because I find his general appearance weird, and he is just all sorts of gross. Also he hurt Genzou, so that's a lot of points docked there for touching my best boy like that. For his voice, I used a more nasally voice because I thought he looked gross, and it fits pretty well, at least in my opinion for the greasy rat. He was the character that least interested me. He gave me the first impressions of a weirdo, and the scenes where he's having the time of his life doing some real messed up stuff, or is basically losing it are fun to voice, but not as interesting or fun as the rest of the cast. Honestly I am the most happy when he's dies, especially in act 3, since... you know what he did. Just watching him be strangled to death by Bucks is satisfying, and also a bit funny. can't help imagine the scene in the original Avengers where Loki getting smashed around by the Hulk, except it's Bucks smashing Orlam around while Iggy looks in terror. What changed my opinion of him from, He should be burned at the stake for daring to hurt Genzou you bastard, to, I want to kick the shit out of you, then get you some much needed help, was Arc 3. probably should have read the warnings more carefully, since it tackles the subjects of suicide. Playing through Arc 3 made me see Orlam through a different lens. It was like looking at a darkened mirror, or like facing your shadow in persona 4. the scene in the beginning of the arc where Iggy learns that Orlam tried to commit suicide by drinking bleach. It was like being hit with my darkest memories in the face. I... I thought about doing that... I was talked out of it because I had a good support system, but... looking at Orlam reminded me of my darkest moments. Me and Orlam are different people. But... we both thought we were alone. For me, I had people who was there to show me that I wasn't, that I was cared for... But Orlam... considering all the abuse he went through with Genzou, his dad, his mom committing suicide... When I look at him, I feel like I'm staring at a version of myself that never had those people who were there to help me. Seeing him just actively make me want to kick his shit in, because it reminds me of all the bad places I was in back then... but I also empathize with him because I know what it's like to want to end your life and feel like no one loved you.

Wow... That got more personal then expected. I guess to wrap it up, I really enjoy this game, and I'm excited to continue on to the final two arcs. I've played some of the side games as well and they are of great quality too. Keep up the good work, and OMG I AM SO EXCITED FOR OUR CINDERELLA!!!!!!!! 


the game was REALLY interesting, I like Genzou best of the bunch, Gidget was a little too pushy for me, and Orlam was too wild, it turned out to be more bloody than  I had thought but it was still cool, it quite traumatized me a bit so I'm gohad to need a break :)

Ahhhh thank you very much for playing!!! And also for taking the time to leave a little comment 🥺💕 THOUGH I'M SORRY ABOUT THE TRAUMATIZING???????? Please take a nice long break ahhhhh... 😭💦

(I'm glad you liked Genzou tho 🥺)


OK so comment is gonna be long I know it for sure. I'll give a little bit about my experience of another side game of yours to uh provide context I guess? [Obvious spoilers!] And a TW/CW for brief sexual trauma mention (nothing graphic though)

So I'm familiar with the side game :"texting your awkward ace guy you've had a crush one since highschool" and this made me view Genzou & iggy kind of "better" than everyone else. (Because everyone was complete strangers to me and y'know everyones comforted by something they've already seen before.) To be honest, first going into the game I wasn't sure what I was expecting, like gore, definitely, but what else? I actually...either don't remember or don't know. I was just hooked on curiosity, intrigue, you're immediately set into the wonderland, (ok maybe not technically but besides the point as it doesn't take long lol) and it is like the fairytale. The grandest place for kids to be, like an amusement park.

I really didn't know what rollercoaster I strapped myself in while playing, at first it's calm, maybe a little awkward but I find myself somewhat comforted by Genzou as he familiarizes me to this new world, he's a little mean, but I don't hate characters who are a little rough around the edges. It was admittedly a little unexpected as I thought he wouldn't just swear and insult like a sailor, I mean I thought he would be awkward. ( Though looking back now it's usually only with iggy.) 

You finally return back to wonderland but it's not long before you've come to find things have changed. Not too unlike another game I've played. ( Huge Alice Madness Returns fan) I knew the gore was going to happen eventually ( granted its not shown but we uh, definitely hear it.) And we also see Iggy's and Genzou's reaction to uh, the corpse. After this, things start to pick up, the rollercoaster I've gotten into starts to go faster, practically everything's out to get you, screaming danger. (OH MY GOD when I tell you I hated the first time going on the Kiddie Kruise. I never went to look whenever the collector part came up, the first time I went through this part of the ride I was like scared because of the screaming, but the more times you go on it I would just be antsy around the lighthearted tone the boat ride has like preparing for the inevitable. Just know I FRIGGIN hated when all the options switched to only being able to look. WAAAA) Then you're back to a temporary calm. You see Gidget again, she's seemingly looking and feeling her best. And then, you realize she's not safe either, the false sense of security makes your heart drop. Sure I didn't know literally anything about Gidget other than work I guess up until this point, but the twist makes me basically trust nothing

As someone whose also asexual, Iggy's POV spoke to me. I think I'm fine with that kind of adult content until it gets physical. Until I have to actually be there, there is no disconnection of me and the sexual situation, it, yeah makes me afraid, because I feel like I lose control. I just worry over the thoughts of flashbacks coming back, so yeah the game did.. uh really connect to me emotionally. It was probably the most uncomfortable part to get through, but I knew I wanted to see more of the world regardless.

Not long after you're going, running again. And you manage to get away and to no one's surprise we are leaping into just more danger. Orlam definitely like gave me whiplash because he just acts as a complete opposite to his self outside or wonderland. And uh oof cannibalism tag makes sense now. You find his secret, and he finds you. When ya finally get out oh...sorry genzou. ( I still eat him in Orlams arc though as a combo of just well I don't wanna disappoint him and I also DO NOT want to die, so live and eat I will.)  Orlam was surprisingly charming during his arc as I gained a new perspective and like Genzou a LOT less. I mean I can't believe bro really just, yup talked about bros mother after faking giving him a hug that was so wrongggg. AND HIS DAD TOO. C'mon bruh. Like dubble u tee f  [w-t-f] kinds of what the hell is wrong with you. (God if Orlam was real I would friggin love him to hell, give him a hug and all the love he deserves.) OK OK enough of my simping, myself, lmao.  

Iggy...iggy, iggy. Man I have screamed at him a whole bunch to just like DO something, (lowkey praying for 3rd arc iggy to come back ) but I understand that sounds like pretty out of character for him. (thus understanding why he doesn't) But like I almost want to jump in his body and do what I feel he needs to do GAAAAH. Even if that's selfish, reckless, etc.  

I'm not as uh prepared as another commenter and I didn't write notes but just tried to wing this comment through pure memory. ( I just finished to the latest update and UGHHH THE ITCH TO WRITE ABOUT THIS GAME SHSHSH.)  So I'll write a few more things about arc 5 and then you can free yourself from my uh remix of the dictionary. 

I wasn't expecting Gidget to like...find themselves like who they truly are after they lost Cecil. ( BROS A REAL ONE BTW I LOVE HIM TOO LMAO) Uh yeah so as I said like Gidget like changed so much it's like their a different person like it kind of made me forget what happened in the previous arcs surprising. ( of course till it's brought up again) And god Orlam you were hurting so much you cut your own heart out? Like I didn't think of that in the moment of actually playing the game but it's deeply emotional storytelling. His heart full of hate spread though all of wonderland. Up until he gets a small bit of love he's craved. From a person he'd admire (maybe even still admires). If I was where Iggy was at when he asked what you hate about me I would be like. "UH, well I kinda hated you for basically cooking my friend. Granted I ate him because I didn't wanna die, besides the point. But like now I could only empathize with you bro. Like please let me love you???"  Waiting for the next part definitely!! And the other side game as well cuz I NEED those a03 fanfics to read man! XD 

um....end of my rambling now! 

Ahhhhhhhh!! I'm so sorry for the delay in getting back to this, the last week or so I've been really bad at checking itch LKDJFASDF Feel like my head is all over the place 🤣

This is absolutely the sweetest comment sob. Thank you so much for playing and for taking the time to write all this up??? I swear every time I see someone write something long about the game I want to weep uncontrollably.

LOL COMING IN FROM PLAYING T2A2G FIRST WOULD INDEED BE A BIT STRANGE I THINK. T2A2G is like... so generally just feel-goodsy vibes and comedic sweetness. So going from that this THIS would be... a bit of a shock perhaps LOL Especially since it only shows 2 chars and even with them only a small glimpse. Somehow I feel like I should commend you for taking the plunge into this monstrosity lkdjasdfa 

"It was admittedly a little unexpected as I thought he wouldn't just swear and insult like a sailor" --> LDKJFALSDKFA HELPPPPPP I don't know why but this is bringing tears to my eyes 🤣

Oh, you've played the American McGee's Alice games!! I will admit to be partially inspired by that (amongst a number of other things) when I first started thinking about OW years ago. The music and just general creepy vibes of those games made me want to create something equally as creepy and surreal with a similar Wonderland-esque approach 🤭

" Just know I FRIGGIN hated when all the options switched to only being able to look. WAAAA" -->  LOLOLOL I don't wanna say I'm glad about this but also this is tickling me a lot. I had definitely hoped that the sudden switch-up change from Arc 1 to Arc 2 with this would create some dread LOL

"It was probably the most uncomfortable part to get through, but I knew I wanted to see more of the world regardless." --> Ahhh thank you for being willing to share some of your thoughts and feeling about these parts in particular. I also think that in general, despite all the gore that also happens, these are the most intense parts in the game. And I myself have a hard time going back and playing them, too (or watching people play them, etc.). I borrowed a lot from my own past experiences and thoughts when I was writing them, so in a way, they were quite cathartic for me to work on... but that doesn't make it any easier for me when they come back on screen 💦

"Orlam was surprisingly charming during his arc" --> LKFDJAD yes....... I think Arc 3 was the first time Orlam started to gain any fans LOL And indeed, it's the first time you're finally given more glimpses into Orlam's story and shown different sides of him. At the time, I was nervous when it came out, but I'm really happy with how many people ended up liking him. I think he has become the most loved character in the game just generally by this point LMAO which is... not what I expected 🤣 He is just a very interesting character to me, I am glad people can enjoy his dynamics.

Ahhh and I really like reading your thoughts about Arc 5 so far!!! I always hope that people will enjoy some of the ways the different character arcs reach their high points in Arc 5... I worry a lot about it not being enough after all the build-up of the previous arcs 💦 Though I suppose any writer/dev worries about whether their ending will be satisfying. I know that I personally am really happy with how Arc 5 has turned out so far and I put a lot into it lkadjfa but that doesn't have much influence on how people will eventually see it LOL So I am happy that you enjoyed it and even got a few surprises lkadjfads

"His heart full of hate spread though all of wonderland" --> YESSSSSSSSSS i wanted to really set this up even in the early bits of Arc 5 with already introducing the acid muck, etc. and showing how affected the rabbits all are. I wanted it to really seem like his hatred was seeping throughout everything and corroding everything in it.

" UH, well I kinda hated you for basically cooking my friend. Granted I ate him because I didn't wanna die," --> SOBBING?????

Ahhhhhh thank you so much again!! This was such a lovely comment and I smiled so much reading through it and hearing all your thoughts about the game!! I'm happy that in spite of its intensity and stark change from T2A2G (lol) that you still ended up enjoying this!! My heart is squishing so much 💕 And if you do end up playing any of the other side games, I hope you'll enjoy them, too!! (I'm hoping to put out another one next month!)

Looks great! It was a pleasure to be in the Queer Halloween Stories Bundle with you!



(Okay now on to my essay length review. I wrote WAY too many notes while playing this. I-I'm very sorry, I didn't know where else to post this other than here LOL)

I'll keep my compliments of the "game quality" brief and focus on the story (since it's a Carrot game, OF COURSE IT'S BRILLIANTLY MADE), but I will say that I LOVE the artstyle. It's so instantly recognizable and unique (the pixel artstyle, the faces, the noses, the ears, THEY'RE ALL SO CUTE), and the characters are extremely expressive - I screenshotted so many of the different sprites because they're all so great. I really love the background style; the saturated colors, filter, and framing so that the background doesn't quite fill out the screen gives everything a very dreamlike quality that's fitting of Wonderland. The animations are absolutely top tier; it feels like I was watching a fully animated show. When sprites are present, almost every single line has some sort of animation associated with it, making everything feel so lively and dynamic. The cinematic cutscenes at the end of each arc are absolutely amazing, and they really stirred up EMOTIONS in me like you wouldn't believe! 

The writing style is WONDERFUL, particularly the descriptions and the dialogue. The descriptions really paint the setting so well that it feels like I'm standing in Iggy's shoes, and all of the characters have such lively and colorful dialogue (it's incredibly easy to tell who's speaking, even without the color coding). The dev has a great knack for using words, metaphors, and imagery that really "get under your skin" in the most ghoulish and horrific way. Even the non-gorey moments, moments that are filled with unease or awkwardness, feel just as horrifying and queasy as the gorey ones, particularly the parts where Iggy is confronted with physical intimacy that he does not want. The song choice is absolutely BANGER. There's an incredible amount of variety in the music choices, and they all perfectly suit the scene. I am also simply in awe of the amount of dedication put into crediting all of the background sources, SFX sources, BGM artists, etc. 

Since my comments are pretty long, I'll split them up by arc:

Arc 1: 

The opening scene is BRILLIANT. In addition to laying the seeds for the mysteries of Wonderland, each character is efficiently characterized in only a few lines of dialogue. The follow-up scene just makes it better, as we see how the dynamics of the friend group have changed over time - some things have stayed the same, while others have changed dramatically (Bucks' size, for instance). You also see a lot more nuances: Orlam's clumsy jokes and his lies to cover up his insecurities, the newfound awkwardness between Iggy and Gidget, and Genzou's nonchalance despite not seeing Iggy in a long time. 

The entire arc is very well set up in terms of structure, going over key memories with each of Iggy's friends that portend their warped selves in Wonderland, and ending in a spectacular cliffhanger that gives you insight into Iggy's own problems. The time loop at the end of the arc is simply a brilliant way of making the player intrigued, wanting to know more.

Arc 2:

I'm a bit biased, but this might be my favorite (apart from Arc 5, of course). It was so heartwarming watching Genzou and Iggy get closer, seeing Iggy let his guard down around Genzou and letting himself be vulnerable. I honestly really like Genzou's scenes in general because rather than "Genzou scenes," they really feel like "Iggy scenes", as they mainly center around Iggy being vulnerable and honest with Genzou, who he trusts.

I find it really fascinating that all of the "bad" answers - the ones where Iggy keeps to himself, doesn't open up/talk - are the ones that lead to the "good" ending. I think it's fitting since the good ending is also tragic: Iggy's tragic decisions lead to an equally tragic end, where he regrets opening up to Genzou. 

It's interesting that Iggy is a bit "different" in each arc. Rather than being truly himself, he seems to be a "version" of himself that fulfills the desire of the arc's central character. In Arc 2, Iggy is helpless and defenseless (even losing part of his vision as a result of Gidget's attack - reflecting Genzou's own loss of sight in the real world). He needs Genzou's protection. While Genzou is capable and independent in the present, you get to know his feelings of helplessness in the flashbacks, particularly when he loses his cane during prom in Arc 4. So it seems that here, Iggy's helplessness allows Genzou to be the "protector" as opposed to the one that is protected. 

Arc 3:

At first I was curious as to why Orlam's arc was third, as I expected Gidget's to be next considering the "order" of characters in Wonderland; however, in hindsight it absolutely makes sense. The whiplash from Arc 2 is INCREDIBLE. In Arc 2, Genzou is Iggy's protector while Orlam is his sworn enemy, who just finished torturing him. Orlam seems almost cartoonishly evil, someone that you could never sympathize with. However, in just the first few scenes in Arc 3, you're instantly endeared to Orlam: his awkwardness, his desire to please, his self-harm. It's a brilliant way of playing with the player's emotions and their perceptions.

The use of "saving and loading" starts being really interesting in this arc, particularly when you're presented with the choices to finish off Gidget/eat Genzou. The first time around, you get the choice, but if you make the "bad choice," then you aren't given that choice the second time around. 

Iggy in this arc gave me INCREDIBLE whiplash. He's bold and confident, to the point of being aggressive. He's never afraid of speaking his mind, and he's almost strangely confrontational with Genzou (this hurt my heart more than a little bit considering the ending of Arc 2). Iggy's the perfect partner for Orlam; his partner in crime, a person who is willing to play along with Orlam's desire to be the tormenter instead of the tormented. Interestingly, rather than being himself, Iggy almost seems to "become" Orlam. You're only able to achieve the "good ending" by choosing to eat Genzou - which is what Orlam wants. And, in the end, Iggy's ultimate desire is for cleansing/release, like Orlam; he drinks the acid in the river and dies, paralleling Orlam drinking bleach at the start of the arc. It's interesting because it seems that Orlam has always looked up to Genzou, to the point of wanting to become him (and this is probably why his greatest desire is to consume Genzou - to become him by eating his flesh). So here perhaps Iggy fulfills Orlam's desire to be appreciated/admired in the way that Orlam admires Genzou - because Iggy literally becomes another version of Orlam.

(On a side note, this is the only arc where I thought Iggy's name - Ignatius - was kind of fitting LOL otherwise it's really the opposite to how he usually is)  

Arc 4:

I'll have to say that this really was the most horrific out of all of the arcs (somehow, the threat of Gidget's advances was WAY more scary than any of the monsters!) I'd actually say that while Genzou is my favorite character/my favorite partner for Iggy, Gidget is the one that I find the most interesting, partially because they're a little hard to figure out. I think it's because they're always playing a role, constantly trying to do what they "should" be doing as opposed to what they actually want to be doing.

As this arc heavily revolved around sexual themes, Iggy focuses a lot on "touch" (there are a lot of descriptions of how he feels being touched/touching the other cast members). There's a big focus on how Iggy finds Gidget's touch to be the most comforting/comfortable, while being slightly uncomfortable with Genzou and Orlam. In addition, he "plays the right role" for Gidget - acceding to her requests, going to dinner with her, saying yes to her proposal - going along with her "perfect life." 

This arc kind of stands out from the other two in that Iggy doesn't really "reach a happy ending" with Gidget. In Arcs 2 and 3, Iggy does reach a place of understanding/trust with Genzou/Orlam, but Gidget asks things of Iggy that he simply can't do. (The ending sequence in this arc was the MOST horrific.)

Arc 5:

We're on the final arc and it is INCREDIBLY SATISFYING (as of the release of 5.15). I loved every single scene to bits - Genzou's, Gidget's, and Orlam's "revelations" were all so emotional to see (literally teared up), especially given so much buildup from the prior arcs (ESPECIALLY Genzou and Orlam's relationship). I really loved seeing Gidget embrace their true self and witnessing Genzou and Orlam finally come to a little bit of an understanding after SO MUCH pain and vitriol that had been exchanged between the two of them. I really liked how Genzou's "turning point" was really delivered not during his "central scene," but during his interaction with Orlam - where, for once, he decides to stop spreading hate and truly atones for his actions. 

It's interesting that Gidget and Orlam both seem to have counterparts in Wonderland (Cecil for Gidget, and Jerry for Orlam) - who seem to reflect their true selves. I also like how the characters aren't emerging unscathed from this. Iggy is stabbed in the shoulder, and Genzou even loses a finger - physical injuries in exchange for the pain that they caused in the real world. (I just hope that Genzou's finger doesn't affect his livelihood!) 

I really love the use of game mechanics here. In the early sections, you're given a lot of similar choices to Arc 2, but the choices that originally led to bad endings now lead to good endings (choosing to help Genzou, for instance). Moreover, the game makes use of the "taking away the player's choice on the second play" mechanic - only instead of solidifying Iggy's decisions to hurt his friends, this time Iggy chooses to help them. 

In this arc, Iggy actually DOESN'T make anyone happy. Gidget figures it out for herself during her confrontation with Cecil (her "other self"), and Orlam and Genzou overcome their problems with each other. Iggy doesn't play a significant role in either revelation, and it's very fitting. He needs to learn not to place all the fault on himself. All along, starting from Arc 1, Iggy has been blaming himself for his friends' problems; in Arcs 2-4, he tried to make them happy by being the version of Iggy that would make them the happiest, and it only led to tragedy each time. Even in OFW, where he tried to make his friends happy by giving them love/acceptance, they all died in the end. Now, when he's standing on the sidelines and only acting as moral support, the path to a "happy ending" is finally opening. 

In general:

All of the characters are wonderfully complex and three dimensional, and I love how there is a LOT of thought put into their relationships between one another. They have a lot of history with each other, and it shows in the flashbacks and the way that they interact now. You could write an essay about each of the characters, their pasts, motivations, desires, and issues - which is just a testament to how incredibly well done the character writing is.

As the "normal" one, I think that it's easy for a lot of Genzou's complexities to go unnoticed. Compared to Orlam and Gidget, Genzou seems pretty easy to figure out - he's secretly in love with Iggy, and he has been for a really long time. I think it's because Genzou does a good job of hiding his problems. In reality, he feels insecure and washed out; he's blind, and even though he's doing well for himself he's working a blue collar job with no college education. He's basically resigned himself to eternal loneliness, certain that he won't be able to find anyone, and he encourages the object of his affections to date other people, convinced that Iggy will never love him back. His relationship with Orlam is probably the most intriguing thing about his character. For the most part Genzou is calm and level-headed (almost to an insane degree), a reliable friend in a horrific land. And yet when it comes to Orlam, Genzou is extremely, unnaturally antagonistic. Even when Iggy tries to convince Genzou to lay off, Genzou is steadfast in his taunts - even though he seems to realize that he's in the wrong. In Arc 5, Orlam points out that Genzou didn't become a monster in Wonderland because he was already a monster in real life - and Orlam isn't wrong. I'd say that Genzou's main flaw is "complacency." Rather than trying to find companionship, he accepts that he'll be alone. Rather than fighting against Orlam's bullies, he joined them. Rather than accepting his past mistakes, he continued to pretend nothing was wrong. The turning point of Genzou's character is really the acceptance of his mistakes, as he finally tries to change something about his life rather than simply accepting everything as it occurs. 

Orlam is a VERY interesting character. He's a person driven by contradictions. He wants everyone to love him, to look at him, to appreciate him. But at the same time he doesn't trust anyone, and he doesn't want to get close to anyone. He longs for human warmth and affection, but the alienation that he has faced from everyone around him (Genzou, most of all) limits him to only seeking the shallowest of physical relationships. He appears egocentric, looking down on others and not valuing their lives, but he hates himself most of all. He causes others pain because he's in pain. 

Gidget is probably the character that I find the most interesting and honestly the most relatable, as well, partially because I think that they're the most flawed. Unlike Orlam, Gidget isn't lashing out because of pain that they have endured in the real world (while Iggy did hurt Gidget in high school, it was nothing like the continuous harassment that Genzou subjected Orlam to). Instead, Gidget does bad things because they're a "dreamer"; like their modeling career, they can't give up on the perfect life that they dream about - not because they actually want it, but because society as a whole has conditioned them to believe that they need that perfect life. I relate a lot to those expectations, especially as a person that doesn't really conform much to feminine ideals in my own life. I think that Gidget's character perfectly encapsulates the idea of "Wonderland" - how our dreams get warped and changed by adulthood, circumstance, and society until they're ugly and broken.

I'm very curious to see what happens with Bucks and Saydie in the last part, as we don't really know that much about them (apart from Bucks' cameo as the axe-wielding final boss of every arc). I also wonder if we'll learn what Iggy's real wish was. (I wonder if it was to reconcile with his childhood friends?)

I LOVE the general themes and ideas behind this game, and I think they're something that almost everyone can relate to. Past affections and regrets; how things that you do in the past - things that you do out of emotion, or momentary anger - things that you don't mean - can have a really profound effect on your relationships and the people around you. How your actions have CONSEQUENCES, no matter how young or naive you were. How you grow up and regret what happened in life and how you treated the people around you. How even if you get another chance, you can never take back the things that you did, the things that you said - you just have to grow and learn and try to heal. 

If I had to describe this game in one word, it would be: raw. Raw and authentic and vulnerable and painfully real. It's one of those works where I think, "THIS IS ART" and "I'm truly glad that I was born on this world, so I could experience this." 

Thank you so much for the experience, Carrot; it's truly one-of-a-kind. I will be waiting (patiently) for the final part!







ldkjfalskdjflDKFJALSDKFJLSDds oh my gosh... 😭💕 WH-WH-WH-WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN?????

FIRST OFF THANK YOU??? Literal tears in my eyes as I'm reading this. All of your analyses and praise and kind words and thoughts and reflections... reading this is sending a whole deluge of feelings straight through me and rendering me quite rapidly into a worsening pile of gooey mush. I can't even fathom how long?? It took to write all this??? And just all the thought and kindness put into it GUHHHHHHHH. I AM VERY MOVED AND TOUCHED. I cannot thank you enough for taking so much time to write all of this up and to say such lovely things.

SECOND OFF I'M GLAD YOU LIKED IT??????? sOB I know it's quite long now and takes a while to get through and also some of the earlier arcs have some rough parts especially the art sO JUST THANK YOU FOR PLAYING AND LIKING IT AND I'M VERY HAPPY AND GONNA CRY.



'I am also simply in awe of the amount of dedication put into crediting all of the background sources, SFX sources, BGM artists, etc. " --> lkdjfasdfLKDJFASLDF ONE OF THE MOST TIME-CONSUMING PARTS HAHAHAHA there is a bit too many maybe at least SFX it's honestly ridiculous; my one consolation is that since i release in parts i could at least split it up so i didn't have to do all the credits for the entire game all at once i can't even imagine how long that would have taken 🤣 SOB I DIGRESS THO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE LOVELY WORDS ABOUT THE ART AND WRITING. My heart is squishing and I'm actively perishing... 😭💕

Ahhhh I'm glad you liked the opening scenes... for some reason I always worry about those first couple of scenes a lot because so much is riding on them, both in like, being engaging enough to keep people reading, but also in setting up the chars enough, because at least for Gidget, Orlam, and Bucks, it's the last time you'll see them until their respective parts in Wonderland. (Also in general because it now just feels like literally forever since I wrote those scenes... LOL) So hearing that you feel like they were effective really means a lot!!

HHHHHHHH YOU'RE TOUCHING ON SO MANY GOOD POINTS AHHADFKASJFASDLKFJ like stuff that I had kinda hoped in my heart people would like kinda pick up on but have never really been sure if they have kinda stuff??? "Rather than being truly himself, he seems to be a "version" of himself that fulfills the desire of the arc's central character." LIKE THIS ONE IN PARTICULAR. You just point out so many little things I tried to weave in there. Hearing you analyze them is giving me so much joy right now lkadfas SOB AND I'M GLAD YOU LIKED GENZOU'S ARC. I-I mean I love all the arcs for different reasons, but Genzou's really holds a special place in my heart because I love Genzy too much because it's just very sweet to me and also the first time while working on the game that I got to have just a really lovely cathartic moment with the bedroom scene *weep*...

"The whiplash from Arc 2 is INCREDIBLE." --> GOD IT WAS FOR ME TOO WHILE WORKING ON IT (and also why I was a bit terrified of people's reaction to Arc 3 lakdjfa)

"Interestingly, rather than being himself, Iggy almost seems to "become" Orlam" --> HELP HELP HELP NO ONE'S EVER VERBALIZED THIS BEFORE BUT I WAS TRYING TO WEAVE HTIS IN AND NOW I'M ONFIAEJFALWKEJFASDF

"I'll have to say that this really was the most horrific out of all of the arcs" --> yes......... it still is in my mind, as well. Both for what happens at the end, the whole stall scene, and just the general feeling of like... hopelessness... it leaves everything in 💦 Like not that all of them aren't horrific but this one just like finally puts everything out on the table with everything that's going on and then just keeps getting worse and worse and worse up to the end. (Part of why I took that break to work on OFW after making it maybe laksdfasd)

"hey're always playing a role, constantly trying to do what they "should" be doing as opposed to what they actually want to be doing." --> I really like this analysis a lot.

"We're on the final arc and it is INCREDIBLY SATISFYING" --> HHHHH I'M GLADDDDDD 😭 one of my biggest anxieties is making sure the final arc is satisfying and builds up well and finishes everything off in a way that feels earned for all the different story arcs and chars SO I'M GLAD AT LEAST SO FAR IT'S BEEN GOOD.

"He needs to learn not to place all the fault on himself." --> LITERALLY WEEPING THAT YOU MENTIONED THIS. Sob this whole paragraph.

"which is just a testament to how incredibly well done the character writing is." --> fjkdsfasldkfjasdf at this point my responses are just turning into unintelligible mashing at the keyboard i'm having trouble forming thoughts...🤣

"he's basically resigned himself to eternal loneliness" -> 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

"I relate a lot to those expectations" --> owowowow...🥺 i'm really glad??? i mean not in the fact that i'm glad you also faced those kinds of hardships but glad that you could resonate with it at least LDKFJALDSKFA 🤣 of all the chars, iggy and gidget have the most of me in them, i think. they're the two that have experiences based off my own, so i feel particularly close to them and their stories. THO THIS SOMETIMES PUTS ME AT ODDS SINCE THOSE TWO HAVE SO MANY ESPECIALLY TRYING MOMENTS LMAO. but anyway i really really like your thoughts and interpretations and analyses here.

"It's one of those works where I think, "THIS IS ART" and "I'm truly glad that I was born on this world, so I could experience this." " --> I TOLD YOU TO STOP THAT RIGHT NOWWWWWW

sob sob sob sob sob

i am left without much words after that... LOL. especially as i'll just be repeating the same feels of wanting to defenestrate myself again and again and again LKDJFADS

But honestly.

This is.

So much.

I am moved to my core by all of this and just so honored and touched and squished and squashed. I feel like whenever I'm feeling down I can come back and read this and just be filled with so much joy and hope and motivation GUHHHH.

So truly thank you. Thank you for playing, for liking the game, and for all your lovingly written up thoughts that will sit with me for days. I can't thank you enough!! 😭💕


Hi, I wanted to let you (Carrot) know that Arc 5 has been a punch in the emotional gut (in a very positive and validating way, if that makes sense).
I'm near thirty and I've never quite seen myself in fiction ever, until Iggy. So I think I now feel less alone in the world and less cut off from other humans, really thanks for that :' )

(I'm also lowkey considering growing a baby rattail lol)

WAHHHHHHH YOU'RE MAKING ME WEEP. I'm really happy you can relate to Iggy so much??? Considering quite a lot of Iggy is based on me and my own experiences and struggles (and weirdness), I always get very emotional when others say they can also see a lot of themselves in Iggy, as well. We can all feel a bit more seen and like we're not so alone... 🥺💦💦

I'M SORRY BUT ALSO GLAD ABOUT THE EMOTIONAL GUT PUNCH???? ldkjfadsf I'm happy it could be so impactful!! Arc 5 is like......... it's kinda just like a series of building gut punches to me LOL because there are so many arcs and pieces of the story that reach their maximum level and it just keeps going because there's so much to get through aldkfkjfa SO IT'S DEFINITELY A LOT. FOR ME, TOO WORKING ON IT.

Thank you so much for playing and letting me know your thoughts, ahhh it really means so much! And I'm really glad you can connect to and get so much out of the story and chars 😭💕Thank you so much for your support!!


: )

(I was formulating a response, but, uh, my humaning.exe is grinding to a halt... so, ": )" )






- JERRY!//??!/1/1/1/11/1?!/?!??!






- NOOOOO JERRYY!!! ILL MISS YOUUUU even though I have only read through your dialogue once or twice-





- Im sure when kid orlam meets adult orlam, Kid orlam will be disgusted :p






HHHHH THANK YOU AS ALWAYS FOR YOUR VERY ENERGETIC AND AMUSING REACTIONS. It always makes my day reading them!! And I'm really happy that you enjoyed the newest part!! 🥰

HHAHAAHAAHA WELL. Regarding OFW... yes... it was originally supposed to be just a silly little thing that tongue-in-cheek may or may not be canon. And it's true that I will probably never say for sure like exactly how it all works between the two games. However, so much of it just felt like a part of the world and story that more and more of it started drifting over into the main game until I just couldn't refute it anymore with Jerry LOL So. Yeah. I mean. You're free to think of the connection between the two however you want, but I do consider it kinda part of the main timeline now and do recommend that everyone play it (I think between Arcs 4 and 5 is the best spot alkdfa)

HHHH I'M GLAD YOU LIKED THE GENZOU AND IGGY MOMENTS 😭💕 The night chat between them in particular was a very important moment to me and one that wrecked me a little while I was writing it and I still think about constantly aldkfas

"Kid orlam will be disgusted" -> OKDJAFDSLKFAD he'd definitely be weirded out for sure...

Thank you so much for the well wishes and for playing and letting me know your thoughts and I'm really happy you had a lot of fun with it lakdfa This part took a lot out of me I think to work on HAHAHA but there were so many moments that I felt were really important for me to get as right as I could, so I didn't want to skimp on anything. I'm really happy if it can be impactful and meaningful and satisfying for players too to see the culmination of a lot of these story arcs 🥺


But I thank you for your thoughts all the same alksdjfas 🤭💕

(1 edit) (+2)

Warning: Spoilers.

I love, LOVE THIS GAME OML!!! This gamed made me vowed to myself to play all 4 of your games. I have not finish the game since I'm going through exams but URGHHHH ITS SO GOOD!!!! I had to forcefully time myself out just from not trying to touch your game. I love, LOVE, LOVE the jokes and my boy Genzou <333 I need him in my life T^T He would be the greenest flag if he learns how to treat Orlam with more respect! But i'll allow it to pass since he finally was able to apologize.. 

Words cannot tell how much I despise Gidget and Bucks. In the first 3 archs I knew she was already a huge red flag. And OH MY LAWD, BUCKSSS. PLEASE GIVE MY BABY IGGY A REST 😭😭😭😭😭 My mood went up and down like the 'Kingda Ka' and the Takabisha. In arch 5, my heart was PUMPING. I was physically sweating at the chase with the 10 rabbits (that probably had rabbies). And CECILLLL URGGEGFYIYWB, your sacrifice shall not go to waste... Istg Bucks, YOU DARE KILL THEM ONE MORE TIME. I SHALL REACH MY HAND INTO MY COMPUTER AND STRANGGLE YOU LIKE HOW YOU DID WITH ORLAM!!!

I love your games! I have played this, 'our fantastic wonderland' and 'T2A2G'. I'm planning to play save the last dance soon after I finish this! I fell in love with  'Our Wonderland' game INSTANTLY when I played the first 10 minutes. This is honestly the first few games I sobbed just from playing. And the words you used to portray your story is magnificent! After playing till Arch 2 I went straight to AO3 only to be disappointed with so little fanfic T^T.     I honestly would write 10 paragraphs on how good this game is but I can't think of any words how too.

To anyone who's planning on playing Carrot's game. PLEASE DO! It's honestly so good and I love the plot! And please reply, It'll be such an honor for my comment to be noticed 😭

AhhhhhhhHHHHHHH!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH???? This is such a lovely comment and made me smile so much!! I'm so happy that you enjoyed the game and chars so much BUT PLEASE DON'T LET IT GET IN THE WAY OF YOUR EXAMS???? lkdjfaldskfad 🥺💦💦

LMAO YOU HAVE SUCH INTENSE FEELINGS ABOUT GIDGET AND BUCKS. I am sorry they both did such heinous things ldkjfasd (well, along with everyone else). Ahhh I'm happy you like Genzou tho. Indeed he has a number of Key Issues but I still love him with every inch of my heart 😭💕

INSTANTLY WITHIN THE FIRST 10 MINUTES??? My god... LOL I admit I'm not super confident about some of the early stuff in general since I feel like both my art and writing has improved throughout production, but I'm really happy if you could already enjoy it and have such a strong connection so early on!! I'M SORRY FOR MAKING YOU CRY THO 💦

kjfadf that is such a sweet recommendation and such lovely words you're gonna make me sob HHHHH. Thank you so so much for writing up your thoughts and just for loving the game in general! It truly means more than I can say! 🥺💕 Thank you for all your support! I will keep working hard lakdsjfa



i have two friends who have severe brainrot over this game and have named themselves iggy and gidget





I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH!! It's one of my favorite games of all time! I'm so glad I decided to play it, because I saw it many times when searching for something to play and I don't regret downloading it at all!! Characters are so great, realistic and human ahhh, their complicated relationships are amazing and so interesting to learn more about, I LOOOVE ost, I listened it so many times now, plot and writting are so good, scenes are so memorable, artstyle grews on you and is cuuute , and ahhhh I can't describe how I enjoyed playing!! <33

Spoilers for arc 5 part 1 1/2 and previous arcs and maybe bad english (sorry :')) below!! And warning - this is a seriosly long comment lol

Okay so arc 5 part 1 1/2... It made me so emotional ;w; I cry very rarely, but Genzou hugging and apologizing to Orlam... It was such a bittersweet, so well deserved and so anticipated moment... I felt, I knew, there will be scene where he apologizes to him for all horrbile things he has done... But it exceeded my expectations anyway-- All flashbacks from their school years-- And them dancing in classroom after/before the afterprom-- It made me cry so hard... I loved that it was such a long running issue; you could see how bad their relationship is, especially in arc 2, and it wasn't anywhere close to fixing itself and patching things up between them. So this made their hug so much better and more impressive. Also whole animation Genzou standing up, being painfully dragged down and standing up again... Orlam being scared, even covering his head as if he expected a punch... You are such an amazing writer and storyteller, Carrot! Also Genzou not hating Orlam... And how suprised he was everytime Iggy told him how bad he makes Orlam feel... Also arc 2 scene when Genzou was crying after killing him... I don't even know how to describe how I love this part hsvdavvdawcajnza

Also same with Gidget and Iggy. I can relate and understand Gidget in some ways, so I was so so so much Hoping for them to finally be themself and be who they want to be. Also it really suprised me when in arc 1 in flashback Iggy told them these all painful things. I rarely see likeable MCs doing bad things that aren't "cool" or understable in other context, so it made game and him stand out even more and interesting imo. But I'm going to talk about Iggy later, so let's go back to arc 5! Seeing Gidget even more "perfect" in arc 5 was... Pretty scary, but also refreshing (and they looked so nice-- Maybe it's just me being biased on dresses heh). Them not clinging to Iggy anymore and being more of their own (perfect) person. Though they still weren't themself... (btw all the Iggys were very cute, I love them; and scene with Iggy acting like he is dying made me laugh!! <3) But anyway... Seeing that apologizing to them (Gidget) doesn't solve anything was so good! Problem was much deeper and even if it was good for Gidget to let all of the rage out, it was so scary... I'm not even going to talk about little spiders... Since arc 3 I wanted Iggy to talk to Gidget and help them... So they would know it is okay to not be perfect and they shouldn't change themself for him. And then it FINALLY happened!! Though it wasn't Iggy who made the change, but Cecil. His death was so moving, it was another very emotional moment... I loved how it was consistent from beginning that he knew arc4!Gidget wasn't the true Gidget and he wanted best for them. And he succeed! Cutting hair was a powerful moment, I love that cg with Gidget still in violet dress, but not looking perfect anymore... Btw, I also love how you handle conflicts, it makes me want to learn more about writing them! And next scene with them made me so happy ;w; I loved it so so much, it made a huge impression on me!! (Also I remembered that weather forecast from before was talking about "PERFECT", sunny weather, and when Iggy walked to his room after fight, it was raining. Such a cool detail!!) Their talk with Iggy in Jerry's base was great too... I'm glad they saw their mistakes and are regretful for that they done and that they will never do something like this!! Great development really!!

And since I mentioned Jerry I like him as well!! He is a very funny character... Hope he won't die...*sweating through laughter*

Okay, now I said everything I wanted about arc 5 I think?? Let me talk about others! Iggy first!! He is such a great and relatable protagonist. As someone who struggles with maintaining contact with friends, as an ace, as a person who has no idea what to say when something serious is happening, even as a person having stomach ache often xD Also he is very likeable, I'm not suprised everyone loves likes him so much!! And it may sound funny, but since his first stomach ache I was happy that there is a character I can relate in this way. I had so many of them, I felt so anxious and bad that I feel that way when someone was too close to me (uh, in romantic way though, I'm aro as well)... Nothing as bad as Iggy experienced has happened to me, but seeing him struggling the same way was reassuring in some way... (though I want him to be happy as well and to not be anxious anymore, don't get me wrong!! I Hope he will be happy in the end with whoever he will be!). Also him blaming himself when others are not happy... True people pleaser as Orlam said. Though his self-blaming is not okay (but adds so much dephts imo!!) and I Hope he will get better after escaping from Wonderland.  Anddd he even made me want to call my friend! And to start showing friends that I care about them more! Also seeing Genzou being such a great ace supporter (I love how he joked about it in Jerry's base) and even Orlam respecting his boundaries!! I'm really Hoping Gidget will join ace-icon-Iggy protection squad (lol) as well! Speaking of which, glad to see them more understanding and respectful in arc 5! <3 

Aaah, talking about this all reminded me of final of arc 1, it was SOOO AMAZINGLY DONE, and great, awesome, and I loved it!! I saw pattern in flashbacks and wanted Iggy to see that he was neglecting his friends. Like he wasn't even thinking about this before and had no idea - I love how visible this is! So when he reached his conclusion, even though his wish was depressing and I didn't expect him to go this far, it was very satisfying (and sad). And I didn't see Bucks killing Saydie to come to Wonderland coming at all!! OH YEAH I WANT TO TALK ABOUT BUCKS LATER!!

Buuuuuut since I'm talking about scenes now let me tell you that Our World song was AMAZING!! IT MADE SUCH A SCARY... Uhh... Those eyes... Poor Iggy... MOMENT EVEN MORE MEMORABLE!! Great choice! 

Thoooough even more impression made Cunning Monsters/Orlam's Revenge!! THAT MOMENT WAS AWESOME!! Genzou saying all those awful things... So close to being boiled alive... But saying them anyway, more and more awful... and then! Orlam snapping with laughter! I LOVED IT, GREAT, OUTSTADING, FASCINATING!! It made me soooo curious about Orlam, I couldn't wait to learn more about him since then!! Anddddd speaking of him... He is SUCH AN INTERESTING CHARACTER!! SERIOUSLY!! I'm pretty used to tropes like "bullied character > shy, poor baby, others has to help them, etc" (I'm not saying characters like this are bad, I even like them!), so seeing a bullied character who has more about them going on... Like loving being around people! Loving parties and living in luxury! Loving eating people!! Being so smooth and a great dancer! And a very very good observator!! I never saw character like that!! (And let me add that his rattail is cute :3) And also I love characters that make me change my opinion after learning more about them! Usually I like very much creepy, kinda pathetic, weird characters, but he made me kinda uncomfortable at first and feel like I wouldn't trust him. But later I found out that he is more than just a creep lying about how popular he is! He is also more than just a king with power in Wonderland! And I really like the fact that he is an extrovert andd that roles in Wonderland turned upside down and the lowest in social hierarchy (I have no idea how to call it better) became a king!! All his scenes, when he appears, were so spectacular, I love themmmm!! And seeing how well Iggy was treated in castle in arc 3... That was very, very, very cute (I'm not going to talk about their breakfast hwedaggs byawfgdfdsdfndfvcv) <3 Also fun fact: I happen to have birthday the same day as him, hehe!

Okay now Bucks~ When I started playing I would never guess that her character will touch topic of being a parent/mother. I think I never saw anyone to potray a non-villain character as a (bad and) very, veryyyy tired mother, who just wants some good sleep night and if she hears any cry or screaming at night she is going to lose it, oh please, just oNE GOOD SLEEP AND QUIET, QUIET NIGHT. It made me realize that being a parent is a great ordeal, much greater than I saw other media made it to be. (Usually when I see parenting problems in media it is when their teenage child is rebelious or something). Anddddd... SHE IS SO FRIGHTENING EVERY CHAPTER. SECTIONS WITH HER ARE SO SCARY. And I love it!! Also there is a detail I'm very happy I noticed and this is that hearing anybody cry/scream makes her blood boil. Like just before she killed Orlam or Gidget. She wasn't as angry as she was after they started screaming. AND IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE!! IT FITS HER HATERED TO HEAR SAYDIE CRY AT NIGHT SO SOOOO WELL!! I'm very impressed with your writing and cool details like those!!

But hmmm... How could it be that I still didn't talk about Genzou? His character is sooo great!! Just like when I was talking about Orlam I love how he is more than just a bully!! He isn't just an overconfident, mean person for no reason (like I saw many other bully characters to be), it's the opposite! But also his rude behavior towards Orlam doesn't define his whole personality, he has so much beside this!! I love him being overprotective of Iggy and understanding like no one else!! It really shows how he cares for him, awww :'D Though I also very much like that he made such a bad mistake (I'm talking about afterprom, I think I have a good grasp of what had happened there,,,,) and that he still is a good, but very flawed person! He is so reliable and you can always ask him what to do, where to go next, which made him breaking down in the beginning of arc 5 so much more heartbreaking... And I love that he still has plushie Iggy gave him and he even holds it in one cg aahhhh... He really treasures it, doesn't he? They are just too cuteeee TwT And ughhh, everytime he thinks he is not worthy of Iggy's love,,,,, NOOO, YOU ARE SO MUCH WORTHY, PLEASE, CAN't they all just be happy? (I love them for being their complicated messes who have many problems and issues though)


And idk where to write this, but here are other small details I noticed/wanted to mention: Iggy not liking to look at himself in mirror, but feeling that he looks good in suit, in arc 3/// I wonder if arc5!Giget was designed to have enby flag colors (blond hair, white&black shirts and purple as a main color) or it wasn't planned~ also I love that their look is Cecil-inspired aww :'D /// And don't think I didn't notice Iggy's ace-colored mouse pad xD

This is getting too long, but I have to mention that I love how animated chapter 5 is, I mean their fight with tomatos, all the running, etc!! I'm bad at reading scenes where there are mostly descriptions and no dialogue, but they helped me stay focused and were very nice and fun to see!! It shows how much work you put into making this <3

Also I'm willing to make a petition to give everyone a hug and a headpat (if they would be okay with this!) 

Sorry for such a long comment, I Hope it wasn't tiring to read! I just love your game so much that I want to talk about everything I liked in it for hours <333 Thank you so so much for making it and good luck with last part!! I'm going to support your works even after Our Wonderland is finished! And I wanted to add that reading your dev log is a great fun and you seem like a very kind and nice person, Carrot!! But please, remember to take breaks, don't overwork yourself and take care!! Have a great day!!! 83

my apologies for taking a little while to get to this -- i was quite overcome and a little weepy when i first read it and wanted to make sure i devoted enough time to a response because i feel so touched 😭💕

first off thank you so much??? not only for playing and loving the game but for taking SO MUCH TIME?? TO WRITE SO MUCH??? AND ALL YOUR THOUGHTS???? i was smiling the whole time i was reading it!! i loved reading all your little reactions and thoughts and interpretations both about the latest arc as well as about the characters in general. honestly it's one of my favorite things in the world hearing from people how the game and chars made them feel and i feel so so spoiled when people leave long thought-felt comments filled with reactions 😭

i'm really happy you enjoyed the final arc so much (so far)! this arc in general has turned out so so much larger than i ever could have expected (hence, the need to release it in so many different parts lkdsajfad) and it's really pushed me to my limits in many places both story-wise and production-wise. so many of the climactic moments throughout arc 5 took me a long time to write and work on, and i really really wanted to make sure they felt "satisfying" in a way as a culmination of all the various arcs and storylines leading up to them, whether it's gidget's and orlam's arc finales to even just smaller stuff like the "final" collector scene or jerry's whole part. so i'm really touched to hear that many of the scenes resonated with you. and i was really happy to hear your different reactions to and analyses of the various scenes and their differences 🤭(THOUGH I'M SORRY FOR MAKING YOU CRY ASLKFDJALSDKFAJ) the whole genzou/orlam arc climax in particular has been something i've been working towards for years and it was really emotional for me to finally work on this scene that's been developing and living in my head rent-free throughout much of production

"Btw, I also love how you handle conflicts, it makes me want to learn more about writing them!" -> DLKFJADSFA THANK YOU????? HEARING THIS MAKES ME REALLY WEEPY????

your thoughts about all the individual characters are killing me... GUHHH. i'm really happy you can relate so much to iggy??? so much of iggy is also based on myself and my own experiences, so it always makes me extra weepy to hear if people can relate to and empathize with him. maybe it makes me feel a little less alone perhaps. if that makes me selfish i don't know ldskjfasd (perhaps only allowing for ace!romance options is a bit selfish but i don't care LMAO). showing that all the characters have major issues and have done things that Aren't Good was a big thing i wanted to make sure i got across, even with iggy as the MC. because no one is perfect in life and we all make mistakes (sometimes big ones). it would have felt so unrealistic otherwise perhaps...

ahhh thank you also for the lovely words about the music and scene direction!! music is such a big part of this game for me -- to the point where some of the songs themselves have helped inspired and form various scenes in my head. i always spend a lot of time searching for and listening to tracks to find the perfect tracks that will resonate with the vibes or scene i have in mind. i tend to think of scenes in terms of movie scenes in my head, kinda forming the vibe and how everything will play out. then i attempt to recreate it as best as i can when i'm putting the VN together with all the actions and music and sounds, etc. i think this is something i've gotten better at though as production has gone one, which is why later arcs have generally a lot more cinematic production value LOL if i ever go back and do the remaster i've been considering i'll probably try to polish up some of the earlier arcs a bit to address issues and bring them more up to the standard of the later arcs...

LOL your thoughts are orlam are cracking me up. and bucks and genzou too. i feel like not a lot of people talk about bucks much (which, yeah, she's definitely been in the least so far of all of them, so it's understandable alkdsjfa) so it's really nice hearing your reactions about some of her key themes and scenes

"Also there is a detail I'm very happy I noticed and this is that hearing anybody cry/scream makes her blood boil. " --> LKDJFADSK YES I'M GLAD YOU NOTICED THIS??? i am always unsure if people notice some of these various smaller details that i add in, so i'm quite happy to hear if they're noticed

" CAN't they all just be happy?" --> LMAOOOO REAL I ALSO FEEL THIS LDKJFASD 😭

LOL THANK YOU FOR THE KIND WORDS ABOUT THE ARC 5 CGS. yes i've definitely improved in my art in general, particularly the CGs as production has gone on ldkfjads also consistency and such. i've already redone a few early arc 1 CGs that were just so bad i could barely look at them, but there are still many that irk me HAHAH. i guess it happens naturally that my art improves considering i've drawn over 400 CGs since starting production lol. when i first started it was the first time i'd ever even drawn with a drawing tablet before... hahaha. i'm really glad that you enjoy them!!

"I wonder if arc5!Giget was designed to have enby flag colors" --> this might be surprising but i didn't plan that at all LOL but a few people have also pointed this out to me since...

"Sorry for such a long comment, I Hope it wasn't tiring to read!" --> it was not tiring at all, i loved it very much!! thank you again so much for taking all the time to write this up!! i'm very very touched and reading it made me smile!

thank you for all the love and support for the game and characters! it really gives me so much motivation hearing that others can connect and resonate with everything so much. tbh as a small solo hobby dev, my highest goal is simply that people will play the game and have an emotional connection. it's really all i want out of making this game and sharing my story and characters alkfdjas when people love my chars my heart simply squishes 🥺💕


and i hope that you'll enjoy the finale once i'm finally able to get it finished!! 🤣

(1 edit)

Hi Creator, I'm so sorry to bother you and I'm sorry if this was already answered before, first of all, you are great, but I've already told you that 1000 times lol, now the thing is, is it possible that some of the CGs, in the last build are censored by default, even with the censored mode being turned off?




For example, in the scene where Orlan lights up the room and reveals a bunch of rabbits.  Some spots are pixelated.

Anyway I'm loving everything about the latest build, I was just wondering about the censor.  Keep up the amazing work!


Ah! Yes, that's correct. There's one CG (the one you describe) where I made it so the censoring is burned into the CG itself. It was a bit too intense to keep in the game as-is... 💦 So yes, that's on purpose. Though I ended up rather liking the effect it has as it somehow makes it feel even more ominous (at least in my opinion DLKAJDSL).

That should be the only CG like that though. The rest can all be toggled on or off!

(3 edits)

Oh, I see, thanks a lot!  BTW.




Let Jerry live  pleeeeaseeee :(  , he a deserves a happy, and preferably gay, ending lol


I LOVE this games a lot, This games are my favorites for me. 

I REALLY relate to Iggy, I can kinda say that we are the same person, I also love the design's of the characters. 

Keep it up, Carrot!! 


AHHHHH THANK YOU VERY MUCH???? I'm really glad you like the game so much! And jdfklajdsfad I'm so happy and touched to hear you like and can relate to Iggy so much!! Iggy is based a lot on me and my own experiences and struggles LOL so hearing that other people can relate to him always makes me feel very weepy and happy. A little less alone perhaps ahhhh 🥺💕

Thank you so much for playing the game and for these lovely words!! Reading this really made my day!! 😭💕

No prob!

I just LOVE the art and ill send a drawing soon!!

So, Toodles!!


Omg I can't wait to see it???? 😍

still work in progres btw :P

Hello, it's me again and I have a problem. 

Of course, I have already played all of your games, but “Our Wonderland” has problems with saving.

Let me clarify: I completed the whole game - the menu shows that I completed it completely, but when I restart, the menu shows that I did not even start the game (1 arc). And those arts that I came across throughout the game also disappeared, like the Replay.

It was constant, but it’s good that the saves in the walkthrough were not lost, and I can replay these saves (in total I have 18 save slots), but I can’t say about the art and the game menu... I was wondering if I COMPLETELY replay the game, would it be ok even if I turn the game back on? 

This really bothers me, because just to look at the art that I have already seen- 

Speaking of which, even the skip doesn’t work, because I went through them too, the game will tell me: “Yes, I know you have a save, but for me, you’re going through them for the first time!”

Tell me, am I not the only one who has this problem, or have other players also had similar moments? 

Thanks for your reply in advance, and have a nice time!🦊✨

(1 edit) (+1)

(sorry for the delayed reply!!)

Oh that is really strange??? It sounds like from your description that the "persistent" file is somehow becoming lost? It's this file that keeps track of all the persistent data in the game, such as when you unlock CGs/replays, the title screen update, etc. This is especially weird if all your save files are there and intact, as it means that it's not like the whole game/saves folder is being reset you're just somehow losing only your persistent file???

The persistent file should be in your "saves" folder and look something like this (this is mine from my main game folder):

When it happens that you lose all the data do you see this file somehow disappearing? 🤔 No one has ever reported an issue like this before that I know of so I'm really at a loss as to why this could be happening. If you've played any other games made in Ren'Py have you ever noticed it happening to you before? Also what OS are you using? (unsure if for instance the Mac version of the game might do things differently or something).

(Not sure if it helps, but if you're having the problem where you can't skip because of the persistent file, you can go into the Options menu and choose "Skip Unseen Text" which will allow you to skip things even if the game doesn't think you've seen them yet! This doesn't fix the persistent file issue but it'll at least let you still be able to skip stuff quickly even with it.)

(1 edit)

The problem is that even if everything is fine with my files, they have not disappeared, then all my work (since I completed the game), the art, and the Replay have disappeared. I'll look at the files when I'm home and ask what I downloaded - Windows. And only Windows, and about others at Renpai, there were no such problems. 

I suspect that when I was walking through the game, I then found “Start Game” (all over again, from the beginning so to speak) and did this somehow affect the game and the system? At least I think so, I will try it too (oh... How long will it take...I pressed the space bar a lot to skip the dialogues I was reading... Throughout the entire game, I died once in the First Arc between the bridge and the tongue, and that’s it. I completed the game completely, oh! 👀🤣🤣🤣 It will be funny at night) 

But anyway, I'm glad to hear the answer, so thank you very much! And I hope you had a good rest! (I'm on Tumblr and I know about it, hehe) 

Changed: I thought about downloading it, but it’s a complete PC (I’m talking about 449MB). I just don't delete the ZIP files, and when I redownloaded, then... Nothing has changed: all progress disappears, except for my save files. 

Pressing "Start Game" shouldn't reset the persistent data. It WILL change the title screen -- the title screen is set up so that it will return to the screen for whichever the last save filed you played. So if you start a new game, it will go back to the default screen, if you load a save game in arc 3 and play for a while, it will change to the arc 3 title screen, etc. However, it doesn't delete anything in the CG or replay galleries or anything, so that is what is a bit concerning.

I'm really at a loss as to what it could be... 😭 I've never had anyone report this strange error before... I can try to hunt and peck around Google to see if I can find anyone else ever having this error with Ren'Py games but I'm not sure if I'll be able to find anything 🤔

Hello, and don't worry! 

I decided to download the PC (449 which), added my saves there, and played, left the game and entered and the ART SAVED ✨ (Arc CG Gallery, to be more precise.) and scenes from Replay too! 

There was probably some kind of bug when I downloaded the 32-bit version and not the 64-bit version. So, everything is fine! 

And the problem with “even if I read these scenes, the game thinks that this is not so” - too, everything skips! 

Sorry for your inconvenience, but thanks for helping me with the problem! So, I was glad that this is something not serious, this is already good! And I hope your friend's wedding went well✨

OMG, Carrot, have you SLEPT in the last few months? I was not expecting an update so soon after the last, but I'm loving it!  That way of handling Orlam was awesome.  

One minor suggestion for future: Add a way to skip to certain arcs/sections.  My friend had to reformat her computer and lost her save file, and it's kind of a long game to replay to find out what happens next.  I've been jonesing for her to catch up so we can discuss the latest developments!


Thank you tho??? I'm really glad you liked it! I wanted to go a bit all-out for this part since I felt like it's had so much build-up leading towards it this whole game lkdjfads so I'm really happy if people can be happy with how it turned out 🥺💕

Ahhhhh... I did do some updates with this release to make it easier to do that! I added the ability to skip credits and cutscenes that you've seen. (And I also added screen replays, tho that's not super helpful in this scenario.) The problem is that I can't make it so you can just skip around the arcs or skip complete arcs, etc. because you will miss many of the choices. And the choices are all building up towards the end and affect which choices you'll be able to make for The Final Choice that will appear in the finale. If you skipped too many choices you wouldn't have enough "points" built up and you wouldn't be able to get any of the 3 LI-specific epilogues/scenes in the finale if you wanted to.💦 However you can skip through it pretty quickly! With the new credits and cutscene skips, I was able to use the TAB skip to skip through the entire game to the end of the new update in only 10 minutes LDKJFALKDSFJA It's not perfect, but I wasn't sure of any other way to do it without missing out on the choices...

Ok dear, I finally finish the playing. Looking forward to the final part!!🥰 But I truly hope that it could be... SAFE. NO ONE WILL EVER BE HURT IN ANY WAY.

Firstly, let's just talk about the happy part I met.

In fact, I just want to choose "Bid goodnight" in the second option, after I go to Genzou's side when I want to spend the night in the rabbit's den. I, as a bisexual, I don't know which option to choose as an asexual like iggy. But, I feel like I'm asking too much for him at the moment, and I went to Genzou, to his bed, and said what he meant to me. I don't think I can afford to "put my head on his shoulder". I,, I don't want him to feel that I am too close to him, I don't want him to feel that I am pitying him, comforting him, and then what if he hates me because of it. I just want his love, even if it's only a little closer can satisfy me...🥺

He said that line later, the line "I love you, Iggs". I felt the pain, though it is exactly what I wanted him to say to Iggy, I still felt a real pain of sadness. Kind of strange.

Ok, now just talking about the latter sections, shall we? 

After they entered the castle, I have to say that I was really scared to death. The sound of Iggy and the others touching the jars, the sound of switching on and off the lights, and the sound of opening the door really gave me a terrible feeling. As if Orlam would sneak them out of the dark and chop them up...

Now, after they met Orlam. 

ah. . It’s scary, Orlam is scary, but Carrot, you really drew a lot of new moves and standing paintings for Orlam, and the painting style in this room feels obviously much more refined, whether it’s Orlam or Genzou. Really a lot of new moves, Carrot is awesome.

Ah, ah, I forgot that Genzou didn't know that Iggy had eaten his flesh. . And the third week he even feels delicious. Even Gidget doesn't know about it (although Gidget also ate "steak" in Arc4)

OK, Too close,, Gen you are so close to Orlam, even closer than the rabbit with Iggy. But I, can say nothing, since Gen and Orlam, too complicated.  My mind wants to feel jealous about this scene, but I really can't feel jealous emotionally. .😢

...Iggy really hates touching, he has always hated touching being asexual in OW, Orlam said the fact that he's close to Iggy to Genzou, yes. . It's very frustrating.

Ok finally, about the suffer Genzou got. my feeling when I saw the plot was:

Gen, say it, say it. . . You are so scary, your silence is so scary, I feel like my heart is about to pop out. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I don't want to see the next step, seriously, I really don't want to see it. Carrot, why, why do you always scare me more than I expected, why, I'm so scared. . . A creepy thriller, a dha dja'd ajd ia dskjas dba

Huh, huh, luckily it didn't go down, didn't it go down, right? ? ? !

Later, Genzou's apology to Orlam was very in line with my expectations, very in line with, the feeling of being afraid of being left out, very in line with my guess. But here I won't describe the content of Genzou's apology, because the fact that Orlam started "dying" directly exceeded my expectations, and Iggy and the others can pick Genzou's fingers first.

Also, to be honest, the music is good, really good, the song when they left the castle.💕

This passage can be very out of grammar or something like this. . I'm sorry because I'm in a bit of a mess right now after the playing.😟

Finally, I will send you a tumblr ask...

SORRY FOR THE SLIGHT DELAY IN MY REPLY LDAKJFADSFA I've been busy with family stuff and now I'm trying to get caught up  🤣💦 

LDKJFALDSFAD I... it sounds like you enjoyed the night chat scene? I think?? 💦 I-I mean. At this point in the game and with everything they've gone through, Iggy has no problem putting his head on Genzou's shoulder. (I mean, if you want him too, of course LOL since it's entirely up to you if you're trying to get the Genzou/Iggy ending.) Iggy does enjoy comforting touch and being close to those he is comfortable with (in this case, Genzou). And in Arc 2 he even felt strongly enough about Genzou that he wanted to kiss him (even if it was just a very soft tiny kiss LOL). My intentions with Iggy were never that you should feel guilty if you want him to be with someone, he also has the possibility to very much want to be with someone (he just doesn't like, you know, going further, or at least it would take him quite a long while before he'd feel ok with it). He is ace but also biromantic! S-so please don't feel guilty for choosing the options where Iggy is close with Genzou!! 😭💦 The Genzou/Iggy ship in particular warms my heart to an immeasurable degree, they give me so many warm feels and I love them dearly and I think about them every second maybe who can say LDKAJFLDS

"you really drew a lot of new moves and standing paintings for Orlam" --> LOL YES LKDAJFAD I-I went a bit overboard maybe... 💦

And hahaha yes! I wanted to make sure I addressed the, uh, elephant in the room, being that there was an arc where Iggy very much went along with Orlam and none of them know this (and Iggy himself is extremely regretful but has never had to really "face" it until this moment, so he kept putting it off).

" why, why do you always scare me more than I expected" --> LDKJAFLDSKFA I'M SORRY 😭💦 Th-this arc is definitely the most intense of all those that came before it. Ok parts of Arc 4 may be similar... unsure. But maybe since Arc 5 feels so "fresh" with everything being so completely new as opposed to the looping path, it adds a bit more intensity lol.

Ahhhh I'm very happy you liked the music!! I was really happy with how the music all came together. I'd had a number of songs already chosen or some general vibes I knew I wanted already in my head when I started working on this part. But I also have to hope that I'll be able to find the perfect song for the vibe that I want. So I always spend a lot of time searching and listening to tons and tons of songs before I'm able to find everything. But this part in particular had a lot of memorable songs I feel LOL

HHHHHH THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR PLAYING?? I hope despite the intensity and the conflict and everything you were still able to enjoy it 💦 THIS WAS DEFINITELY A VERY INTENSE PART 💦💦 But I felt like it was necessary to get the Genzou/Orlam dynamic/arc/whatever you wanna call it to its climax, especially considering it's been slowly building up throughout the whole game hahaha 🤣

Thank you for your lovely words, as always!! 🥰

Please make sure all is well with yourself and family stuff first!💦

From the perspective of CG scenes and injuries alone, I don’t think the scenes in Arc5 are truly more intense compared to the previous ones, even the scene with a bunch of mosaics in Orlam’s room, or the scene with Orlam’s heart bleeding, or the scene where Genzou’s finger was cut... I'm sorry for my unhappy comment on tumblr about Genzou's finger, hope it didn't bother you. The reason why I reacted so strongly was that even though the scenes in Arc3 and Arc4 were more intense, Arc5 could still clear all physical damage with all chars' rebirth, but there would be no next Arc after Arc5 to eliminate physical damage. So even though the cut off finger was much "lighter" compared to being eaten twice, I felt much worse.😭

And in my comment above, there is a part about "Didn't it go down, right?!!". This part is because when Orlam forced Genzou to tell him what he disliked about Orlam, if I stood from Orlam's perspective, I'll feel that Genzou had always been The act of keeping silent is simply because he wants to go against Orlam. As mentioned before in the game, I as Orlam, will think that Genzou wants to show that he is stronger than me so I am so worried that Orlam will actually chop off Genzou's arm in a fit of anger...😢

Then I want to say that in Arc5.15 it is obvious that Carrot has spent a lot of effort, whether it is cg, animation, moves , standing paintings, or the real emotion you invest in each character, which is great! This is also the reason why OW is one of my three most important games. The emotional content present in it is very complex and real, and there are many authentic expressions (as a non-native English speaker, I need to think carefully to understand🤣).

As for the reason why I kind of don’t dare to choose more options to get closer to Genzou, apart from Iggy’s consistent dislike of physical contact, it’s more about my own fear of “getting closer”. I feel like I’m moving too fast. I’m afraid this act will push others too hard. Mainly I don't want to see any of them get hurt, mentally or physically.

Overall, I'm looking forward to the last part!! And hope that Carrot can handle the family stuff and become more relaxed and not be tortured by stress any more. Well,, stress is sometimes good stuff, but just don't let it break you, OK?🥺💕(Also let me say it again, the new cg and music in 5.15 are really awesome!)

(1 edit)

Hello, sorry for the stupid question, I'm just VERY CUSTOMIZED to play the main game as well to get a feel for it all (I like odd and scary stuff) but I wanted to, where do I start?

I just, I want to complete the game completely, and I see these games piece by piece, if I have to play all of them (as parts), then it’s good,
but if there are already (approximately, because I realized that the 5 arc is not ready yet) full version.

I can't wait to get to know Orlam and the other characters 👀🦊


(And I'll still say something: I thought that Orlam and Genzo and Iggy were teenagers... But no, they are almost all 30, I was shocked, that they look young, but they are older (maybe they look younger in Wonderland? This is my suggestion, sorry for the reaction) because I also look young, like a schoolboy with 5'3, but I'm 20 now🤣🤣🤣

Forgive me, my King (Orlam), but I still want to study the Land of Nightmares, because I am drawn to terrible, horror things✨)

(1 edit) (+2)

I decided that I won't write comments until I draw myself in the style of your game, hehehe 👀🦊✨


AWWWWWW THIS IS VERY CUTE????? I LOVE ITTTTTTT 🥺💕 I never see people that actually try to replicate my weird style FJDJFJFUF I feel very honored???? Ahhhh I really love it so much! 😭💕


Hehehe  ÛwÛ🦊~✨

[Black Fox - Satisfied]

I'm glad I did my job ✨

I made you happy with my art (and this is not the last thing I want to draw on your game. I hope) 

And you will make me happier when I play your game to learn what this "Wonderland" is and what rules it has.


[The Black Fox goes to a dangerous place, because of the love of dangerous things. As always, Heh.]

OhhhHHHHH gosh sorry it's a little confusing 💦 It's only cuz I keep making more side games LOL But this game, Our Wonderland, is the main one! It's the one with all the main story, etc. And it's close to being done: there there are 5 arcs total and I'm currently working on the last third of arc 5 because arc 5 got too big 🤣 But all the rest is done and included in the build!

As for the other games: Our Fantastic Wonderland is a side game I created for Spooktober jam. I recommend playing it between Arcs 4 and 5 of the main game? (Is it actually canon? Who can say.) Texting the Awkward Ace Guy is another short O2A2 game that technically takes place before the events of the main game but I recommend getting past Arc 2 before playing it to better understand the chars first. And as for Save the Last Dance, which you already played, it actually takes place during Arc 2 (it's like a hidden scene I never showed before hfhfhg). I hope that helps clear things up a bit! 🤣💦 I have too many games...

(HFHGHGHGH THAT'S PROBABLY JUST BECAUSE OF MY WEIRD ART STYLE. The big ears especially make their heads look rather big 💦 Though indeed as someone who often gets mistaken as younger I also feel this 🤣) They need to be in their 30s how else would they have all this buildup of trauma... 😭

At any rate, if you do play the main game, I hope you'll enjoy it! It's certainly what I would call a terrible horror thing GODDDD

(1 edit)

So, I need to go through the 2nd arch - to get to know the characters better, but the 4th and 5th arches are the main game itself. Thank you, because I don't want to get confused, I want to enjoy the game and understand its rules, hehe 🦊✨

And yes, thanks for the reply! 

This will help me in passing the game!👀🦊✨

WELL KINDA. I MEAN. All five arcs are the main game. They're more like "episodes" in a way, and they need to be played in order. I just call them arcs because I Dare to Be Different 🤣💦 But you definitely learn more and more about the characters (and things get worse and worse and worse) with each subsequent arc LMAO It's like one long roller coaster deeper and deeper into purgatory aldkjfasd

I hope that you'll enjoy playing it!! 🥰

yes, I stopped at the beginning of 4th arch, and in advance I want to say: 

"If Orlam pulled his heart out so as not to feel anything,

then my heart will now crawl out of me BECAUSE of feelings."👀🤣

(I apologize in advance for the long text...) 


The problem is that now (since yesterday) EVERY TIME I see, read, or learn something about Orlam, my heart beats strangely like Iggy at the end of the 2nd arc. Orlam, we both have a problem with our hearts 👀🤣. 

Before, I didn’t have such a reaction, only yesterday my heart was beating in panic, maybe the coffee finally worked?🤣 In any case, when I see the sly, mean, bold, facial expression, action or phrase of this little, cutie, rat King, I hear the line: 

"Bye, Bye Bye~✨" or as I hear:  "Bam, Bam, Bam ~👉💘✨"

(Song: *nsync - bye bye bye)

Orlam... I know the reason why of all the characters in the game that I also like - YOU are ahead of everyone... You will have one problem - it's me.

Which will give so much love and attention that you will die with them, believe me. I am a merciless black fox >:D🦊✨

I want to do something, I have to draw something...👀🦊~✨

i finished this game in about 24 hours? i can count the number of significant breaks i took on one hand. i have played through all three side games. consider me consumed :)

anyways!! i am using this to gush about the game! because my friends are tired of me screaming at them about it!

ngl i was ready to throw hands with arc 3 iggy but thats okay. relate very heavily on being a people pleaser, and always, always just wanting to make those around you happy even if it's absolutely not your duty. him feeling like he ruined everyone's lives is so real of him. i am also ace! he is just like me fr! i really felt the "broken/i can fix him narratives" in a more general sense (i've gotten more subtle "things change/are you sure/youre too young/general assumptions that i will end up in some sort of heteronormative relationship) but also with gidget and them both trying to fill the roles set out by society and the expectations set by each other and themselves. two different characters commenting on iggy's pathetic small wet cat nature being cute made me cackle.

GIDGET!!! i went from kinda sympathetic but also fuck off to them being my favorite of the main cast. im transmasc and the instant i smelled gender dysphoria i started going rabid over them. anyways expectations of society + trying to be good for others + always being compared to an older sibling is very nice to explore and i was absolutely cheering for them when they flipped a table and chopped off their hair. the urge is strong for me too. WHEN THEY LITERALLY LOCKED CECIL AWAY it took me a hot second but physically locking away your masculinity/general non-femininity but not being able to kill it and it still finding its way back to you (is what i got from it no idea if it's less literal but it's my interpretation and i do what i want).

orlam. is the most sympathetic for me. but also. still a greasy little man. i think he needs new friends. and therapy. but i loved his vibes! they were very discomforting! will probably play his route next! i dont know why! hes kinda slimy but i can take that apparently! hes not justified but like. i get it? good character. i tried to be nicer and defend him starting in arc 2 because he is Sad. i think the crayons and the scribbled drawings really remind me of childhood. and his lack of control and powerlessness compared to his father. orlam's wish is for control, mostly, and i feel like it's partly because of how his friends treated him but also because of his childhood and feeling helpless in the face of his father. anyways. did i make up the rabbit as his father in one of the drawings or no (i havent slept correctly in two days). all the toys in his room despite is being so ornate and kingly..........and i thought i was going a little insane when i thought orlam had a crush on genzou. that is what happened. right. i am too aro to properly discern relationships. but that tragedy is so delicious.

genzou is very friend shaped and i love him. hes so cute. talk 30 miles a minute and still not be able to say whats important. very relatable. other than eating him so many times was getting kinda awkward i really loved him and going through his route. he feels like the safest choice but also! he is warm and safe and i think iggy just needs someone to hold him yknow. i was very "babygirl we need to talk" when it came to him and orlam's relationship but when he finally was able to shut up and tell Orlam he never hated him?? fuck me i guess??? the emotions were emotioning. he has a lot to answer for, and it's not justified, but again, i get it.

nothing on bucks yet as we havent really gotten too much but i am intrigued :)

adding the doll here because the bag just moving in the real world means that wonderland is not as cut off. you dont keep any injuries you sustained and not even your memories most of the time but that doll is Moving. the dolls hanging in the woods outside bucks' cabin, the doll in the dreams asking to kill so hyped for the next update man holy shit.

jerry!! jerry is a real one. i did say that it was too bad he'd end up doing a noble sacrifice and dying for us. but then he did about 2 minutes later. too soon man. hes witty, hes brave, hes strong, hes kind, i love him. anyways spinoff where we kiss the rabbit man when (jk jk). 

the absolute dread and discomfort throughout was amazing. the non-violent scenes were even more horrific for me a lot of the time. the vibes were awful. the dread was building. incredible writing. and the soundtrack? holy shit. amazing. gorgeous. will listen to on repeat for a long while. everything fit so well. i really appreciated the absurdity of it all. the killer tomatoes, the iggys, a huge eye with a tongue. it's so silly, i love it, and it balances out the awfulness of everything.

i probably forgot. most things. it's been a long day and a bit. here's to a happy ending where they get therapy.

OH GOSH YOU PLAYED IT STRAIGHT THROUGH IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS LKDAJFASD th-that is... that's quite intense... I'm incredibly touched tho? ALL THREE SIDE GAMES TOO??? you're slaying me HELP 😭💦💕

Oh geez though AHHHHHH I'm so happy that you enjoyed it so much?? LOLOL I APOLOGIZE TO YOUR FRIENDS MAYBE.  Your descriptions of the characters and your feelings on them are really squishing my heart. I'm always so curious especially how people will react to the different chars differently and which ones for instance they end up liking more or less (especially as it often seems really all over the board LDKAJFSD I feel like I can never guess). I'm especially glad you were able to relate a lot to Iggy and feel for him. Of all the chars, Iggy has the most of me in him I think LOL so he is also the one I tend to feel most self-conscious about as it's like, highlighting so much of me in big giant letters hahaha. So I'm happy that you were able to resonate with him. Ahhh... it really makes my heart happy honestly 🥺💕 AND GIDGET GUHHHH. Gidget also has a lot of me perhaps (so with Iggy and Gidget essentially butting heads violently for much of the game it gave me a lot of conflicted feelings LOL). I'm perhaps always nervous about Gidget because of everything that happens and people coming away having nothing but hate for them. I know obviously you can't just take it all away, but I had hoped with some of what happens in Arc 5 that the seeds of forgiveness can start to bud a bit and people would be able to understand and feel for them a bit more. So that also makes me very happy and tearful to hear, that your opinion of them especially changed over the course of the game alksfdja

"(is what i got from it no idea if it's less literal but it's my interpretation and i do what i want)." --> LMAO YEAH THAT WAS BASICALLY IT

ORLAM THE GREASY LITTLE MAN HELP wheezing a little bit. So real though. He does need therapy. Well, they all do. I guess Genzou's already getting it (though with his attitude it's perhaps not helping him as much as it could 💦). I love Orlam to bits despite the fact that the whole first two arcs don't color him in that great of a light. What can I say -- I like to introduce things gradually LDKAJFSD same with his complicated feelings and dynamics with Genzou. I LIKE A SLOW BUILD. Orlam definitely deserved a much better childhood and I weep for him in my heart of hearts. Even if it's hard to remember to feel bad for him when he's literally chopping people up 💦💦💦Alas. I am very glad you like him, it somehow always pleases me a lot when Orlam gets fans 🥺💕

"he is warm and safe and i think iggy just needs someone to hold him yknow." --> SOBBING SO REAL. I truly madly deeply love all the possible ships/pairings with my heartest of hearts, but Genzou will always hold a special place in my heart for the cathartic ace moments and unconditional love he gives to Iggy that just turns me into a literal pile of goo that can no longer function like a human being. And it doesn't help that he's so soft and warm and gives amazing hugs to Iggy either. Sigh... Tho yes he... he really... has a lot needs to work on... and discussions to be had... and things to answer for... BUT I STILL WEEP FOR HIM, TOO.

"anyways spinoff where we kiss the rabbit man when (jk jk). " --> LAKDSJFALSKDFASDF SOB. I am so glad that a lot of people have ended up liking Jerry, especially considering he started out as a one-off joke and turned into one of my most beloved chars and I love him so much LDKJFALDSKF

Sob sob sob thank you so much for the lovely words. I'm glad you like the music, too. The music is such an important part for me??? It has given me so much inspiration for scenes and direction and just really turns the ideas into my head into something so much more cinematic and I love it. I spend a lot of time finding the perfect song for the vibes/scene in my head. AND LOL I'M SOMEHOW GLAD YOU LIKE THE ABSURDITY OF EVERYTHING. It does get....... very..... silly and absurd at times...... mostly because I somehow just go off the rails a bit. I do sometimes worry that people will be like wtf is this. So. I'm glad that you enjoy it LOL

GUHHHHH this comment literally just made my whole day though. Thank you so so much??? For typing all this out? And playing and loving the game and chars so much???? Tears are leaking out of my eye balls ahhhHHHHH. THANK YOOOOOOOOU 😭💕

HI <3333

it was indeed very intense but it was so fun 

honestly have never related to a protagonist more than iggy. he's sad, he's anxious, he's confused he just wants everyone to be happy, he takes responsibility for things that arent entirely on him. putting a lot of yourself in a character is scary but iggy is just so relatable and distilling aspects of yourself into a character makes them much more real and i appreciate that about him a lot.

i became a gidget apologist the instant i realized they were suppressing un-cis feelings my toxic trait is forgiving any character who is vaguely trans. and i can definitely empathize with changing yourself completely for those around you. they committed many crimes but look how cool they were once they stopped putting up a front. i love them.

i dont think i could find it in my heart to not like orlam. he is just a sad little guy. he's just so deeply tragic and i want to hold him and make sure he's okay. also whenever he was committing violence the soundtrack was absolutely bopping so i was having a delightful time.

 genzou did some things but like! look at him! he takes his respecting iggy's boundaries juice every morning! just the unconditional love and support and acceptance and adoration and loyalty. my heart. he needs to have some conversations and stop being as terrible but everyone in this group needs that to various extents.

i love this game so much and i cannot wait for the next update thank you for this <333

(1 edit)



the 3am tears. im not even done with the arc...pure pain.



J-Jerry is an interesting character that started as a tiny joke and has grown into an integral character LMAO He first appears in Arc 2 (he's the rabbit that slaps Iggy with his spear after Iggy tries to go to town on them with the rake lkdjfdaf). And then he comes back as a major character in Our Fantastic Wonderland (which is why I've now included a screen recommending that people play OFW between Arcs 4 and 5 lkdjfalsd). And now finally here in Arc 5 he has become A Very Important Part of the Plot LMAO

I'm very happy you like him though, I also do. He is very near and dear to my heart 🥺💕


(1 edit)

I knew this update wad gonna awesome, I loved the interaction between Iggy and jerry! My heart died when he protected Iggy and got hurt. (Pls let jerry be alive and survive somehow) Anyway, the way you make characters interact with each other makes it seem so real(i strive to write character interactions like that). This is one of the best visual novels i ever played.

The characters. Iggy. He scared, scared of a lot of things people down say out loud in the real world. He makes me... mad? I wouldn't say that's the right work but I'd say its close. because at time I'd be like, "Iggy! Get up! Fight!" Then I'd remember 'oh he's weak', in comparison to Gidget, I feel like their more active and stronger. Speaking of Gidget I love them. The way they changed after they accepted their wrongs even though they didn't forgive themselves of it. Genzou, I love him. He's done things he's not proud of. He didn't say anything to what he hated about Orlam when I honestly thought he was going to. But he didn't, he even lost a finger. It shows that he can shut up sometimes. Even if it hurts him. I teared up a little when he said he didn't hate him. Orlam, I can't say much about him, but i like him more now. I didn't like him at first because well, he's weird and creepy. But, he spoke the truth. About everyone when didn't want to hear it. And I wish I could do that to sometimes (even if it hurt me). Orlam removed his heart so he couldn't feel the pain. Which lots of people want to do, but that doesn't work. Even though he removed his heart, when Genzou didn't respond (the one he liked the most) he felt something. He began to panic when Genzou came closer to him.

man these characters are deep

This story is so well written!

But what got me the most is when they didn't hold Iggy over a pedestal. Instead they forgave him. Like he forgave them.

Anyway I love this game, and I can't wait to see Bucks, and I can't wait to see more from you!

THIS IS SUCH A LOVELY COMMENT, THANK YOU????? Ahhhhhh I'm really touched!! Thank you for taking the time to write up all these thoughts, and just for playing the new update in general! I'm really happy that you enjoyed it so much! 😭💕

Thank you for the kind words about the character interaction. And kdjfalsdkfjad I'm glad you liked Jerry! He, uh........ eh.... I-I'm afraid I can't give you any good news regarding that tho 💦

LMAO YES... YES I WOULD NOT SAY IGGY IS PARTICULARLY STRONG. He is quite weak in many ways. But I also feel like that's OK. You don't have to be strong and perfect and resilient all the times. Sometimes you have to be confused. Or scared. Or unsure. And I do feel like Iggy is strong in other ways. Just maybe not the typically obvious ways ldkjfalsd 🤣 Besides, where would all the drama be if all the characters were strong and steadfast and full of resolve all the time?? I'm really glad you liked Gidget, though! And Genzou! I feel like both those two in particular kinda, I don't know, stepped up to the plate in this part a bit, whether it was in small things like with Gidget, or big things like with Genzou and the castle stuff.

LOL I'M GLAD YOU LIKE ORLAM A BIT MORE NOW. Hahaha that's a good point - that he's the one who's always saying what the others won't say, pointing out the unsightly truths, etc. and forcing people to face things in his own way...

HHHHH YOU'RE TOO KIND. That is very sweet ahhh. I'm really glad you like the characters and the writing and their dynamics. I feel like this game kinda hinges on that as it's such a character-driven piece despite being also filled with ridiculous weirdness and horrific elements, too. I'm very glad that you enjoyed this part so much! Thank you again for leaving such a wonderful comment -- it really put a smile on my face!! 🥰

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